By Wasboredsowhynot

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(so uh hi, I guess..? so... this is my first ever Wattpad story, I read alot of other storys and I got bored... More

part1: the start
part2: I never thought they would find us again...
part3:this is big brain time
just a heads up and explaining
PART6:A "chilling" day
PART7: are you a Disney princess?
PART10:we will see each other again...Doctor
PART11:wake up...other me..
PART12:my days in Rhode Island was interesting...I guess?
PART13:did the doctor just speak suracusan?
PART14:the meeting in lungmen..
PART16:Misha(part 2)
SIDE STORY:past Yami and Taisin...
The Doctor's Bio (Rewritten)
PART17 Misha (part 3)
PART20:Lungmen's alleyway massacres
PART21:who are you?

PART8: the storm,before the disaster

60 0 18
By Wasboredsowhynot

We start as we left off...

The scene starts with the early sun shining high up in the clouds under the calm and silent forest...the birds are chirping,the bunny's are hopping,the flowers are blooming and-


Tatsuya:Kurokus!! get back here!! and clean up the kitchen!! look at the mess you made!!

Kurokus: sorry bro!! I gotta have these coffee ice creams!! [also I broke the whisk...]


We see a certain black and yellow colored jacket boy running and heavyly sweating from running away from a four eyes boy holding a metal pipe in his hands while chasing him in the halls of their hidden cave base.each step they made when their feet hit the floor made a loud thud upon impact. Kurokus was running with a coffee ice cream in his hand and also holding a box that's also filled with other coffee desserts. why is Kurokus running? he was in the kitchen making his favorite dessert,coffee flavored ice cream including other desserts he made, that also has coffee flavor while Taisin was in his room training with a punching bag and in the middle of him training his punches he smelled the scent of sweet dairy and cold air of ice in his nose and due to curiosity he went to investigate only to find Kurokus in the kitchen licking a coffee ice cream in his hands and seeing the kitchen as a mess he immediately grabbed his metal pipe using his strings and "POLITELY" asked Kurokus to clean up,only for him to dash out the door.

Taisin:get back here Kurokus!! do you have any idea how many dairy supplies you wasted to make a mess in the kitchen!!! you used up a 2 days Worth!!

Kurokus:AY,AY!!."cool" down there bro! am sure it's fine! no need to be "cold-blooded" right now!! huff,huff!

Taisin throws his metal pipe at Kurokus like a spear in light speed.Kurokus dashed to the side dodging the flying pipe without even looking back and continued to run. when Kurokus did that, Taisin's eye's widened that Kurokus was able to dodge his pipe without looking back.Taisin kept chasing Kurokus through the halls of their base.until they eventually Incountered a very angry Tatsuya Infront of them wearing a bright scary and intimidating smile to the both of them,they tried to escape but failed by being grabbed at the back of their shirts or jacket.

Tatsuya:what do you think you two are doing making this much noise in the morning?...

Tatsuya said in a very intimidating and scary tone that made both Taisin and Kurokus sweating . now the two were on their knees Infront of a passively angry Tatsuya.Taisin just looked at the floor before glancing up towards Tatsuya, their eyes meeting.Taisin had eyes of someone not being intimidated by anyone but when it comes down to Tatsuya's gaze he'll feel very intimidated by him, he's brave enough to beat down thugs and capturers of theirs.but he's not that brave to face a very passively angry Tatsuya, especially if both of his eyes are closed while having a sweet but scary smile... Kurokus on the other hand was sweating while smiling, he was also looking at the floor and glanced at Tatsuya just like Taisin.

Tatsuya:now...I want you two to explain to me...why were you two playing tag in 4:50 in the morning?...and I...want to hear every.little.detail.Please...

They then explained everything to Tatsuya afterwards they were scolded and given a lecture for 5 hours straight in Tatsuya's room.

