By Wasboredsowhynot

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(so uh hi, I guess..? so... this is my first ever Wattpad story, I read alot of other storys and I got bored... More

part1: the start
part2: I never thought they would find us again...
part3:this is big brain time
just a heads up and explaining
PART7: are you a Disney princess?
PART8: the storm,before the disaster
PART10:we will see each other again...Doctor
PART11:wake up...other me..
PART12:my days in Rhode Island was interesting...I guess?
PART13:did the doctor just speak suracusan?
PART14:the meeting in lungmen..
PART16:Misha(part 2)
SIDE STORY:past Yami and Taisin...
The Doctor's Bio (Rewritten)
PART17 Misha (part 3)
PART20:Lungmen's alleyway massacres
PART21:who are you?

PART6:A "chilling" day

64 2 11
By Wasboredsowhynot

We start at where we left off...

Yami:you two really took time,huh....

Tatsuya:good afternoon Yami and.....

Tatsuya stays silent after noticing the  red crimson haired woman and just stares blankly at her until Kurokus spoke up casually to her....

Kurokus:yo! dr.hime-cunt!! "howl" ya doin?

Said Kurokus that planted a swear word into the red haired Doctor's name mocking her and maybe.pissing her off a little

Dr.himeko:oh my~ well...if it isn't my number one little favorite~ sweet ang-

Tatsuya:don't call me that....Dr.himeko

Dr.himeko was cut off by Tatsuya before she can talk any further. Dr.himeko is very surprised and slightly disturbed from his tone from speaking to her.hes voice from when he cut her off from her talking was cold...very cold,colder then any environment or place anyone can set their foot sounded very sign or a shred of emotion from when he cut her off was felt from him...the only thing she felt from when he spoke was nothing but a cold piercing tone that made a imaginary hole in her stomach.his tone was also heard by the surrounding made them feel all sorts of emotions that it sended shivers down their spine, making them feel slightly fearful,scared,and terror...others were concerned and scared at the same time."how can a 11yo boy can make such a tone?" especially, a tone which is nothing but only a very cold and emotionless that can send shivers down your spine that will even make the most toughest and strongest willed person on their knees
shaking in fear of the person in front of them who they clearly see is whom is not to mess with.

Tatsuya:.....I never expected to see you again so soon...Dr.himeko....

Said Tatsuya whom is still looking at the Dr.himeko with a very cold and emotionless look.he was staring directly at her with a sharp and cold piercing stare that made her shiver not just by the cold but also the fear she is feeling from his dead cold stare.
the smile that he always wears was gone....replaced by a blank and emotionless look with not even a shred of warmth in it,his bright blue eyes devoid of life and color and the warmth of the sun in them was replaced by a void of nothingness....

Izentsu:w-w-what...? T-T-Tats-suya-nii-sama? a-are you... alright?

Izentsu was shaking not because of the cold.but with fear and concern for his big elder brother...he has never seen this side of him,he always sees him wearing a smile radiating with warmth thats warmer then the sun
and gentle kind eyes that can give anybody warmth just by looking at,he is seeing the complete opposite of his big elder brother... instead of warmth and gentleness that he feels from his big elder brother all the time.he instead feels coldness and nothingness within him...he was about to speak again when Kurokus jumped in.

Kurokus:hey,bro. that's not very "cool" of you to do you know? Infact shouldn't you act a little "n-ice" to them? cause your kinda making them a little..."blue" right now,heh

Said Kurukos whom is looking at the cold and emotionless Tatsuya.he looked at Tatsuya at his left side his right eye closed meanwhile his left eye isn't.his hands in his jackets pockets and standing beside Tatsuya's right side whilst having a AK-47 at his back .(Kurokus doesn't want to show his brothers about his powers.cause he rather keep it a secret to them and  that Taisin wouldn't train him 24/7)
Tatsuya looked at Kurokus who's looking at him with a calm expression seemingly to tell him to tune down his very terrifying aura within him cause he doesn't like the cold version of him.neither does Tatsuya like that version of himself also... I shouldn't have let my anger get the best of me... sorry Kurokus..

