By Hozett

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Win is an upper middle class boy who studies ballet at one of the most renowned ballet schools in Thailand, h... More

Presentation 🙋🏾‍♀️
Win 🌻
Nani 🎹
First Day 1️⃣
Week Of Beginnings 🔛
Two Sides ☯️
Mothers 👩‍👧
Friday 🍀
Movie Day: Part 1 🎦
Movie Day: Part 2 🎦
Two Hearts In A Room 💕
Actions and Consequences 📸
Bright ⚡
Problems ☠️
Puzzle 🖼️
Agent Korine 😎
The Conversation 🗣️
🔞 The First Time: Part I
🔞 The First Time: Part II
Special Chapter: Together 👨‍❤️‍👨

🌈 Future 🌈

68 4 2
By Hozett

Life is made up of chapters, and in fact, the beginning of adulthood always holds the most exciting stories.  It's no different for Nani and Win, who together started another chapter in their stories, even though the future is uncertain, they are finally prepared for what will come.

The day of the big test has arrived, expectations are high, as always, Win's test will be at around 2pm and he spent the whole morning exercising at home, he will go with his mother to the place and there he will also meet his father, who is coming home from a trip today just to support him.

Nani will also go to see him, but a little later, he will probably arrive after his performance, unfortunately Nani's mother had an intestinal problem and needed surgery two days ago, so Nani has been taking care of her.


On the way to the test, mother and son are in complete silence, it's not that awkward since Win's mother usually doesn't talk to her son before he gives a presentation, she doesn't want to disturb his focus and concentration.  Win doesn't care that much about it, in fact, he would even like his mother to be the type who always asks if she's okay and if she needs anything before something important.
But it's her personality, and he understands that.

-Win: I'm not nervous

-Mom: It's an important day, it's impossible not to be nervous

-Win: I mean, whatever needs to be done, I'll do it and if I pass it will be amazing.  But if that doesn't happen, that's okay too

-Mom: Are you saying this because you think it won't pass?  And that?

-Win: It's not that, it's just, if the result isn't what I expected, I have a plan B. Other tests will come, so I won't, like, die if the result is negative.
I hope you do too

-Mother: I... I always wanted you to be a successful dancer, to honor your surname.  It was a gratifying joy when I saw that you were interested in ballet, it was my greatest joy, and it still is.

-Win: Mom...

-Mother: What I want most is for you to be happy, doing what you like, and being a reference for the next generations.  As long as you are happy, I will be happy too.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Win could see a tear appearing on his mother's face, who was driving without making eye contact with him.  He was slightly surprised because his mother almost never cried, he couldn't remember the last time he saw her cry.  A comforting moment that he didn't know he needed, and it made him want even more to pass the test.

They arrived and soon Win met his father, the two gave a strong and long hug, the two hadn't seen each other in person for a while, his father was always greatly missed when he had a trip, but he always did everything he could to be present at events important.
Win soon went to the men's bathroom to change, his presentation was in the next 40 minutes.

He and Nani had spoken a little before he left the house, giving off the best vibes possible.  All the people Win cares about are with him.

In the bathroom, Win comes across Bright who is just changing, on the list he received, Bright will present himself 3 positions before his, so one will watch the other's presentation.

Bright gives him a look like a rival would give him, but there didn't seem to be any anger, it was still a dispute however, a normal dispute, as it should have been from the beginning.

-Win: Regardless of everything we've been through, I hope you can give your best performance today

Win extends his hand in a gesture of greeting and an attempt to be able, regardless of the outcome, to have a respectful relationship with Bright.

-Bright: ...And I will.

Bright leaves the place, without shaking Win's hand, but for some reason, he seemed in a good mood and agreeing with what was said.

Time passed and Win is already in the audition room with about 13 dancers, including Bright.  In addition to three judges who will judge them, and some people who are authorized to attend the presentations, including their parents.

The first dancer is called, the music starts playing and the performance begins.
The dancer is really impressive, as expected, everyone there is at a high level, and only a clean and perfect performance will be the tiebreaker.

The second dancer is called, the third... The atmosphere becomes more tense as the performances go on, the silence is deafening, and even if he tries to remain calm, nervousness and anxiety are impossible for Win to avoid. , actually for everyone there.  Even Bright, who can be so cold, seems to feel the pressure.

