By Vemonus92

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This is the inspiration for Warhammer 40k, Titanfall, Halo, Gate anime, and Fire Emblem: Three Houses Within... More

The End
The Goddess's Awakening
The U.N.S.F
Thirty Feet
Vultra City
The U.N.S.I
A Goddess?!
The Mother
The Mother Part II
The Mother Part III
The Sangheili Mech
Sangheili Mech Secrets
The Sangheili Mech's Secrets Part 2
The Sangheili Mech's Secrets Part 3
Planet Typhon
Apex Predators
The Arbiter
That's a Lot of Damage!
The Unknown Dream
New AI
Old "Friends" Reuniting
Old "Friends" Reuniting Part II
Failed Rescue
Enough People To Know!
Planet Rogue
Catherine's Message
Battle's End Part 1
Battle's End Part 2
Battle's End Part 3, Season Finale
GENESIS: Colliding Galaxies
Dragon Vistor
Sothis, The Goddess Of Foldan
To A New World
Knights Of Seiros
Garreg Mach Monestery
Evolved Reconoids
The Slytherin
Reconoid's Savage Nature
Celestial Drakes Part 1
Celestial Drakes Part 2
Celestial Drakes Part 3
Celestial Drakes Part 4
Celestial Drakes Part 5
Celestial Drake War Part 1
Celestial Drake War Part 2
Icebound Dominion
The Prometheans
New Allies
Chaos Against The Stars Part 1
(Not A Chapter) Story Update

Meeting Lady Rhea

121 2 1
By Vemonus92

SOMEWHERE, on a different planet in the Dwarf Galaxy

The planet was cold, too cold, but not enough to freeze Arbiter's mech and the rest. They all look as if a battle has ended due to multiple Celestial Drakes dead in front of them.

Arbiter held one of the Celestial Drake's decapitated heads while stepping down on one of the Celestial Drake on the neck, struggling to get Arbiter off of him.

Arbiter: Rtas, anymore of these creatures?

Rtas: I cannot tell, this blizzard is blocking our radar, but judging how many of these creatures we killed, I doubt reinforcements will appear.

Arbiter: Hmm, foolish of them, what gave them the right mind to attack us like cowards? This battle was a waste!

Celestial Drake: Y-you d-dare....talkkk to us like- Argh!

The dragon couldn't finish his sentence as Arbiter stepped even harder on his neck, threatening him with a golden energy sword right next to his face.

Arbiter: Why did you come? Why attack us?

Celestial Drake: Isn't it obvious?! You people come here to this world and expect us to not become hostile?! ARGH!!

Arbiter: We are only here to save our world, thanks to your people trying to collide and take control of our home! The device you have should not be used, but left alone!

Celestial Drake: How do you know- Ugh....S-Sothis!

Arbiter: That is right, now, tell us where your planet is! Give us answers or else we'll leave you in the cold of death!

Celestial Drake: N-never!

Arbiter: you have decided your fate, huh? At least you won't be alive to watch your home destroyed, pity.

Sanghelli Mech: Arbiter, we have found something, something different!

Arbiter: What? Is it about the Celestial Drakes?

Sanghelli Mech 2: We have no clue, but it is something we'd never thought to be seen on this planet.

Arbiter was confused, he and Rtas thought there was nothing on this cold planet but to think that there was something could lead them to something about the Celestial Drake...or a different. Concerned about what it is, every Sanghelli Mech followed the ones who said to have seen something.

After flying for a couple of minutes, Arbiter and Rtas could see something off ahead of them. While on this planet, the only thing they saw was icy glaciers and mountains of ice that looked as if they were unable to be melted by any fire. That was the only thing they'd seen until they all surveyed the area, seeing dead trees with no leaves on them, it was confusing yet surprising, but it got more surprising when they all stopped in front of a destroyed frozen castle that was bigger than the Sanghelli Mechs, hell, it was like it was made for them to walk through.

Arbiter: What in the?

Rtas: I thought there was nothing on this planet, why a castle?

Sanghelli Mech: We have no idea Sir, but take a look at this.