Kurokus:naaah.its "spine" Tatsuya it happens,though...*grins* I think we should give Yami a hand since his in a "stick-y" situation,heheh.

Tatsuya seemed to have came back from his cold state and the usual gentle and kind Tatsuya has come back to life.with that, Tatsuya looked at Kurokus with his usual gentle smile and nodded in agreement then he looked back at Dr.himeko then his three brothers.

Tatsuya:*gentle smirk* your right...let's go get our brothers to safety,shall we?

With that Kurokus took out his hands from his pockets and retracted his AK-47 that's customized with a drum magazine,a scope with a silencer.while Tatsuya brought out his flask and glass tubes that have strange colored liquids also known as potions
out of thin air that even some of the captureers are confused on where he got them from. he only put his hands behide his back and then his hands are now holding five or four flasks or glass tubes in his hands.Dr.himeko sees this and immediately spoke in a confident and curious tone.

Dr.himeko:hou~...your going to come at me? perhaps you have forgotten that your brothers are being held at gun may I suggest you drop your weapons and just come to me~
before any unfortunate events happen~ don't you think so?~....

Tatsuya:oh! that won't be a problem...



the sound of a metal pin was heard behide Dr.himeko.she immediately turned around to see Yami holding a exhausted Izentsu an unconscious Taisin and most importantly.....a flashgrenade.Yami then toss the flashnade to the above then after 3 seconds it made a extremely loud bang noise and generated a big bright blinding light.both the captureers and Dr.himeko were blinded by the light,and then...


The sounds of a gun going off after the flashbang exploded was heard.after hearing gunshots afterwards both the captureers and Dr.himeko scattered.Dr.himeko dashes towards the trees. ( que the Vietnamese war flashback images flashing)the captureers immediately went for cover, some managed to find cover from the shots, however.some of them weren't so lucky.a few were shot down by Kurokus's AK-47. a capture was shot right between the eyes and blood splattered on the ground and on the trees the bullet went through his head from the back of his head thus also destroying his brain and some of his brains were out of his head cause of the bullet speed.another one was also unlucky by getting hit in the torso five times then in the neck and then falling to the ground. Then another one came down by getting shot at the heart directly and the torso was shot six times also thus killing him and making blood splattered onto the dirt of the forest and onto the trees.

Tatsuya:nice shot Kurokus.have you been practicing?

Tatsuya asked.which he complemented Kurokus for his shots and accuracy of shooting,he killed six captureers and they were all hit by either the head or directly to the heart or the torso.

Kurokus:huh?,oh naaah.just been playing alot of first person videogames and uh... playing as a Kriegs.

Tatsuya:hmm,I see...well allow me to take over for now.go to Yami's location and bring them to a safe place I'll make sure they don't go after you.

Kurokus: alright,see ya bro am off to Yami.

Tatsuya:take care ☺️.

Kurokus then jumped down from where they were and ran towards Yami's current position.the captureers sees Kurokus running through and were aiming there electric guns at him.

Captureer: don't that let subject escape! knock him dow- what!? Aaarrghh!!

Captureer:*vomits out blood* gah!
what's happening!?

Captureer: what is this smell!? I think am gonna be sick...

Captureer:what is going on!? Huh?

The captureer then looks up to see a glass flask thrown at his face.upon contact with his face it shattered and the strange liquid was plashed onto his face and glass shards stabbed his face while giving him cuts as well.

Captureer:WHA- *Sizzle*AAAAAAAH!!

Captureer:huh!? What did he throw at him!? was it acid!?

The captureers were vomiting blood cause they smelt a unfamiliar smell in the air and then ended up dying afterwards some fell asleep and some died instantly.This was the cause of Tatsuya throwing his potions at them and making them shatter on the ground to let air guide it to the enemy.
Tatsuya was some sort of poison brewer he made his potions that are all mostly poisonous but some of his potions are healing potions or buff pots and anysorts.

Tatsuya:*sigh*I really don't like fighting people...but there's no choice..
I'll make sure you people get a quick very...very sorry...I really am..but I can not forgive people if they try to hurt my loved please..forgive me....

