Secure In Her Place

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Dinner finished for the James family, and Spencer's mom prepared to leave her son's penthouse to turn into her hotel for the night. "Thanks for dinner, Ma. It's been a while since I ate so well. Besides Olivia cooking these past few days, I missed the taste of home." Spencer complimented as his mother tugged on a small, fleece jacket and tossed her purse over her shoulder.

"You should come visit me more, then." Miss Grace commented with a sly grin, hugging her son.

"Say goodnight to your Nana." Olivia commanded gently, helping her daughter from the table, to guide the little girl towards her grandmother.

"Night, Nana." Gigi pouted, knowing her Nana would be catching her plane back to Tennessee early the next morning.

"Don't be sad, baby girl. Your mommy programmed my number into your phone. I will FaceTime you the moment I get settled back home." Miss Grace promised, engulfing her granddaughter into her arms.

The two of them hugged tightly before Grace pulled away, kissing Gigi's cheek and turning her attention to Olivia.

"Don't be a stranger." Miss Grace insisted as Olivia gave her another hug.

"I will call you about the birthday party to make arrangements for us all to coordinate the flight dates." Olivia affirmed, ensuring Spencer's mom that she wouldn't fall off the grid again.

They separated, and Mama Grace walked to the elevator, where Spencer waited to escort his mother to her from the lobby of his building to her vehicle.

The two of them descended behind the elevator doors, strolled through the lobby, and finally made their where outside to valet parking. As they waited for the driver to arrive with Miss Grace's car, son and other conversed. One statement led to another, and the topic of Tanya arose.

"She was out of line regarding Olivia. I don't like how Tanya spoke towards her without respect for Olivia being the mother of your child." Mama Grace summed. "You need to nip that in the butt."

"I've been trying to, but Tee doesn't know her limits. And she clearly waited until I was not in the room to do it again." Spencer groaned, scratching the nape of his neck. "I'm trying not to breach our contract, but at this point, she isn't even worth the trouble."

"Do what you need to do, Spencer." Mama Grace insisted. "I don't want that kind of influence around my granddaughter. Gracianna does not need to see people speaking to her mother in such a disrespectful manner. It doesn't send the right message."

The valet worker pulled up with her car as her advice concluded. Spencer bid his mom farewell once more before she climbed into her vechike and drove away.

Once he was back upstairs, his penthouse he helped Olivia give Gigi a bath and get her into the bed for the night. Crashing from her adventurous evening, Gigi was down for the count in under 30 minutes, leaving her parents to some time for themselves.

"Ma said Tee was slick at the mouth again with you." Spencer stated as they walked out of Gracianna bedroom, Olivia closing the door behind them.

"She tried to get under my skin about your mom coming to visit. It didn't work." Olivia shrugged it off as they walked down the hall. "I know where your mom and I stand. Tanya's opinion is irrelevant."

"Yeah, but she should not feel comfortable with popping off at the mouth. And that's my fault for keeping her around." Spencer accepted the blame, grabbing hold of Olivia's wrist to guide her attention to him.

Pivoting around, Olivia faced him, his hand leaving her wrist, caressing up her arm.

"I don't want you to feel like she holds a higher place in my life, just because you and I are just now getting back together. Someone disrespecting is a big deal to me, Liv." Spencer stressed, rubbing the palm of his hand up and down her arm.

"I know." Olivia assured him, topping his hand with her own, guiding it off her arm to weave their fingers together. "I also know that you aren't putting up with her because you want to keep her around, but because of business matters. I'm a big girl, Spencer. I'm not going to get butthurt over some temporary footnote under your employment. You won't work with her forever. So I will endure her for the time being, and when the time comes for you to let her go, I will none the happier to serve her the resignation forms on your behalf."

Spencer sighed heavily, disappointed that she was right about this needing to be handled carefully as it pertained to his career and future business plans. "The second these negotiations are closed, I will find her a replacement." Spencer vowed. "Someone professional who respects my boundaries and your place in my life."

"I know." Olivia smiled softly, trusting his words. Circling her arms around his neck, she shifted her smile into a smirk. "Now tonight is our last night together. Do you really want to spend it wallowing about Tanya, or do you want to join me in a steaming, hot shower?" She enticed him, biting her bottom lip.

"Is that even a question?" He chuckled, swooping Olivia off her feet, guiding her legs to wrap around his waist as they lips curled into a mouthwatering kiss.

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