Rachel's Rolls

By RebeccaBuckley9

647 95 55

*NEW CHAPTERS PUBLISHED EACH WEEK!* Welcome to the story of Rachel Benson and Bradley Clearwater. Who knows... More

This is for...
Book Description
Chapter One- Rachel
Chapter Two- Rachel
Chapter Three- Rachel
Chapter Five- Rachel
Chapter Six- Bradley/Rachel
Chapter Seven- Rachel/ Bradley
Chapter Eight- Rachel
Chapter Nine- Bradley
Chapter 10- Rachel
Chapter 11- Bradley
Chapter 12- Rachel

Chapter Four- Bradley

48 7 4
By RebeccaBuckley9

I watch as Rachel yanks the door back open and walk out in such a rush you'd think the devil was chasing after her. What is it that I find so attractive about that clumsy, shy girl that I don't know, who just walked out of the pub? When I saw her this morning walking around the park, with her beautiful curves and silky curly brown hair, I felt something that I've not felt in a long time. The need within me to claim that woman as my own, to dig my hands into her hair and make her feel like the goddess she is.

I quickly shake that thought out of my head, I don't have the time or energy to entertain the thought of anyone right now, especially someone as innocent looking as her. I'd ruin her, I may look like a gentleman and appear like someone you'd take home to your parents but I most certainly am not. I'm known for my reputation back home in London and she strikes me to be the type of girl who wants marriage and all that frilly shit that goes with it. I've done the romantic, hearts and flowers stuff before. Once bitten, twice shy. Never again, no way. Plus, I have an empire to run, so the most I can offer someone is an evening of being fucked, until the only name they know is mine.

I make my way over to my twin brother, who is sat in the snug of the pub and find him rereading the material ive had drawn up about the possibility of opening a head quarters here in Pine Brooke. I co-own Clearwater Industries with my brother, Jeremy and we have been in discussion for a while about opening a head quarters here in Pine Brooke. Jeremy, who is sat quietly reading the documents, points his finger at me when he sees me approach.

"Bradley, man, for the love of god. Put me out of the misery of reading this again. What are we going to be doing? I've already agreed that I think it would be a good move and im just waiting for the all clear from you, to then go ahead and find something suitable for our head office here".

"I have thought about it and done some thorough research of the businesses in this town I say, Ive come to think that it would benefit the people here, greatly by having our expertise on hand and we should be able to help make their businesses flourish and then get this town back on the map".

After looking into the businesses that are failing or being forced to close their doors because of the lack of customers, I really do feel that if we was to open a head office here, we would be able to support those businesses. Guide them onto the right track and then help them to grow their businesses even more. Pine Brooke was the place to go many years ago and I know with our guidance we can make it great again. It may take some convincing of the locals to get on board with everything that we would suggest, but we are nothing if not persistent.

Jeremy blows out a breath of relief, "Ah finally you have seen the sense that ive been trying to talk into you! Yes, it would not only benefit us but this town would be great again if they had us to help them. I'll contact our estate agent and find something suitable for us for the time being, while we find a more permanent home for our headquarters as I dont know about you, I'm sick of working from our apartment!"

I laugh at Jeremy, he is absolutely right about being sick of working from the apartment that we are currently renting with each other. As we wasnt too sure if we would be staying here long term, we went for the first listing that we found for while we was here. Its a 2 bedroom apartment where we have to work from the living room and when were both on calls or have meetings, we are constantly talking over each other. We need our own space where we can lay down our roots and grow our business here and we need it soon.

Add on the fact we are both single men, we do not need to be hearing each other fucking women. With that thought, I turn to Jeremy saying, "Actually, seen as we're talking of our apartment, I wanted to talk to you about it. Now that we have decided to stay here and open a head quarters, I think I'd like to find my own place. I cant be dealing with having to leave the fucking apartment when youve got a woman round". I say, rolling my eyes.

Jeremy, the bastard just laughs at me. "Brother, dont go using me as the excuse for wanting to find your own place! I have slept with 1 woman this past month. Tell me, how many have you? Hmm?" he says with a raised brow.

"Look, just because Im the better-looking brother" I say in a bored tone and a wink. "As much as I love you brother, I cant be dealing with sharing my space with you. Youre too messy and leave shit everywhere. We're not 10 anymore, Mum isn't here to help keep your space tidy and I'm not your fucking house keeper".

Jeremy throws his head back laughing, drawing the attention of half the pub. "You've got me there! I'll ask our estate agent to send you any listings she finds. You know how Dott likes to keep you happy. Have you put her out of her misery yet?" he says while finishing his pint.

I try my best to stifle my groan but fail. Dott has worked for us for almost 2 years now and shes amazing at what she does. But she simply doesnt understand that I do not wish to go on a date with her, she's my employee and it goes against our company policy. If I have to say no one more time, I may just blow a fuse. I'm not the most patient of people.

"Absolutely not. And if she keeps asking me out, I think we may have to relocate her within the firm. Shes like a lost puppy whenever were both in the same office, hence why she's stayed in London and not come with us on this trip". I try not to sound too harsh but fuck! Why do some people just not understand the word no?


After a couple more beers and a game of pool, we both call it a night and start to head home. As we step out into the freezing cold night air, we are greeted by a blanket of pure white snow. I just know what's going to be coming out of Jeremy's mouth next.

