I Never Forgot

By kay_kay27

938 2 0

16 year old Paris is the most popular girl in school. She is stylish and everyone loves her. Underneath her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 27

20 0 0
By kay_kay27

His face was perfect. His jawline could cut steel. His eyes resembled the ocean. His lips were sweet like honey. Why was he so perfect? I like him so much, that it might be love. Kobe and I have been secretly dating for a month now. We usually had secret dates outside of town, or we would steal kisses throughout the day while no one was looking. I didn't like keeping the relationship a secret, but to be honest I was a little afraid of Aimee. I don't know what she would do to me if she found out about our secret relationship. She interrogated me about Valentine's Day, when she found Kobe's car outside the restaurant. I told her I was hanging out with Toby, John, Bryce, Carson, Jake, Jack, and Blake. They were the perfect alibi, since they are on my side. They did support my story, but they had their own interrogating after Aimee. They wanted to know where I actually was. I lied to them and told them I was at home, and that Aimee wouldn't believe me if I told her I was at home. They all believed me, except Toby seemed suspicious. I need to watch out for him. To be honest, life was great, and my 17th birthday was coming soon. It had to be perfect. My Sweet 16th Birthday was perfect, but I want to top it this year. I wanted to book Club Teen. Remember the club Kobe and I visited during our first date, and when we had our first kiss. Well, I can book it for my party and the club will cater. It is a little pricey, but my family doesn't have money problems, so it should be ok.


"Of course not, Paris!" My mom exclaims," You can't have your party at Club Teen!"

"Why not mom," I complain.

"Because, you just had a big party last year, and don't you want a big 18th birthday party too?"

"Well yeah, but I want a big party this year too!"

"No! It is too expensive!" My mom states loudly," Look honey, we can have a party, but it can't be big like you want."

"How big can it be?"

"Well......Look don't tell your sister, but lately we have been have......money issues.."my Mom confesses.

"What?" I ask surprised," Is Dad's business failing?"

"No, it is doing fine, but lately we have been spending a lot."

"Like what?" I ask cluelessly.

"Well Christmas is always expensive, your sisters college, we are saving for your college, daily expenses, and well your car we bought you last year."

"My car! You bought that for my last birthday, how is that affecting us now?"

"Umm, well a Mini Cooper isn't cheap."

"Why did you get it for me then? I would have settled for something cheaper."

"But, you really wanted it, and we were doing fine a year ago,"my mom states," This money thing, is pretty recent."

"Mom, I don't need a birthday party this year. My friends and I can all just go out somewhere."

"Are you sure you are ok with that?"

"Of course, I'm only turning 17, it isn't that important," I tell my mom," But I better get a pretty giant and fabulous party next year."

"Of course." My mom gives me a kiss on the cheek, and I head to my bedroom. Well that didn't go as expected. I can't believe we are having money problems, we have never had to worry about money. Well, as long as dad is doing fine with his business, there isn't much to worry about. But how am I supposed to do my shopping? Should I get a job? No, I'm not getting a job, that is just preposterous! I just need to worry about right now. My birthday! Some people don't like making a huge deal about their birthday, but I'm sure you discovered that I'm not like most people. A birthday is a celebration that says "You lived a whole year, without dying." And if that isn't a big deal, I don't know what is. Your birthday, is a challenge to keep living and keep going, so you can make it to your next one. You never know when your last birthday is, so live each one to the fullest. That is your daily words of wisdom from Paris.


My friends and I were at the mall. My birthday was in a week, and they insisted on taking me shopping. For their gift was a shopping trip, each of them were going to spend $25 on me. Which means I get to spend $150 on myself. In case you are wondering, the 6 people in on this plan is: Summer, Kailah, Lina, Keeley, and Aimee. I didn't want Aimee to come, but my friends insisted on her coming. Well at least she has to chip in $25 for my shopping pleasures.

"So, what huge birthday party plans do you have?" Asks Summer.

"Oh, I'm having a small party this year," I reply.

"What?!" Asks everyone shocked (except Aimee, who didn't care).

"Since when has Paris ever had a small party?" Asks a shocked Kailah.

"Well, my mom said if I had a big party this year, then my 18th party wouldn't be big. I sort of wanted a big 18th birthday. Like seriously, who cares about my 17th birthday." Keeley runs up to me and puts her hand on my forehead.

"What are you doing?" I ask pulling her hand away from head.

"I'm checking a for fever," she replied seriously.

"Why? I'm totally fine."

"Well, you don't sound like yourself," Keeley explains," You always care about your birthday."

"I care about my birthday, but I want a giant party next year. Your 18th birthday is a huge milestone in anyone's life. It is the year you become an adult."

"Ok, we believe you, but you should really check out that fever," Lina jokes. I just glare at her. Sometimes I wish I could slap my friends in the face. Actually, I don't wish, I do it anyway. They are too much. As we shopped, I noticed Forever 21 with a "Help Wanted" sign on the front window. Maybe I should get a job, it would certainly help pay the bills. My shopping bills. A job didn't sound like a bad idea. I usually work in a shop during the summer, what is the difference?


