By BangtanArmies

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Alpha - Blooming Flowers - Chapter 1
Alpha - Phone Number - Chapter 2
Alpha - Aftertaste - Chapter 3
Alpha - Squabble - Chapter 4
Alpha - Checkmate - Chapter 5
Alpha - Adult Love - Chapter 6
Alpha - The Riddle - Chapter 7
Alpha - Mind Games - Chapter 8
Alpha - The Protagonist - Chapter 9
Alpha - Carrot Cake - Chapter 10
Alpha - The Corset - Chapter 11
Alpha - Dark Flames - Chapter 12
Alpha - Midnight Rain - Chapter 13
Alpha - The Pervert - Chapter 14
Alpha - Hot SSAM - Chapter 15
Alpha - Poisonous Prick - Chapter 16
Alpha - The Wilderness - Chapter 17
Alpha - Problematic Man - Chapter 18
Alpha - First Blood - Chapter 19
Alpha - Poisonous Intimacy - Chapter 20
Alpha - Fair Trade - Chapter 21
Alpha - Silent Killer - Chapter 22
Alpha - Unscratched - Chapter 23
Alpha - A Goddess - Chapter 24
Alpha - Wild Card - Chapter 25
Alpha - Murder Trial - Chapter 26
Alpha - Beautiful Woman - Chapter 27
Alpha - Parallel Lines - Chapter 28
Alpha - Glass Heart - Chapter 29
Alpha - The Curse - Chapter 30
Alpha - Double Edged - Chapter 31
Alpha - Creams & Crumbs - Chapter 32
Alpha - Cursed Child - Chapter 33
Alpha - Lone Wolf - Chapter 34
Alpha - Fire Bird - Chapter 35
Alpha - Blood Thirst - Chapter 36
Alpha - A Snowflake - Chapter 37
Alpha - Light & Shadow - Chapter 38
Alpha - Inner Warmth - Chapter 39
Alpha - Invisible Bruises - Chapter 40
Alpha - Counter Attack - Chapter 41
Alpha - The Prophecy - Chapter 42
Alpha - Death Angel - Chapter 43
Alpha - Divine Offering - Chapter 44
Alpha - Red Petals - Chapter 45
Alpha - Cruel World - Chapter 47
Alpha - The Untamed - Chapter 48
Alpha - A Mother's Sacrifice - Chapter 49
Alpha - Love Greed - Chapter 50
Alpha - Our Fairytale - Chapter 51
Alpha - Translucent Porcelain - Chapter 52
Alpha - The Apocalypse - Chapter 53
Alpha - Child Support - Chapter 54
Alpha - Power Burden - Chapter 55
Alpha - Everlasting Legacy - Chapter 56
Alpha - Winter Storm - Chapter 57
Alpha - White Lies - Chapter 58
Alpha - Backup Plan - Chapter 59
Alpha - Souls Ascension - Chapter 60
Alpha - Blue and Grey - Chapter 61
Alpha - Autumn Leaves - Chapter 62
Alpha - Love Debt - Chapter 63
Alpha - Winter Breath - Chapter 64
Alpha - Love Affairs - Chapter 65
Alpha - Internal Wounds - Chapter 66
Alpha - Cursed Flame - Chapter 67
Alpha - Predator & Prey - Chapter 68
Alpha - Disgraceful Existence - Chapter 69
Alpha - Our Love Story - Chapter 70

Alpha - Cotton Candy - Chapter 46

224 17 129
By BangtanArmies

Recommended Song for the 1st scene: The Way That We Started by Elijah Woods ;)

Third Person POV

Squawk. Squawk. Squawk.

Kim Taehyung gradually drifted from the dark abyss until his eyelids parted upon the warm brilliance... to greet the depressing gray canvas. Its gloomy clouds... drifting above his face as a pair of seagulls flapped its wings, soaring steadily over the early morning sky. The alpha blinked once and lifted his head to find himself sprawling on the calm seaside beach. Frowning unsurely... he sat up on the damp sand to stare at the vast view with a dazed mind.

"How'd I get here?" Taehyung muttered, turning his head from side to side to search the empty beach in confusion as he sat in his golden suit, baffled by his presence at the random coastline.

"Appa!" A cute voice shrieked behind his back.

The alpha immediately turned to find... Jang Sora... sitting on the bench in her thin floral dress and messy put-up bun ornamented with a jade pin while cradling a young baby girl in her arms. Taehyung scrunched his eyebrows and glanced at the toddler in utter confusion. He recognized her voice. The child. Despite never meeting her, he felt this intense attachment to the young soul. He couldn't comprehend the situation and stared at the child and the mother in utter silence as the gentle waves softly washed the seashells onto the shore.

"Appa is awake~!" Sora chuckled. The baby girl excitedly beamed at the stiff alpha as he sat on the sand with a slight frown. Appa...? He didn't understand why the child called him her father, but the longer he stared at the innocent pupils... the more he saw himself in the child's features.

"What's happening...?" Taehyung blinked, unsurely scrambling to his feet, but halted again once he found himself clutching... the wedding bouquet in his left hand. The alpha glanced down at his chest... expecting to see a messy blood splatter... but there were no wounds. There wasn't a scratch on his body... and the pain he felt earlier... wasn't bothering him anymore.

"Took you long enough," Sora smiled, lifting her daughter to her chest and stood up from the bench. Taehyung shifted his confused gaze from the flowers to find the mother... strolling steadily by the shore on her bare feet. Her beach dress... lightly fluttering with the mild breeze as she held onto her daughter.

"Appa~!" The little girl waved at him as she gripped her mother's shoulder.

Taehyung stood fixed in his place, unable to grasp the situation as the young soul repeatedly called for him. He had never been this conscious in a dream before. Is it a dream? Taehyung unsurely glanced at the bleak morning sky with a restless feeling. Is he dead..? Taehyung thought and glanced back at the supreme alpha as she carried her child against her shoulder, softly splashing her feet over the shallow end.

"S-Sora- What's happening?!" Taehyung called, jogging after Jang Sora as the cute child extended her arms for him. The alpha clutched tightly onto the bouquet and chased after his former lover over the morning seaside as the sun slowly emerged from the far horizon to ignite the peaceful world with its soothing warmth.

"You're so cute~!" Sora chuckled, lifting her daughter to give the child a breathy kiss on her plump cheeks as she splashed over the ankle-deep water in her white floral dress.

Kim Taehyung briefly stopped chasing her once he realized... he was still far from her. He glanced down at the flowers with a dark frown and sprinted over the sand again, determined to reach Jang Sora... who was drifting farther... and farther away from him.

"SORA! CAN YOU HEAR ME!? WAIT-" Taehyung shouted for her attention, but Sora didn't turn and strode forward with her child.

The alpha huffed in exhaustion, eventually stopping again to stabilize his unsteady breathing rhythm. Huff! He bent over his knees and closed his eyes, hoping he'd wake up from his delusional mind and return to reality... but even after a moment of trying to revive his consciousness... he was still stuck in the strange muted world. The supreme alpha didn't... seem to... notice his desperate calls and strolled forward with her steady steps.

No matter how fast he raced for her... he couldn't reach his lover.

The distance remained unchanging between them. Kim Taehyung felt... as if he was running on a stagnant treadmill.

Taehyung frowned when Sora turned toward the sea and strolled onto the concrete pier leading to the deep ocean. The alpha sucked in his breath to expand his deflated lung capacity and dashed over the seashore in determination, desperately racing after Jang Sora by the shore until he finally landed on the concrete dock with her as she strode towards the edge.

The delicate sea breeze... gusting softly against their bodies as the calm tides crash... lightly against the rocky barrier along the bridge.

"Appa~!" The baby suddenly cried while pouting at Taehyung as she blinked at him in tears. She was staring at the alpha with her small chin rested over her mother's shoulder.

"You want to go to appa...?" Sora smiled, lowering her daughter from her shoulder to examine the baby's glassy pupils.

The baby glanced at Taehyung again, who halted just five feet away from Jang Sora as she stood on the edge of the dock, leading right into the deep end of the cold sea. Kim Taehyung panted heavily... too afraid to shift his eyes away as the woman dangerously stood by the rim with the weeping child.

"Sora," Taehyung called for her again, thinking she wouldn't hear her. But she did.

His heart stopped pounding when the supreme alpha turned to face him as she held onto the child with a faint smile. Kim Taehyung gripped the bouquet in tears once she finally acknowledged his presence... but he didn't dare take a step forward because he was afraid... she'd drift farther away from him again.

"She wants to go to you," Sora chuckled weakly at her daughter as the baby girl sulked with her little pouty lips. Taehyung recognized it right away, the familiar pouts. It belonged to Jang Sora. The child adopted most of her mother's features... even her facial expressions.

"Appa~!" The baby whined, extending her small arms for the man as he stood in his golden suit and the flower bouquet. Kim Taehyung clenched his jaw and shifted his gaze warily to Jang Sora with a racing heart.

"Sora, step towards me. Can you do that...?" Taehyung shakily requested, lifting his free hand for her. The supreme alpha blinked in complete muteness and glanced at his open palm as she stood by the edge before the rising morning sun. Her wild strands... fluttering all over her face as she blankly gazed at the anxious man before her.

"Step forward...?" She asked, nervously glancing down at her child, who was desperately wiggling her tiny fingers for Kim Taehyung.

"Just a few steps. Please reach for me," Taehyung encouraged, anxiously studying her hesitation. Sora glanced at the tearful child and back at the alpha again with a conflicted frown.

"Okay," Sora nodded and stepped forward. Taehyung clenched his jaw as he impatiently stood in his position. The supreme alpha took another step forward... with her child and then another step... until... she stood... right before Kim Taehyung.

The gap had shortened as he anticipated... but he was still afraid of touching her. The alpha pursed his lips without blinking as the unconscious tear streams... spilled from his lower lashes. He desperately wanted to hold her. To protect their child. To comfort her and assure her of their safety... but he couldn't risk it. What if she disappears again? [Edited]

The gap had shortened as he anticipated... but he was still afraid of touching her. The alpha pursed his lips without blinking as the unconscious tear steam... spilled from his lower lashes. He desperately wanted to hold her. To protect their child. To comfort her and assure her of their safety... but he couldn't risk it. What if she disappears again?

"Appa!" The child suddenly grabbed onto Taehyung's neck, causing him to gasp in a panic. He quickly wrapped his arms around the child to secure her lightweight mass as the young soul clung to him, impatiently leaving her mother's arms. 

"She seems to love you," Sora smiled as he stood before him. Taehyung held onto his daughter's head as he supported her firmly against his right chest and glanced at Sora, who was staring fondly at her daughter.