He does what he is ordered, the silence is absolute, great expectation in his performance, especially with his parents present.  The tension could be cut with a knife, everyone seems tense and heavy, but somehow, Win feels light.

He begins his presentation lightly but confidently, his expressions this time are in line, something he was criticized for in the past for not being very expressive.

His jumps are incredibly high and with delicate landings, as if he wasn't making so much effort, with a lot of flexibility, he did what everyone else had done, but better, more precise and confident.

His parents couldn't help but get emotional, they had never seen Win perform like that before.  For a moment, his mother could see her younger self through Win.  At that moment, the result no longer mattered to her, she was satisfied.

Nani watched him enchanted, he knew Win would be incredible, but his performance was definitely different.  It was everything that was most beautiful in the world in one person.  And that person was his person.

Win ends his performance with glory, and before looking at anyone, he looks directly at the door, at Nani, who is smiling tirelessly at him.  It was already a victory for him.

Bright looks at him with an expression of conformity and justice.  If it was to lose, it should be to someone who was at the level they deserved.  Win was that person.


The performances ended, and after time for the judges to make their comments, the dancers' names were called.  Both male and female.

Korine was chosen among the women for the main role.
After some names for secondary roles were called, it was time for the male lead role to be announced.

Everyone in the room was focused on the woman who would make such an announcement.
The woman thanked everyone for participating, explained the tiebreaker criteria and revealed it.

-Woman: Everyone here is top notch, and we had good surprises without a doubt.  Our chosen one is the one from whom we had high expectations compared to others and managed to completely exceed them.  I think it's no surprise that our protagonist will be: Win!  Congratulations!

Everyone applauds fervently, even Bright, and despite dreaming of such a moment, Win is in complete ecstasy, it's like getting an A on a difficult test.  For the first time, his private life and his public life are in good shape.  Nothing was better than that.

In the men's bathroom, when changing, Win meets Bright again, there was no conversation, but when leaving, Bright gave him a smile that he understood well what it meant.

Upon leaving the room, Bright is approached by one of the jurors:

-Man: You are the right Bright candidate?  I'm here to see if you're interested in being part of our company, we have other presentation projects in the future, and you totally fit the profile.  What do you think?

- Bright: Wow, it would be an honor.  Yes, I want!

Leaving school with her parents, in the parking lot, Nani waits for Win with a large bouquet of flowers in her hands, when she comes across the scene, Win doesn't think twice and goes to meet her boyfriend, giving him a tight hug, both of them young people kiss gently.

Win's mother watches the situation open-mouthed with such surprise.  Who was that boy?  And why did you kiss your son like that?  She was very confused and, when she looked at her husband, hoping that he would share the same surprise, what she saw was a smile on his face.  Wasn't he surprised?  Did he already know that?

Before he could ask any questions, Win approached them again, with the bouquet in his hands he finally introduced Nani to her parents.

Win: Mom and dad, this is Nani, my boyfriend

-Nani: Nice to meet you, you and I have already spoken via video.  I really wanted to meet the lady who brought Win into the world

Win's mother is still confused and unsure of what to say, she looks at her son, then at her husband and finally at Nani.
In fact, it's something she didn't expect, but seeing the happiness of her son and her husband, she couldn't have felt any different.
Their happiness was hers too.

-Mom: The pleasure is all mine, you are the first person Win introduces us to.  I'm looking forward to meeting you

The two hug, as do Win and her father, like a family that seems somehow finally complete.  The day ended much better than they could have imagined.

-Father: How about we celebrate Western style?  Shall we go to the pizzeria?

Everyone automatically agrees and heads to the car, they had a fun and warm night.  Nani slept at Win's parents' house for the first time.  It seemed like a dream, but it was the purest reality.
At this moment, chapters close and others open, as life should be.

Win soon went abroad for the new chapter in his ballet career, he and Nani adjusted well to their long-distance relationship.  Whenever they could, they traveled to see each other in person with the help of their parents.  Nani managed to get into music college, her dream is to be able to play the piano while Win dances in a performance for everyone to see.

Does anyone doubt that this could happen?

Let's root for them!

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