Meanwhile Izentsu and Yami were in the living room playing games on Kurokus's monitor or computer,they were playing a two player game called smash bros with controllers.Izentsu is seen struggling to keep up with Yami in the game as he is getting beaten up by Yami,since Yami is a strategist he made a strategy and calculated every possible move that Izentsu would make in the game such as to calculate on when to counterattack Izentsu if he's about to make a combo attack or other move sets and made a strategy on how to win each match and boy,oh boy...Yami was merciless against Izentsu he didn't even let the poor boy even make a single counterattack as he continues to beat the hell out of him in the game winning 50 times while Izentsu lost every single time and had no win.

Computer monitor:GAME!

Izentsu:gah!! Mata shite mo nīsama ni makete shimaimashita
(Trans:I lost yet again to you nii-sama)

Yami:that is your 51th lost and my 51th win... you've done well Izentsu...

Izentsu:hehe,I am up against Yami-nii-sama who is a expert in strategy and precise calculation on the battlefield after it should be expected to me to lose to such as someone as great then me after all.

Izentsu said,as he's fox ears plopped down on his hair specifically doubting himself of having any special talent.sure he's good with his ability to control flames and having a diligent,calm and a displined mind also learning to have good manners on his own, however.he didn't have a specific talent that would make him feel special with his brothers...he thinks he's the only one among his brothers having no talent what so ever to aid them in their missions..he's fox tails plopped down on the floor making a small thud hit the ground and having a frown on his face.Yami sees the look on his Otōto's
face and proceeds to try and comfort him..

Yami:.......maybe..I could teach you about strategy and warfare tactics..will..that be good?..

Hearing this Izentsu's fox ears and tail straighted after hearing he will be taught by his brother so he immediately nodded his head in a fast motion while having a bright smile in his face.

Yami sees this and smiles under his mask being glad to see his little brother no longer sad.Yami then started teaching Izentsu the basics of strategy making like the fighters,defenders,rangers,and vanguards etc,while using a chessboard to make a example and to see the results of his learning from him also using the chessboard.

Sometime later Taisin and Kurokus came back from their 5 hour lecture from the cell of beyond or known as Tatsuya's room,the two noticed and waved hello to them as they did back aswell.

after the courses of the days were followed nothing else but nice, relaxing days of them being a family even without parents they still have each other as company the days they spent were filled nothing more but laughter and joy....and of course some little bit of chaos,like Kurokus putting whip cream on Taisin's hand in his sleep then tickling him on the noise to make him used the whip cream hand to cover his face, even though it was funny he ended being chased by a very pissed off Taisin with a battle axe in hand,it was quickly calmed down by Tatsuya but not without any lecturing of course.

1 month later...
[1 month left before the disaster...]


The sound of fighting is heard in the forest.we see two young boys fighting each other with metal pipes,they dashed at each other with the intent to not kill each other but more like to subdue the other to defeat.


The sounds of their pipes clashing at one another is heard through out the fight,they fought each other with powerful blows of their weapons and narrow Dodges of anothers attacks.the fight lasted for 1 hour until one of them was plunged to the ground, hitting the dirt with a loud thud.


Yelp Izentsu who is thrown to the ground by Taisin over his shoulder,hitting the dirt and making a dust cloud upon impact on the ground.meanwhile Taisin let go of Izentsu's hand and stood victorious over his head.

Taisin:your getting better at melee combat Izen, although your senses were abit off but besides that, your getting slightly better in melee combat.

Said Taisin,who led Izentsu his hand to help him stand up which Izentsu greatly accepts.on the outside of their training circle was Tatsuya being the observer and referee of the their fight.he then takes a chalk pencil and writes a line on a board under Taisin's name like a score.

Taisin:so Tatsuya...*wipes sweat with white towel* how much is that?

Asked Taisin.Tatsuya looked at the board and counted the scores of Taisin and Izentsu.

Tatsuya:hmm...the scores are that Taisin won 30 times while Izentsu won 19 times meanwhile the loses are 11 to 19.(author:math hurts)

Izentsu:I lost yet again to you Taisin-nii-sama.