"I need you to come back with me," Taehyung whispered. Sora blinked again and glanced at Taehyung before shifting her dim gaze to the rising sun behind her.

"It's almost time," She muttered, glancing back at Taehyung as he gently patted his daughter's back to console the restless soul.

"Sora, listen to me. She needs you," He begged, tearfully staring at her drained expression. The supreme alpha glanced back at the little child with an apologetic look. 

"She's already asleep in your arms," Sora smiled, slightly tilting her head to admire the child's calmness with a hint of tears over her pupils. Taehyung pursed his lips and glanced down to find the child... snuggling peacefully against his chest with her eyes closed while clinging to his pocket.

"She'll cry for you once she wakes up," Taehyung replied, painfully frowning at his former lover's sullen expression.

"She doesn't exist in our world, Taehyung. She's long gone. You and I... we're stuck in a tragic daydream," Sora whispered, sadly smiling at Taehyung. He froze at her pained expression and glanced down at his daughter again... but... he was holding onto nothing.

The alpha scoffed in disbelief, shakily lowering his hands to gawk at his empty palms with his lips ajar. The little girl had disappeared from his embrace. The alpha closed his empty fingers and glanced back at Sora in confusion as she stood with a pained smile. A flood of... mourning tears... streaming over her rosy red cheeks... dripping from her chin and onto the platform below. Taehyung felt his scar aching intensely upon her sorrowful gaze.

"We're in a daydream...?" He muttered, frowning at her. She nodded and glanced at the golden sun over the sea again.

"We should leave," She pursed her lips, glancing at the flower bouquet as the petals slowly detached themselves from the stems.

Kim Taehyung lifted the dying bouquet in horror as the withered petals... fluttered with the wind current... swaying and swirling freely in the air... eventually... landing on the cold ocean to sail over the calm waves. He anxiously gripped the bouquet and glanced back at her with a troubled look. They were running out of time.

"I don't want to leave," He whispered. Sora frowned at him and glanced at the withering flowers again.

"This is the only exit to escape your suffering," She nodded at the rising sun. The alpha clenched his jaw.

"Come back with me," He shook his head, firmly raising the flowers before her. The supreme alpha sadly observed the dying petals and glanced back at him with a troubled look.

"Even if I return... our child is still gone. And our love is still broken. Nothing will change," She muttered.

"Trust me, just this once," He whispered, anxiously searching her ashen face. The supreme alpha deeply inhales as the last piece descends from the stem... leaving the bouquet scarce of blooming petals. Gradually... she lifted her hand... to wrap her slender fingers around his over the dead bundle and glanced at his tearful eyes.

"It's dead," She muttered. Taehyung didn't lower his gaze from the glistering tears in her eyes as she held onto the flower bouquet.

"Your hands are warm," He muttered.

The supreme alpha glanced down again... and to her surprise... the brown stem suddenly turned green again... and the colorful petals unexpectedly swirled around them before the rising sun. Kim Taehyung lowered his gaze to the bouquet as the petals attached themselves back to the stems... and right before their eyes... the flowers unexpectedly bloomed back to life. It's as if time was reversing itself.

Jang Sora blinked in disbelief as she stared at the lively flower and quickly looked back up at Kim Taehyung with her lips ajar. A cool breeze suddenly brushed by them again as he slowly released the bouquet and gently made her hold it. The supreme alpha couldn't budge but stare at the fresh petals... utterly shaken by the unexpected revival.

"It's alive," Sora whispered while staring at Kim Taehyung's sullen expression as he weakly scanned her face.

"Hold onto it," He whispered, lowering his dim gaze to the beautiful bouquet in her clutch. Blood... dripping from his fingertips. The supreme alpha glanced at Kim Taehyung's soaked sleeves with a startled look as the red substance... trickled from his wounded hands. [Edited]

"Hold onto it," He whispered, lowering his eyes to the beautiful bouquet in her hands. Blood... dripping from his fingers. The supreme alpha glanced down at his soaked sleeves to find the red substance... tricking from his wounded hands and back at him with a startled look.


"You bled for me once. So I'll bleed for you now," Taehyung smiled in pain. The supreme alpha stared at his burning eyes in difficulty as she clutched onto the bouquet he revived for her.

Jang Sora sniffled in pain, suddenly opening her arms to welcome him in her embrace. Kim Taehyung stood in place... without budging as she tightly drew him into her warm clutch. He remained blank upon her undeniable presence and unconsciously... he lifted his bloody fingers to secure her trembling body... until the warm tears flooded his saturated cheeks.

Kim Taehyung took a deep exhale... and closed his eyes as he fastened his arms around her soul... hoping... to forever... preserve her presence by his side.

For once... she didn't perish upon his touch.

End of Dream.


Third Person POV

Kim Taehyung abruptly opened his eyes to find a blinding light piercing his pupils. He squinted and shifted his eyes from side to side in discomfort until the soft murmurs died around him. The alpha grunted, painfully rubbing his wounded chest while resting on the pillow as the head doctor leaned over the bed to check his pupils' responsiveness.

"Welcome back," The head doctor smiled. Taehyung blinked and glanced at the nurses around the bed with his stained eyeballs.

"Where's Sora?" He grunted, quickly sitting up- but the doctor immediately held him down, causing Taehyung to seethe in pain once his shoulder contracted painfully. He gripped his broad shoulder, weakly slumping back onto the mattress in defeat. The alpha lowly groaned with a slight grimace.

"She's resting. Stay still," The head doctor assured the alpha. Kim Taehyung exhaled in relief and leaned back on the bed as he gripped the cotton over his shoulder. The head doctor undid the injury to treat it with the nurses and finally wrapped the bandage around the alpha's muscular chest to secure the wound again.

"How long was I out for...?" Taehyung sorely muttered between his chapped lips.

"Two weeks," Do-hwan replied as he sat beside the alpha in the warm medical room.

"And Sora...?" Taehyung muttered, anxiously glancing at the chief guard.

"Still unconscious," Do-hwan sighed. Taehyung clenched his jaw and took a shaky inhale.

"Jae Yangcha?" Taehyung asked.

"By her side. He won't let anyone near her," Do-hwan muttered, darkening his face. Taehyung exhaled and leaned back on the pillow as he remained shirtless on the bed.

"Where's Jungkook? That fucking asshole," Taehyung grunted in pain.

"He fled," Do-hwan grumbled.

"What?" Taehyung frowned, lifting his head to question the guard.

"He ran off after you collapsed. Can't find him. It's best if he stays in hiding now. I'm afraid the silent killer will finish him," Do-hwan muttered. Taehyung groaned with throbbing temples and tilted his head back with his eyes closed to expose his thick neck muscles.

"Fucking prick," Taehyung grunted while rubbing his face.

A moment later.

"Aigo~! You rascal! Why are you walking around?!- You barely recovered!" Imo whined as she supported Taehyung's arm.

"I'm fine. Just a little strained," Taehyung grunted as he limped through the mansion's corridor.

"Fine?!- You almost died from blood loss!" She shrieked, smacking his stomach, causing the alpha to groan in discomfort.

"Why else did you think I bulked my muscles? Hmm..? It's obviously to repel the bullets," Taehyung playfully nudged the old woman. She grimaced and glanced forward until Taehyung arrived at Jang Sora's bedroom. He wanted to see her.

"The alpha... is very... intimidating," Imo nervously stared at the door.

"He's only protecting her," Taehyung sighed.

The woman grimaced and hurried off to leave the alpha alone because she didn't want to meet the silent killer. Taehyung glanced at the door, pushed it open, and entered the warm room with a heavy heart. The alpha paused the instant... he found... Jang Sora... resting on her mattress with the medical equipment beside the bed. The alpha glanced at the empty room.

Her lover is nowhere to be found.

Kim Taehyung exhaled deeply and limped inside the room until he reached her bedside. He pursed his lips while scanning her bloodless skin tone and glanced at the IV drip... hooked to her bandaged wrist. A small teddy bear... remains beside her pillow... and the room is scented with her favorite fragrance. Creak.

Taehyung glanced toward the bathroom as Jae Yangcha cluelessly stepped out with a towel over his head. The alpha abruptly froze once he noticed Kim Taehyung standing by the supreme alpha's bedside. The two alphas intensely stared at each other... until Taehyung shifted his sullen gaze back to her sickly face.

"This is her home, not yours. You shouldn't terrorize the mansion," Taehyung exhaled. Yangcha dimly glanced at his lover and back at Taehyung as he slowly settled on the chair beside the bed with his stiff shoulder.

"A home filled with cold-blooded monsters? This isn't her home. It's hell," Yangcha replied, dismissively strolling inside the closet to pull on his clothes. Taehyung sighed while inspecting the supreme alpha's peeling lips with a heavy heart... dispirited by her unfavorable condition.

"Leave Jeon Jungkook alone. I already took the bullet for you," Taehyung spoke lowly just as Jae Yangcha strolled forward with his arms folded over his firm chest.

"I only kill those who want to hurt her," Yangcha shrugged while standing on the opposite side of the bed. Taehyung frowned and lifted his grim face to Yangcha.

"The poison. Did you figure it out?" Taehyung asked bitterly. Yangcha dimly stared at Sora with his arms crossed.

"Sora... drank my water that day. Right before the ceremony," Yangcha shrugged.

"What?" Taehyung frowned. Yangcha clenched his jaw.

"The poison was for me. But she took it," The alpha muttered. Taehyung gripped his hands and glanced at the supreme alpha again.

"How is she so unfortunate?" Taehyung muttered, frowning at her soft pants. A typical person would die almost immediately... if they were to consume this sort of poison.

"Her mother gave her the antidote," Yangcha replied. Taehyung scoffed and glanced at the alpha with a questioning look.

"Her mother...?" Taehyung repeated as if he didn't hear the alpha right.

"She tried to poison me, but her daughter took it instead," Yangcha grimaced.

"She tried to kill you-"

"No. The poison is fatal... but the victim doesn't die right away. The woman tried to weaken me, just enough to keep me alive so Sora would have enough time to solidify the marriage. To seize Seokjin's power from me and then kill me off afterward," Yangcha muttered sorely. Taehyung bitterly exhaled and lowered his head in frustration upon hearing the alpha's statement.

Her mother's plan to acquire greater power has once again... backfired on her daughter.

Jang Sora.

The victim of her mother's... relentless thirst for power.


Fast Forward

The chairmen... board of directors... executives... and shareholders nervously remained in their seats within the tower's meeting room at their respective desks as Jae Yangcha blankly stared at the confidential documents with his arms crossed firmly over his chest to review the contents.

