𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 ⸙

By Ziamturtle

10.8K 1.1K 1.4K

Alpha, scandalous for killing his enemies mates, uses solitude as advantage until....he arives. Started 04th... More

1.1 𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪
1.4 𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪
2. 2༊*·˚


138 13 7
By Ziamturtle

"Alpha," Baela said, struggling to catch up with his long strides. "Should I stay?"

Zayn abruptly stopped, and Baela jumped onto the road to stop herself from falling into him. Zayn pinched the bridge of his nose and gripped the front of his hair. He looked down the street at the humans minding their own business. "We'll both stay," he grumbled.

"But, the institute-"

"It's just for a day. They'll get over it." Zayn sat on a
bench that faced the college. He crossed his arms and not once did his eyes look anywhere else.

They sat together in silence for hours.

Baela eventually left to find food. When Zayn was
alone, he checked his phone. He had four missed calls from his mum and three unread messages.

Zayn shook his head and switched his phone of. His mother had been irritatingly protective of him over the past few months.

Granted, Zayn's attitude towards his new pack wasn't doing too well; his attitude towards himself wasn't right either. His mum was worried about him, but Zayn wouldn't let her in if she continued to suffocate him.

Ignoring his mother was the only thing he could do, other than yelling at her. Zayn often upset her with his sharp tongue and short-fused temper. Ignoring her now seemed like the safer option.

When Baela returned, she had a bag full of warm steak pastries. Between them, they ate and waited, and waited, and waited.

When it was starting to get dark, Liam finally emerged from the college. Zayn almost leapt off the bench when Liam bolted down the steps and down the street like he had somewhere to be.

"Go" Zayn yelled to Baela, pushing her off the bench. He followed the human with his hungry hazel eyes. "You said you could be his friend!"

"Right! Yes. Yes, I did." Baela hurried across the road before Liam passed by.

Zayn leaned closer to listen and to watch their interaction.

"Hello, Liam," Baela said with a big smile. Liam stopped running and stared up at her with sudden fear. He started backing away.

"B-Baela! Am I in trouble?" Liam asked.

This time, the wind carried Liam's voice right to Zayn. His mother had once said a mate's voice was like hearing music in a silent world. Zayn now knew why. He had to fight all temptation not to storm across the road and press his ear to Liam's lips.

"No, not at all. Um- I just saw you and thought I'd say hi."

Liam seemed a little sceptical as he stood in her presence like a bug in front of a tarantula. "Are you sure?" he asked quietly. "I'll haven't told anyone about.." Liam looked around, and his eyes lingered on Zayn across the road like there was something odd about him. "Um, about the institute."

"I'm glad you haven't, but you're honestly not in trouble. I'm only saying hello." Baela glanced to Zayn too.

He clenched his fists.

"I was also wondering... uh, if you want to study or something tonight? I'm new at the college and could use some friends."

"Me?" Liam asked, pointing to himself.

Baela chuckled. "Yes, you."

Zayn leaned closer, staring at the human's mouth until he smiled, and Zayn felt all warm under his jacket, despite sitting in the cold for most of the day. He would take a picture of Liam's smile if it weren't considered creepy.

"I really wish I could tonight. But I have to look after my cousins.!" Liam's smile was gone as quickly as it

"Not to worry" Baela said, side-eyeing Zayn, to make sure he wasn't storming over. "Tomorrow then?" She must have felt Zayn's objection because she asked, "Or we could revise at your house?"

Liam looked stunned that someone wanted to hang out with him. Zayn was a little irritated that Liam was so trusting towards Baela. At the same time, he was glad.

"I don't know," Liam rubbed the back of his neck. "I
don't think my aunt and uncle would like that."

"That's okay. I don't want to get you in trouble. We
can study tomorrow."

"Okay." Liam rolled into his tiptoes then back onto his heel a few times.

Zayn bit his bottom lip while his heart tumbled clumsily around his chest. His cuteness is going to kill me, he thought bitterly. Why didn't I get a werewolf?

