Last Moments

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Breakfast was a wholesome mess, to say the least. Milk spilled on the countertop and floors of the kitchen. Marshmallows rolling through the corners of the cabinets. Meshed fruits spewed on the bar surface, fridge, and  floors and everywhere in between.

"I made you marshmellowed, frosted flakes and a strawberry, bananas blended smoothie." Gigi presented the two bowls of cereal and two cups of messily poured health drinks. "It's balanced breakfast." She mimicked of her mom's words she heard uttered for years each day before school.

Forcing smiles on their faces, Spencer and Olivia kept their eyes off the mess displayed throughout Spencer's gourmet kitchen. Spotting the tall bar stool chair in the kitchen, they noted how the little girl reached for pretty much anything that was out of her reach. Noting the footprints on top of the bar, Spencer realized Gigi must have walked inside some of the spilled smoothies. Trailing his eyes down to her feet, they scanned over the drenched socks that she wore without shame. His eyes went from her small feet all the way up to her face that was plastered with a large grin.

"You did great, baby girl." Spencer cheered her on, surprising Olivia.

"You're not mad that I made a mess?" Gigi asked cautiously, balancing on her soaked tippy toes nervously.

"How could I be? It's the thought that counts. Plus, I have people that I pay to clean up messes like this." Spencer chuckled, lifting Gracianna into his arms.

"Don't tell her that." Olivia smacked his arm. "She shouldn't think to do this by herself again, just because her daddy can pay to fix things." The mother of his child scolded.

Tugging on the drenched footwear on his daughter's feet, Spencer pulled the wet socks off Gigi. "Your mom is right, though." Spencer agreed as their daughter pouted in response to Olivia's lecture. "You could have fallen off the chair or slipped on the bar and really hurt yourself. So the next time you want to cook breakfast, one of us needs to be with you. OK, Ci?" Spencer explained to his impressionable daughter.

"Yes, sir." Gigi submitted to their request. Her mom pressed a kiss to her temple.

"I'm happy to see you're becoming such a big girl, though." Olivia praised her daughter's independent nature. "Just slow down a little, Kay?

"Okay, Mommy." Gigi nodded. "So since I'm not in trouble, are we still going ice skating?"

"Today is your day, baby girl. Your mom and I are just here for the ride. Whatever you wanna do, we can do it." Spencer assured Gracianna with a tickle to her stomach.

"Stop it, Daddy!" She squirmed in his arms. Her mom laughed at their goofiness.

"Your dad is right, Gigi. As long as it's within reason, we can do whatever you want." Olivia promised, wanting to make the best out of the last day they had as a family.

"Ice skating!" She clapped hastily as Spencer put her down. "I'm going to go get dressed!"
Gracianna insisted, sprinting away from her parents.

Spencer chuckled at her enthusiastism. Olivia smile faltered, catching his attention. "Hey, don't do that." He pled, already knowing what got her down.

"I can't help it. I know we agreed that letting her finish the school year in Portland was for the best while you worked out your last few business arrangements, but it sucks." Olivia groaned as Spencer hugged her. "We are finally all together, like we both wanted, but now we are saying goodbye again."

"It's only for a few weeks." Spencer vowed. "All three of us will be flying out to L.A. to spend Gigi's birthday with your folks. This separation won't be forever."

"But you will be flying back to New York right after that. And we will be separated again." Olivia mumbled against his chest.

"I will still fly out to Portland to come see you two." Spencer vowed. "And we will both need to fly back out to L.A. to pick our new place together. Today isn't goodbye, Liv." He tried to coax her depression away.

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