"Bring me the dividend declaration documents and the financial statements," Yangcha dully instructed, causing Secretary Yoon to stiffen in fear. He nodded and quickly left the room to retrieve the documents. The alpha darkly shifted his dull stare to the nervous men and women as they intensely eyed the visible scar on their new leader's scalp.

"I suspect there is collusion within the corporation across the departments," Jae Yangcha narrowed his eyes, causing the men within the room to straighten their backs uneasily.

"Sir, we've strictly established a strong internal control," The leading chairman spoke up.

"You've taken a loan from the tower for personal use below the preferred interest rate. Have you not?" Yangcha asked, lifting his thick eyebrow to interrogate the man.

The chairman's face suddenly turned pale upon the direct inquiry. He quickly glanced at the board of directors for assistants but no one dared to speak. The secretary eventually returned with the requested files and placed them before Jae Yangcha, so he coldly shifted his gaze from the muted man and flipped through the records.

A moment later.

"What are you doing?!- How dare you seize control of the tower without my permission?!" Mrs. Jang angrily snapped as she stormed inside the private office to find Jae Yangcha seated behind the desk. He lifted his blank face to examine her fuming glower without reacting to her rude intrusion.

"I am the supreme alpha's spouse by legal laws. It is my duty to fulfill my work in her place," Yangcha lifted his eyebrow. The woman scoffed and stormed up to him with her jaw clenched.

"She has not signed the marriage license yet!" She snapped. Yangcha sighed and leaned back against the seat with hands clasped together.

"Sora had already signed our marriage contract before the marriage, mother-in-law," Yangcha smirked, smugly tilting his head to the side.

"Moh!?" Mrs. Jang glared at the alpha.

"You're getting old, mother. You should retire and live quietly. I'll oversee the corporation and council until she gets better," Yangcha smirked from the desk.

"Why did you call for me?-" Taehyung suddenly strolled inside the office but halted once he found Mrs. Jang seething at Jae Yangcha.

"Ah~! I need access to the company's confidential background of the influential entities. I suspect there are spies within the corporation," Yangcha smiled at Kim Taehyung.

"You gave up on your seat?!" Mrs. Jang furiously snapped at Taehyung.

"I'm quite busy these days at the corp, so it's best if I have someone else manage the tower while I'm away," Taehyung shrugged. The woman frowned at the alpha's unbothered reaction before glancing back at Jae Yangcha with her flaming pupils.

"You'll lose the tower if you don't-"

"I don't need the tower anymore. The Fintech Corp is a fast-growing firm. I'm aware... you've offered additional shares in the alliance contract to keep me seated as your ally, but... I've decided to reject the offer and solely focus on my corporation," Taehyung smiled at the woman, whose face turned pale in horror.

"So you're just going to let a killer overtake the society!?" Mrs. Jang blurted. She quickly pursed her lips in horror and glanced at Jae Yangcha's poker face, startled by her explosive blunders.

"All three of us in this room have killed to survive, mother. The most recent kill... is no... other than your daughter," Yangcha chuckled, causing the senior alpha to tense her body in anger.

The woman scoffed at the alphas, fired Kim Taehyung a sharp glare before storming out of the office after failing to win the argument against the silent killer. Taehyung turned after her and closed the door before glancing at Jae Yangcha with a bitter look.

"You shouldn't provoke her. She's not someone you should taunt," Taehyung warned.

"The board of directors has to be replaced entirely. They're leaking the cooperation strategic plans to the competitors. Kim Seokjin and Kim Namjoon are paying high fees for the information," Yangcha sighed, calmly bringing out an evidence folder of the director's secret meetings with the representative from another firm.

"Do as you wish. Just don't disrupt the alliances and fulfill your duties. We need Sora back before the Black Phoenix returns," Taehyung shrugged and turned to leave the office with the files. Jae Yangcha exhaled heavily and glanced at the city view in his fitted suit. 

A moment later.

The Jaguar eventually rose from his new seat after completing work for the day and dully strolled into the private lobby without greeting the staff. The assistants and secretaries immediately jerk from their seats in his alarming presence, stiffly lowering their heads as he strode through the lounge without acknowledging them... and left through the elevator, causing the staff to eye each other anxiously. [Edited]

The Jaguar eventually rose from his new seat after completing work for the day, dull strolling into the private lobby without greeting the staff. The assistants and secretaries immediately jerk from their seats. They bowed at him as he strode through the lounge without acknowledging them... and left through the elevator, causing the staff to eye each other anxiously.

The alpha always appeared outgoing and kind to everyone he met... whenever he was around Jang Sora. He'd fake a smile, laughter, or toss a joke... just to keep his lover comfortable, but without her presenceHe's colder than ice.

And anyone within his path could almost feel his threatening darkness. A man... whose path should never be hindered by another person, unless they have a death wish.

"Ah!" A woman gasped after she accidentally ran into Yangcha in the lobby. He abruptly stopped and glanced down to find the young lady staring up at him with a startled expression.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he examined her familiar face.

"Are you Jang Sora's husband?" She asked, narrowing his eyes on him. Yangcha lifted his eyes to study the nosy staff as they anxiously stood in their position with their prying eyes on his interaction with the woman.

"I am," He nodded and walked off.

"Wait!" The woman suddenly grabbed his wrist, causing the alpha to pause unsurely. He glanced down at her daring firm grip and glanced at the woman's pretty almond eyes with a poker face. Yangcha inhaled, drew his wrist from her grip... and straightened his body as the woman nervously stared at him. She had something to say.


Fast Forward | Alliance Expiration

Kim Taehyung rubbed his face in frustration while sitting in the office at the fintech corporation until he heard a soft knock on the door. The alpha lifted his face to frown at the disturbance, spun around in his chair, and fixed his suit with a slight grimace.

"You may enter," Taehyung cleared his throat. Min Yoongi appeared at the doorway. The secretary bowed at the alpha and closed the door.

"I figured I should speak with you before your work hour ends," Yoongi sighed, strolling inside the office to settle on the couch.

"Why? Do you wish to acquire more shares?" Taehyung asked, dully glancing at his desktop screen.

"No. It's regarding the alliance," Yoongi muttered. The alpha fintech founder frowned and shifted his questioning gaze to Min Yoongi.

"What about it?" Taehyung muttered, unsurely lifting his eyebrow. Min Yoongi leaned back against the couch and crossed his legs while maintaining a stern eye contact with the Kim's heir.

"The Jeon and The Kim's contract expired with the Jang. Park Jimin signed his alliance contract with Ryu So-young and The Chul is contracted with the Jeon. The Kim needs an alliance," Min Yoongi nodded. Taehyung blankly stared at the alpha without speaking.

"You want me to consider you?" Taehyung asked. Yoongi chuckled and shook his head.

"You're far less powerful without Jang Sora's sponsorship. I'll consider your household," Yoongi offered. Taehyung rolled his eyes and crossed his arms with pride.

"Why should I side with you when Jung Hoseok is obviously taming you in the council?" Taehyung asked. Yoongi dimmed his eyes.

"I need another powerful ally to resist Jung Hoseok's influence over my household," Yoongi shrugged. Taehyung smirked as he gently rotated the armchair from side to side.

"So you're afraid Jung Hoseok will backstab you?" Taehyung keenly leaned over the table with his hands clasped together.

"Hoseok is dating Minah at the moment... and she's Namjoon's alliance. If Yangcha's claim at the elite council is true... Then Hoseok might waver and eventually return to Namjoon to strengthen Kim Seokjin," Yoongi nodded.

"About Hyun Jiwoo's death. Did you investigate Kang Minah and Shin Minho? And their affairs?" Taehyung exhaled, composedly leaning back with his hands clasped together.

"Hyun Jiwoo took the order from Kim Namjoon to hurt me... but he messed up, so Minah went after the lower rank that night. She had an affair with Minho because he was drunk, and Jiwoo happened to be there too. Hiding in the storage room. She killed him... and Minho hid the body, thinking she wanted to conceal their affairs. And then she got together with Hoseok so he wouldn't reveal the forensic records to me. Jae Yangcha spoke the truth," Yoongi muttered. Taehyung nodded with his vacant gaze on the alpha.

"Jae Yangcha was on the island. In disguise as a staff. The alpha has been following the supreme alpha around as her shadow," Taehyung grunted.

"Although he's a serial killer... the alpha isn't a threat. Jae Yangcha seems to only defend the supreme alpha. So... as long as I stay clear of her affairs... I'm not a target," Yoongi agreed.

"You're afraid Hoseok will side with Seokjin again?" Taehyung questioned.

"If he can backstab his best friend. Then I better be prepared for the stab as well. Consider my offer. It's not about the supreme alpha's well-being. I'm skeptical of the entire cult and the orphan heir affair. It might just be another ruse to shuffle the power influence within the society, so if you wish to stay afloat... then lower your pride and join me," Yoongi sighed, rising from the couch.

Taehyung blankly stared at Min Yoongi as he left through the doorway and finally glanced at the file on the table after the Min proposed their alliance offer. Deeply sighing, the founder eventually got up from his seat, left the building, and slowly drove over the congested evening street until he halted by an intersection near the funeral venue.

The alpha glanced at the playground in the park, packed with little kids... screaming and chasing each other around as their parents waited on the bench in their puffer jackets to battle the winter season. It wasn't snowing yet... but the frost could numb their limbs if they didn't dress up warmly. Taehyung drove forward once the light turned green.

A moment later.

Halmeoni chuckled at a pair of siblings as they nagged each other by the bench over their cotton candy. The old lady reached inside her pocket to grip the warm hot pack as she puffed the fuming mist into the chilly air.

"Make me a daisy," A man demanded. The woman paused and glanced up at his familiar handsome face as he stood in a black puffer jacket with his hands in his pocket.

"Oh? Did you come alone today? Where's your assistant? Did she convince a cool man like you to buy her sweets?" She greeted the alpha. Taehyung grimaced and glanced at the kids on the swings with a bitter look.

"She's sick," He muttered. The woman unsurely examined his gloomy expression as she weaved the sugary threads over the stick.

"Sick people shouldn't eat cotton candy," Halmeoni frowned at him.

"She said the cotton candy is too pretty to be eaten," Taehyung replied. Halmeoni chuckled and shook her head as she carefully shaped the fluffy sweet.

"So you ate it?" She asked.

"Yeah. She doesn't like to ruin pretty things. But I like to irritate her, so I ate it," Taehyung nodded. The grandma smiled, briefly glancing up at him again.

"I thought you were a couple when she first showed up here," She smiled.

"We were together," He shrugged.

"Not anymore?" Halmeoni gasped, looking at him again.

"She's happily married now," He nodded. Halmeoni sadly eyed the alpha and glanced down at the cotton candy.

"You miss her. That's why you're here for this, despite being the manly man you are," Halmeoni nodded.