"H-How about we meet at the library tomorrow night? A-At five?" Liam asked, and Baela agreed.

"Sure. Enjoy the rest of your night, Liam."

"You too." Liam hurried off before she returned to Zayn.

The werewolves watched him jog down the street until he turned a corner and disappeared. Baela shrank by Zayn's side once more. They didn't speak until the boy's scent diluted with the cold air.

"You're a good liar" Zayn observed.

"I suppose" Baela shrugged. "He's a nice kid."

"I suppose."

They looked at each other, and for once, Zayn didn't stare like he would boot her into the road.

"We should get back," Baela sighed. "before your mum-"

"Loses her fucking mind," Zayn muttered and stood up. He stretched, desperate fora run. They walked back to the woods together and changed into their wolves. Female wolves were a little shorter than male wolves, yet Zayn and Baela matched each other's height and paw size.

Her wolf glanced away like Baela was embarrassed. Zayn decided not to point it out.

Instead, he whacked her with his paw, and she hit her snout on a tree trunk. He bounded off into the distance, his tongue flying free in the wind as Baela chased him.

Zayn had been a lone wolf for as long as he could remember. He didn't run with his mother anymore because she no longer had her wolf and seeing Zayn transform made her sad. Even when she did have her wolf, Zayn barely ran with anyone other than himself. His father had been too into his life lessons, and his mother was too concerned about going too far.

Zayn was reckless on his own; just the way he liked

As they ran deeper into the woods, he wouldn't admit that he was having fun, trying to outrun Baela, though he wouldn't deny it either.

Stars twinkled bright by the time they reached the institute. They shifted to their human forms before
walking to the gate.

One of the guards gave them an odd look as they stood together. Alpha's usually never spoke to their Omegas and relied heavily on their Betas and Deltas to talk to the Omegas for them. Baela had done more for Zayn that day than Jaiden and Niall combined.

They continued to walk together up the path and to the institute. Other wolves watched and whispered. Zayn was back to his usual grumpy mood by the time they reached the door.

"Remember," he whispered witha scowl. "Tell anyone about Leeyum, and I'll break you."

Baela stepped back and bowed her head. "Yes, Alpha."

Solana, after helping clean up in the cafeteria, decided it was time to pester her son about why he had ignored everything she said to him that morning, and disappeared by himself all day. He would never connect with the pack if he kept shutting them out.

She weaved through the stacked tables and into the corridor. She noted that the floor was dirty as she neared a group of wolves who were laughing.

"Yeah, but Alpha Zayn wasn't alone on his run" one
guy said, wiggling his eyebrows.

Solana stopped to listen.

"Yeah, he was with that Omega. What's her name, Flo- Rache-"

"Baela," a woman said. "They were seen walking back together."

"That's odd, isn't it? An Alpha and an Omega." The guy gasped and nudged his closest friends in the ribs. "Unless... Alpha Zayn had the dream."

"You think he is mated with Baela?"

"Why else would they be together? Not even the Alpha's own mother knows where he was."

Solana peeled herself off the wall, frowning. "Are you guys gossiping about your Alpha?" she asked.

Every wolf jumped and turned with startled faces.

"Solana! We were just-"

"Spreading lies about your Alpha. I know. I heard."

The wolves glanced awkwardly at each other until one woman dared to ask, "Are you sure it's not true? About Alpha Zayn and the Omega?"

"Obviously it's not. I'd know if it was." Solana crossed her arms, letting them believe that her son tells her everything, which was the biggest lie she had told in years. "Now go and make yourself useful instead of crowding the corridors."

When they were gone, Solana let her confidence hang low. She didn't know her son had gone for a run with Baela. The news shocked her. Zayn socialising with an Omega was suspicious and unusual, though Solana didn't believe that her son would have the dream and not tell her.

The dream was just too significant, and she liked to
think that their relationship wasn't entirely in ruins and that Zayn would approach her if he needed to
talk to someone.


