Make Yourself At Home

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After gathering her suitcases and checking out of her hotel, Olivia and Gracianna made their way to Spencer's penthouse building. Upon arrival, she was greeted by the doorman, who gifted her a key card to the main entrances of Spencer's penthouse.

"Mr. James requested added you to the roster of his residential guest, along with Miss Cici. If there is anything else we can do to make your stay here more comfortable, feel free to let me know." He explained before returning to his desk duties.

Letting themselves into the penthouse, Olivia was surprised by how little life popped off from the penthouse. Sure, decor wise, it was expensively elegant, but there was barely a sign of life. Besides his football acalaids and pictures, Spencer's home was bare.

"Daddy keeps all the important pictures upstairs in his room." Her daughter revealed, noticing how her mom gawked at the walls. Kicking off her shoes, Gigi grabbed her sneakers, trotting off to the bedroom she claimed as her own.

Olivia smiled at how easily her daughter adjusted to Spencer's home.

"Easy there, Ci." Spencer chuckled from off the stairwell as Gigi slammed into his legs in a hurry to get to her room.

"Sorry, Daddy. I'm missing my show." Gracie mused, jogging past her father and up the stairs in her bedroom where her tablet awaited her.

Reaching the end of the stairwell, Spencer smiled at Olivia. "Glad you could make it." He cheesed at the sight of the bags in her hands, making his way over to her.

Taking the suitcases out of her hands, Spencer gestured for her to follow him. "Let me show you around."

They made their way around the penthouse, going from level to level, room to room. By the end of the tour, Olivia was left glaring at Spencer like he was insane as they settled on the sofa in the entertainment room.

"What reason did you have to move into such an expensive, large smart house like this? It's like something off mtv cribs." Olivia goofed, staring around the area, taking note of all the extensive, decor, and unnecessary spendor.

"Tee suggested I find a place worth my status after I signed my big contract. She chose all this mess. I barely spend any time here." Spencer detailed nonchalantly. "It's great for when I have important meetings or team functions. I get to showoff alittle, I suppose."

"Yeah, but what's the point if it's looks so depressing. Sure, you live here, but Spencer, look around." Olivia notioned, waving towards his catalog perfectly stage house. "This isn't a home. It's feels so..."

"Lonely." Spencer finished for her.

She nodded, sensing that he got the idea, and she stopped pushing. "But Gigi seemed to like it here. Which is good, since this will be like her second home."

"She should only have one home, Liv." Spencer retorted, back on the subject of where they stood. "I want us to give her that. We could at least give it a shot."

"Spencer, we haven't seen each other in years. This is day one." Olivia sighed, not in a hurry to think about such matters. "Let's figure out how we are going to make this coparenting thing work before we talk about making 'us' work." She responded, gesturing between the two of them with her pointing finger.

Grabbing hold of her wiggling finger, Spencer entwined her hand with his, "I'm not hearing a no." He grinned.

Holding back a grin of her own, she looked at their interlocked hands, then back at him, before gently pulling away. "I'm going to go check on our daughter."

She rose from the sofa as Spencer's eyes trailed her every step. Remembering that the little girl upstairs is what he should focus on, Spencer hopped to his feet, following behind Olivia.

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