Taehyung grimaced at the old lady and glanced at the playground again. He paid for the cotton candy, blankly crossed the street with it and got back into the car. The alpha didn't touch the cotton candy. He placed the carefully wrapped sweet on the passenger seat and drove all the way back to the mansion through the winter breeze.

Taehyung blankly steered through the gate and drove over the pavement, driving straight into the garage. He carefully picked up the cotton candy from the seat before stepping out of his car... but halted once he noticed... little specs... fluttering outside the garage.

"Oh? It's snowing...?" Taehyung whispered as he unblinkingly stared at the light drizzle.

The alpha unconsciously walked out of the garage with the cotton candy bouquet, curiously gazing at the dark sky as the light snowflakes... flutter and swirl freely above his head. It's the first snow. He stared at the dark sky while standing in the opening before glancing at the empty property, devoid of happiness. The mansion might be massive and splendid, but it's as dead as a graveyard. It's not a place for the living souls. Sighing heavily... he strode towards the front door.

"I'll just leave this by her bedside-" The alpha muttered to himself but halted abruptly once... he noticed... a person sitting before the front door in a wheelchair. Kim Taehyung froze as his eyes drifted to her pale expression and shrunken cheeks with a startled look.

Jang Sora was staring at the pretty flakes with her glimmering pupils.

Kim Taehyung didn't dare budge but stared at her without blinking as he hugged the cotton candy in his arms, unable to speak. She blinked and glanced at the alpha as he stood under the drizzle until the snowflakes landed on his neatly groomed hair. The supreme alpha shifted her gaze to the colorful daisy in his arm and back at Kim Taehyung's tense reaction to her presence.

"Did you bring the flower for me...?" She asked hoarsely, causing his heart to leap with relief. The alpha didn't respond and stared at her ill-looking dark circles. He blinked and glanced at the cotton candy in his arms and back to her.

"N-No! Of course not!- I bought it for myself!" He stuttered, quickly snatching the fluffy bouquet from the stick to crumble it up with his palms and hastily shoved the sweet inside his mouth to deny her claims. Pause. The alpha abruptly... stopped chewing once he noticed her eyes... dimming at his thoughtless excuse.

Kim Taehyung cleared his throat, awkwardly turning away from her to hide his inflated cheeks as he intensely chewed the candy until it melted in his mouth. Cough. Cough. He screwed his face in discomfort due to the extreme sweetness but maintained a blank face.

He eventually turned to face her again, with the means to speak with her... but pursed his lips once he realized... The supreme alpha had already steered her wheelchair away. He blinked, unconsciously parting his lips in an attempt to call for her... but nothing came out of his vocal cords. Instead, he watched her roll back inside the mansion with a discouraged frown. He did not have to courage to stop her.

Kim Taehyung clenched his jaw and glanced at the stick in his hands before looking back at her, but she had already returned to her room. The alpha rubbed his stuffy chest and strolled inside the mansion with an uneasy feeling. Thud. He stopped in the corridor once she closed her bedroom door.

"Should I speak to her...?" He muttered to himself. Taehyung stood in silence to contemplate his thoughts. He eventually strode past her room and left to change in his room after making up his mind.

A moment later

The alpha restlessly paced back and forth in his bedroom with the urge to sprint out of the door... but he held himself back and grabbed his hair in distress.

"Fuck it-" He cursed, quickly yanking the door open, and attempted to walk out of his room but jerked backward in a panic once he found... Jang Sora... sitting in her wheelchair right... before his doorway. Her face flushed red upon his unexpected appearance. Taehyung glanced down at the box of freshly made sweet rice cake on her lap and back at her flustered face.

"I- Imo gave it to me earlier," She muttered, lowering her face to the packages.

"So?" Taehyung coldly stared at her and crossed his arms.

"I can't seem to open it... the packages..." She whispered, picking up the package to show him. She tried to rip it open... but it wouldn't tear. She's still too weak.

Taehyung glanced at the sweet cake in the clear packages as the supreme alpha attempted to open it but failed miserably. He deeply sighed at her pitiful state... until she lifted her pretty doe eyes to stare at him with a slight pout. She had visited first with the intention to ask him for a favor... and that was to open her sweet rice cake packages.

A moment later.

Kim Taehyung awkwardly lifted his face to peek at the supreme alpha as she sat in the wheelchair with the half-eaten rice cake in her hand. He's sitting on the couch in his room to have his evening supper... delivered by the maids. The alpha stared at the white powder on the corner of her lips intensely until she lifted her eyes to meet his gaze. He blinked in a panic, quickly lowering his face to avoid looking at her and slurped the warm soup again.

"Does it hurt? The bullet..." She asked, curiously staring at him from the wheelchair.

"Better than gagging out blood," He replied. Sora grimaced at his rude statement and glanced at the red bean paste in her half-eaten rice cake.

"I'm sorry," She muttered. Taehyung stopped chewing and lifted his face to scan her sulky expression as she weakly pursed her lips with her sullen gaze on the soft rice cake.

"What for?" Taehyung frowned.

"You took the bullet for Yangcha," Sora muttered. Taehyung slowly chewed his food while staring at her apologetic expression.

"I didn't take it for him. It was an accidental shot," Taehyung shrugged. Sora nodded and ate the remaining rice cake. She didn't speak and quietly chewed as she sat in the silk gown with a blanket draped over her lap.

"I don't think I can ever walk again," Sora muttered. Taehyung clenched his jaw... just as he lifted his spoon from the warm stew. He glanced at her tearful eyes with a bitter look and glanced at her paralyzed lower body.

"The doctor says it's temporary. Your nervous system will repair itself," Taehyung assured. Sora pursed her lips and glanced at him in tears.

"Can I ask you something?" She whispered. Kim Taehyung didn't understand why she was on the verge of crying... but he didn't want to ask her either because he knew she'd burst out crying... the moment he questioned her overwhelming feelings.

He's being stony to her not because he wants to upset her but because he knows her too well.

The soul breaks easily upon the slightest sympathy. She holds back her tears well... until someone expresses their concern... and the flooding emotions instantly break loose. He was afraid of shattering her, so he chose not to acknowledge her emotions, just so she wouldn't break down. Not when she's this ill and weak. He didn't want to further strain her health.

"You never asked for my permission before," He shrugged.

"Am I hard to love?" She asked, nervously gripping the empty package. Taehyung stared at her with a baffled expression. Did she hurt her head...? He thought.

"What?" He frowned.

"Why is it that people want me to die so badly? Even when I'm living my life without bothering anyone? Why? Why is it that people don't like to see me happy?" She asked, blinking at him in difficulty until the warm tears slipped from her eyes. The supreme alpha sniffled and quickly rubbed her tears. Taehyung opened his mouth to speak but couldn't think of anything to say. He glanced at the hovering spoon, placed it down, and took a deep exhale... as his chest contracted uncomfortably.

"The poison wasn't for you, Sora," Taehyung muttered, sadly eyeing her unstable condition. She nodded.

"I know. Eomma wanted to hurt Yangcha," She replied. Taehyung quietly scanned her rosy red cheeks and puffy eyes in frustration.

"I don't think it's your fault. People are just greedy. Your mother wants... immunity. The society... wants... power. The cult wants... justice. And Kim Taehyung... wants love. We desire what we can't attain... and maybe... that's why we're... so envious of you. Because you have everything," Taehyung muttered. The supreme alpha stared at him with a broken expression. She nodded and lowered her face to rub away her tears as she chewed the remaining rice cakes in her stuffed cheeks.


Jae Yangcha sorely massaged his aching temples after taking painkillers to numb the irritating pain and lowered his head to the meeting desk while processing his scattered thoughts after dismissing the executive directors. The tower is going through a major transformation as the alpha investigates the corporation to upheave the spies and frauds.

He sighed and sat with his head rested over his arms until the secretary checked in on him. Yangcha dismissed the man and dozed off in the meeting room, eventually jerking awake to find himself resting in the same space. The alpha yawned and got up from his seat while cracking his stiff neck, collected his belongings from the office, and left the floor through the elevator.

He dimly strolled out of the compartment once he landed in the dark lobby. Not a single soul was present at the corporate. 11:34 PM. Yangcha lowered his watch and strolled towards the patrolled entrance. The guard greeted the alpha as he strode through the doorway and walked out into a chilly night in his thin suit.

It's snowing again. The alpha grimaced at the drifting flakes over the empty night street, and turned to steer toward his parked car... but halted once he noticed a familiar person sitting by the sidewalk in a wheelchair.

The alpha frowned, suddenly slowing down over the pavement with a stern gaze on the person before glancing at the familiar car... parked on the side of the road. Kim Taehyung sorely eyed the alpha, got back in his car, and drove off after dropping off the woman. Yangcha puffed his visible breath into the chilly air, unsurely approaching the person as she sat in her wheelchair with a faux fur coat over her body and a cute knitted hat over her head to keep her ears warm.

"Sora...?" Yangcha called, walking up to her with his mouth ajar and eyebrows furrowed. The supreme alpha quickly glanced in his direction upon hearing his soft voice. Her face instantly... lighting up in his presence... causing his heart to thump hard against his chest once he recognized her familiar pretty facial features.

"Yangcha!" She shrieked, happily getting up from the wheelchair without thinking- but weakly wobbled to the side.

"Noona!" Yangcha gasped, sprinting forward to grab her body- right before she fell to the ground. She softly shrieked and grabbed the alpha's forearm as he supported her frail limbs with a startled look. 

"Taehyung said you've been working overtime- so I thought I should keep you company-"

"It's freaking cold out here! Are you out of your mind?!" Yangcha snapped at her in irritation. Sora pursed her lips at her lover's upset frown.

"I- I only wanted to bring you food..." She whispered while holding onto the packed meal. Yangcha scoffed in disbelief as he carefully settled her back into the wheelchair.

The supreme alpha frowned at her lover's adverse reaction as he crouched before her over the pavement and lowered his face to process his thoughts. He clenched his jaw and lifted his disapproving gaze to scan her pale face again, causing her heart to drop heavily. He wasn't happy to see her.

"Is food more important than your health...?" Yangcha grunted. Sora glanced at the lunchbox and back to the alpha as they remained on the empty sidewalk.

The light snow... drizzling lightly over them.

She pursed her lips and before Yangcha could react... the tip of her nose turned bright red like a Rudolph... and the flooding tears came crashing from her lower lashes. Hic~!

"You're not happy to see me?" She sobbed, cutely pouting in distress upon his unfavorable reaction to her presence. Yangcha opened his mouth to speak but couldn't utter a word but to watch her cry... until her cheeks burnt bright red.