The next day, Zayn promised himself to stay at the
institute while Baela met his mate and bonded with him. Zayn's jealousy soared through the roof every time he thought about their meet up. At least he knew someone was looking out for his mate.

Zayn avoided his mother all day. He barricaded his door shut the night before, so he could wake up in peace. Zayn had successfully eaten breakfast and lunch without talking to anyone, though he felt
more eyes on him than usual.

When he left his room for something else to eat at 4:30 in the evening, Baela had just set off to meet Liam. She was almost denied exit, and had to find Zayn to walk her to the gate because the guards didn't believe that the Alpha gave an Omega permission.

As Zayn rummaged around the kitchen, an unwanted scent lingered among the cheese. "What is it Jaiden," Zayn grumbled with his face in the fridge.

"Oh, you know, I'm just checking up on you."

Zayn frowned at the yoghurt and stood back to look at him. "Why?"

"I haven't seen you in a while."

"Am I supposed to find you now?"

Jaiden's face reddened. "No. Of course not. I just mean that well, you've been more distant than usual." Jaiden visibly cringed at his own words as Zayn glared.

"I guess.." He sighed.

"I'm just a little hurt that you went running with an Omega yesterday and not me, your Beta wolf"

"Oh, you're my Beta? You don't act like it" Zayn said, thinking of how Baela had been the one to help him and keep his secrets. Zayn knew if Jaiden had followed him, he would have started rumours around the institute and blamed someone else.

"Sorry, Zayn, but you don't act like Alpha either." Jaiden crossed his arms, daring to stare Zayn in the
eyes with his adrenaline fueled confidence.

Zayn's face sharpened. He slowly uncrossed his arms and Jaiden's hard exterior wavered. "Speak to me like that again, and you'll have another scar to match the one you've already got."

"I don't believe you." Jaiden uncrossed his arms too. "I thought your dad would have prepared you for this. It's obvious you have no idea what you're doing. It's embarrassing Zayn. You just yell and do nothing with your words. We need authority, and with you as our leader, we're losing control.!"

A high-pitched ringing cracked through Zayn's head. Whenever anyone mentioned his father, Zayn wanted to sink into the ground with despair.

Though this time, he wanted to punch Jaiden to establish dominance. Violence was the only way Zayn knew how to gain respect. Someone challenging him was the one thing that angered Zayn the most.

He tore through the kitchen like a crazed beast and
Jaiden barely reached the door before Zayn rugby tackled him into the hallway. He pinned Jaiden to the ground and punched him in the jaw. Those in the corridor stopped to watch. Zayn's knuckles ached immediately, but he hit Jaiden again, and again, and again until he heard a crack.

When Jordan was bloody and weak, Zayn gripped his hair and cupped his throat. "All words and no play am I?" he growled in his face. "You want authority Jaiden, don't you?"

Zayn stood up, breathing heavy. When he was taller
than everyone around him, he saw his mother standing out of the way, watching him, judging him as she always did. Zayn no longer cared about what she thought.

"Jaiden here thinks we're losing control. He thinks I'm not fit to be his Alpha." Zayn looked around at the shocked faces. "If you think like Jaiden, then challenge me and see who wins."

Nobody moved. Nobody made a sound.

Zayn pointed to Jaiden. "This is what will happen if you speak out of term. I am your Alpha. You will treat me with respect."

Zayn, raging, stormed through the corridor. Wolves leapt out of his way. He glared at his mother as he marched closer, ready for her to comment on his behaviour.

Solana said nothing, she stared back with disappointment but kept her words to herself.

Zayn could barely think he was so angry. He changed to his wolf before reaching the gate and snarled at the guards, digging his giant claws into the dirt. His red eyes gleamed in the darkness. As soon as the gate had moved enough for him to slip through, Zayn ran and didn't look back.

He only had one destination in mind.

Ethdellin Town Library.