Later that day, when all my friends went home. I went back to the mall and applied for the job. They interviewed me right away, and I got the job. It wasn't that hard, considering I have tons of experience working in department stores. The job paid pretty well. I was impressed with myself.


"Happy Birthday Paris!" Exclaims all my friends.

"Thanks guys," I reply joyed. I just arrived at school, and I was greeted by all my friends. I always feel special on my birthday, I don't know I guess I have that affect on people. Maybe it is because everyone loves me, or I talk about my birthday all of March and kind of force everyone to love me on this day. Ehh, the world may never know. Right before 1st period I got a surprise from a special someone.

"Hey," Kobe stops me in the hallway.

"Hey," I reply blushing. He doesn't say anything.

"Well, don't you need to tell me something?" I ask breaking the silence.

"Umm....you look lovely today?" He replies raising his eyebrow.

"Umm....well it is your favorite girl's birthday," I inform him frowning.

"It's my mom's birthday?!"

"No stupid!" I hit him in the arm," It is mine!"

"I know," Kobe replies smiling, pulling me close and kissing me.

"Happy birthday." I smile and blush.

"Hey, wait," I realize something," Aren't you still only 16?"

"Umm, yeah?" Kobe replies.

"So, that means I have seniority over you!" I laugh.

"Whatever, beautiful." Kobe kisses me again.

"Are you coming to my birthday party?" I ask.

"Hmmm...tell me where it is again?"

"Oh my gosh, you are oblivious! But that's what I love about you-"

"Wait....you love me?" Kobe interrupts.

"No...."I reply blushing," I just really love that trait about you....." We stand there silent for a couple seconds. Did I love him?

"So where is your party?" Kobe asks breaking the silence.

"Umm, the diner, at 5:00 o'clock," I reply awkwardly.

"Great! I wouldn't miss it for the world." Kobe kisses me once more, and then walks to class. What just happened?


I walked into the diner and headed to our booth. My friends were already there, waving to me. I waved back, everyone I invited ,Summer, Kailah, Lina, Keeley, Kobe, John, Bryce, Carson, Blake, Jack, Toby, and Jake, were all there. I sat on the end, next to Kobe.

"Happy Birthday!" They all sang. I blush, Kobe was holding my hand underneath the table.

"Oh!" Keeley realizes," We need to call Rose."

"That is a great idea," I reply. I get my phone out of my purse and dial Rose's number. It rings and rings, but no one answers. I end the call and look at my friends who were all smiling.

"What?" I ask cluelessly. I look in their direction and notice someone entering the diner. It was Rose. I cover my hands with my mouth.

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaim excitedly. I get out of my seat and run to Rose.

"Hey," she replies beaming with joy. I give her a huge hug.

"When did you get back from London?" I ask.

"I flew in this morning."

"You came back for my birthday?"

"No.....well yeah...but not exactly..." she replies uncertainly.

"Well why are you here?" I ask.

"Well....I transfered to Freedom High School," Rose explains," I got a little home sick, and wanted to see everyone. I decided to spend the rest of the year and maybe next year here."

"Oh my gosh!!! Yay!" I jump up and down," Come sit!" I lead Rose to the booth and she sits on the end.

"How do all of you fit on this booth?" Asks Rose intrigued. None of us could answer that question, instead we all laugh. Even though the party was small, it was a pretty good birthday. We ate like normal people and I opened gifts. The night was great.....until someone ruined it. The diner was bustling with energy, but then I notice that the door opened and the energy and noise came to a halt. I look to see who caused the silence. I fix my eyes on the person. It was a girl, my age, and she looked exactly like Aimee except she dyed her hair.....the same color as mine. Her fabulous outfit reflected my style. Her cat eye makeup was exactly like mine. I knew what she was doing. She is trying to steal my identity. Well, it wasn't going to work. Aimee walks to our table.

"Is that Aimee?" Rose whispers to me.

"Yeah, but she doesn't normally look like that." Aimee reaches our table and I stop whispering to Rose.

"Hey guys," Aimee sings.

"Hi....."we reply unenthusiasticly. Aimee's eyes widen and her mouth forms an O.

"Oh My Gosh!" Sqeauls Aimee," It is Freedom's cutest couple." She was to pointing Kobe and I.

"What are you talking about?" Asks Summer confused.

"Did you guys not know that Kobe and Paris are a thing?" Aimee replies shocked.

"Paris, what is she talking about?" Lina asks.

"Umm....nothing..." I reply looking down at my hands.

"Oopses!! Was that a secret!" Aimee says covering her mouth," I just saw you guys kissing in the hallways." I start to blush.

"You guys are dating and you didn't tell us?" Kailah asks shocked.

"Sorry....."I reply. I look at Kobe for help, but he wasn't going to give me any. We were both stumped on what to say.

"Oh, well this is awkward," Aime continues to talk," Oh Paris." I look at Aimee with a glare.

"I like your hair." Aimee starts to smirk, and her eyes give me the look saying, "Don't test me." Oh, how I hate her. First she threatens me, then she spills my secret, and finally she changed her look to look exactly like me. What is wrong with this girl? She is so two faced, and only a couple people can see that. Aimee seriously needs to get a life, but she can't have mine!!

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