Red Riding Hood's Wolf (Bigby...

Par OneArtsyGamer03

20.9K 944 1.3K

Fabletown, a place for Fables to live separately from humans, or 'mundies'. It's the place they call home eve... Plus

Murder in Fabletown
Prince Lawrence
Toad's Apartment
The Scent of Death
Episode Two: Smoke and Mirrors
Guilt and Glamour
Trip Trap and the Pudding & Pie
Twisted Fantasy
Episode Three: A Crooked Mile
Broken Mirror
Racing the Clock

Episode One: Faith

3.9K 106 107
Par OneArtsyGamer03


First new story in a while! For those who don't know, I'm going to be writing this story to help get me out of the reposting lull I am currently in. Copy and pasting for hours is so. BORING. So, for the meantime, I shall be working on this! I'll occasionally be working on reposting the fourth story to TWDG, but it is not my priority right now!

Wow, it feels weird not starting this story with the same "Wattpad banned my account" message at the start LMAO--

Reminder, all my stories are done in the Third Person P.O.V! I enjoy writing in this perspective more than first, and it lets me add in way more details and scenes! I'm hoping each episode of this will be around 5-6 episodes like TWDG was, but we shall see ;-;

Anyway! In this story, you will be playing as (Y/N), the fable Red Riding Hood! Hopefully the upcoming new game for this series does not have this Fable, but if it does, I'll figure out a loophole or something O_O We shall cross that bridge if it ever comes!

Your backstory with Bigby will be explained later, or I can do it briefly in a future chapter in the author note if you'd prefer! <3 Let me know! If a majority of you would like that, that's completely fine and I'd be happy to put it just to give yourself more background with your character and Bigby, but like I said, it will be shown in a later chapter as well! Snow White is still in this story as well, but won't play a HUGE role since you will be replacing her for a majority of scenes, and of course that one scene (Vomit) with that one character (DOUBLE VOMIT) who I won't spoil will be different as well!


There is death, cursing, and scenes that may not be suited for younger audiences! Please be advised when reading! THIS IS FOR MATURE AUDIENCES!!

With that out of the way, yes, the cover art was done by yours truly, myself (the banner and title was added by me on a book cover maker) so please do not take it without at least asking for my permission first! :D I've only used procreate one other time, so I'm a bit proud of how this came out:

Here we go, lovelies! Welcome to the world of Fables, in this new story:

Red Riding Hood's Wolf



This story adapts to the choices made by me. I apologize if you do not like my choices!


Once upon of time in New York City there lived a community of fairy tale characters known as Fabletown. The Fables who lived there arrived hundreds of years ago, after they were exiled from their Homelands. Through the use of a magic spell called Glamour, they have protected their secret community from the mundane world.

Sheriff Bigby Wolf and his deputy, (Y/N) (L/N), otherwise known as 'Little Red Riding Hood,' protects them from each other.


The sound of radio static could be heard, a man's voice crackling before the sound clears up.

"-- five today, again, if you missed it for the date-- the hottest in June, 103 now and the humidity looks low, but remember, the hotter the air is, the more moisture it can hold!"


The air was still at the park, the sky above a dark blue with stars hidden by the bright lights of the city. A lone bridge curved over a gentle stream, the water calm and the lamp post's glow lighting up the ripples, the glow along the water almost shining like small diamonds. The trees gently rustle with the breeze, a few stray leaves falling downward in a calm, swaying motion.


"... so, 103 with 31 humidity is a lot more humid than, let's say, 73 with a 31 humidity, and it is muggy out there."

Tall, powerful buildings come into view, the buildings shrouded in the dark of night but warm glows coming off from inside the dozens upon dozens of windows lined along the four sides. Each building was different in height, one always taller than another-- almost as if they were competing to reach for the stars that shine so dimly above compared to their bright glow.


The cab drives down a dark street, the engine softly rumbling as the man continues to speak on the old radio. A man with shaggy dark brown hair that reaches his shoulders sits on the right side of the cab, a morning stubble decorating his jaws and around his lips. His skin tone was olive, dark bags evident underneath his light brown eyes, and hair decorated his forearms, some chest hair evident in the loose, slightly opened collar of his eggshell colored shirt, a dark gray tie loosely wound around his neck. His pants were also dark gray, a pair of dark brown dress shoes on his feet.

He rubs his tired eyes with a slow, quiet and steady breath as he gazes out the window, his body tense as usual. He was always on edge, ready for any dangers that lurked in the shadows.

A woman sat on the left side of the cab, her (E/C) eyes flicking over to the man with a hint of concern at his clear exhaustion. He was always so tired. The woman's skin tone was (S/C) and well taken care of, her (H/C) colored hair styled the way she usually preferred. She wore a beige collared blouse with buttons along the front, a pair of black cargo jeans, and black combat boots to help her easily walk around.

She also had a familiar, old woven red cape draped around her shoulders, the fabric well taken care of and stitched back up over the years-- her only remaining connection to her grandmother she had. Her fingers idly fiddle with the black ribbon of her hood, her eyes slowly leaving the man as she glances ahead.

(Here is what you are wearing, but of course, as always, you can imagine yourself wearing anything you'd like! I only do this to help myself with descriptions when I'm writing-- I would ask that you keep your hood! It's something from your sweet grandmama ;-; IF SHE ISNT SWEET IN REAL LIFE (MINE ISNT NICE LMAO SHE IS A MEAN OLD WOMAN) IM YOUR NEW GRANDMA--)

(Images not owned by me!! Please don't kill me wattpad-- THESE ARENT MINE I AM NOT CLAIMING CREDIT FOR THEM PLEASE DONT NUKE ME)


She watches as the buildings pass by in quick blurs as the cab drives on to their destination, streetlights lighting up the empty sidewalks and store fronts. Each time they drive under a lit streetlight, she gets a glimpse of the man's exhausted features, the sight making her heart squeeze in her chest with sympathy. She knew he rarely rested, always pushing himself too much.

The man could feel her gaze on him without even looking due to his instincts, his leg beginning to subtly bounce with nervous energy. He wasn't flustered very often, but something about her always managed to get to him. He hesitantly glances to her after a few moments, the woman offering him a small, reassuring smile as she tilts her head slightly.

His eyes flick down to her lips, the sight of her smile warming his chest as he feels the slightest bit of tension leave his body, the corner of his lips quirking up in the briefest smile in response before he looks away once more, his expression returning to the same stoic one he usually wore.


The cab slowly rolls to a stop along the sidewalk as it approaches the front of a hotel, several cars parked in the front. The cab door clicks as Bigby pushes it open, a soft grunt leaving him as he rises and steps out of the cab. He rolls his neck and glances around the area like a watchful sentinel, (Y/N) slowly sliding out of the cab after him.

He turns to her and offers his hand to help her rise, (Y/N) smiling softly in thanks as she sets her hand in his own and rises. His palm was warm as usual and a bit calloused, but his touch was careful and gentle as always with her, his fingers curling around her smaller hand as he helps her out.