Said Tatsuya who is sadden for killing the captureers feels very sad for
them.sure they tried to kill them too but that doesn't mean they really want to do it,some of the captureers only employ for the job cause they needed money for their family or other loved ones and some were roped into it or got tricked, though some joined willingly on their own Tatsuya is still sadden by their choice.
hes genuinely sorry for ending their life but its the only way to protect his loved ones, there's no other way to solve the situation not even through words.

Tatsuya:dear captureers...stop for a about a proposal to some people in your group?

Tatsuya said that was heard by the captureer and making them stop.

Tatsuya: I will let you all leave this place unharmed if you all swore to never hunt us down. I know some of you were either manipulated or joined for your loved ones,but please.
leave this place and never return I know might think this is a lie but it is not. am telling the truth. I only just wish for you people to leave and have a good life and nothing else..
so please pick your dicision..whatever
you people choose I will respect it and understand please pick there's no needs to rush...

Upon hearing this the captureer were confused and hesitate.he wasn't lying some them were just tricked or roped into this or for money etc,their confused on why he is saying this. it was either to take it as a threat or a warning.some were hesitate to either accept it or not they clearly seem like they didn't want to be here so they want to leave, however. their afraid for it to be a trap so they are hesitate.

Somewhere else in the fight....

(pretend that it's silent shots cause I don't know what silent shots sound like :/ )


The sound of a body falling down to the ground is heard with a  thud.. and the scene is of a forest with lots of blood scattered everywhere on some of the trees and the dirt and body's of people in black equipment with holes in their body.the people on the ground were either shot at the head or the torso.

Kurokus;man...there's a lot of dead black people on the ground today.
guess black is the color of the year today..I "holed" they don't mind me
hanging around here,heh.

Kurokus is seen walking to Yami's position,which is a big tree where he is hiding.

Kurokus:yo!,bro "ice" to see ya playing hide and seek.

Yami was hiding behide a big tree in the forest from the captureers and of course from the crazy female Doctor.

Yami:glad to see you doing well....
Kurokus... where is Tatsuyam?....
(Asked Yami)

Kurokus:oh,Tatsuya? his having a "cool" day right now. he told me to go on ahead to find ya.

Yami:I see...also Kurokus...

Kurokus:yeah, yeah. I know bro

Yami:ok... once your done with that...
go back to help Tatsuya..for now...
assist the wounded first...

Kurokus:Alright bro...

Yami then nods and proceeds to grab a bag that has all sorts of grenades in it making Kurokus whistle in amazement and curiously on where he got the bag from, though he knows where since he's not the only one that's hiding there secret capabilities.

Kurokus:you sure are into using explosives bro. I "holed" you don't get framed for being a terrorist for what ya doin bro,heheh.

Said Kurokus putting one of his hands in his pockets while the other is holding the grip of the rifle.Yami just shrugged at him at rummaged through his bag and grabbing a few different types of grenades for a "SPECIAL" situation for the they were chatting a figure approached them from behide.


The sound of leafs rustling was heard by Kurokus and he instantly turned around aiming his gun at the figure behide them.

???:my~my~ so this where you run off to~

Kurokus:oooookay,this is...kinda bad...

Yami:...himeko....and I see you brought that thing with you....

Dr.himeko:why~ of course~ what sort of person was I if didn't bring something to protect myself with?~



The sound of a weapon being twirled in air is heard following the sound of a weapons shriek....

Dr.himeko:hehehehe~ well now~....
you both ready to go back home now~

Dr.himeko is seen out of the shadows,
however.she is holding a weapon that resembles a great sword but the blade is a chainsaw and it's twice the size as her and looks very heavy.the sword is a black,red and yellow colored theme,
with the handle having a seems what a trigger which Kurokus guesses the trigger for the chainsaw to activate and spin.the weapon she holding was immeting a very intimidating glow of madness and bloodlust making sounds of somewhat growls making it look like very eager to have a taste of blood for a long time.

Kurokus:well...this is somewhat bad...
hey Yami..ya sure I should go? don't want me to like...give her one hell of a time?...