"I'll head home. Taehyung isn't far- so I'll go back home-"

"Noona- listen-"

"Go back to work-"

"Sora!" Yangcha attempted to hold her hands, but she hastily pushed him aside and tried to roll her wheelchair away until the alpha snapped at her attitude with his glowering glare... further upsetting her sensitive soul with his harsh tone. She helplessly sobbed while denying his touch as the messy tears dripped all over her puffy cheeks.

The supreme alpha pouted her trembling lips at his angry glare, trying her best not to burst out crying like a child because she didn't want to frustrate him further. Hic~! She cutely hiccupped under him. Jae Yangcha took a deep exhale to calm his boiling temper as he held her mittens to keep her palms warm.

She softly sniffled and lowered her sulky gaze to the lunchbox on her lap until Yangcha gently placed his palm against her warm cheek to make her look at him as he crouched before her wheelchair. He sighed and slightly leaned upward to press his lips against hers. Sora didn't respond and remained motionless in the wheelchair until the alpha drew his face from her adorable pout.

"Your hands are cold," She grumbled, pushing Yangcha's hand off her cheek and glanced away with her tearful pupils. Yangcha bitterly held her mittens again as he crouched before her, quietly examining her grumpy mood.

"You don't want to touch me now that I'm cold? Didn't you claim to be the pretty snowflake?" He smiled. Sora glanced at him with a slight frown until he noticed Yangcha's ears burning bright red. He's cold.

The supreme alpha suddenly tugged her neatly tucked wool scarf and gently placed it around Yangcha's neck to keep him warm. The alpha didn't budge but stared at his lover with his affectionate gaze. Sora pulled her hands from his grip again, reached inside her pocket to grab a heat pack, and gently pressed it against his neck to keep him warm.

"You'll freeze to death, you fool," She muttered cutely. Yangcha chuckled at her cute pout while gripping her hands as she held the heat pack against his neck. Sora smiled in tears until Yangcha leaned forward to kiss her again.

"How can I not be happy when my wife is here to see me after being away for so long? I'm startled by your careless appearance under the freezing weather," Yangcha smiled after pulling away to smile at her. Sora chuckled and ruffled his prickly roots until he gave her a comforting hug, so she pressed her face against his shoulder and exhaled in relief.

They finally reunited again.


Kim Taehyung dimly watched the couple from his car's rearview mirror as he parked by the sidewalk with his arms crossed over his chest. The supreme alpha insisted that he drive her to her lover just before midnight. And although he tried to talk her out of wandering around at night in the freezing weather... she stubbornly insisted on leaving on her own. So he had no choice but to bring her to the alpha to ensure her safety.

The alpha was afraid to leave her alone under the winter frost because she had only woken up from her coma this morning. He sighed deeply once Jae Yangcha stood up and pushed her wheelchair toward his car. Taehyung started the engine and finally drove off after ensuring she was safe with her lover.

A moment later.

Sora's POV

Yangcha carefully slipped me into the backseat of his car after he arrived at a parking area over a hill with a view of the peaceful city. I blinked and adjusted my position on the seats but paused unsurely once I noticed the scattered... empty ramen cups and microwaved food packages in the lower compartment. He cluelessly slid beside me as I eyed the piles of processed food containers.

"Uh- I was busy, so I had to eat them-"

"No. I'll clean it. Eat the meal I brought while it's still warm," I grabbed Yangcha's wrist when he tried to collect the packages. Yangcha pursed his lips while staring at me as we remained in the backseat of the car.

"I didn't feel comfortable eating food at the mansion," He muttered, glancing at the lunchbox on his lap.

"I already tasted it. It's not poisoned," I shook my head. He's been eating the ramen again because he's afraid of getting poisoned by my household...? I sighed and bent over the seat to pick up the cups as Yangcha opened the lunch box on his lap, quietly eating beside me.

I carefully placed the packages in the bags, neatly tied them, and finally leaned back against the seat to admire the night view through the window as the light snow drizzled outside the car. We're the only vehicle in the parking space.

"Are you feeling alright...? Should we head back quickly so you can get the treatment?" Yangcha asked, briefly looking up from the lunch box. I blinked and glanced at his gaunt cheekbones but didn't speak as we sat in the back seat.

"I'm feeling okay. Just a bit sore here and there," I shrugged, glancing down at my hands. Yangcha nodded and ate the meal hungrily as if he hadn't eaten in weeks. Did he eat at all? I frowned and glanced at the empty energy drinks and ramen cups in the bag with a bitter frown.

"Your mother... she's on a business trip," Yangcha muttered without looking at me. I blinked in silence.

"You didn't try to hurt her or Jungkook...?" I asked, curiously eyeing Yangcha.

"Who am I to butcher your mother and your first love? I doubt you'd want me to harm them regardless of their monstrous nature," He chewed, bitterly shoving a spoonful of food inside his stuffed mouth.

Yangcha appeared almost disappointed. I fidgeted with my fingers, dimly staring at my hands as I recalled the moment... I took my last breath. I thought it was the end of me. How am I alive? I don't know, but the pain I felt that day... It was the cruelest thing a mother could do to her child. Is she pleased with her acts? I don't know. How far is she willing to go? I thought... I could challenge my mother, but ever since I woke up from almost drifting into the afterlife... I felt hopeless.

I desperately wanted to believe... my mother loved me, even just a little.

I wanted to believe that her love for me existed.

I thought there were valid reasons to justify her cold-blooded nature, thinking she was concealing her true feelings to protect me. But after I took the poison that was meant for my lover... I doubt she had ever loved me.

How can a mother be so heartless? Sure, the poison wasn't for me... but did she really think... it was appropriate to murder my groom at my wedding in cold blood...?

If that day... Jae Yangcha swallowed her poison... I'd be the one... weeping his death.

Either way... there were devastating consequences to her actions.

I almost died at her hands.

I blinked out of my thoughts and looked at Yangcha again, who was calmly staring out the window by his side while chewing the food. I glanced at his hand as he held the chopstick and glanced at my empty hand. Why does it feel like... something has changed about him? I can't seem to grasp it. Or am I just imagining things...? I didn't want to bother Yangcha as he sat blankly with his thoughts and remained by his side until he finished his meal. The alpha took us back to the mansion after he filled his stomach with the food I brought.

Yangcha has been strangely composed ever since I regained consciousness. He'd help me with the treatment processes, but unlike his usual radiant smiles... he appeared... very vacant. I tried desperately not to make a fuss, but day after day... ever since my recovery... he'd look at me with an empty gaze.

Where did the brightness and excitement go...? He said he wasn't upset... or anything... but I can sense it. The difference between his past and current self is very much transparent.

He was no longer excited to see me.

Yangcha would usually race up to me whenever I returned home from work to suffocate me with his overwhelming kisses and warm hugs. He'd follow me around the penthouse and he would innocently ask me questions about this and that, just so he could converse with me. He'd often bring me snacks and drinks from his work and he'd cling to me day and night... but he's not doing it anymore. It's strange.

He's still by my side to assist me whenever I need him. But his... enthusiasm... had simply faded.

Did something happen while I was unconscious? Did eomma speak to him again? What is he thinking? I'm curious, but it feels like... I'm the one overthinking the situation. 

Yangcha would help me eat. He'd help me change into comfortable clothes. He brought me medication. Gave me massages to soothe my stiff legs. He'd even shower me every night after he returned from work.

And not once... have I heard him complain. Not once.

Who am I to doubt his feelings for me when he's always been so generous and patient with me? Sora, how much more do you need from him...?

A week later.

"You're home," I brightly smiled as I sat against the headboard as soon as Yangcha strolled inside my bedroom in his work attire. I've been waiting for him all day!

"Have you eaten...?" He asked without looking at me as he took off his watch.

"Yeah. Have you eaten...?" I curiously asked.

"I ate at a restaurant," He dismissively nodded and strolled inside the bathroom. I pursed my lips after he closed the door and glanced at our wedding portrait on the wall.

His bright smile and deep dimples... feels like a dream to me. I glanced down my hands in silence as I listened to the running shower in the bathroom. I asked him if he wanted to eat dinner with me at the mansion... but Yangcha sent a text to inform me he was working overtime. Sora. He's probably occupied with the work burden. Why are you so restless...?

"I'll sleep first," I mumbled, scooting under the blanket to sleep on my side, facing away from him once he strolled out of the bathroom in his towel.

"Okay," He replied, switching off the lights for me. I heard him stroll inside the closet room to pull on his pajamas and he finally crawled into the bed with me.

Yangcha lifted the blanket and laid down without touching me. I listened to his steady breath for about half an hour, finally lifting my head and turned to find him sleeping calmly beside me. I pursed my lips, sulkily lowering my head back to the pillow and glanced at the dim moonlight glow... beaming through the glass window with a blank expression. He's just tired. I keep convincing myself of his distant behavior... until the unconscious tears slip from my eyes.

"Hic-" I quickly covered my lips and lowered my face to press it against the pillow so I wouldn't make a sound to disturb him. My heart... Why is it hurting so much? I squeezed my eyes shut to stop the tears from swelling but failed miserably as the warm streams... stubbornly seeped through my soaked lashes and dripping endlessly onto the pillow. I sniffled and gripped the bedsheet in distress to stifle my shaky breath.

"What's the matter? Does your stomach hurt again...?" Yangcha suddenly asked from behind my back. I sucked in my breath and remained motionless on the mattress, fearfully pretending to be asleep. I don't want him to think I'm being dramatic. He's already drained from work, so I shouldn't bother him too much. Yangcha grew hushed as I bit my lips in the darkness to contain the throbbing discomfort within my restless chest. He sighed deeply after a minute of waiting for my response.

Blurp. I suddenly gagged and violently barfed onto the pillow. Shit! I quickly shoved my body off the mattress as the rush of discharge expelled from my lips, splattering messily onto the sheet and the floor on the bedside, so I gripped my mouth in a panic, desperately holding back the urge to release my slimy discharge as the warm tears coursed over my damp cheeks.

Yangcha frantically jerked from the mattress and scrambled off the bed to switch on the lights before rounding the mattress to gawk at me with his lips ajar as I firmly clasped my hands over my lips, apologetically staring at his bewildered frown... until the troubled tears swelled over my swollen eyes. I sat in absolute silence, too frightened to budge. He clenched his jaw and glanced at the wet discharge on the sheet.

"I'm sorry-"

"I asked if you were unwell. Why didn't you tell me?" He asked with a sore grimace.

Yangcha looked almost upset, but he kept his tone stable. I blinked and lowered my eyes to the mess in guilt. Sighing deeply, he gently lifted me off the bed to place me on the couch before walking towards the bed to pull off the sheet. He hurriedly placed a towel over the puddle of foul vomit to stop it from seeping into the mattress.