After she was out of the cab and steady on her feet, she steps out of the way as he shuts the door for her, patting the top of the car to signal the cab driver could leave. He turns back to face the cheap motel across the street, taking out a Huff & Puff cigarette and holding it between his lips as he fetches his lighter from his pocket. He brings the lighter up to the cigarette and holds his other hand cupped near the sparks as he lights the end, softly puffing as it lights.

(Y/N) carefully smoothes out her red cape draped over her shoulders with a soft sigh, her nose crinkling at the familiar smell of Bigby's cigarettes. While she didn't care for them, the smell reminded her of Bigby, which brought her a sense of calm and comfort. She watches as he holds the cigarette between his pointer and middle finger with familiar ease, smoke clouding around the end of the cigarette and hissing from between his lips as he blows a soft puff out.

The two face the old, run down looking apartment complex, graffiti decorating along the front and the walls appearing worn. A yellow car was parked out front the apartment building, a pile of garbage alongside the steps leading up to a set of wooden doors leading inside.

"Well... let's get going," (Y/N) softly says with a sigh, the two nodding to one another before crossing the street.


The windows of the wooden doors were boarded up poorly using cheap plywood, the yellow interior wallpaper of the lobby peeling off the walls and the tiles along the floor cracking and discolored. A 3-foot tall toad stood on two legs wearing a dirty white tank top paired with a dark green coat and black sweatpants, his light, pale yellow eyes peering up the old staircase warily as his hand grips the railing.

He doesn't hear the door opening as he keeps watch up the stairs, a deep frown on his face. (Y/N) steps inside first as she glances around on alert, Bigby entering after her with a relaxed posture, though internally he was always on edge and ready.

(Y/N) was the first to notice Toad standing at the stairs, her eyebrow quirking at his appearance as she sighs and shakes her head in disapproval. She nudges Bigby's arm with her elbow, nodding ahead at his questioning gaze.

Bigby's eyes narrow with displeasure when he spots the toad, his tone holding warning as he calls out to him. "Mr. Toad?"

Toad nearly jumps out of his skin at the voice, wincing and shaking his head, knowing he was in trouble for his appearance. "Shit..."

He clears his throat and throws on a smile as he faces Bigby and (Y/N), tucking his hands in his coat pockets casually.

"Bigby! (Y/N)!" he greets with forced enthusiasm, his cockney accent evident in his words and his posture a bit tense. "Look, mates, I know I don't look human-- it's a problem, I get it!"

(Y/N) looks up the stairs as Toad speaks with exaggerated movements, signs of his stress clear in his darting, pale yellow eyes and posture as he looks up at Bigby.

"I just stepped out the apartment for just a second to see what kind of damage this drunk shit is doing," Toad quickly explains as he jerks his thumb towards the stairs with a nod, Bigby's eyes flicking up the stairs as his cigarette hangs loosely between his lips. "Just-- Just cut me a break, yeah? I'll get me glamour first thing in the morning."

Bigby's brow raises silently as he stares at Toad, having heard this line many times in the past by him. He removes the cigarette from his lips, softly exhaling smoke with a sigh.

"Cross my heart! No need to kick up a fuss," Toad lets out a weak, nervous chuckle, tucking his hands back in his jacket pockets nervously.

"I'm looking at a 3 foot toad," Bigby bluntly replies in a low voice, his eyes narrowed as he frowns. "In a sweater. That's a problem."

Toad winces at his words as he looks away, frowning.

(Y/N) turns her attention to Toad, frowning sympathetically as she shakes her head while crossing her arms over her chest. "Toad, we've been through this before. We can't keep turning a blind eye to you not having glamour. You know that."

"She's right," Bigby agrees with a firm nod as he steps closer, gesturing to Toad with his hand, his cigarette held between his pointer and middle finger. "If you can't afford to look human, you're going to the Farm. It's a simple as that."

Toad seems to visibly pale at this, the vertical slits eyes dilating with panic as he shakes his head rapidly. "You can't send me up to live with those animals!"

Bigby gives Toad a blank stare before his eyes shift over to (Y/N), the two exchanging a deadpan glance before returning their eyes to Toad wordlessly, who scowls with an annoyed huff.

"You both know what I mean!" he grumbles with a roll of his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest like a petulant child.

Bigby shakes his head, speaking firmly with a hardened expression. "Go see a witch. Get a glamour."

"Bigby, they're bleedin' me dry, mate!" Toad complains as he shakes his head, frowning. "The quality of the spell goes down, but the rates keep climbing up."

He gestures downward with his hands before lifting them high up in exaggeration, sighing heavily with a scowl.

"Do either of you have any idea how much it costs to have an entire family in glamour?" He demands as he jerks a hand towards Bigby and (Y/N), a loud thud from upstairs causing him to look back.

(Y/N) steps forward with a sigh through her nose, shaking her head as she rests a hand on her hip. "Of course we don't, but... Toad, you need to get it done. We don't make the rules. Or you could at least try to stay out of sight more while you're like this."

"Look-- we can't give you a free pass on this, Toad. Our hands are tied," Bigby shakes his head with a somewhat empathetic look, though it comes off a bit awkward on his usually hardened face.

(?) Mr. Toad will remember that

Toad sighs as he looks down, nodding in defeat. "Right, right..."

"There's just... too much at risk. If a mundy sees you..." (Y/N) trails off as she shakes her head, her eyebrows furrowing sadly as she looks down at Toad. "I know it's hard, but glamour or the Farm are the only options."

"Whatever it costs, it's worth it," Bigby chimes in agreement, his eyes narrowing as he gives Toad a warning glare. "You don't want me catching you out of glamour again."

Toad hastily nods his head in agreement as he shrinks back under Bigby's intimidating stare, Bigby's glare softening just a hair as he inhales his cigarette once more, softly exhaling a cloud of smoke from his mouth.

The sound of glass breaking makes (Y/N) glance back, her eyebrows raising with surprise as a Television falls a moment later, landing with a loud crash on the sidewalk in front of the doors. Toad's hands fly up to his head in distress as his mouth drops, Bigby calmly glancing outside with a frown.

"Fuckin' hell!" Toad groans as he scowls, lowering his hands and gesturing to the broken television set with a sharp sigh. "See? This is what I called you about, Sheriff! Are you and your deputy going to do something, or you two just gonna stand there?"

He sets his hands on his lower back as he slouches, the lines on his face deepening as he scowls while glaring between the two.

"Do something! Before he completely tears up the place!"

(Y/N) exchanges a quick look with Bigby before holding her hand up, stepping forward. "Wait, wait. What exactly are we heading into right now? Who's up there?"

Toad sighs as he turns his attention up the stairs, shaking his head and speaking quietly. "Your best friend's here, Red. The Woodsman. He's on another bender."

(Y/N)'s expression hardens at this as Bigby gives her a sideways glance, a hint of concern in his gaze as he puffs on his cigarette.

"Course he is," (Y/N) mutters under her breath, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Great, just who I wanted to see tonight. That fucking asshole."