Taisin:it's alright, no need to think much of it.besides this isn't a real match this is just a training session.

Izentsu:very well then Taisin-nii-sama.

Tatsuya:now...*claps hands* why don't we all have a break? I prepared some delicious tea and some biscuits today!

Taisin/Izentsu:sure/of course!

They stepped out of the training area and sat at a table made out of birch wood with Yami and Kurokus sitting

Kurokus was sleeping with his head on the table while Yami was reading a book about warfare that he has readed for the fourth time along with other books at his side.the three arrived at the table and take their seats with each other. Izentsu sat next to Tatsuya and Taisin sat next to Yami.
They started chatting with each other about the usual things they talked about like training,plans,games to play and farming.they laughed about jokes and events that happened of the days that passed them while drinking some tea and eating biscuits while chatting at one another. They were eventually acting like they adults now, even though their still children they act like adults

Izentsu:hahaha, really? So that's why Taisin-nii-sama was upset with you.

Kurokus:yep,it was hilarious I really got should have seen his face when he woke up,XD lol

Taisin:oh, I am gonna-

Tatsuya:calm down Taisin it wasn't that bad you know? In fact I actually thought it was quite funny aswell,hehe

Taisin:oh come on!! it wasn't funny at all!! More likely he only made fun of me!

Kurokus:Oooh come on was just a joke,I didn't mean to make fun of you ;)

Taisin:ok! That's it! Get over here!!

Taisin tried to tackle Kurokus to the ground but miss and he hit the ground instead.a small thud is heard upon impact to the ground.then laughter afterwards Taisin roused his head to where the laugh came and sees Kurokus laughing his butt off.then Taisin got pissed off and lunged at him but Kurokus Dodges,then Taisin lunges at him again this time with his pipe but fails to land a hit on him as Kurokus kept dodging his attacks aswell as making poses everytime he Dodges. Meanwhile Tatsuya and Izentsu and Yami Watched from the table while giggling at the scene the two are doing before laughing.Taisin and Kurokus looked at their brothers at the table laughing happily before they smiled and laughed with them. It was peaceful and relaxing,they were happy...


10 days left before the asteroid hits earth,the news of a asteroid heading down to earth was reported in news,radio,paper and through gossip etc. The brothers were unaware of this cause they were mainly spending their lives through sheer calmness and relaxing none capturer free days, however....their days of happiness would soon crumble in five days...



Taisin yelled at the top of his lungs while banging inside a cell that is currently keeping him locked in while two guards are stationed outside of his cell,armed with electric weaponry to knock him out Incase he escapes.


Taisin was cut off by being hit with a electric baton by the arm that was outside of his cell.he backed away from the bars that kept like a barrier from his freedom in pain while grasping his electrocuted arm,hissing in pain in the process.he glanced upward with his broken glasses that looked like he was punched very badly by someone.he glared at the guard that electrocuted him in a very intimidating and menacing way that might of made the guard flinched a little before he went back to his guard might be thinking "why doesn't he used his strings to get out?"the reason was because the cell was made especially for him if he tried to use his strings he will be immediately electrocuted upon doing it.

Taisin:tsk...[I need to get out of this place and save the others...don't worry everyone I'll figure out a way to get us out of this place.after I break out of this place and kick the shit out of these motherfuckers!]

Meanwhile in a completely different type of cell and room....

Kurokus:heh,now this is electro-fiying

Kurokus is seen trapped in some kind of electrical circle that binded his arms and legs in electrical like ropes as for a visor on his eyes that seem to stop him to use any magic.he was just there trapped in the circle not being able to move and inch. he was smiling like it was normal to be finally be captured and act casually about it.he couldn't see with the visor on his eyes but he can make out that he was in a room and other objects in his surroundings along side knowing that he wasn't alone in the room,in the room his in were 3 guards armed with same equipment that were with Tatsuya.

Kurokus:I don't suppose you guys are in a very 'humarous" time,huh?.heh,Seriously... to think they made a binder that actually can hold me down... heh,guess they aren't that low level of intelligence afterall... hehe

One of guards approached him and was about to hit him with his electric baton until he was told to stop.

