Damage Is Already Done

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"I'm gonna be a big sister?" Gracianna chimed, now curious to the new development in her childhood. Squinting her eyes in confusion, "Is that why you're sad, mommy?" He delicate brown orbs gazed at her sniffling mother sentimentally.

Olivia tearstained eyes locked with Spencer's stunned, neither of the sure how to respond. As godmother to the young girl, Simone took that as her que.

"How about you and I take a drive to your Uncle Jordan's house for the night, baby doll?" Simone questioned, sugar-coatedly to the eight year old.

Eyeing her mother with concern, the child bit her inner cheek unsure. "What about mommy?"

"Go ahead, baby," Olivia coaxed her child, wiping away the streaks left being by her prior fallen tearsdrop. "Daddy will take of me."

"Listen to your mommy and Aunt Simone, Cici," Spencer interjected in agreement with the women. "Stay the night at your Uncle Jordan's house and play with your cousin, Shay. Mommy and I will pick you up in the morning."

Squeezing her small arms around her mom, Gracianna gave into the adults' demands. "Fine, but take care of momma." She asserted cutely, kissing her mom's cheek before entwining her small hand into Simone larger one.

Olivia watched Simone guide their daughter out of the bathroom and waited until they heard them cross the adjoined bedroom, finally exiting through the bedroom door. Listening as the master bedroom shut behind Simone and Gigi, Spencer focused back on Olivia.

Kneeling down to her level where Olivia sat on the floor, leaning about the cabinet door beneath the sink, Spencer picked up one of the tests. Analyzing the positive result, Spencer gazed back at Olivia empathetically.

"Did you think I'd be mad about these? Is that why you're crying?" Spencer pondered, needing to under Olivia's pain.

"Maybe." Olivia grunted through sniffles and dry tears. "It has less to do with you and more to do with the situation. I feel trapped by my own doubts," Olivia attempted to explain.

"Because you do not want another kid right now," Spencer claimed heistantly, afriad of her answer.

"Because we did not plan to have another baby, Spencer. Not yet," Olivia groaned on the verges on more tears. "I forced myself back into your life and threw fatherhood at you expecting you to roll with the punches as they come. You never asked for any of this. You didn't ask for another baby," Olivia emotionally raged.

"But I want one," Spencer rebuttaled with a gentle grin, reaching out to hold her trembling hands with his stable one.

"But your new business... my new job..." Olivia stressed, resulting in Spencer cutting her off as he sat next to her on the ground instead of kneeling.

"Nine months is enough time for me to continue to prepare for my business and ready myself to become a father. From the beginning this time," Spencer accepted the challenge with a smile. "And while I love having an independent woman as the mother of my children, I don't mind you leaning on me for a year or two," Spencer suggested contently, "I have more than enough money to cover both of us until you're ready to go back to working. We can even get a live-in nanny if you want to work from home but ease the pressure of motherhood a little bit," Spencer listed off Olivia's choices to help ease her mind.

"We are living in two different states, Spencer. That is no way of life for a newborn to live..." Olivia doubts continued to work against her.

"So we buy a house. We've looked at like five over the last few days," Spencer shrugged. "Nothing too permanent. Something simple to get us through the next three years or so. Cici's school year will be over in four weeks. We lease a house sometime this week before you guys go back to Portland, and when those 4 weeks are done, then you two can move in. I will come a few days later," Spencer waved off the problem.

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