"Asshole is right. He's been going on like this for hours," Toad grumbles in agreement as another loud thud could be heard upstairs, followed by indistinct, muffled voices. "Turn this place to dust if you let him. He's in a fuckin' rage."

Toad looks back to Bigby just as another loud thud occurs, ceiling tiles falling off the ceiling and startling Toad. Bigby glances upward with a somewhat amused expression, (Y/N) dusting off some fallen debris off her shoulder as she sighs softly.

"This is the last straw, you two. He has to go," Toad firmly states as he shakes his head, crossing his arms over his chest with a frown as he occasionally glances back up the steps, worry etched in his expression.

"What set him off?" Bigby questions with an unbothered tone, showing he wasn't surprised that the Woodsman was causing trouble once again. He had a bad habit of causing destruction wherever he went.

"Who knows what it was this time," Toad replies with a soft huff, rolling his eyes with clear displeasure for the Woodsman. "Man's got a hair trigger. I avoid him as much as possible."

(Y/N) scoffs softly and nods in agreement at Toad's words, her arms folding over her chest as she glares up the stairs icily. "It's always something with him," she mutters with venom lacing her words, her blood boiling with barely contained anger.

A crashing bang coming from upstairs causes Bigby's eyes to flick up as he drops his cigarette, stomping it out with the front of his shoe. (Y/N) glares upward at the ceiling with the side of her lip curled in irritation, her hand itching to reach for her her hidden dagger tucked away in her boot, another larger dagger attached on her hip.



The dagger was from her homeland, the dagger closely resembling a beautiful pair of antique scissors that had been given to her by her grandmother ages ago to protect herself when on walks through the woods, subtle in design and convenient.The white metal dagger was custom made more recently and given to her by Bigby himself as a gift when she became his Deputy, a wolf carved along the front of the handle. She kept the dagger tucked in her boot as a backup in case she needed to get out of a pinch, her main handed dagger her base means of defense.

"Fuck you!" a woman's voice snarls with fury, both (Y/N) and Bigby's body language shifting to alert and ready at the sound of distress.

Toad looks up in alarm, his eyes widening. "I didn't know anyone else was up there."

Bigby moves to the stairs in long strides as (Y/N) motions for Toad to stay back, following quickly up after the man. Toad watches the two go up the stairs as he waves with a grateful smile, however, as soon as they round the corner up the stairs, his smile instantly melts to a look of disdain.

"Furry pricked gobshite and that fuckin' hag. Tellin' me how to spend my money..." Toad grumbles under his breath and pouts like a child, stuffing his hands in his pocket in a jerked motion as he turns his head to spit on the floor in offense.

"Daaaaad!" a small child's voice calls, Toad startling as he looks over towards his apartment door. "The lights are shaking again!"

His son, Toad Junior or TJ, pokes his head out with an anxious expression, the boy a splitting image of Toad wearing a dark blue sweater, his eyes soft and kind.

"What did I say?" Toad demands sternly with a scowl, shaking his head. "You want the Big Bad Wolf to take you away?"

TJ's eyes widen as he hastily shakes his head, cowering while weakly managing a soft, "No..."

Toad scoffs as he walks over, waving his hand in a shooing motion as he scowls. "Then get the fuck back inside!"


Bigby makes his way up the old wooden steps with (Y/N) in tow, his narrowed, sharp eyes scanning the area. The paint along the walls were peeling and in very poor condition, several holes along the wall as well in different areas from decay. Only dim yellow lights were the light source, faint buzzing coming from the bulbs.

His eyes flick to his side as (Y/N) joins him, her arms folded over her chest and a light, annoyed scowl on her face.

"You... sure you okay with Woody being here? I can handle him myself," Bigby slowly says as he tilts his head, a hint of concern in his eyes as he regards (Y/N).

(Y/N)'s expression softens at Bigby's voice as she looks up, slowly lowering her folded arms and rubbing the side of her neck with a nod as she manages a small smile.

"Yeah-- I'm fine. I mean, I'm a professional. Really, it's fine," (Y/N) replies a bit unconvincingly as she waves her hand back and forth dismissively, sighing heavily as she glances around the dingy hallway. "Besides, I can't let my partner go off alone! What would you do without your trusted sidekick?"

Bigby gives her a deadpan glance, though the corner of his mouth twitches up in the faintest smile as he watches (Y/N) walk ahead, always the strong one. (Y/N) looks around the hallway with a hint of disgust and contempt at the poor condition, her eyes flicking down as her foot bumps into a small pack of matches on the floor.

She lowers down in a squat to pick up the matchbook, looking over it curiously as Bigby heads over to a landline phone dangling off the booth, lifting it and setting it back in place to stop the excessive, static beeping.

"... you're gonna know who I fuckin' am! You hear me?!" the Woodsman, Woody's, muffled voice slurs heavily from down the hall, leading to a nearby room. "Hey! Look at me!"

(Y/N)'s expression hardens as she rises, tucking the matchbook away in her pocket as she approaches the door, her movements nearly silent as she walks with grace and confidence. Bigby walks over as well, the two exchanging a silent, knowing glance as they nod.

"Just-- stop! Okay?! You're drunk! Let go!" the woman's muffled voice shouts, her voice filled with exhaustion and aggravation.

Bigby steps forward as (Y/N) moves aside, her body tensed and ready for danger as she watches the wooden door.

"Take a look! Take a good look! Know who I am now?! Hey-- look at me!!"

"Get off me!"

She nods to Bigby firmly, who doesn't need to be told twice before he lifts his leg, delivering a swift, powerful kick to the old wooden door. The door instantly caves with a splintering crackle, nearly flying off the hinges as it swings open and collides with the wall in a loud thud. (Y/N) moves in first, accessing the scene urgently.

A woman she didn't recognize, yet found oddly familiar, stood in front of Woody, glaring up at the man without fear despite his towering figure. Her eyes were as green as emeralds and her hair was black as night, her tube top a shade of green and her skirt and stiletto high heels black. Her skin was smooth and pale-- though bruising marred her arms and face, a beautiful, purple ribbon looped around her neck and tied in a bow.

Standing in front of her was a large, burly man, the Woodsman, otherwise known as Woody. His head was bald, but he had a bushy, light brown beard and thick eyebrows, his eyes a dark shade of green that matched his flannel shirt tucked in his brown pants held up by a dark brown belt with a silver buckle.

"Goddamn you!" Woody snarls as he rears his hand back, delivering a sharp slap to the woman's cheek. "Know who I am now?!"

Faith gasps and stumbles to the side from the force, scowling furiously as she catches herself with her hands on the dresser while panting softly.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Bigby swiftly moves in to restrain Woody, his lip curled up in a snarl as he slams into the man. "Hey! Hey!"

Bigby slams Woody into the wall and pins him there as Woody lets out a grunt of both surprise and pain, (Y/N) rushing to the woman with concern etched on her face.