Guard1:stop.. didn't you heard the orders? This one is especially weak to hits. if you hit him and he dies then we're all gonna be dead here. better keep mouth shut or I'll stitch it up for you,got it?...

Kurokus gives him a thumbs up dispite him still being binded he managed to make one with his hand,the guard just scoffs and returned to his usual guarding position.

Kurokus:[hmm...I wonder how the others are doing.THEY BETTER NOT HURT THEM OR AM TEARING THIS WHOLE PLACE APART!! if..if I can..]

Meanwhile in another room...


Izentsu: nii-sama are you alright!?

Tatsuya:am alright Izentsu...just abit exhausted

Tatsuya and Izentsu were in the same type of cell that Taisin was, only made especially for them aswell.Tatsuya was panting heavily while Izentsu tried to assist the situation he was in.just like Taisin two guards were stationed outside their cell.Tatsuya was panting because of being injected with a syringe and Izentsu got injured by being electrocuted for trying to save him. which was a bad idea for the one who attacked him that angered Tatsuya and frozed him then shattering him by freezing him too much.Tatsuya is currently tending to Izentsu on the forehead where he got electrocuted. Izentsu whimpered slightly from the pain while Tatsuya tried his best to not cause him anymore pain.

Tatsuya:Does it still hurt Izentsu? Don't worry it'll be done just in a sec..

Izentsu: It's ok Tatsuya-nii-sama it doesn't hurt that mu-ouch!!

Izentsu yelp in pain when Tatsuya touched a certain spot on his forehead which cut him off from his sentence in pain.

Tatsuya: doesn't hurt,huh? just stay still it's almost done.just say something if it hurts ok?


In another room which is also a cell but colored white.Yami was in the middle of the room tied to a chair in chains with 8 armed personal with guns on both of his sides.


Yami heard the metal doors to his cell open.he glanced up under his mask still on surprisingly! he was greeted with a red haired woman in a lab coat wearing a sadistic smile on her face,she looked at Yami tied down on a chair in chains she smiled sadistically at him, loving the way he's tied in chains.

Dr.himeko:why hello~ Yami~ it's very nice to see you again~ welcome back home! I hope you enjoyed your trip~


Yami didn't say anything and just glared at her under the mask(its very surprising they didn't took off his mask while his in the cell you'd think they would take the mask of their captures subjects guess they generous) Dr.himeko just stared at Yami before snapping her fingers as a group of people in lab coats and surgical mask carrying a table went inside the cell.Yami merely just looked at the group with no fear in his eyes.

Dr.himeko:well then...shall we hear you sing?...*licks lips* heheheheh....

The scene then turn black as the sound of someone grunting in pain while the sound of a woman moaning in the background accompanied by sounds of beeping.

5 days later...


The sounds of explosions was heard in a building inside of a snowy mountain black smoke went up to the sky as more explosions were heard.


Inside the building were sounds of sirens is heard in the building as a voice is heard out of a speaker saying the words.


???:GO GO GO

???:there they are open fire!!









Tatsuya:*cough* *cough*

Taisin:go!! I'll carry him! Yami where to?


They all followed Yami to the exit while Taisin was carrying Kurokus and Tatsuya on his back. Izentsu was wounded he was hit on the stomach with their battle with the crazy pedo scientist from earlier,they were all covered in cuts and bruises from the fight even though they are injured they pushed through determined to escape once again from this facility.

Taisin:Izen you alright? that wound looks bad,I can carry you if feel weakend.

Izentsu:am fine Taisin-nii-sama and besides we need to move quickly in order for us to escape together.

Taisin:but your injured! And your losing blood!

Izentsu:am fine! the wound is healing by it self this is nothing but a scratch!!

Taisin: alright but if I see you slowing down behind us am picking you up,no further complains got it?

Izentsu: understood!

Taisin: alright,Yami how much longer are we going to reach the exit?!