The Sanghelli Mech pointed at a flag that was not frozen yet, the flag had a symbol that represented something but was unclear to them.

Arbiter: I've...never seen anything like this before...could it be a human kingdom? I've learned some things about them while I was learning English.

Rtas: If it was, how could they have survived in this cold? What lies here that we know nothing of?

Arbiter: You took the words out of my mouth, Rtas.

Sanghelli Mech: Arbiter, shall we investigate the place? The castle is unbelievably large enough for us to walk through and the radars are working just fine right now.

Arbiter: If that is what you wish for, I'll send down more for you guys to investigate not alone. Me and Rtas will head up. Be safe!

Sanghelli Mech: Yes, Arbiter.

Given the trust of Arbiter, the team of Sanghelli Mechs are now investigating the unknown, not knowing what or who they'll encounter in this castle.


The Garreg Mach Monastery is now preparing itself for an attack, Knights equipped with their swords, lances, axes, shields, etc to meet these unknown visitors. Magic casters and archers along with giant crossbows stand their ground on top of the gates of the monastery along with

Flying horses stay above the monastery to survey the sky for incoming attacks.

As for the students, the rest must stay put inside their chambers to be safe unless something extremely bad is about to happen. Mercedes looks from a distance inside the monastery, watching as the knights and the rest.

Mercedes: *Sigh* I beg you, goddess, let my prayers reach you to keep us safe...

Annette: Mercedes, what are you doing out here?

Mercedes: *Gasp* Annette, you scared me! Huh?

Mercedes was almost frightened by Annette but was happy to see her but once she turned around to see Annette, she was utterly shocked from seeing the drone following her. Mercedes knew nothing about the drone, she thought it was an owl following Annette but this thing was metal with one big blue eye and no wings.

Mercedes: What on earth?! By the goddess, Annette, what is that?!

Annette: Oh this? Alois said it's called a drone! Cool, huh?

Mercedes: A drone?! How is it floating? Is it a creature? Why is it so...metal?

Annette: Heh, it's not a creature, Mercedes! Although I don't know what it's made for it was easy to fix, I just needed to use some lightning magic, and bam, now it follows me!

Mercedes: Where did you get it from?! How did?

Annette: Oh, and get this, this thing helped me with my homework. It's like it knows almost everything!

Mercedes: Should it be allowed?

???: What should be allowed?

Hearing a familiar deep voice, Annette and Mercedes look behind them to see another friend of theirs.

Annette: Oh, Felix, what are you doing here?


Felix: I should be asking you the same thing, what the hell is that?

Annette: This? It's called a drone.

Suspicious about what it was, Felix wasted no time investigating it by snatching it off the air, holding the drone with his two hands which caused the drone to be exposed to aggression.

Felix: What the hell is it? Where'd you find this?

The drone was shown aggression, and with that, its big eye went from blue to red, readying itself to attack before Annette could snatch the drone away and gently place it back in the air. For some reason, Annette knew something was wrong once the eye turned red, causing her to snatch the drone away.

Annette: Hey, be careful with it, I spent a while trying to repair this!

Felix: Repair it? Did you rebuild this thing?

Annette: Yes, it was broken! What do you want, Felix?

Felix: *Sigh* They wanted me to check the monastery to see if there were any signs of students out of their chambers. And it looks like I found you guys wanting to get involved in any trouble you see.

Annette: Felix, you're a student as well, how is it that we're not able to be out here while you can stay?

Felix: Isn't it obvious? I'm sharpening my blade with my opponent's blood. Whoever these people from the dark world are, I hope they can satisfy me!

Annette: Hmm...I wonder what they're like.

Mercedes: Don't get involved in stuff you're not welcome to, Annette!

Annette: Relax, Mercedes, I was only thinking about them. You know, I read a book that resembled these people from a different world. Later in the book, it said that they were able to fly around the goddess's realm with gigantic metal boats, breaking the goddess's rules and freely traveling through realms as they pleased. But those are just myths, I doubt we'll see the floating giant boat.

Felix: Oh really? Then explain that floating metal thing above your shoulder.