"Are you alright?" (Y/N) questions softly and quickly, knowing the woman obviously wasn't but wanting to know if she had any life-threatening injuries.

Faith looks up with a hint of surprise before relaxing, managing a small, weary smile and nodding, the movement miniscule. Her expression hardens as she turns to where Bigby was pinning Woody, a scoff of disgust leaving her as she approaches without fear.

"You've got something on your face," the woman points out in a smug tone, glaring at Woody icily with a sneer.

Woody scowls at Bigby before his eyes flick to Faith, his movements sluggish-- the man clearly drunk.

"The fuck are you talking about, you stupid cun--"

Before Woody could finish his insult, Faith spits blood from her split lip on his face, the red liquid staining his nose as he grimaces with a sharp hiss, struggling violently against Bigby's hold.

"I'll fucking kill you!" Woody snarls as he thrashes in Bigby's hold, (Y/N) moving closer to the woman to protect her if needed.

Bigby firmly slams Woody into the wall when he tries to break out of his head, a sharp grunt of pain leaving Woody as his head hits the wall.

Woody's eyes turn to Bigby as he growls lowly, his eye twitching. "You fucker!"

"What the hell's going on here?!" (Y/N) demands sternly, her voice unwavering as she faces the Woodsman.

"I'd like to know the same--" Bigby starts, his sentence cut off by Woody rearing his head back and headbutting him.

Bigby lets out a stifled grunt of pain as blood splatters from his new injury, (Y/N)'s face hardening as she swiftly moves in, steadying Bigby before he could trip backwards over scattered empty bottles of beer. She keeps her hand on his side and one on his shoulder until he gets his bearings, shaking his head out as the Woodsman approaches while cracking his neck to the side.

(Y/N) scowls furiously as she steps forward to block Woody's path, but an arm reaching out stops her. Bigby pants softly as he keeps his sharp eyes on the man while standing protectively in front of (Y/N), a low, almost silent growl emanating from his chest as he lowers into a fighting stance.

"Keep her and yourself safe," Bigby gruffly speaks as he nods towards Faith standing in the corner without removing his eyes from Woody, (Y/N) hesitating as she looks to Bigby with concern and apprehension.

She nods her head hesitantly, trusting Bigby to handle himself against Woody as she makes her way back to Faith, keeping her body tensed and hand hovering near her stiletto dagger in case things got bad. Bigby follows her movement with his own steps, keeping in front of (Y/N) and standing firm in Woody's path.

"And what're you gonna fuckin' do? Huh?" Woody sneers at Bigby as he steps closer, his words slurred due to being intoxicated by alcohol. "Get the fuck out of the way before you get the axe again."

(Y/N)'s eyes narrow and her hand balls into a fist at her side at this, Faith giving the woman a curious, yet concerned, sideways glance. Bigby's expression doesn't change, but his jaw ticks, his teeth gritting together.

"That won't happen again," he growls lowly and confidently, his words meant as both a threat to Woody, and a reassurance to (Y/N). "Now, Woody, this is your last warning. If you keep on like this, I won't have any choice but to put you down."

(?) Woody's going to remember that

Woody seems taken aback for a brief moment before his face hardens, a soft, bitter scoff leaving him.

"Put me down?" He lets out a low laugh, shaking his head with a scowl as he steps closer in threat. "You've got a shit fuckin' memory, Wolf. That's now how it went last time."

(Y/N)'s fingers twitch with an urge to grab her dagger-- to pierce it through Woody's head and silence the man and his boasting, but she restrains herself, trusting that Bigby could handle this. She had to protect the woman and trust Bigby. She'd help him if he absolutely needed it.

Bigby's eyes narrow as his fist clenches at his side, his jaw clenching as he watches Woody with a white-hot stare. "This isn't last time."

Woody lets out a growl as he rushes forward, rearing his first back in preparation to punch Bigby. Bigby moves with an air of power and skill as he dodges the punch, firmly grabbing hold of Woody's outstretched arm and twisting it behind his back. Woody lets out a muffled cry of pain as his bones crack, snarling as he jerks his head back. The back of his head collides with Bigby's nose, Bigby wincing as his nose crunches.

He keeps a firm hold on Woody's arm pinned behind his back despite the pain, applying pressure as Woody's bones crackle.

"You gonna calm down?" Bigby lowly demands in a deep growl, Woody crying out in pain and thrashing violently in his hold.

Bigby scoffs as he glances around quickly, spotting an old, questionably stained couch in the corner of the room. He roughly shoves Woody over to the couch, Woody flailing and stumbling as he was sent across the room. He grunts as he collides with the couch, the couch toppling backwards from the force as he lands roughly on the other side.

"Had enough?" Bigby questions as he stalks towards the couch, a wheezing grunt leaving him as the couch suddenly slides across the floor and collides against him, Woody having kicked it.

Bigby stumbles back as he holds his arms around his stomach, the wind temporarily knocked from him as he takes slow, shaky breaths, dazed as blood drips from his nostrils. Woody rises and wipes some blood from his jaw, sneering as he grabs the couch and easily slides it out of his path.

"At least make this a fuckin' challenge," he mocks as he rolls his head, marching towards Bigby.

"Bigby!" (Y/N) sharply alerts the man that was still dazed, making his eyes snap up as Woody rushes him.

Bigby grunts with surprise as Woody grabs him by the collar of his shirt, lifting him into the air as Bigby grips his wrists tightly. Bigby quickly recovers and plants his large hand on Woody's face, pushing him back before delivering a sharp punch against his exposed throat.

Woody lets out a choked, gargled shout of pain as he drops Bigby, stumbling back and gripping at his throat with wide eyes as he gasps for breath. Bigby uses this to rush forward, darting behind Woody and once again pinning his arm against his back and twisting his wrist as the bone cracks.

(Y/N) watches Bigby's eyes dart around swiftly, her own eyes flicking to the metal bedspring to her right. She looks to Bigby before gesturing to the bedspring as he nods back in understanding, (Y/N) turning back to Faith and gently shooing her.

"Move!" she urgently guides Faith away to a safe distance as Faith watches the scene with wide eyes, Bigby grunting as he roughly throws Woody across the room.

Woody lands with a wheeze on the metal bedspring, panting as he turns over to rise. Before he could, Bigby was on him in a flash, slamming his knee down onto Woody's stomach to keep him pinned as he shouts in pain.

Bigby's fists collide with Woody's face in a flurry of powerful strikes, Woody crying out with each painful, devastating strike as his face begins to swell and bruise. Bigby grabs the front of Woody's shirt and lifts him from the bedspring, his eyes darting around before he spots a disgusting porcelain sink. He throws Woody at the sink, Woody grunting in pain as he lands roughly against it.

Woody pants softly as he notices a shaving razor, hastily grabbing it and facing Bigby with a wide, bloodied smirk. He charges at Bigby and swings the razor at him, Bigby swiftly ducking under the strike and rushing forward a few steps before facing the man. Woody turns back to face Bigby, swinging the blade at him once more.