I bid my trembling lips and lowered my face in guilt to hold back my tears as the uncomfortable emotions swelled within me. What's wrong with me? I sniffled. I haven't been eating well lately because my stomach is still traumatized by the poison. Yangcha eventually summoned the maid to help him clean up the mess as I sat in my silk gown, quietly watching him bustle back and forth as the maids vacuumed the dirty mattress. My digestive system is still refusing the food I consume.

"What happened...?" Taehyung appeared through the opened doorway in his night robe with striking messy hair to watch the commotion. His face was puffy and his eyes were barely open. Did we disturb him...?

"Our young lady vomited, sir," The maid informed. Taehyung glanced at me from the doorway as Yangcha handed me the pills to soothe my discomfort. The alpha helped me swallow the medication with lukewarm water and placed the mug away, so I glanced towards the doorway again... but Taehyung had disappeared.

"Do you need help with anything else, sir?" A maid nervously asked after she helped Yangcha place a new bed sheet over the bed.

"You're dismissed," Yangcha dawdled as he patted the blanket over the bed. The maids bowed and hurriedly left through the door as I sat on the couch with the teddy on my lap until Taehyung strolled inside the room with a tray.

"Imo made ginseng stew today. Finished it before going to bed," Taehyung sighed, placing the tray on the coffee table. Yangcha halted and glanced at Taehyung's sleepy face, but the alpha didn't seem bothered and strolled out of our room with his eyes half open. Thud. Taehyung closed the door and left us alone. I pursed my lips and glanced at the steaming stew. He heated it...?

"Don't eat it. You'll puke again," Yangcha suddenly grabbed my hand... just as I reached for the spoon. I pursed my lips and glanced up at him, but he simply lifted the tray and strolled out of the bedroom to put the bowl of stew away on the cart. He eventually returned, lifted my feeble body off the couch, and settled me back onto the clean bed.

"Thank you," I sorely muttered as he tucked the pillow under my head.

"I'll keep the bowl next to the nightstand so you can vomit into it," He muttered, placing a plastic bowl by the nightstand. I nodded. Yangcha pecked my forehead, strolled away to switch off the lights... and slipped back into bed. Still, he didn't touch me and turned to sleep with his back facing me as I lay on my back, keeping my dim gaze... on the high ceiling.

Fast Forward

Yangcha's behavior persisted for another week.

I'd vomit often due to my weak immune system. He'd leave early in the morning and return home late every day. The mansion... is always empty... so I pretty much... had to spend time alone.

The elders... were never home after the Jeon and the Kims refused to renew their contracts with my parents. The Park household had already joined the Ryu... so Jimin is now So-young's official ally. And Jungkook? He's nowhere to be found. I don't want to see him either. I don't know how I'll react if he shows up before me.

"Thank you for the ride," I smiled at the taxi driver after he helped me onto the wheelchair over the sidewalk. The man chuckled, patted my back and left in his car, eventually leaving my side after I paid the taxi fare.

I directed my automatic wheelchair... and drove over the pavement across from Taehyung's fintech building in my long white skirt. I got bored at the mansion from being alone all day, so I decided to sneak out in my wheelchair and take the taxi to the city center. No one seems to care about my existence anymore. Do-hwan doesn't follow me around... and the guard would agree to let me go anywhere I wanted upon my demand. Everyone had given up on me.

"Ah!" I gasped when someone suddenly bumped into the wheelchair from the side. A man stumbled over the sidewalk, sending a box flying onto the dirty pavement. He scoffed, furiously turning to glare at me in frustration.

"Yah! Watch it!" He snapped, hastily seizing the fallen box from the ground.

"I'm sorry-"

"How annoying! What's a cripple like you doing on the street?!" He snapped rudely. I pursed my lips at the man in his 30s as he glared at me in annoyance.

"Ahjussi! You walked into me!" I argued while frowning at his coarse statement. The man scoffed and glared at me.

"Woman! This is a sidewalk for walking! Is it even legal for you to drive your wheelchair around?! Do you even have a license?!" He snapped. I frowned at his disrespectful attitude in disbelief. Is he mad?!

"Where am I supposed to drive it then?!!- On the road with the cars?!" I screamed back at him, causing the man to huff at me with an offended look.

"Yah! You disabled rascal! I'm older than you!- Show some respect, will you?!" He gritted, raising his hand as if to hit me.

"Disabled rascal?!- Hey!- How dare you call me that?!" I screamed at the man, thoughtlessly swinging my umbrella at him. Disabled rascal?!!- Wah~! How can he be so rude?!

The man suddenly stiffened as he glanced past me with a startled look, so I grimaced, defensively aiming my pink umbrella at his face as he stood with his hand suspended in the air. The man clenched his jaw, suddenly glancing down at me with a terrified expression... and sprinted away with his loaded box... before I could beat him with my umbrella.

"Hey!?- Come back! Stupid man- Hah?!- COME BACK!" I screeched, funnily forcing my wheelchair forward to chase the man with my umbrella until it suddenly stopped rolling. Thump. I gasped and gripped the handrest in a panic. Did I hit a brick again?! Or is it out of battery?!

"Oh?!- Why isn't it moving anymore?!- Hey! Come back, you coward! Aigo~ Did he think he could beat me?!- I'm a former black belt!- I could've kicked him in the head with my leg if I weren't paralyzed! Jeez- Hey!!?- Move it! Why are you stuck?!!!- " I sneered at the man until he disappeared from my sight. Sighing, I repeatedly tapped the screen on the wheelchair while grumbling under my breath, but it wouldn't move forward... no matter what I did. I frowned and bent over to observe the wheels as it whirled over the pavement. Why isn't it moving if the wheels are spinning?!

"What's wrong with this stupid thing-?! I could've chased him-"

"-Chase him on your 5km/hour electric wheelchair?" Taehyung sorely asked, causing me to jerk in a panic. I quickly turned around to find him gripping tightly onto the wheelchair. How did he find me?!

"Why are you holding onto it?!- Let go- That man! He tried to pick a fight with me!" I snapped, hastily pushing his hands off the wheelchair. Why is he holding my wheelchair back?! Wah~! So that's why it isn't moving!

"Keep up with the noisy screech, and you'll vomit out your intestine again," Taehyung mocked, suddenly switching off the wheelchair's automated system as I frantically pressed the button to drive it forward. I whined in annoyance as Taehyung manually steered the wheelchair in the opposite direction and pushed me toward the corporation.

"Hey! That man-"

"I will send you right back to the mansion if you don't stop complaining! Did you think he's afraid of you if I didn't glare at him from behind your back earlier?! Did you really think he's afraid of you stupid pink umbrella?!" Taehyung threatened as he pushed the wheelchair over the sidewalk. I glanced at the umbrella in my hand and glared at him with a grumpy pout.

"What's wrong with my pink umbrella?!- Oh?!- It'll still hurt if I hit you with it!" I scoffed. Taehyung rolled his eyes and pushed me into the building's lobby.

"I almost broke my neck sprinting from my office when I saw you arguing with a man twice your size on the street!" Taehyung glared at me. I gripped my umbrella, attempting to whack him with it... but immediately lowered my hand when I noticed someone racing up to us.

"Oh! Assistant Jang!" The receptionist greeted me in surprise once she noticed me in the wheelchair. I immediately stopped glaring at Taehyung and forcefully smiled at the woman. A few staff hurriedly approached me to express their concern. I chuckled and thanked them for the warm words before Taehyung took me to his office.

"You're aware there's a security camera on your wheelchair, right? Don't go chasing anyone next time. Just file your complaint to your mother's security team, and they'll send the lawyer to the man's door. Your pink umbrella isn't scary at all- OW?!-" Taehyung muttered as he crouched before my wheelchair to slip off my shoes, so I smacked his head with the umbrella, causing him to gasp in pain. Whack! The offended man looked up at me in bewilderment while gripping his throbbing head, appearing as if he wanted to fling my crippled ass off the building's top floor.

"Wanna try again...? To see if it hurts...?" I smiled, mischievously raising the umbrella upward.

"You crazy woman-"

"Ah! Ah!?!- What are you doing?!- ARGH!?!!!!" I screamed in shock when Taehyung violently jerked upward to shake my wheelchair back and forth. Rattle! Rattle! I gasped and gripped the handrest for balance as he wildly spun the wheelchair around, causing the room to swirl around me like madness.

"Apologize now!" Taehyung demanded.

"STOP! STOP- I'm dizzy!" I screeched. He abruptly stopped spinning me around as I shook in distress while gripping the handrest with my wild hair... dangling over my face.

"Don't try to mock me or- YAH?!" Taehyung warned but gasped in shock when I suddenly barfed. Blurp. I turned my head to the side and vomited onto the floor, causing Taehyung to jerk backward in horror. I coughed in difficulty before lifting my face to glare at him with my tearful eyes.

"I told you I'm dizzy!" I shrieked in annoyance. Imo made delicious food earlier to enhance my appetite and I ate well! But he turned my stomach upside down!!! Taehyung clenched his jaw in annoyance and glanced at the blob of vomit on the polished tiles in disgust.

A moment later.

I sat quietly beside Taehyung's armchair as he worked on the desktop at his desk. He had to clean up my puke earlier because he didn't want the staff to know I was severely unwell. Slurp. Slurp. Slurp. I loudly sipped the warm lemongrass tea from the mug with my eyes on his desktop screen... until Taehyung fired me an irritated look.

"What?" I blinked cluelessly. Sluuuurp~!

"Can you be quiet?!" He snapped. I pursed my lips and glanced at the warm tea. SLURP. I loudly sipped the tea again.

"Ahah!" I giggled. Taehyung grunted and leaned back against his armchair to rub his face in frustration before averting his attention back to the screen.

"You really enjoy bugging me, don't you?" He grimaced while scrolling through the files with his mouse. I smiled and lowered the mug to his desk as he typed softly on the keyboard. He told me to nap on the couch but I'm fully awake so I insisted on sitting beside him to watch him work.

"Let me return to work. I'm bored at home," I suggested. Taehyung quietly read the files without glancing at me.

"How are you going to work in this condition? You can't even wiggle your toes," He bitterly frowned at the screen. I glanced down at my white socks and tried to wiggle my toes... but I couldn't move it.

I pursed my lips and glared at my socks intensely. Why can't I move my toes?- Come on!- Wiggle-! Move it! Arghhh! Taehyung weirdly glanced at my constipated expression as I glowered at my own feet, furiously pursing my lips until I tensed up in the wheelchair. I abruptly froze at his 'Are you crazy?' glare... and awkwardly glanced away with a flustered face. He scoffed in disbelief at my dense behavior and glanced back at the screen again.