Yami: we're almost there...just a little further!

They continue to run towards the exit whilst also avoiding any fights.the building was in the middle of blowing sky high by explosives.they ran for 5 minutes and finally...they reached the exit.

Taisin: finally!! holy shit that was a long run!! what the fuck!? how long are the halls here in the facility!?

Yami:no times for questions! move!




???:hehehehe~do you really think that was enough to kill me~heheh~..


Yami: think she had serum for that...

Taisin:shit...we don't have time for this!! Yami!!


Taisin suddenly turned around and threw Kurokus,Tatsuya and Izentsu at Yami he managed to catch them like nothing not even bothered by their weight on him.

Yami:Taisin...what are yo-!!!



Yami's widened his eyes as Taisin made a barrier out of strings separating him and the others behind him.

Taisin:Yami!! go and take the others to safety! I'll handle this bitch...*cough*

Taisin shouted as he coughed blood and clicked his tongue in irritation.Yami on the other side of the wall of strings was shock to hear this that he tried to reason with him but it was no use...Taisin had already made up his mind to be left behind for the sake of his brothers. if it means he has to sacrifice himself to protect be it.he wasn't going to let this sadistic crazy psychopathic pedo bitch on the lose she would cause more harm to other people, him getting rid of her will keep others away from her grasp.

Dr.himeko:oh my~ you wished to stay with mommy~ aaahh~ wonderful!!now~ how about you and I have a singing contest~ who ever sings the highest note wins a reward~


Dr.himeko:*Dodges* eager to play I see~

Taisin:your starting to piss me off with that shitty voice of yours...

Dr himeko:anhh~ your voice is making me so exci-


Taisin:shut the fuck up.BITCH. I'll make sure to rip you to shred!!

They charged at each other with blinding speed and their weapons clashed one another creating sparks.that ignited a fire around them.

Meanwhile with Yami...

Yami:.......Damn it....

Yami was running through the halls yet again since the explosion cause the exit they found to be blown up to pieces so he had to find different exit he was carry three of unconscious brothers with him and he was sweating none stop cause for the past few minutes of running his brothers were starting to turn cold he expects the dire situation as he sprinted even faster.

Yami:[just a little bit more time...]

after a few minutes of running he found another exit and now he is Infront of it he was about to let his brothers go through first when ground started to shake violently making him shake as well. the earthquake started to make the building's pieces to crumble down basically making the building go into ruins he wasted no time to quicken he pace managed to get his brothers outside the facility, however. things went to a dark something or someone grabbed his shirt from behide.he instantly turned around to his surprised he was face to face with Dr.himeko who was bleeding from her head, multiple stab wounds inflicted on her body as iron bars protruding out her body and her inside were outside.a normal person would have died to a heart attack right there but not Yami as he whipped out a knife and jabbed it,into himeko's left eye then he grabbed her arm and proceeded to twist it before snapping it off with a another knife.

Dr.himeko:heheheh~your playing very rough~ I like it when boys are rough~ makes it even more fun~

Yami then kicked her in the face making her fly backwards 5 feet apart from each other's faces.

Dr.himeko:aanhh~ oh that felt sooo good~ please hit me more~ my child~ hehehe~

She then dashed forward mid air towards Yami, she was right behind him before she spotted the three unconscious brothers. with a grin she went towards them instead and swiped them off the ground then she zoomed right back to the falling building.

Yami:*gasp*tch..let them go!!

Dr.himeko ignored Yami's shout and looked at the unconscious brothers she licked Tatsuya's cheek leaving a string of saliva on it.Yami glared at her in blown bloodlust and anger on that made himeko have a orgasm from it.she then had the idea of absorbing their souls so that they can become one with her,so she lifted her chainsword to her stomach and was about to stab her self when...


Taisin crashed towards himeko and used his strings and covered her within it before he pulled his strings HARD shredding her into a paste and mushed state some of her organs were minced up and her eyeballs were sticking out, however.while that was going the three brothers were falling towards inside the building and Taisin didn't hesitate to go after them and save but....