Bigby easily dodges to the left, then the right, Woody grunting with each swing as he tries to slice Bigby. Bigby ducks down to avoid another strike, lunging forward and grasping the front of Woody's shirt.

He throws himself backwards smoothly and plants his feet on Woody's stomach, grunting with effort as he kicks Woody over his head to the sink. Woody cries out as he collides with the wall and porcelain sink, the sink shattering as Woody falls to the ground with a pained wheeze.

"You're a fucking glutton for punishment, Woody," Bigby grumbles under his breath as he rises in a swift motion, glaring down at Woody's dazed form as the burly man tries to rise.

"Fuck you!" Woody hisses back as he pants heavily, shaking his head dizzily.

Bigby reaches down and picks the man up by the front of his shirt, turning and snarling as he throws Woody across the room towards an empty bookshelf near (Y/N) and Faith. (Y/N) smoothly pulls Faith out of danger's way as Faith looks over her bruised face in her compact mirror, Faith scowling with annoyance at Woody.

"Back off, asshole!" she hisses at Woody icily, (Y/N) letting out a soft, amused exhale at the woman's attitude.

Woody stumbles as he tries to get his bearings after crashing into the bookshelf, his lip bleeding heavily and nose swelling up and bruising while Bigby remained pretty much unharmed. (Y/N) puts her arm out in front of Faith protectively when Woody looks back, Woody grabbing the floor lamp beside them and facing Bigby.

(Y/N) reacts instinctively and lunges forward, grasping the end of the lamp when Woody tries to use it against Bigby. Woody loses his balance with a startled grunt as she roughly yanks on the lamp, (Y/N) lifting her leg and slamming her boot into Woody's calf, earning a satisfying crack as his leg bends oddly. He lets out a stifled scream of agony as he was forced onto the floor, Bigby smirking and nodding at her in thanks before rushing forward as (Y/N) lifts her leg and steps back out of the way in a quick motion.

Bigby grabs under Woody's chin and slams the back of his head into the wall, Woody wheezing softly as he slumps against the wall. Bigby reaches down and picks the man up by the front of his shirt once more, throwing him to the center of the room and facing him with a low growl rumbling in his chest.

Woody looks behind him as he pants heavily, spotting his axe leaned against the wall. His axe, once a simple tool used to cut down trees, became much more powerful when it was ensorcelled by Druids and marked with their sacred ruins, the metal shining in the dim light and the blade a bit cracked and worn from age and use. It was a simple item that became a legend, known as the axe that slayed the Big Bad Wolf in Red Riding Hood's tale. (Y/N)'s tale.

(Y/N)'s heart sinks in her chest and she feels her blood run cold as Woody picks up the familiar, dreadful axe, her eyes widening and her breath leaving her as she looks to Bigby in alarmed concern. She felt sick and her hand began to tremble subtly at her side, Faith noticing as her green eyes flick from (Y/N)'s hand to the side of her face. Bigby breathes heavily as he wipes blood from his nose, quickly giving (Y/N) a warm, reassuring glance before facing Woody, determined to not let this fight end the way it did in the past.

His eyes narrow as he approaches Woody in slow, calculated movements, his body coiled up and ready to dodge if he needed to. Woody swings his axe back over his shoulder before roaring as he swings it down, Bigby smoothly dodging to the left. The axe ends up striking down into the wooden flooring with a crunch, the blade getting wedged in the wood.

Bigby reaches down swiftly and grabs the axe's handle, grunting as he attempts to wrestle it away from Woody. The two men pull and yank on the axe in attempts to pull it away from each other, Bigby yanking the axe towards him before ramming the handle's end into Woody's stomach.

Woody releases the axe with a pained wheeze as he staggers back, his broken leg giving out from under him as he falls to the floor on his side. Bigby lifts the axe and swings it down with a shout, slamming the side of the axe's blade into Woody's face as a satisfying crack could be heard.

The burly man's body jerks back from the strong force before he falls onto his frontside, not getting back up as he groans in pain. Bigby pants heavily as he watches Woody, searching for any sign of the man continuing to fight before bracing himself on his knees to catch his breath.

Bigby scoffs as he throws the axe to the side with a scowl, Woody moaning in pain and writhing on the floor.

"Bigby..." (Y/N) breathes out with relief as she smiles, Bigby nodding with a small smirk as he sniffles, some blood still dripping from his nose.

Bigby's eyes shift to (Y/N)'s side to the woman as he pants softly, stepping closer and looking down at her with a small frown. "You should probably get out of here."

His tone held no room for argument, but Faith ignores this, her arms crossing over her chest as she shakes her head with a stern scowl.

"He's right. We'll take care of him," (Y/N) agrees as she faces Faith, glaring over to Woody before her gaze returns to the woman.

"Look, I'm not leaving until I get what's mine," she states in a blunt tone in response, her eyes flicking to Woody on the floor.

"Yer nod geddig shid, bidch!" Woody snarls in response, his words heavily impaired by his now broken jaw as he slowly sits up, his hand grasping his jaw in pain.

(Y/N) snorts softly at Woody's speech, realizing that Bigby had broken his jaw. She felt satisfaction at the well-deserved beating he received, this being a long time coming.

"Aisle fuhged puhd yew in de gounnd!" Woody continues his drunken rant, swaying side to side from his spot on the floor. While his words were slurred heavily, (Y/N) understood he said, 'I'll fucking put you in the ground,' making her eyes narrow.

"Sounds like you're threatening this woman. We'll go ahead and slap that charge on top of you assaulting her," (Y/N) calmly calls in a stern voice, shaking her head with a scoff of disgust as she watches the man with a scowl.

"Fudg yew, schoopid bidch!"

(Y/N) rolls her eyes at his petty insult, but she notices Bigby's body tense up as he tilts his head, his eyes narrowing as he steps towards Woody.

"Call her that... one more time..." Bigby lowly threatens in a growl as he approaches the man on the floor, fists clenching at his sides.

Woody seems confused as he frowns, eyebrows furrowed as he huffs. "Wud? Bidch?

Bigby's shoe collides with Woody's face in a powerful kick, Woody shouting in agony as blood splatters on floor. (Y/N) winces at the sound of Woody's nose breaking, her expression a mixture of surprise and interest as her gaze flicks to Bigby's back.

"What did I say?" Bigby demands with a scoff, glaring down at Woody with his lip curled up in a snarl.

Woody groans as he pants softly, rubbing his aching jaw as he glares up at Bigby with swollen eyes. "Yew fuuuuhgger... ugh--"

He begins to pop his jaw in an attempt to fix it, grimacing slightly.

"Fuhged... shid..." he flinches and continues to move his jaw around, the bones continuing to crackle as Bigby turns and walks back towards (Y/N) and Faith. "Yew bogue buy jaw, yew badturd!"

Bigby sighs with annoyance as he glances back with boredom at the man, shaking his head. "And still you talk..."

"Fug gyoo..." Woody grumbles like a child, just to spite Bigby.

