Whisperess of Dragons•Jon Snow

By palestarwp

3.4K 98 5

Aegon and his sisters changed the course of history. Why, many do not know. But they knew a dark storm was co... More

Act I
Daenyra i
Daenyra ii
Daenyra iii
Daenyra iv
An Interlude:A quite wolf
Interlude: A red priest
Jon i
Daenyra v
Daenyra vi
Interlude:A red priest ii
Daenyra vi
Jon ii
An interlude: A conquering dreamer
Daenyra viii
Interlude: A forgotten Princess
Daenyra ix
Daenyra x
End of Season 1/Book 1
A sworn sword
The last days of Maekar Targaryen
A devoted priest
Two sides of the same coins
Star and Snow
Act II
Daenyra I
Daenyra II
Daenyra III
Aeron I
Daenyra IV
An Interlude: A little Bird (or a wolf in hiding)
Daenyra V
Aeron II
Daenyra VI

Daenyra vii

53 3 0
By palestarwp

A/n : I love Winterfell and Robb but I had to leave the north because nothing really happens.Also I know blue peonies don't exist but they do in my asoiaf universe.

The days in Winterfell had been slow.
With Lady Stark gone all of her duties were passed onto Daenyra.
She liked to help Lady Stark but taking all her duties was exhausting.
People tended to forget that Daenyra had duties of her own.
More important duties she wanted to say but she bit her tongue.

Bran was awake yet it was still like he slept.
He was in a dark place she could tell until Tyrion Lannister came with a drawing of an improved saddle.
Now he was excited. Robb was not.
He was guarded and untrusting.
Daenyra worried for him.
Especially now.
She would leave winterfell to resume her duties as Lady Paramount.

"Aeron" She called.
"Ah Daenyra, there you are. Everything is ready for the journey. Our carriage is ready, so we can leave...now actually." he said enthusiastically.
She raised her eyebrows and smiled at him.
"Sweet Aeron," she said as he moved to kiss his cheek.
She heard him breathe in and felt him melting against her.
She caressed his other cheek for a moment before turning around and walking around.

"Robb?"She asked at his door.
He hadn't taken the news of her leaving well.
"Come in."
She walked to his bed to sit next to him.
"Robb," she said more forcefully.
He looked around unsure if he should say anything.
"I." he started.
He took a breath and continued," I just don't understand why you have to leave."

All of her hopes were crushed in that moment.
She had hoped that he would understand but he was a man, a man from Westeros at that.
"Robb, I have to go. I am a Lady but not the lady of Winterfell yet. I am the Lady of Eternal Garden, the Lady Paramount of the Reach. All of that in my own right. I have a duty to my people."
She looked at him in his eyes relenting to break eye contact.
"My people."She repeated while holding his neck and staring into his eyes.
She averted her eyes and said,"The Dornish sand steed for bran will be here soon." And then she left

Daenyra loved carriage rides and roads they rode on and the nature she could see from the little window.
She loved to ride her Dornish sand steed.
But most of all she loved the journey.
Seeing the different cultures, landscapes, and people was her favorite thing.
So now she was the happiest she'd been in months.
And Aeron was happy too,his smiles as bright as the sun.

Daenyra was a lady of the Eternal Garden so her place was there.
She felt sad leaving Bran and Rickon behind but still she felt free.

And if she was honest she longed for a city or a town with more people.
And if she was really honest she longed for family.

The journey wouldn't take long for Daenyra as she never traveled with a large party.
No, it was just her, Aeron, Ser Knight, and occasionally a coachman.

But this time they would stop at Raventree Hall to visit her cousin.
My aunt,daenyra had to remind herself.
Vissera Blackwood was Daenyra Targaryen's cousin but she was Amber Vernize now.

Raventree Hall was beautiful.
Daenyra could tell that Aeron liked it as well.
She observed the people as they rode in.
They looked like kind people, honourable people but there was still a certain darkness. Maybe not around them but around the castle.

"My beloved" Vissera said loudly already opening her arms to pull her in a hug.
Daenyra was still on her horse.
"Lady Vissera" Daenyra laughed as she jumped from her horse.
The second her feet touched the ground she was pulled into a bone-crushing hug.

"I trust you no harm was done to you my raven," Vissera asked in Valyrian.
"No of course lot."Daenyra looked back at Aeron.
"Right" Vissera smiled.
"Come, both of you," The lady of Raventree Hall said to Aeron and Daenyra.

"Uncle Tytos."
"Niece" he acknowledged back.
"Who is that?" He asked.
"This is Aeron of Asshai, my lord.He is my guard."
He nodded.
"Come niece, let me show you around the castle." Lord Tytos offered his arm to her.
She smiled and took his arm.
"Aeron will follow," she told him.
"Good, I was hoping for it."

"Your aunt has been very excited to see you."
"As have I" she answered.
"It's nice here. It's peaceful"
Tytos laughed.
"Peaceful isn't the word I would use to describe it."
She smiled.
Tytos Blackwood turned them around the corner and guided them outside with Aeron behind them.
"Our Godswood"
Tears filled her eyes.
"It is beautiful."
"Go look around."

Lord Tytos turned to leave but not before staring down at Aeron. Her uncle was a tall,intimidating man but Aeron of Asshai could hold his own.
After a few moments, Tytos Blackwood turned around with his well-tailored coat flowing behind him.

There were many trees but only one captived Daenyra.
The dead Weirwood tree.
"We saw the branches but seeing the tree up close..."
"Yes," replied Aeron.

Aeron looked around.
He walked to a statue.
"Who is that?"
She turned around and walked to him.
"Melissa Blackwood," she said as she took his arm.
She looked at the statue of the woman.
She was beautiful.
"She was one of the many mistresses of Aegon the unworthy and the mother of Brynden Rivers."

He looked at Melissa Blackwood silently, she looked at him, the only sound of the wind and the leaves tussling.

Vissera had the cooks prepare all of Daenyra's favorite foods.
No one but Aeron had thought so much about her.

In her temporary room, she dressed in a red and black gown in the colours of House Blackwood embroidered with Weirwood tree leaves for House Stark, small roses for House Vernize, little falling stars for House Dayne, and a tiny dragon inside her dress for House Targaryen given to her by Vissera.

Her hair was up in a half up half down do with silver and golden hair jewelry braided into it.

She looked into the mirror and she felt...like herself.

She left her room with her trusted companion Ser Knight by her side and entered the great hall of Raventree Hall.

There wasn't going to be a large feast only the family Vissera said.
It was fine, more than fine.
In Eternal Garden, she would have her large feast.

Daenyra sat next to her cousin Brynden and Aeron.
Aeron was engaged in a conversation with Brynden and he even looked happy,burden-free almost childlike.

Daenyra was feeding meat to her Shadowcat when she heard a voice.
"We are sorry we weren't here when you arrived but we wanted to make you a gift."Started Brynden.
"We went looking for your favorite flowers." continued Lucas.
"And we made you a necklace," stated Hoster.
Her eyes widened in joy.

The youngest three children handed her the gifts.
First a banquet of red, pink, white, purple, and blue peonies and white bellflowers.
And a chunky necklace band with a Shadowcat pendant.

She smiled and tears welled up in her eyes as he moved to hug them all.
"Thank you. I can't put my gratitude into words but I do have something for each of you."

She had been collecting and buying things that made her think of the people she loved.

For her cousins, she brought books as they all were fond of reading.
"I know my gifts aren't as good as the one you have given me but I do hope you will all like it. And I will wear this necklace every day," she told them.

As the night ended she lay in her bed next to her cat she held her new necklace and fell asleep smiling.

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