Annette: Oh...then if that thing is floating then...

Annette started to think to herself until she heard a loud roar from a distance. Not only did she hear it, but so did Felix and Mercedes. They all looked up ahead to see the sky moving, moving as if something was breaking the blue sky.


Every knight defending the monastery had never heard such a sound not had seen anything like it. The roaring sound got even louder and louder, and the sky started to break even more.

The sound was unbearable but after a few seconds, a hole was created in the sky, letting out a giant metal boat that flew itself out of the portal.

It was unreal to them, they had never seen anything like it and it was a colossal floating in the air like it was nothing. Everyone was amazed, the Knights, Alois, and even Seteth.

Seteth: B-by the this is what he meant...we'll see them above!

Knight: What is that?!

Knight 2: It's a monster!

Knight 3: I-is that a boat?!

The sight of the U.N.S.F. ship was astounding, sure, Alois had seen it before but seeing coming out of a portal was unreal to them.


Lady Rhea, who was watching from her chambers could only feel the incredible power exiting out of the portal. She had never sensed such force, was this the goddess's power? Or was it something different? Lady Rhea's eyes rose in amazement, she could feel more than just a powerful energy, but someone on the ship, yes, it was giving off some sort of energy that was enough to bother Rhea.

Lady Rhea: This...this energy...what is it?!


Knight: S-Seteth, what shall we do?

Seteth thought to himself, ignoring the knight's question as he stared at the ship even more without saying a word.

Knight: Seteth!

Seteth: Hm?! Oh...u-uhh...s-stand your ground! I think they'll land eventually.

Knight: Are you sure?!

Seteth: U-umm...Alois, you've been inside their base, does it land?

Alois: I'm not sure, the whole time I was there, the ship was floating. But they do have other metal ships.

Seteth: Other? What do you mean other?!

Knight: Guys, look!

After hearing the knights yell, all of them looked up to see multiple ships exiting out of the large one, making everyone else scared for what exactly it was. They all thought the small metal ships were metal dragons but the harder they looked, they could see that the wings did not move as they flew across the sky.

The metal ships got closer and closer, making everyone scared as the ships landed in front of them. Seteth, who was riding a flying horse, watched from above to hear the ship's loud engine while wondering why it made those sounds landing. He thought they were creatures but more surprised him to see the back of the ship, opening like a mouth.

Seteth: What on earth?!

Alois: It opened?!

Once the ship opened, they all could see a man walking out of the ship along with a girl, revealed to be Commander Tai and Catherine.

Knight: Someone came out of it?!

Knight 2: What type of metal creature is that?! How was it flying?

Seteth: This...this is unreal...

Alois: Seteth, I know him, that's Commander Tai!

Seth: That's him?! The one we saw that was shining blue? Hold on, who's the girl?

Alois: I'm not sure, I think I've seen her with the injured villagers. She must be an important person.

Trying to understand what's going on, they all question what to do. Seteth and Alois watched them from afar until Commander Tai waved at Alois to catch his attention.

Catherine: Umm, you think it's okay to wave at them? They look...hostile.

Commander Tai: It's okay, Catherine, all I'm trying to do is earn their respect and trust so that we can help them. And by earning that, we need to be kind, just like what you did to the villagers.

Catherine: Yeah, now they think I'm a demi-god with healing magic! Do you know how many times I had to tell them that everything is just technology?

Commander Tai: Catherine, they don't understand our technology like that.

Catherine: Ugh...this is gonna be hard.


Knight: What's he doing?!

Alois: He's waving at us, perhaps I should go down there and see him.

Seteth: No, if he does anything, who knows what will happen to you!

Alois: B-but I can assure you, he's not a threat. He's a kind and respectful man. Please let me-

Seteth: Enough arguments, I shall meet him.

Alois: No, but- argh!

Without listening to Alois, Seteth flies down to meet Commander Tai with his flying horse. Seeing the horse being ridden by Seteth amazed Catherine, increasing her thirst for more scientific research on flying horses which made her smirk in a way that would creep anyone out.