(Y/N) softly snickers at Bigby's words, shaking her head as she looks down at Woody. "Only thing that'll get him to shut up is an axe to the head at this point."

Bigby lets out a quiet hum of agreement as his eyes shine with amusement, (Y/N) facing the woman as she watches her tentatively touch at the bruising beneath her eye.

"Shit," Faith whispers with an exasperated sigh, grimacing as her fingers push too hard against the fresh bruise.

"What happened?" (Y/N) questions after a moment as she shakes her head, trying to put together what had just occurred and what possibly set the Woodsman off. "I mean, we walk in and he's hitting you and... just what happened?"

"A little misunderstanding that turned into a real shit show," Faith replies dismissively as she frowns, her eyebrows furrowed slightly as she continues to look over her face in her compact mirror held in her hand. "Don't worry-- you two saw all the best bits."

"Ders moar where dat cameb frumb, gurlie," Woody mockingly slurs from the floor, Faith giving him an icy stare as (Y/N) scowls at him.

"Knock it off!" Bigby snarls at Woody, making the man huff and pout as he rolls his eyes.

"Look," Faith sighs as she lowers her compact mirror, frowning with a hint of uncertainty in her eyes. "This is just the start of a shitty night for me. I just need the money he owes me, then I can go."

(Y/N) notices the woman's tense and uneasy posture, her movements unsteady and her body trembling-- the movement barely noticeable. "Hey-- it's okay. We just want to make sure you're okay."

Faith looks to (Y/N) at her soft tone, sighing and looking away with a frown as she shrugs one shoulder weakly. "I'm hunky dory, thanks for checking."

"Why was he hitting you?" Bigby questions as his arms cross over his chest, concern etched on his face as he looks down at Faith.

"Maybe you should ask him that," Faith brushes off as she shakes her head, making Bigby's frown deepen.

"I will, but I asked you first."

Faith lets out a soft sigh as she hesitates, crossing her arms in front of her chest as she looks down with slightly furrowed brows. "He... asked me if I recognized him. Knew who he was. I said I didn't. He started beating on me. Then, you two showed up and you started beating on him."

She turns her gaze to Woody, glaring at him with a scoff.

"That about cover it, hon?"

Woody glares at her with fury as his hand cradles his injured jaw, "I'b duh Woodsman, yoo hoar."

He groans in pain as he shifts to sit up, his face covered in bruises and blood dripping from his nose.

"Aye saved liddle red raiding hood frum this beast!" he hisses as he turns his sneer to Bigby, who calmly and steadily meets his eye. "I cut dis fugger oben... and filled hid belly full of stones...!"

He grunts as he snaps his jaw back into place, panting softly.

"And threw him in the fucking river!" Woody proudly shouts with a huff as he nods, scowling venomously. "That's who the fuck I am!"

"You didn't save me from shit!" (Y/N) yells furiosuly as she steps forward, her hand balling into a fist at her side. "He was my friend, and you killed him! You were the bad guy in my story, not him!"

Woody's scowl deepens as his face seems to pale, Faith's eyes narrowing as she looks from Woody to (Y/N) with both fascination and concern, taking in her clear righteous fury.

"He's a monster, you stupid bitch."

(Y/N)'s body trembles with barely contained rage as her fingernails dig into her palms, nearly piercing through the skin from how tightly her fist was held. Just as she goes to snap at the man or possibly even lunge at him-- she wasn't sure which--, Bigby steps forward with an unreadable expression, his muscles flexed with his tensed body.

Bigby calmly approaches Woody without a word, Woody's eyes narrowing as he rises in a quick motion. Woody yells as he charges at Bigby, Bigby rushing forward with a snarl and colliding into the man.


The glass from the window shatters as Bigby and Woody go flying out the window with shouts, Woody's body hitting the tall lamp post as he releases Bigby with a pained shout. Bigby falls further down and lands roughly on top of the car parked out front, wheezing softly as his vision goes dark.

"Bigby!" (Y/N) yells out with concern as she rushes to the busted window, spotting the man laying limply on top of the destroyed car. She turns and rushes past the woman while grabbing the Woodsman's discarded axe on the floor, Faith peering out before turning to follow after (Y/N).


Bigby's eyes slowly open as he groans softly, disoriented from the fall. The light from the lamp post above flickered, no doubt damaged from Woody's massive body crashing on the top of it. The yellow car he was on was smooshed down by his weight, the windows shattered and the metal bent inward.

He sits up dizzily, noticing Woody's unconscious form on the sidewalk a bit away from him.

"Shit..." he whispers out with both annoyance and pain, irritated he let his protectiveness over (Y/N) get the best of his anger. He couldn't help it-- all he saw was red when he saw and smelled how upset (Y/N) was becoming. He had to admit, even part of him felt fury at Woody's words, so it wasn't completely her fault.

Bigby sighs heavily as he lays back down on the car, staring at the sky. He pauses when he notices a familiar figure beside him, Toad staring at his heavily damaged car with horror, his hands clasped on top of his head and his mouth dropped in pure shock and distress.

"Hey, Toad," Bigby greets casually in a gruff voice, his dizziness slowly fading the longer he kept laying down.

"My... car..." Toad weakly speaks, his voice filled with sadness, shock, and devastation.

Bigby grimaces as he takes a deep breath, softly breathing out through his mouth. "Yeah... gimme a second."

Toad's expression becomes to change from horrified to furious as he crosses his arms over his chest, shaking his head and speaking in false understanding and concern, "Oh, no! By all means. Take your time. Make yourself comfortable. Can I get you anything? Pillow, perhaps?"

"Sorry about the car," Bigby mutters sheepishly as he leans his head to the side to look at Toad. "We... ended up going out the window. Couldn't be avoided."

Bigby leans his head back up as he remains slumped on top of Toad's car, catching his breath and regaining his senses.

"I... can't be mad at you, I called you, and you came to help... I can't be mad," Toad quietly speaks as he shakes his head with a pained expression, his fist clenching at his side as his words become more harsh. "But even when you help, things end up more fucked than they started!"

Bigby winces at Toad's words and remains silent as he frowns, looking away with a hint of guilt.

Toad exhales harshly before noticing a figure rising, scowling as he sets his hands on his hips. "Well, at least you're not fucking dead."

Bigby's eyebrows furrow as he swiftly sits up, grunting in alarm with wide eyes as Woody suddenly grabs hold of his calf. Woody lets out a shout of effort as he drags Bigby down off the car, grabbing hold of his shirt before rushing forward.

He grips Bigby's tie in both hands as he slams the man into a bus stop advertisement, the glass shattering behind him from the brute force. Bigby tries to fight back, but Woody's hands wrap around his throat in a tight hold, Bigby sputtering for breath and scowling viciously as his hands tightly grip Woody's wrists.

Bigby grabs at Woody's neck as the man grunts but doesn't let go, Bigby then grabbing hold of Woody's face. He tries to dig his fingers into Woody's eyes, jamming his thumb into his mouth.

"Quit fucking around," Woody snarls, his voice muffled as he bites down on Bigby's thumb.