Said Kurokus his eyes still on the red haired scientist that is wearing a smile of pure madness and determine
to capture them for her needs.and that needs is about sadistic experiments...Yami behide his mask just glances at the red haired woman
just being calm about the whole situation going on right now.

Yami: there's no need for unnecessary
waste of stamina...I can hold her off while you finish...and am more then enough for this matter...

Said Yami as he stands up from his kneeling position and stands beside Kurokus, holding a grenade in his hand. Kurokus raised a brow at him when he said he can handle it,he doesn't doubt him handling her off he's wondering if he's gonna use "that".Yami noticed him raising a brow and answered.

Yami:and not using "that"....
it's a waste of stop standing around and do what your supposed to do...

Said Yami who is getting impatient for just standing around and not doing any action so Kurokus just dicided to not question it and just follow the plan.he picked a knocked out Taisin and a exhausted Izentsu before walking into the shadows with the two before vanishing out of thin air.

Dr himeko:well then~ let the batt-

Just before she could finish a grenade was thrown at her face.


the sound of explosions was heard and generated black smoke that can be seen from a distance.

Dr.himeko: *cough* *cough* what the heck!? a grenade!? my~my~ I didn't know you were eager to blo-


Another grenade was thrown at her creating another explosion.Dr.himeko then came out of the explosion with a look of annoyents on her face because she was cut off yet again by Yami.


Yami didn't say anything and just rushed at her with a belt of grenades on him.he grabbed two grenades from his belt and pulled the both of the pins of grenades before throwing it towards her.Dr.himeko saw this and deflected them in the air making them blow up above them from the trees.Yami continued rushing at her while continuesly throwing grenades at her,some hit her directly or just an inch while some were either deflected or blocked,parried or sliced. Yami continued to rush at her until eventually they engaged in closed quarters combat with Yami using a combat military knife while Dr.himeko used her big chainsaw sword.Yami used a knife since he thinks it's good for the situation since his opponent is using a heavy weapon
that slows the their movements but if hit, can cause massive and serious damge to you.


Numerous types of sounds were heard in the forest aswell as small grunts and pants in between the two opposites fighting.


Yami ducked down to avoid a incoming chainsaw blade headed straight to his head,he then swung his knife at his opponent to hit her but missed, he jumped back to dodge while throwing grenades before they blew up right at her.Yami upon jumping back he went in again with his knife and tried to slash Dr.himeko in the abdomen,Dr.himeko saw this and Dodged out of the way then Yami turned his knife into a different position using his hand and instantly turned around to slash at her but she Dodges only parts of her were cut off.
Yami didn't want to give Dr.himeko a chance to strike back so he continues to attack her with light speed.

Dr.himeko:woah! my~my~ you seem very eager to finish~ aren't you Yami~
should you just slow down and enj-


Three explosions then we're heard that also cut off Dr.himeko from her sentence.Yami rushed at Dr.himeko with a flashbang in his other hand,he rushed at her then slid under her and stood up then tried to stab her from behide but she turned around and blocked the attack,once again she tried to counter but Yami pull the pin of the flashnade he was holding and toss it in the air.


a loud bang and a bright light appeared.the light blinded Dr.himeko and making her stagger backwards.Yami saw this as a distraction and immediately went in for a attack on her torso. seeing this Dr.himeko managed to parry it by using her strength to swing her chainsword in blinding speed to parry it, though it grazed her a bit.once she hand her balance back she then dicided that it was now her time to attack.she dashed forward to Yami and swung at him with the  chainsword that is eager for blood so it boosted her speed in order to hit him.Yami tried to dodge but due to the chainsword boosting her he didn't perfectly dodged it and got grazed a little and after the sword has tasted blood it boosted himeko up so her speed is blinding.

Dr.himeko:hehehehe~ oh dear~ your hurt~ Yami~ how about we stop for today and go home~


Yami said nothing and just continued to attack.Dr.himeko dashed straight forward for Yami and swung at him,
Yami dodged the attack and tried to counter but Dr.himeko wasn't planning on making him fight back now,so she slashed at him four times
Yami managed to dodge them but got cut a little,next. Dr.himeko dashed again at him and slashed at him,this time she slashed at him seven times.
Yami dodged half of them so some managed to give him some serious cuts,still.he wasn't planning on losing,no...he doesn't want to lose,he wants to achieve victory and victory only...Yami stood up and charged at her but this time with a surprise.