Seteth then lands the horse before hopping off of it and walking toward Commander Tai while observing his surroundings before getting any closer to Commander Tai. While looking at them, Seteth was more than confused, what was he wearing? How did that thing move across the air? Is it alive? And why the hell is that blonde girl smirking at the horse with such intensity?

Seteth: You there! Are you the one they call Commander Tai?

Commander Tai: Yes, it's good to meet you!

Trying to earn his respect, Commander Tai led out his hand for a handshake, but judging by his gloves, Seteth was still hostile, refusing to shake his hand.

Seteth: Hmm...

Commander Tai: Umm...m-my bad, I guess no handshake then.


After refusing to shake his hand, Seteth looked to his right, next to Commander Tai to see the blonde girl creepily smiling at the horse. This look made Seteth afraid and bothered by her look, and even tried to avoid making eye contact with her until Commander Tai stopped her by slightly hitting her.

Commander Tai: Catherine!

Catherine: Huh?! Oh, sorry about that!

Seteth: ...

Commander Tai: My apologies, this is Catherine, she's one of the smartest scientists and doctors out there along with her mom and big sister! She healed the villager's wounds after that bandit attack.

Seteth: You? You healed them?!

Catherine: Yup, although, the chief villager lost his leg, I replaced it with a metal prosthetic leg for him. He was as happy as ever!

Seteth: So I hear the villagers are safe, can we trust you with those words?

Commander Tai: Absolutely, we have their many thanks for saving them! They said they feel safer in our base and we also gave them jobs to help us out, besides, our place is the size of a little town.

Seteth: Is that so? Kinda hard to believe since you people are from a different world. (That can't be possible! He's either lying or telling the truth that they feel safer in their base! Just what is it that they have in their base to cause them to like it there? Maybe he's keeping them hostage.)

Commander Tai: *Contacts Jack* Jack, you here?

Jack: Yup, I see you guys already landed!

Commander Tai: Good, don't do anything crazy when you get here.

Seteth: (Is he talking to himself? What's wrong with him? Why did he put his finger in his ear?)

Commander Tai: Sorry about that, we have more coming this way, oh and, don't be afraid, they're my soldiers.

Seteth: Soldiers?

Seteth could hear it, he heard another roaring sound coming from afar and it was flying fast.

Knight: Commander Alois, look!

Everyone could see it, the small dot got closer and closer until it got larger. They didn't know what it was until the three figures got larger, revealing to be Jack, Max, and Caboose piloting their Titans to fly. Seteth was shocked and amazed as it got closer to them, shaking the ground as the three Titans slowly landed in front of them.

Seteth thought it was a giant golem, ready to attack with its big blue eye. The three of them had different shapes, sizes, and weapons. Seteth almost fell to the ground looking up at it, backing himself away from them.

Seteth: My god...what is that?!


Knight 2: Who are these people?!

Knight 3: R-ready your spears!

Alois: Hold it! Stop! They mean no harm!

Knight: B-but Seteth is in trouble, we have to help!

Alois: No, stop! (From what Commander Tai told me, he did say people controlled those things! What were they called again? Titans?)

Catherine: Jack, come out, you're scaring him!

Jack: What? I am?!

Seteth: I-it speaks?!

Max: Yeah, we all speak man!

Seteth: *Gasp*

Catherine: S-sorry about my brother!

Seteth: Brother?! That giant thing is your brother?!

Catherine: Not the metal thing, he- just get outta there Jack, especially you, Caboose!

Jack: Geez, alright!

Jack slowly opens the Titan to show that he's not a threat before hopping out of it, along with Max and Caboose who do the same.

Seteth was confused at what he saw, the man exited the Titan wearing an unknown helmet that lit up blue. But what made Seteth more confused was seeing Max, he'd never seen anything like him and was reasonably afraid.

Knight: W-what is that?! That metal person is moving on its own.

Knight 2: Do they control that giant metal thing?

Sothis: They're talking about you!

Max: Yeah, no shit! What's up?

Seteth: W-what are you?! How are you? (Just what are these people?! Giant metal golems controlled by...these three? Just what world do they originate from?!)