The building blew up....chucks of the buildings were flying everywhere and landing to the ground creating a devistating impacts like fireballs!


Yami stood still as a statue...he didn't made any movement...he just stayed still, not even bothered to take cover from the rapid falling chucks of the building..


Yami stood still like a statue for hours until it was noon then night then midnight until morning...


Yami kept being silent and standing still he didn't made a single inch of movement.just pure silent.after 10 hours of standing still he eventually moved... Infront of the building.


Yami fell to his knees,shaking and full of grief for the lost of his brothers he tried to cry but nothing came out of his matter how much he tried to cry it was pointless...he's eyes remained dry not a drop of tears fell, however he was able to make only one fell from hes eyes but that was the only tear he could've shed...he was on his knees still grieving his lost.eventually he grabbed his knife and tried to plunge it into his throat but was stopped by the voice of he's deceased brothers.

Tatsuya:please don't do this Yami!!


Izentsu: please Yami-nii-sama! Don't blame yourself for our lost! it wasn't your fault!!

Tatsuya:please Yami...I know your in pain but please...I don't want you to do this to yourself!!

Izentsu:hes right Yami-nii-sama!! I can understand your upset but please!! Live on without us! Its hard to accept but...please...

Taisin:if you die after I sacrifice myself to kill that bitch I swear to God am killing you myself..

Kurokus:chill out bro,heh.Yami...i know your broken but you have to live on... without us... people die Yami..that's just what life is about you can't just change it...even if you lost your love ones don't be hard on tried..if your tried then that means it wasn't in vain, you trying to save us...if anything.. you should blames us to be honest

Tatsuya: Kurokus! Ignore him Yami...please live your life without us Yami it's hard I know...we learned that to accept the hard way when mother and father died Infront of our eyes and all the people we please...Yami and promise us...that you'll live your life to the fullest...

Yami:........I will...

With that Yami stood up and left the area but not without looking back and praying for their death and putting up their graves and flowers on it.then he left to venture out the world on his own and for his future....

The scene ends with a timeskip of ??? years later into the future.where we see a man in a black hooded mask and a black coat in a office with a pink haired woman with horns on her head while sipping tea.


The door to the office opens and we see a green haired woman with cat like ears on her head with greens

??? are to be needed to command the troops to the Frontline be there in 10 minutes...

The green haired later said before plopping down a bunch of files on the desk before leaving and stopping at the door.

???:I will be taking my leave for today.
there still numerous patients I need to attend to in the medical bay, I will be seeing you later at the landship Doctor... and I expect you to be there rather then you be in anywhere else...Farewell Doctor and Theresa...

?Doctor?:I guess this is my time to take my leave then, my king...

???:it is alright Doctor...she is your wife afterall...and please refrain from calling me can call me normally when we are by ourselves isn't that right?...Doctor Yami...

Doctor(Yami):very well then,Theresa..
I shall now take my leave then,Theresa please excuse me...

Theresa:very well...we shall chat again Yami...

Doctor(Yami): acknowledged,farewell

Theresa:farewell Doctor...

Yami then closed the door as scene ends as the door closed and the screen changes to black...

Arknights saga has finally began...


(hello! This the chapter you people must be waiting for! The arknights has began get ready to meet your waifus and husbandos cause this is going to be a adventure.its quite sad that he saw hes brothers die in the building but not to fear cause hes going to meet people that will be a surprise for him btw...before I start the rest of the chapters I should warn you all again if you anything of the characters that's out of character from the game just know am not that good at making their personalities right so...I might make some mistakes
also... how's my attempt of kal'tsit bad or good? If you see any that's out of line and character please tell me so I can learn from it then make it correct next time and how about Theresa did. I do her right? Tell me in the comments and again if the characters are out of character personality please tell me so I can correct it..okay now thats out of the way I hope you enjoyed this chapter I will you all again on the next one and again am not good on personality mimicking well without further ado let's get started,peace ✌️)

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