"Damn, I fucking hate the snow! I think I'll stay in London during the winter seasons. I cant be dealing with it!" Jeremy says while holding onto my arm for dear life, trying not to fall. I chuckle, shaking my head and leave him to his moaning while letting my mind wander.

Ive loved the snow from a young age, I used to play in the garden with my Dad building snowmen and having races on sledges to the bottom of the hill that we had in the forest near our house. I remember mum used to come running out to us when she saw through the kitchen window, only to shout at us pretending to be mad, saying "You're not coming in this house in that state, you're wet through and look like a pair of drowned rats!" She would always end up bundling me up in a thick fluffy towel which she had warmed in the dryer and had a hot chocolate waiting by the fire for me. Dad used to stand there asking where his was, so Mum would go up to him and wrapped her arms around his wet, cold body and give him a kiss before saying "in the cupboard, go get it yourself!" and we would all just laugh. Jeremy hated the snow even from such a young age so he would be found drawing or reading by the window in the living room near the fireplace. I would go up to him and shake my wet hair onto him, making him tackle me to the ground so we would end up in a wrestling match on the rug, while our parents watched laughing.

We had always been very different from each other considering we are twins. Hes the outgoing, lighthearted one who is a terrible hopeless romantic and I'm the introverted, hard one who has so many walls up I think nobody will ever get through them. One of the things that we both have in common was the love for our parents. When they were killed in an accident 3 years ago, it felt like a part of my soul had been ripped out. The detectives said it looked to be a hit and run, and never found the culprit/s. After a while I felt like I was going crazy, drowning in grief and had a desperate need to find something to occupy my time so, Jeremy and I clubbed together any money we had, along with the inheritance we had from our parents and built ClearWater Industries from the ground, up to the multi-million pound company it is now. My role within the company is specialized surveillance and personal protection. Jeremy is in the business and accounting area of our company. Basically, hes a glorified, rich as fuck accountant. I like to tease him about that, often.

There's a tug on my arm which snaps me out of my daydream, of course Jeremy is slipping and sliding all over the place even though I'm holding onto him, "Brother, you're like Bambi learning to walk. I'm going to get you some proper boots for this snow! At least then you won't be trying to dislocate my arm!" I say to him laughing, while trying to keep him upright.

"Pshhhh, we can't all be macho man like you", he says, still sliding all over the place. "I'll come down to see the reindeer tomorrow, after I've spoken to Dott about the office and house listings for you. Its a tradition that was close to Mum and Dads hearts and I wouldnt want to miss out on seeing them. I can't believe you still do that each year without being paid for it. I know Dad would have given you a little knock round the head, if he was here!"

"If youve forgotten, Dad was doing it to raise money for Charity, so it's not as if he was being paid for it. I do the exact same thing as he did, and I know Mum would be so happy to have the tradition still going. I do it every year as I want to help people have a happy memory with someone who they love, during the time of year that Mum loved so much. Thats the only reason why dad did it, because he knew it made Mum so happy. I do it as it is my way of honoring them and keeping their spirit alive, I guess".

Jeremy looks at me with a sad smile and pulls me a little closer. Hes very open with talking about Mum and Dad whereas I'm not, it's too painful. I know he's holding me tighter because he wants to remind me that I have someone who knows how I feel and it's us against the world with our guardian angels flying high. Also, maybe because he doesnt want to fall on his arse. I'd pay good money to see the latter happen.

Were walking down the main street, well technically, I'm walking and Jeremy is being pulled along as he's still sliding all over the place. We pass all the little stores closed for the night, when a shop front with a huge tree in the window with twinkling golden lights, comes into view. It has a sign above the window saying Rachels Rolls which is carved out of some type of dark wood with the words painted in gold. The door is painted a lovely deep, burgundy red with a sign thats been turned round to closed, thats written in some fancy script and beneath the huge bay window is a bench, with little plant pots either side. I pull Jeremy to a stop so I can admire the shop.

"How on earth have they got that tree into the shop? Its massive!" Jeremy says while trying to sit on the bench without face planting the floor.

"I have no idea Brother, but can you imagine how appealing this street would look if all these shops did what this one has done? Whoever owns this, knows what theyre doing to catch peoples eye" I say, nodding to myself in approval. I cant help but wonder if this is my Rachel's shop. What the fuck! My Rachel, she is not.

"Thats for sure. Oh, look! This bench is dedicated to someone, it says..." Jeremy starts before reading out the words on the plaque,

Maxine Travalghan

Devoted mother, friend to all and chief baker.

This bench is for those who just want a moment of peace to think about Maxine or to tell our guardian angel about their day.

We will always remember Maxine with a smile or a cup of tea and a slice of fruit cake.

We both fall silent once hes finished reading. Whoever Maxine is, she clearly was very much loved and well-respected member of this town. Whoever did this, wants the rest of us to never forget her and they have done it extremely tasteful.

"Once I've bought a house here, I want a bench like that on the porch so I can sit with Mum and Dad" I say, pointing to the bench. Jeremy jerks his gaze to me.

"If thats what you want Bradley, then that is what you shall have. I think I like you being here already. Youve spoken about Mum and Dad more than you have since we lost them, while we've been here. I love you Brother" he says, coming over to me and giving me a pat on the back.

"I love you too, Jeremy" I say, feeling some of the ice that surrounds my heart thaw. Just a little.


Who else wants to know if there's a soft side to Bradley? Is there more to him, than just the cold hearted playboy he let's people see?

If you do, read on to find out!


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