Commander Tai: Don't worry about him, this metal man right here is friendly!

Max: *Sigh* Yup! Friendly! I hate being a robot sometimes.

Seteth: Friendly? W-what about...him?

Jack: Me? Don't worry, I'm not my friend right there!

Catherine: But you do need to take off the helmet.

Jack: What?! Why?!

Catherine: Just let them know that you're human or something.

Jack: Nope, keeping the helmet on, and it will be stuck to my head for eternity!

Catherine: Ugh, can we go meet this Rhea person now?

Commander Tai: Oh, yeah, where shall we meet her?

Seteth was speechless, he couldn't believe what he witnessed and how normal it seemed for these people from a different world. Seteth wanted to know exactly what type of magic they used and how they built these things. He looked back up to stare at the Titan before going along to the giant metal ships. He didn't know what to do until Commander Tai touched his shoulder, making him jump back before regaining himself from his thoughts.

Commander Tai: Hey, you good?

Seteth: I...Ahem, my apologies, come on, follow me and we'll meet Lady Rhea.

Jack: Oh shit! Let's meet the leader!

Max: *Whispers* I still can't believe we're gonna meet your daughter, deadbeat mom!

Sothis: Who are you calling a deadbeat mother- oh're right, I am.

Commander Tai: Lead the way, oh, you haven't told us your name.

Seteth: The name's Seteth.

Commander Tai:'s nice to meet you!

Catherine: Caboose, stop touching the damn horse!

Caboose: But it's so fluffy, and it has wings!

Catherine: I command you to stop! Stop! Back away from it, listen to me! I should've gotten my leash!

Caboose: Aw damn it...

Catherine: We'll catch one later!

Seteth: Catch one later?

Catherine: Said something?

Seteth: U-uhh! N-no, forgive me! Ahem, open the gates!

Trying to avoid "getting on Catherine's bad side", Seteth yells for the knight to open the entrance to the monastery. As the gates slowly open, many knights and magic casters are seen standing their ground, aiming an attack on the people behind Seteth following him.

Seteth: Stand down, they're with me!

Alois: You heard the man, lower your weapons!

Hesitating to lower their weapons, the knights slowly stood down but held their weapons tight. It may have looked like they were brave to do anything to kill these outsiders, but in reality, they were unimaginably afraid of them. After what they'd seen, they knew fighting them would be suicide.

Max: Damn, they really thought we were gonna attack them!

Catherine: Well can you blame them? They know nothing about us and how we use our technology, they think we're monsters from a dark world or something!

While following Seteth, Commander Tai saw Alois. For some reason, Alois saw Commander Tai as a commander who wouldn't back down or even saw him as a deadly man who has more respect for others than others respect him.

Alois: It's good to see you again, Commander Tai!

Commander Tai: Same to you, I'm glad you're not afraid of us like the rest of your knights.

Alois: So I see you can tell, huh? They may look like they're ready to take on anything but they sure as hell are having sweaty palms!

Commander Tai: Heh!

Alois: Well, I must get going, please be a gentle visitor to our Lady Rhea!

Commander Tai: Will try!

After speaking to Alois, they all continue to follow Seteth. After a couple of minutes of making their way to Lady Rhea, they finally arrive at the bridge only to be met by a familiar face.

Seteth: Ah, Cassandra, let us pass, these people come in peace to speak with Lady Rhea.

Catherine/ Cassandra Rubens Charon
(I already have a character named "Catherine", so I'll just call her "Cassandra".)

Cassandra: Oh really...

Cassandra examined the people behind him, questioning what the hell they were wearing and what type of weapons did they have. She looked at Commander Tai in which she could see in his eyes that he was a different soldier. She looked at Jack and was amazed by his helmet, she'd never seen a helmet lit up blue before and it made her skeptical about them. And last but not least, she saw Max and was as confused as ever. What the hell was it?! How is it moving?! Cassandra held her sword tight and was ready to question the metal man.

Cassandra: What's that metal thing?!

Max: Hm?

Seteth: Don't worry about him, he's...he's...Commander Tai, what is that thing again?