"I- I don't need my toes to work! Look- My fingers are moving just fine!" I stuttered, lifting my hands to wiggle my fingers before his face. Taehyung stared at my keen smile with an unimpressed look and sourly glanced at my fingers. [Edited]

"I- I don't need my toes to work! Look- My fingers are moving just fine!" I stuttered, lifting my hands to wiggle my fingers before his face. Taehyung stared at my weak smile with an unimpressed look and glanced at my fingers sourly.

"Ah~!" He whined, lowering his head to rest his forehead on the desk in defeat. I pursed my lips, quickly dropping my hands apologetically. Maybe I shouldn't bother him...?

"I'll call Do-hwan and leave," I muttered, pulling out my phone to search for his contact.

"I'll take you to get cotton candy after work if you stay composed," Taehyung grunted without lifting his head. I froze and glanced at him until he turned his face, staring dimly at me with his head rested on the desk.

"Okay!" I agreed, happily grabbing the mug and sipped from it again.

Taehyung deeply exhaled, sat up straight on his desk again, and resumed working on his tasks as I quietly sat beside his armchair in my wheelchair until I dozed off against the headrest with my neck pillow secured around my throat to prevent me from straining my muscles.

A moment later.

"Halmeoni remembered me!" I giggled while hugging the yellow daisy on my lap as Taehyung pushed the wheelchair towards the mansion. It wasn't snowing today, but the air is still very frigid.

"Anyone would remember a crazy woman like you," He muttered. I frowned and glared upward to find him smirking at me as he pushed the wheelchair through the front door.

"Hey! I'm probably just beautiful! That's why she remembered me-"

"Sure," Taehyung chuckled with a mocking smile. I gripped my fists in frustration.

"You're so annoying-"

"Noona," Yangcha suddenly spoke up, causing me to flinch in a panic. I quickly snapped my head in his direction as he stood in the living room in his casual clothes with his hands in his pockets. Yangcha dimly glanced at the untouched cotton candy on my lap and... back at Kim Taehyung.

"Oh? You're home early," I pursed my lips as I sat in the wheelchair.

"I sent you a text earlier to tell you I'll be home early so we can eat together," Yangcha blankly replied.

"My phone died..." I pursed my lips, drawing out the black screen from my jacket pocket. Yangcha dimmed his gaze but didn't say anything before shifting his gaze to Taehyung again.

"I'll leave," Taehyung cleared his throat and strode off.

Yangcha sideways-eyed Taehyung as he passed him before glancing at me again. He didn't say anything and pushed my wheelchair back to the bedroom. I suddenly was too anxious to speak again. Why is he so cold...? Did I do something wrong? I can't figure it out. Yangcha carefully picked up the daisy from my lap to place it away on the couch and quietly took off my jacket. He entered the bathroom to fill the tub with warm water before returning to undress me. I gripped his firm shoulder as he carefully positioned me inside the tub.

"Is the water warm enough...?" Yangcha asked while adjusting the faucet.

"Yeah," I nodded.

Yangcha grew quiet again as he washed my body with the scented soap. I pursed my lips and blinked at him with my soaked lashes... but he didn't seem to notice my curious stare and quietly rubbed my arms with the foam. Why is he... always lost in his chronic thoughts? I sighed and glanced at the bubbles to distract my wild thoughts as he rinsed my body until I was clean and finally took me back to the bedroom.

A moment later.

The maid brought us a tray of meals to share in my room, so I quietly ate the porridge as Yangcha sat on the couch. I glanced at the cotton candy beside him and glanced back at the bowl of porridge on my lap as I sat in the wheelchair with a blanket over my lap. I wanted to eat it but Yangcha said it's bad for my health.

"Are you full already? Have some more," Yangcha glanced at the full bowl on my lap. I remained motionless... without lifting the spoon until he looked at me again. The alpha sighed and grabbed the spoon in an attempt to feed me, but I gripped the silver handle to stop him. He glanced at me unsurely.

"I can feed myself. I don't need your help," I muttered, removing the spoon from his grip.

Yangcha blankly stared at me upon my refusal, but I didn't look at him and lifted the spoon to feed myself. We didn't speak over our cold meals... until I scraped the bowl clean before lowering the spoon and placed the bowl back onto the tray. Clatter. I dabbed my lips with the wipes, steered the wheelchair away from the couch to grab the hairbrush and quietly sat in front of the vanity table to brush my tangled strands.

"Why did you visit him at the corporation today?" Yangcha asked after I rolled my wheelchair back towards the bed. I gripped the mattress and heaved my body onto the bed before bending down to lift my stiff legs and swung it over the mattress without his help.

"I want to return to work," I replied shortly. Yangcha unsurely stared at me from the couch without speaking.

"You're not ready-"

"I'll resume my normal work schedule from tomorrow onward," I replied.

Yangcha frowned at my determination to work but I pretended not to notice his obvious disapproval and quietly patted my pillow. He shakily exhaled, lifted the tray, and strolled out of the room to place it on the cart. The alpha brushed his teeth in the bathroom and finally got on the bed with me.

Is he upset again? Now that I insist on resuming work? Whatever. I'm done being patient with him. He didn't speak to me and placed the teddy bear on my lap, but I dismissively flung it to the floor. Yangcha halted abruptly as the teddy bear tumbled into the drawer and glanced at me as I pulled the blanket over my legs while sitting against the headboard.

The alpha calmly slipped out of bed, rounded the mattress to pick up the teddy and carefully placed it on my lap again... but I shoved it aside to replace it with my tablet. Tap. Tap. I unblinkingly watched the movie on the device without looking at Yangcha as he stood by the bedside... darkly staring at my persistent refusal to hold the teddy he won for me at the amusement park.

"You should sleep. The blue lights will keep you awake if you stare at the screen now," Yangcha tried to take the tablet from my hands, but I gripped it and lifted my blank gaze to challenge his empty stare. The alpha uneasily monitored my resistance.

"If you're tired, then sleep. I'll do my own things until I feel like sleeping," I muttered. Yangcha shifted his gaze to scan my sour face and glanced at the device as I tightened my grip around it.

"Are you upset...?" He asked, trying to brush my hair, but I pushed his hand away and glanced back at the movie on the screen.

"No," I muttered while staring at the characters on the screen. Yangcha sighed, slowly drawing his hand from the device.

"You know I'm a light sleeper, right? I can't sleep when the device is flickering like this... but that's okay. You can watch it. I'll sleep in the living room," Yangcha muttered. I pursed my lips and looked up at him as he coldly strolled away and left the room. Thud. I gripped the device, finally tossing it aside on the bed, and slipped under the blanket to sleep on my side after he shut the door.

I ended up... bawling my eyes out again because Yangcha didn't return and slept outside the entire night. I felt terrible for pushing his buttons... but I was determined to beat him. Why is he nonchalant? Did he lose interest in me? I don't know. He's usually not like this, so why is he behaving this way?

Taehyung took me to work the next day, and I pretty much... spent most of my time beside the alpha. He made sure to avoid any schedules that required... us to move too far so I could rest comfortably at his office.

It was an effective distraction to work and keep my mind off my uncomfortable thoughts.

A few days later.

Third Person POV

"What's happening?" Yangcha unsurely slowed down once he noticed the maid adjusting the mattress inside the supreme alpha's room. A pillow was missing... but the teddy bear was left on his bed.

"Our young lady moved to sleep in the medical room," The maid informed, politely backing away from the mattress.

"Why? Is she sick again?" Yangcha asked unsurely.

"She claims you're a light sleeper. She does not wish to disturb you with her illness. The nurse will care for her so you can rest properly," The maid bowed and left the room.

Yangcha clenched his jaw and glanced at Sora's teddy bear on the bed. He swallowed in frustration and finally entered the bathroom to shower, unbothered by her decision to sleep in a separate room.

The alpha did not visit his wife in the medical room that night and went to bed without having dinner. And on the other side of the mansion... the supreme alpha sat listlessly on the couch in the medical room... quietly admiring the light snow from her window with an empty gaze.

The maids had changed the medical mattress and covered it with comfortable blankets so the supreme alpha could rest comfortably. It was a little past midnight when she heard the medical room door opening. Creak.

Sora's POV

"I was just watching the snowflakes. I'll head to bed-" I muttered with a faint smile, thinking the nurse had visited again to check on my well-being... but halted once I turned to find Yangcha standing in the doorway. Pause. I glanced at the teddy bear in his clutch and looked back up at him unsurely. Why is he not asleep yet? He usually sleeps before midnight.

"Do you want to go back to our room? It might be uncomfortable here," He muttered with a blank face.

"It's fine. The maid replaced the mattress-"

"Then do you want the teddy...?" He asked, lifting the teddy bear. I stared blankly at the brown bear and back at his restless expression. Seriously? Why is he bothering me now...?

"I would've asked the maids to retrieve the teddy if I wanted it," I shrugged. Yangcha clenched his jaw, suddenly closing the door behind his back. I pursed my lips as he slowly leaned against the door and lowered his head. What is he doing? I'm trying my best not to clash with him at this rate, but here he is... showing me in displeasure again?

"You didn't have to move out of our bedroom-"

"You said I was disturbing you. It's uncomfortable to sleep on the couch," I shrugged. I figured he was stressed over the workload at the tower and thought I should remove my bothersome presence from Yangcha's side so he could properly rest and recharge his energy.

"Are you doing this on purpose?" Yangcha frowned.

"Doing what on purpose?" I questioned while staring at him with a dumbfounded look. Yangcha gripped the teddy bear as he intensely scanned my face from the door. 

"You don't want to hold the teddy bear I got for you anymore. You don't greet me anymore. You stopped texting me. You moved out of our room. And-"

"The lights in your eyes are also gone," I nodded. Yangcha pursed his lips, unsurely staring at me with a troubled look as he leaned against the doorway.


"If you don't want to be with me anymore... then say it. I understand that you're upset with my mother and my first love... for ruining our wedding and... that must be frustrating because you're unable to do anything because I won't let you scratch them," I shrugged, dully eyeing him. Yangcha scoffed while staring at me with his tearful eyes.

"It's not-"

"Or perhaps. You don't want to be with a paralyzed woman like me anymore. I'm a nuisance. I understand. The maids will care for me from now on... so you can rest in my room and do as you please. I'll steer clear of your path if my presence bothers you-"

"Can you not make assumptions?!" Yangcha snapped, glaring at me in irritation as the tears streamed from his burning eyes.

"I regret marrying you, and I know you feel the same-"

"MOH?!" The alpha frowned at me in shock. I pursed my lips to stare at his shaken response. Yangcha's cheeks suddenly flushed red.