Bigby sharply hisses in pain as his thumb cracks and blood splatters from the wound, Bigby swiftly withdrawing his hand as Woody roughly slams him into the broken glass.

(Y/N) bursts through the wooden doors, startling Toad as he yelps and flails in alarm. She pants softly as she looks over at the sound of Woody and Bigby, her hands gripping the axe handle tightly.

"Let him go, fuckhead!" she yells furiously as she runs over, Faith emerging from the building and watching the scene with wide eyes.

"I know you're fuckin' in there," Woody lowly and mockingly challenges, "Come on out, you fucking dog! Show her the monster you are!"

Bigby's strength begins to waver as he struggles for air, his eyes nearly rolling to the back of his skull as he struggles and thrashes against Woody's hold. Bigby weakly hits and claws at Woody's arms, his body trembling and convulsing.

"I'll put you out of your misery! You fucking mongrel!" Woody slams him into the glass once more, his fingers turning white from how tightly he was gripping Bigby's throat. "You ignorant fuck! Come on out, Wolf!"

(Y/N)'s eyes dart rapidly between Bigby and Woody, knowing that they were only to seriously harm Fables as a last resort. "Last chance before I hurt you, Woodsman!"

Bigby's eyes fall shut for a moment as he nearly goes limp, however, a moment later, his eyes blink open, his once brown eyes now glowing a vibrant, beastly yellow as his canines extend into sharp fangs. He lets out a deep snarl at Woody, who smugly grins in triumph at the sight.

"I said..." (Y/N) starts as she raises the axe back over her shoulder, shouting as she swings it down against the back of Woody's head. "Let him go, fucker!"

Blood begins to splatter freely from the wound as Woody lets out a choked gasp, his eyes widening twice their normal size as he releases Bigby. He stumbles back in slow, weak and sluggish movements, (Y/N) releasing the end of the axe as he falls onto his frontside on the sidewalk, gurgling blood and convulsing.

(Y/N) turns her attention to Bigby as he pants heavily while coughing, his hands braced on his knees as he catches his breath.

"Bigby!" she softly whispers with heavy concern, noticing the yellow glow in his eyes.

She reaches her hand out to touch his arm, Bigby flinching away for a moment with a soft, warning growl, still dizzy and disoriented. He inhales deeply, catching (Y/N)'s scent as his eyes flick to her. His body begins to relax as he slowly leans his arm closer to her in invitation, (Y/N) smiling softly with relief as she gently rests her hand on his arm to comfort and reassure him.

Bigby takes slow, deep breaths, her touch grounding him and helping him get his bearings. Faith approaches slowly and hesitantly as Bigby closes his eyes to calm himself, his fangs slowly retracting. He shakes his head out and grits his teeth, his eyes slowly opening and revealing they were back to their normal light brown.

"Thanks..." Bigby quietly murmurs, a bit breathless from the ordeal as he gazes down at (Y/N) with a soft look, one usually reserved for her.

(Y/N) smiles and nods in response as she gently squeezes his arm, slowly lowering her hand back to her side as Bigby looks down where she had been touching with an unreadable look.

Faith looks up at Bigby with a mixture of concern and apprehension before turning her sharp gaze to Woody, the man heaving with gasping breaths as he tries to crawl away on his hands and knees, the axe still wedged in the back of his skull and gushing blood.

He collapses on his frontside with a grunt, Faith approaching and lowering down as she begins to search his pockets with a determined expression.

"Searching for something in particular?" (Y/N) questions curiously as she approaches Faith's side, her arms loosely and comfortably crossed over her chest.

"Just getting what he owes me," Faith softly replies, continuing to dig through the Woodsman's pockets as the man remains limp on the ground. She glances towards Bigby with a small frown, her eyebrows furring as she pauses her movements. "You alright back there? I mean... your eyes... and the teeth..."

Bigby looks away as he rubs the side of his neck, (Y/N) peering up at the man with a sympathetic expression.

"You're not really supposed to do that, are you?" Faith asks softly, her tone without judgment or disgust, but instead curiosity, her eyes returning to Woody as she resumes searching him.

"He... usually tries to avoid it," (Y/N) answers for Bigby, knowing he didn't like taking about it much with others.

Faith hums in acknowledgment as she nods in understanding, the sound of coins clinking together as she pulls out a small handful of them. Her body tenses as she scowls with anger at the small amount, exhaling sharply and rolling her eyes.

"Great," she grumbles, throwing the coins down with a huff as she rises, the coins clattering along the street.

She grunts softly as she begins to kick at Woody's body with her heels in anger, Woody not even flinching as he remains limp face-down on the street. A pool of blood had gathered beneath his head, his shirt and entire backside of his neck stained with the crimson liquid.

"The guy's got an axe in his brain. He's not feeling that," Bigby points out with furrowed brows, shaking his head at Woody.

"It's more for me," Faith replies lowly as she frowns, glaring down at Woody. "He'll be fine."

"I'll kill yew, yew fuckin' bidch..." Woody growls as he blindly waves his arm around, his speech a bit muffled due to his face being pressed into the ground.

Faith sneers at this, shaking her head. "Let me help you with that."

Faith lifts her leg and plants her heel on the axe handle, Woody letting out gasping wheeze as she wedges the blade deeper into the back of his skull, his face pressing into the bloodied street. He weakly tries to grab at the axe but couldn't due to having no strength, Bigby scoffing softly.

"Guy's having a bad day." He comments bluntly, making (Y/N) snort softly with amusement.

"Makes two of us," Faith mumbles in agreement as she sighs, lifting her heel off the axe handle and stepping back as she looks down at the pool of blood. "I guess it's a good thing Fables are hard to kill."

(Y/N) lets out a quiet scoff as she nods her head. "Yeah..."

Faith turns and walks towards the steps leading up to the apartment building with a frown, lowering down and picking up her purse she had set aside. She rummages through it as Bigby works on getting the axe out of Woody's skull, planting his foot firmly on his back and yanking it out with a grunt of effort.

(Y/N) notices Faith beginning to walk away, making her quickly follow after her. Bigby glances up before tossing the axe aside on the sidewalk, approaching the two as Faith attempts to light a cigarette held in her mouth. The lighter sparks but doesn't work, Faith frowning deeply.

"Shit... just-- come on," she grumbles as she slows to a stop, focusing on trying to light the cigarette with an annoyed breath.

(Y/N) hesitates before reaching into her pocket, fetching the matchbook she had picked up before. "Here, you can have these."

Faith looks back in pleasant surprise, her expression softening as she smiles. "Thanks."

She uses a match to light the cigarette, inhaling and softly breathing out smoke as the end of her cigarette lights up with a brilliant orange.

(Y/N) nods with a small smile as she watches Faith for a moment, her and Bigby exchanging a glance. They needed information from her about what happened to make a proper report.

"So... who do you work for?" (Y/N) casually questions as she tilts her head, not wanting to come off as an interrogator.