Commander Tai: He's a robot, don't worry, he's friendly!

Max: Yeah, I am! Ok- C-Commander, please don't make me regret being a robot, I already miss being human!

Jack: Yeah Sir, if he's not okay being a robot, I'm not.

Commander Tai: Geez, is this whole robot thing really bothering you guys?

Max: Yes!

Commander Tai: *Sigh* Sorry, listen, don't worry about him, he's harmless!

Cassandra: Are you sure? You better watch him!

Seteth: So...mind letting us go?

Cassandra: ...

Seteth: ...

Cassandra: Ha! Of course, they can go! Welcome!

Before letting them pass, Cassandra grabs Seteth's shoulder for a little whisper.

Cassandra: If anything happens to Lady Rhea, yell for me!

Seteth nodded before walking away.


Once they all entered the second floor, they finally arrived at Lady Rhea's chambers, waiting for them to enter the place. As soon as Lady Rhea saw them, her facial expression was not even the slightest bit appreciated for these otherworldly people. Their presence here felt like it was not welcomed by her but there was The moment they entered the throne room, Lady Rhea felt something powerful, but she wasn't sure what it was or who it was. It felt...divine as if there was something greater than her goddess but not knowing what it was, she tried her best to ignore it.

Seteth: Lady Rhea, they're here!

Lady Rhea: this is Commander Tai? The one we saw in blue?

Commander Tai: Yeah, it's nice to meet you!

Lady Rhea: ...

Commander Tai: ...

Lady Rhea: Do not see us as allies, Commander Tai, Your presence in our world is not welcomed by the goddess. Whatever your "god" has done to bring you here will face the consequences.

Jack: Damn!

Commander Tai: Don't worry, we understand that but trust that we come in peace! Also, we're not religious or anything like that, so you're good!

Lady Rhea: If that's so, then how did you get here?

Lady Rhea demanded him to answer her question, trying to get something out of him but of course, Commander Tai was not bothered and was calm as ever.

Commander Tai: Technology and science. Believe it or not, where we're from, our technology and weapons are more advanced than the things you people possess. None of us have magic nor do we need it. We have no god or any religion to help us.

Seteth: No magic? No god? Technology?

Lady Rhea: people are strange indeed.

Commander Tai: That's right, oh, I would also like to introduce these people who are with me. Go on.

Jack: ...

Commander Tai: Jack!

Jack: Huh? What's up?

Commander Tai: Introduce yourself.

Jack: What? Like, say my name, this and that?

Commander Tai: Yes!

Jack: Is it really necessary-

Commander Tai: Jack!

Jack: Alright, fine!

Commander Tai: That includes everyone.

Max: Yes Sir. Max Felix, Titan Pilot of the U.N.S.F., and yes...I may look different but let me tell you, I'm not a threat! I'm what they call a robot!

Lady Rhea was surprised, as expected, seeing Max was the most fascinating thing she'd seen in her life. How was this metal man talking, walking, and even showing a personality, it was like he was human.

Commander Tai: Max was once human before but after getting fatally injured in war, we transferred his mind into this body.

Seteth: He was...once human?

Lady Rhea: Interesting...

Lady Rhea and Seteth looked at Max even more until the both of them felt something familiar. They both felt a powerful aura around Max which was caused by Sothis. Sothis knew about Seteth and Lady Rhea so to keep her hiding, she tried to weaken her power and fuse the power with Max to make it look like Max was giving off a powerful aura.

Jack: Jack Cooper, Titan Pilot of the U.N.S.F. along with Max here! Oh, and this is Genesis, my Guardian AI partner.

Jack takes out the AI chip which then lights up to show a large holographic version of Genesis.

Genesis: It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Rhea! I may be in holographic but I'm also able to create a physical body as well but for the time being, I'll stay as a hologram.

Jack: Genesis is an AI, AI's are beings we create for specific tasks, and have incredible intelligence better than the human race. We didn't create Genesis but let's just say we found her!