Liam waited outside the library, both excited and
fearful. He was excited to study with someone who seemed like they wanted to study, rather than hang around him until he did their homework then leave. And he was fearful that Baela would forget and not turn up. Though that fear was put to rest when he saw her dreadlocks bouncing as she ran down the street.

"Hey Liam," she said with her kind smile. "Sorry I'm
a little late. Thank you for waiting. It's so cold."

She rubbed her hands together. "You should have waited inside."

"It's okay, I didn't mind," he said quietly with a smile that matched hers.

Inside, the warmth cuddled Liam. He had shivered outside enough to make his teeth chatter. He forgot his coat this morning and didn't want to go home and get it after college. His uncle would have made him do some sort of job that lasted hours.

They sat on the couch that Liam always sat at, and
he pulled out his work. Baela said she didn't have any work yet, but was conveniently studying everything Liam was studying, though she would be starting the first year, and Liam was a year ahead.

"You can use my laptop to have a look at PowerPoints if you want?" Liam suggested.

"That would be great, thank you."

They settled into their studies, working in comfortable silence. Not many people were in the central part of the library, so they could whisper if they wanted to, but Baela seemed captivated already.

Liam struggled through his Geology work. He wasn't interested in the subject, but interested in getting a
good grade, so he studied hard.

Almost fifteen minutes into their studying, Liam heard loud stomps approaching their table. His chest felt heavily as someone crashed into the armchair opposite with a thud.

Liam looked up, and his face paled. He knew those hazel eyes and the way they stared so intensely. He recognised the face immediately and the black  hair with the grey streak at the front.

Liam scrambled over the back of the couch. He pointed at the man he recognised as the one in charge of the institute. "I've done something wrong. I- knew it!"

Baela leapt up too, trying to silence Liam before others noticed them. "No, Liam, it's okay. He's my friend. Um, I'm so sorry, I forgot to say he was studying with us."

Liam trembled. What happened at the institute flooded his thoughts. The memories troubled him at night, and the man's face made them even more vibrant.

"Sorry Liam" Baela said again. "I should have made sure that it was okay with you."

Liam started to relax when the hazel eyes pointed
to the floor. He felt the panic brewing, so he excused himself to the toilets to calm down.

Baela sat on the couch again when Liam left.

"Alpha, why are you here? Have you decided to let
everyone know about Liam?"

"No." Zayn moved his injured knuckles back and forth. They were bruising and splodged with Jaiden's blood.

Baela noticed and decided not to press his reasoning. Liam's presence would now be Zayn's safe place. Something big must have happened for Zayn to storm in the way he did. Baela knew she'd find out once they were back home.

Liam sat in the toilets until he could breathe normally, and the walls no longer felt like they were caving in on him. He splashed some water on his face and stared at his reflection in the mirror. Brown flustered eyes stared back.

Calm down, he thought. If they wanted to hurt you, they would have taken you in your sleep, not asked to study. Liam ruffled his brown hair, counted to ten, then left the bathroom.

He walked back to the couch and slowly seated himself in front of those deep hazel eyes. Liam avoided his face the best he could, but once he sneaked a peek, he fell hard into the man's stare.

"Sorry about t-that," he mumbled, pulling sleeves over his hands. "You startled me."

"Sorry for startling you."

The man's deep voice vibrated through Liam the way music did if he touched a speaker.

They gazed for a while, and Baela looked between them with a raised brow. "So.. Leeyum?"

Hearing his name brought the present crashing all around him.

"I'm L-Liam" he said quietly, suddenly shying away.

He dropped his gaze, but the man barely even blinked, and he certainly didn't look away.

Liam felt his eyes on him as though he had felt them a million times before. Usually, he'd be uncomfortable under such a stare. Yet Liam loosened up the longer they sat together.

Liam reached for his pen and a big hand blocked his way. He stared back up and the man held out a hand, gesturing a handshake.

Liam stared back at the hand as though it was his own that had fallen off and grown twice the size.

"I'm Zayn." the deep voice said, and Liam's heart
thumped as he reached out too.

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