Faith lowers her cigarette as her eyes flick up to (Y/N), her eyebrows furrowing slightly and an almost fearful expression crossing her features. "These lips are sealed... sorry."

She shakes her head and looks down with a sigh, (Y/N) noticing from her tone and body language that if the woman could tell them, she would.

"Hey... you like my ribbon?" Faith lifts her head with a weak smile, though her eyes still held fear as she gestures to her ribbon around her neck.

Bigby frowns as he steps forward, folding his arms over his chest as he shakes his head. "If you don't answer our questions, we can't help you."

Faith's smile falls as she sighs softly, looking down with a disheartened look as she gently taps her cigarette to clear off embers. "I'm answering them the best that I can."

(Y/N) watches Faith with an odd expression, feeling a strange sense that she knew the woman, but at the same time, didn't. It was a strange déjà vu.

"You know... I feel like... I don't know. Like I've... met you before," she slowly says with uncertainty as she shakes her head, her hand coming up to rub her temple with her fingers.

"You feel it, too?" Bigby questions with a hint of surprise, glancing to (Y/N) with raised brows.

"We probably have met each other before," Faith replies cryptically with a soft exhale of smile, shaking her head. "We all sort of knew each other at one point or another... but things change, I guess."

"I guess..." Bigby replies with squinted eyes as (Y/N) lets out a soft sound of agreement, glancing back down the sidewalk.

She pauses and perks up on alert when she notices Woody was gone, along with his axe, her eyebrows furrowing as she gently taps on Bigby's back. He looks back before frowning deeply as he walks over to the back of the car, only a pool of blood left behind. He growls under his breath with annoyance, moving to go search for the man. A hand on his wrist stops him, (Y/N) sighing and shaking her head as she gently grasps his wrist.

"It's fine. He'll pop back up eventually, and when he does, we'll get him." (Y/N) reassures with a small smile, Bigby looking down at her for a moment before slowly relaxing as he nods slowly in agreement.

"She's right. He's had enough-- for tonight, at least. Wouldn't be surprised if he has an axe to grind though," Faith agrees with a soft chuckle, shaking her head with a faint, amused smile.

(Y/N)'s brow lifts as she feels herself smile, a quiet laugh leaving her. "Was... that pun intended?"

Faith pauses, realizing her words before sighing with an exasperated smile. "No. No, it was not."

She looks down as she lifts her cigarette to her lips, inhaling on the end before softly blowing out a puff of smoke. She glances around the empty road before returning her light green eyes to the couple, tilting her head with an appraising look.

"So... Red Riding Hood and her Wolf. You two make quite the... surprising team," Faith comments, her words laced with a hint of teasing playfulness as she crosses an arm over her chest, the other relaxed at her side with her hand holding her cigarette between her pointer and middle finger.

(Y/N) and Bigby both look to Faith in surprise at her words, (Y/N) blinking rapidly as she feels heat beginning to creep along her cheeks, her heart fluttering in her chest at the choice of words the woman used. Her wolf. She clears his throat, feeling a bit flustered but trying to remain a professional appearance.

"He-- He's not my--" she starts, cut off.

"Thank you." Bigby gruffly thanks with a nod, not appearing at all fazed by Faith's words. In fact, a small, barely noticeable smile tugs at the corners of his lips, his posture a bit straighter and more confident.

Faith nods back at Bigby with a soft smile, glancing away for a moment as she takes a drag of her cigarette. (Y/N) looks up at the side of Bigby's face with a sheepish expression, surprised that he accepted her words without protest or correction. A brief pause of silence goes by, Faith lowering her cigarette as she faces the two.

"You guys got me out of a bad situation back there... so, thanks."

"Of course," (Y/N) gently and kindly replies as she nods, her hand coming up to instinctively adjust her red hood draped over her shoulders. "We still need a statement, so... whenever you're ready..."

Faith hesitates as she averts her eyes down, nodding slowly. "I... have to go drop off what I have."

"Okay. We can meet back at Bigby's office, then," (Y/N) suggests as she gives a quick glance to Bigby, who nods in agreement with a somewhat softened expression.

Faith lets out a weak chuckle, "It's a little late for an office visit, Deputy. I can swing by the Sheriff's apartment later."

Bigby frowns at this, his eyebrows furrowing. "How do you know where I--"

"You live in the smallest apartment in The Woodlands," Faith cuts him off with a somewhat amused smile, shaking her head. "Everyone knows that."

Bigby's frown deepens as he nods, some blood trickling down from his nose. "That's... good to know."

(Y/N)'s brow creases with concern as she steps closer to Bigby, her hand slowly and tentatively reaching up towards his face. "We... should get you cleaned up, Bigby. You're in pretty rough shape."

Bigby doesn't so much as wince when (Y/N) gently presses her thumb against his skin, carefully wiping away from blood from his nose with a concerned frown. He leans into her touch as he gazes down at her, a soft, rumbling chuckle leaving him.

"That's a little on the harsh side," he mumbles jokingly as he smiles, a playful glint in his eyes.

"Well, if I didn't tell you how it was, who would?" (Y/N) quips back with a grin, raising her brows at him with fond amusement as she tilts her head innocently. "You know it comes from a place of love!"

Bigby lets out a bark of laughter at this, shaking his head as his hand holds his stomach. His laugh was a bit raspy and unfamiliar since he didn't use it much, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he smiles widely while gazing down at (Y/N).

(Y/N) beams as her chest fills with warmth at the sight, glad she was able to draw such a reaction from the man. He sets his hand on top of her head in an affectionate manner, gently rubbing her hair as she lets out a soft giggle.

The woman watches the sight with a mixture of fascination and amusement, a soft hum leaving her as she smiles. "You know..." she starts, gaining their attention as she looks up at Bigby, "You're not as bad as everyone says you are."

She turns her attention to (Y/N), smiling almost bittersweetly with a hint of sadness in her eyes. "I guess you've always known that. Haven't you?"

(Y/N) and Bigby were both taken aback by her words, Bigby's hand slowly lowering from (Y/N)'s head as they look to the mysterious woman. The woman sighs softly as she begins to walk down the sidewalk, lifting her hand in a two finger save without looking back.

"I'll see you around. Take care of each other," she calls back to the pair in a parting tone, lowering her hand as she continues walking off into the night.

The two watch the woman walk off with an unsettling feeling, (Y/N) getting an odd sense that the woman wasn't who she appeared to be. But she could tell the woman had a good heart, which confused her more. She debates going after her, sighing softly and shaking her head before looking to Bigby.

Bigby reaches into his pocket as he glances around the empty road like a guardian, lightly tapping his box of cigarettes to get one out. He holds the cigarette between his lips as he lifts his lighter, lighting the cigarette.

(Insert the cool intro here-- I'm scared of putting songs/videos in my stories in case Wattpad notices and bans me again *CRIES*)


10,000K+ WORDS BRUH--



Just a quick warning! Some chapters may take longer to get out than others since I'm still in school, but I'll do my best to get a chapter out at least once every week! <3

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