Lady Rhea tried her best to understand what Genesis and AIs were but the moment she saw Genesis, she couldn't believe her eyes. This power Genesis possessed was even greater, it was as if Genesis was among the goddesses, and this scared Lady Rhea. But things got more terrifying as soon as Jack inserted the AI chip inside his helmet, combining Genesis's energy with Jack's, creating an even more powerful aura that formed a monster, no, a god, no...a metal demon hiding as a god-like alien.

Jack and Genesis's Combined Guardian Aura.

Lady Rhea could not believe it, for the first time ever, her legs started to shake for a little bit. This made Lady Rhea wonder even more, where did these people come from? And why are they here?! And most importantly, who or what is Jack and Genesis.

Seteth: Lady Rhea!

Lady Rhea: *Gasp* Y-yes?

Seteth: Are you okay?

Lady Rhea: Umm...y-yes, I apologize. Please continue!

Commander Tai: Okay...this girl right here is-

Catherine: Catherine! Nice to meet you! Scientist and doctor, and this Rust Headed dude that just introduced himself is my big brother!

Jack: You really had to call me that in front of them?

Catherine: What? I thought it would give them a little laugh, thought they wouldn't mind!

Jack: Argh, not blood-related but I was adopted by her mother.

Commander Tai: She's also the reason why the villagers are healed up and ready to go. Heh, they already think she's some sort of demi-god with healing powers.

Catherine: Which I'm not!

Lady Rhea: You have my many thanks...but...where are the villagers now?

Jack: They're taking refuge with us right now. We gave them a choice to stay in the base and help or we can rebuild their village. Turns out they wanna do both, but don't worry, we have a lot of space including resources and they've also been a big help too!

Lady Rhea: I can trust those words but if I must see for myself, I will eventually!

Commander Tai: And last but not least, Cab- oh shit, where did he go?!

Catherine: Oh no, I knew I should've gotten my leash!

Jack: You don't need a leash to keep him with you, your eyes should be your leash!

Max: He's right, if you would've brought that thing, that'll embarrass us!

Seteth: Umm, excuse me that his right there?

They looked to where Seteth pointed to see Caboose being a completely dumb ass touching a golden vase with ancient words that shows a painting of Sothis.

Jack: Caboose!

Caboose: Huh?! Hey guys, look, there's a painting of Sothis, she looks so different in this one!

Max: Shut up! I mean...uh...who the hell is Sothis?!

Caboose: You forgot about her? She's insi-

Catherine: Just get over here, Caboose!

Caboose: But-

Catherine: NO, NO, NO BUTS! Get over here and let go of the vase!

Caboose: Aw, dang it.

Jack: Sorry, that idiot right there is Caboose! Just like me and Max, he's a Titan Pilot of the U.N.S.E. and sorry about what he did and said. Let's just say he got hit in the head with a brick...a thousand times.

Caboose: Hi!

Lady Rhea: (Are they really soldiers? If so, I would like to understand how their stupidity gives them the win!) Every single one of you has unique traits, and I am impressed. So...about these...Reconoids.

Commander Tai: Ah, yes, mind telling us when they got here?

Lady Rhea: They came a few days ago. When we heard reports about hordes of creatures devouring villages and attacking the Western Church, we knew nothing about them. We saw their corpses...they were nothing like the creatures here. The Western Church fought hard and eventually won but of course, they lost many of their soldiers. There hasn't been news about them recently but sooner or later, they attack anywhere.

Jack: It's just like them, those damn disgusting creatures will eat anything!

Commander Tai: As expected from them, once they come to a planet, they'll do whatever it takes to take over a planet.

Seteth: You people seem to understand them more, tell us, what sort of experience do you guys have with them?

Commander Tai: Well, we've been at war with them for many years in our world, just like other species as well.

Lady Rhea: Other species? You're telling us that these Reconoids are not the only threat you people face?

Commander Tai: That's right, there's the Covenant and the Apex Predators. But the Apex Predators are humans like us, the Covenant are much different, different alien species joined together to conquer worlds left and right! They also have better technology than us.

Lady Rhea: By the goddess...w-will they come here in our world?

Commander Tai: Nope, the Covenant may have better technology but the way we got here is a secret.