"It seems like I'm a burden in your life. If only I knew I'd ruin your happiness with the marriage... then I wouldn't have agreed- "

"I love you! You know that!" Yangcha refuted, furiously glaring at me with his tearful eyes. My chest churned in pain, but I refused to express my emotions and sat with a blank face.

"Right. You love me," I agreed, too exhausted to argue with him.

"I feel terrible, alright?! I feel like I'm going crazy because you can't walk because of me! If only I had taken the poison- you wouldn't be struggling like this! And I'm losing my sanity because you have to live with the monsters! And I'm unable to do a damn thing but helplessly care for you and hope your mother won't attempt to take you away from me again!" Yangcha cried in distress. I gripped my fingers once I felt the painful surge tearing through my chest as he whimpered and lowered his face to rub away his tears while holding onto the teddy. Like a helpless child.

"I told you my family shouldn't be your concern. I'm happy with you, but it seems like-"

"How can I not be concerned when the woman I love can barely move her limbs?! When she's continuously puking and fainting like this!? For all I know- your mother is keeping you weak so I'd submit to her!- So I'd agree to hand over my power!" Yangcha snapped. I blinked and glanced down at my hands.

"No one knows we've signed the marriage contract yet. You can burn it and free yourself from me. Eomma won't be able to corner you if she doesn't have the marriage license. Besides, she'll never let me die, so you don't have to worry about my well-being," I muttered with little to no emotions. Yangcha groaned, weakly crouching down to rub his short hair in anguish as I watched him struggle to contain his emotions.

"So want to give up on our marriage...? That easily?" He scoffed with a beaten look.

"We were happily in love... but the marriage feels like a thorn in our hearts now. It's okay if you don't feel as attached anymore. I'm giving you the option to quit if you can't do it anymore," I muttered, blankly staring at Yangcha's shattered frown. He pursed his lips and rubbed his face in distress. He's still young. Marriage was probably a hasty decision for him.

"N-Noona- jebal-! Can you not run away from the problems whenever you're stuck?!" He begged, lifting his face to stare at me again. I sat in utter silence, dimly staring at his pitiful state without speaking or budging until Yangcha stood up and stormed forward with his fists clenched. If I keep provoking him like this... he might kill me. I sadly scanned his soaked face as he crouched before the couch and gently took my hands in his.

"I don't want to run from you. No matter... how scared I get. No matter... how afraid I am. I want to stay by your side... but I'm afraid... you won't survive if I hold you close," I whispered in exhaustion. Yangcha blinked away the tears from his lashes as he tightened his grip around my hands. I think he's going crazy because of the household's curse. The longer you stay trapped between the mansion walls... the more you are likely to lose your sanity and go mad.

The alpha suddenly leaned upward to press his moist lips against mine... but I slightly tilted my body backward upon his tender stroke with my eyes closed, purposely avoiding him. Yangcha stubbornly held onto my head and shifted his face forward to shorten the gap between our bodies again. He lightly stroked his lips over mine as I held onto his hands until I inhaled deeply to ease the uncomfortable stuffiness within my chest. He finally pulled away with an apologetic look.

"Don't give up on me. Please," Yangcha whispered. I sadly stared at his pained frown.

"I thought you had given up on me," I replied, unconsciously tearing up until my lips trembled out of control. Yangcha rubbed his thumb over my lips and glanced right back at my eyes while shaking his head.

"What are you saying...? How can I give up on you?" He frowned.

"I thought you didn't want to be with a paralyzed woman like me anymore," I sobbed, lowering my head to squeeze out my tears once I lost control of my rotting emotions. Yangcha scoffed, firmly pulling me into a crushing hug, so I gripped his shirt and buried my face against his shoulder.

"I will love you endlessly in every form, noona. Even if you're a snowflake... I'll always love you until my last breath. I told you that, didn't I?" Yangcha shakily whispered. I nodded and hugged him tighter. He exhaled deeply as he crawled upward to sit on the couch while holding onto my waist.

"I thought I lost you," I whispered, pulling away to gaze at him with a pained frown. Yangcha rubbed the tear streaks from my cheeks while shaking his head to deny my foolish assumption.

"I didn't want to get too close to you because I didn't wish to bother you with my selfish hunger. How can I burden you with my foolish urges?" Yangcha sighed. I pursed my lips at his apologetic gaze as he lowered his hand to rest his warm palm under my jawline, gently grazing my cheek with his thumb.

"What?" I frowned, blinking at him with my soaked lashes.

"You've been in a coma for a month. I was severely lonely without you. A man has his needs, but how can I be so selfish and wish to relieve my horny bulge... when you're battling for your life? I was afraid I'd get distracted if I touched or looked at you too much... so I avoided you, thinking you needed space to heal properly. I'm sorry if I'm hurting your feelings. I swear it's not my intention to stress you out like this," He explained.

I blinked at his statement while holding his shoulder, unsurely observing his red cheeks. He's always flustered when he's expressing his raw emotions. We stared at each other intensely in the warm room until I felt the pressure in my chest subsiding. It's a misunderstanding. I wanted his attention, but he was afraid to bother me.

"My legs might be paralyzed... but I'm sure my lady part is functioning fine," I chuckled in tears. Yangcha snorted and tilted his head backward before leaning forward to peck my lips.

"It's fine. This man will not burden you until you're ready. Don't feel too pressured. There are more important things to worry about," He assured. I smiled sadly and hugged him again, so Yangcha exhaled and held onto my back, gently rocking me from side to side.

"Can I tell you a secret...?" I whispered, carefully drawing away with an anxious look. He gently rubbed my back to soothe my discomfort while gazing at my sullen expression. Yangcha cupped my cheeks and pecked me softly.

"Since when did you have a secret to hide from me...?" He whispered, weakly smiling at me, so I glanced down at the teddy bear and took it from his hands.

"Does it look like me? Or you? The teddy bear?" I asked curiously. Yangcha blinked and glanced at the brown teddy before shifting his confused gaze back to my face without answering.

"I wouldn't compare you to a teddy bear-"

"Answer me~!" I whined. Yangcha glanced at the teddy bear and back at me again as I eagerly raised it before his face, impatiently waiting for his response.

"I think the teddy looks more like me. Why?" He smiled. I chuckled and lowered the teddy while admiring his perfect visual until Yangcha softly kissed my fingers. I pursed my lips again without speaking for a moment and quietly searched his curious gaze with a troubled expression. Sighing in defeat... I carefully... I took his hand in mine... and gently placed... his palm over... my stomach. He's oblivious.

"I think the teddy looks like you too," I agreed. Yangcha cluelessly blinked at me.

"You do...?" He asked as I firmly held his palm over my stomach. I didn't speak and sat in the muted room, waiting for him to grasp the situation. The alpha glanced down at his hand over my silk gown and back to me in confusion. He blinked once when I didn't respond to him- abruptly pursing his lips with a startled look once it struck him. Scoff.

Yangcha quickly shifted his bulging eyes to my hand placement again as I firmly held him over my stomach, patiently waiting for him to make sense of the situation until he stiffened before me. He glanced at my stomach again and opened his mouth to speak but couldn't voice his words... utterly shaken by the shocking realization.

"Yeah. The teddy definitely looks like you," I nodded, weakly smiling at him while rubbing his knuckles. He stared at me in disbelief.

"Sora-" Yangcha gasped while frowning at me with his eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm pregnant," I whispered, sadly eyeing his flushed face. Yangcha's jaw dropped wide open in disbelief as he glanced at my stomach and backed up at me in bewilderment. I chuckled and patted his firm cheek.

"Are you serious?!" Yangcha gasped while searching my sickly face. He didn't seem too convinced by the unexpected announcement.

"I thought I was gaining weight," I shrugged. Yangcha gasped again as he grabbed onto my hips, funnily gawking at my stomach.


"I think it's because I haven't been on the pills during my coma. We did get intimate... the night before our wedding... and I haven't touched the birth control pills since then," I shrugged. Yangcha's eyes widened in shock as he remained dumbfounded by the unexpected news. He looked almost scared for a second... It's hilarious.

"I must be dreaming! This can't be real!" He huffed, quickly tugging his hand away from my stomach in a panic to run his hand over his buzz-cut head.

"The head doctor didn't understand why I kept puking despite my favorable condition. I got suspicious and grabbed a kit from the nurse's drawers," I muttered, unzipping the teddy's small pocket to draw out the pregnancy test and handed it to Yangcha. He stared at the positive result in disbelief as he took it from my hand. I weakly watched him attempt to comprehend the situation until his eyes bulged even wider... upon the positive confirmation.

"This isn't a prank, is it?" He frowned, lifting his startled gaze to me again.

"It seems like your sperms are as strong as you are for it to impregnate me despite the medication I took before our intercourse," I giggled.

Yangcha didn't laugh as he remained stiff for another moment with his unblinking gaze on the red stripes. Is he not ready to be a father? I don't blame him. He's still in his early twenties. The alpha eventually broke into a contented chuckle when I wouldn't stop smiling at his shaken reaction. He glanced at the kit with a faint smile before lifting his beaming gaze to me.

"I love you. You know that right?" He frowned in difficulty.

"I know," I nodded. Yangcha glanced down at the teddy bear and back at me with an emotional pout, so I chuckled and hugged him tightly. The alpha exhaled in relief as he tightened his arm around my body.

"Your secret nearly gave me a heart attack," He chuckled while rubbing my back.

"You'll have a stroke once I pop out your spawn from my womb," I chuckled.

Yangcha laughed against my ear before pulling away to cup my cheeks with a proud smile. I grinned at his favorable reaction until he leaned forward to kiss me passionately... so I held onto his jawline and tilted my face to deepen our kiss. He eventually pulled away to rest his forehead on mine... our noses tips... barely brushing against each other as we sat before the beautiful snowflakes... beyond the mansion's arch window.

I suspected... that I was pregnant a week after I woke up from my coma, so I took the test to confirm it. I was frightened upon receiving the positive result... because I never planned to have children. At least... not this early.

To be frank. I wanted to conceal my pregnancy and get an abortion again because of the ongoing conflict between Yangcha and me... but after we made up and after... I heard his justifications... I couldn't help but want a family with him.

Why should I be scared? I've never been this close to achieving my dream.

A lovely husband and our adorable children...

A warm family filled with love and comfort...

I've finally achieved it all, so why should I cower away at the very last minute? Why should I run again...? All I've been doing was to flee from my problems... only to regret everything later... but I don't want to run anymore.

What if I stay and face the world?




What could possibly go wrong?


Weeee! I'm back! I tackled another exam, but it's not over yet! I've got one more to go~! And an assignment to finish! But that's okay! I'll be fine! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Have an amazing day~! And thank you for supporting ALPHA! <3 Love you guys so much! <3

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