Lady Rhea: *Sigh* When will this threat go away?

Commander Tai: Unsure, but for as long as they know that we're here, they'll eventually give up and run away. But don't worry, with the weapons we have, we'll do whatever we can to stop them!

Lady Rhea: Thank the goddess, you have my many thanks!

Commander Tai: Oh, I'll also be leaving some soldiers here to help you defend from the Reconoids, Jack, Max, Catherine, and Caboose will be here.

Max: What? Here?!

Jack: Oh god...

Catherine: Hm, this will be nice!

Commander Tai: If that's okay with you, we already have built a base to place next to you guys!

Lady Rhea: If they will help, then that's okay. Thank you, Commander Tai!

Commander Tai: Pleasure aiding you, come on!

As the five of them leave Lady Rhea's throne room, Genesis feels a slight feat from Lady Rhea and sees that she is not only looking back at them but is directly staring at Jack.

Genesis: Jack, whatever you do, do not look back at her.

Jack: *Whisper* why not?

Genesis: Because she's staring directly at you! Lady Rhea is specifically afraid of you, I can feel it and see!

Jack: *whisper* what? why would she-

Genesis: Communicate with your mind!

Jack: Oh, {How is she afraid of me? I haven't done anything to scare her, right?}

Genesis: I'm not sure, but judging by how afraid she is, she doesn't wanna get on your bad side.

Max: So Commander, since we're here fighting the Reconoids, what about the Celestial Drakes? Aren't we supposed to stop them?

Commander Tai: We are, but don't worry, Arbiter and the General have been searching across the galaxy and they've encountered many Celestial Drakes trying to attack them. And of course, they were unsuccessful against the Arbiter and the rest. All we need to do is find their home world and stop them.

Sothis: *Sigh* Velezark is as stubborn as ever! He won't win and the galaxies will not collide!

Max: You're goddamn right!

Commander Tai: If anything happens, I'll contact you guys, but for now, help these people.

Jack: Yes Sir!


Seteth: Lady Rhea, are you really gonna allow them to build their base next to us?!

Lady Rhea: We have no choice, Seteth...but these people act so kind as if we were gonna accept them into Fódlan! You heard about the threats they face, having them come here will bring nothing but their curse to Fódlan! The dark world they come from is a world with no hope of a god! They disgust me!

Seteth: Hm...

Lady Rhea was still hostile about them, she saw them as outsiders and nothing more. A world with no god is something they deserve Lady Rhea thought to herself.

But...she was still afraid of Jack. Whatever he was, he was not human.

And whatever Genesis was, she could be more powerful than Sothis.

Hell, Genesis is more powerful than Sothis.

Lady Rhea: Do not let any of the students near them, no knights, no commanders, no nations! If they refuse to follow that order, then they'll be seen as cursed! Their technology, their weapons, and their influence of no god will not and cannot affect the students here and in Fódlan! Even the nations! Tell that to everyone, no one shall get close to them!

Seteth: You have my word, Lady Rhea, I shall do it immediately!


SOMEWHERE, At the Western Church Headquarters

The sun was setting, the air felt calm and breezy, and the sound of the wind felt soothing.

The people at the Western Church headquarters were trying to rebuild along with the knights after getting attacked by the Reconoids. Losing so many lives, they all started to pray for the dead, praying for their goddess to guide them to another place of happiness.

Just as everything was calm and restful, everyone could feel the ground shaking as if there was a giant stampede. Their prayers for no attacks from these creatures had failed them. They looked ahead of them from a distance to see more creatures running towards them. Their screeches were heard miles away and they were so loud, it struck fear into those that heard them.

It was of course the Reconoids...but something was...different.

The Runners were not yellow, the Flyers were much bigger, and the Juggernauts were much larger with harder skin.

Evolved Reconoids (After consuming and absorbing the church's holy relics)

Evolved Juggernauts (After consuming the church's Relics)

Evolved Runners (After consuming the church's Relics)

Evolved Flyers (After consuming the church's Relics)

Knight: Oh no...goddess protect us! Please! SAVE US FROM THESE DEMONS!!

To Be Continued...

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