Yami was running around himeko and kept attacking her for a opening.
Himeko swings he chainsword towards him but he duck down, then he instantly tried to stab her again with his knife but got blocked fast.himeko then tried to grab Yami while hiding a syringe with liquid in it.Yami noticed this and jumped back, avoiding her fast hand to grasp him and to knock him out.

Dr.himeko:grrr~ your so slippery Yami~ can't we just stop an-


himeko was once again cut off by a explosion that hit her,she went flying back and hit her back against one of the trees as now she was covered in bruises and burns but were healing.

Dr.himeko:gah!!...huff,huff..COULD YOU STOP USING EXPLOSIVES FOR ONCE!!!


Yami once again didn't say anything and ignored her and did the complete opposite on what she said.he threw six grenades at her.she swing her sword and sliced all of them then they exploded,Yami rushed towards her but with a little bit of a surprise.Yami dashed at her then threw grenades at her again, himeko smirked thinking that he's getting desperate to win with just using explosives so she was about to slice them once again when Yami threw his knife at her then a flashbang,himeko then quickly thought to close so she did but quickly became her mistake when Yami rushed in blinding speed and used half of his strength and dropped kick her ass to next morning.himeko felt the kick against her face and was sent flying backwards hitting her back at a tree then Yami threw ten grenades at her(if y'all are wondering where is he getting these grenades from well he is wearing a belt that's it.the belt just has lots of grenades on it) himeko's eyes widened before being hit with a loud explosion.Yami then stood having he's guard up and being cautious Incase she managed to escape from the blast,and she did.she came out of the blast but some her clothes are burned revealing a weird piece of somewhat armour piece under her clothes.

Yami:......tch, she's still not dead...

Dr.himeko:(damn he's playing aggressive...I fuckin love it!! can't wait to hear him sing in my lab!! It'll be heaven~)

They then proceeded to dashed at each other and began fighting one a other.blades swinging and slashing,bombs exploding and flashing and smoking, and lots of dodging form Yami since his using a knife to fight along with his grenades.

Meanwhile with Tatsuya and the captureers....

Captureer: hurts I can't couldn't take it

Tatsuya:am very sorry..............................
*writes in a notebook* how long has she been lying to you?

Captureer:I don't know,dawg...she was my everything..I gave my love,my money, every fuckin thing and she just ended up taking it all while she cheated on me by motherfucken nigga of an asshole...

Tatsuya:I see...*writes in notebook*
hmm,maybe she just wasn't the right one? you said it said you fell in love with her because of her looks and attitude but...has she even giving out a feeling like she didn't care about you? for gave her a box of chocolate from valentine but you felt like she wasn't grateful for it but was looking forward for something expensive?.

Captureer:now that you mentioned it dawg...that one time when we were in the mall,we only went there so that I can buy her some just some you know?,just some simple stuff just some cheap and simple stuff for her it's not like I can't afford the expensive stuff I had the money cause well I was rich as fuck my nigga(don't worry y'all he's black behide the black mask so he has the pass)I gave the gifts and well... she accepted it and said to me that she loves me bullshit
when we got home she said she was going to put them in a place so she can store it for memories... memories my ass she threw the items in the trash that I found in her "hidden" room and burned some of the rest.

Tatsuya:*gasp* how could she?!

Captureer:I know right!? fuckin bitch..then after 2 months I came back  home from work one day only to find her with another guy doing it with him!! And they were doing it my fuckin bed!!

Tatsuya:*gasp* what!! That's awful!!
How could she do that!!

Other captureers in the background:
HOLY SHIT!!/dear god/oh no.../oof/first time?.

Tatsuya:wait..your bed? shouldn't be like your and hers bedroom?

Captureer:it was supposed to be "our" bedroom but she said she wanted her own bedroom cause she wanted to have a space of her own for her work.
to me it didn't make any sense but I was fuckin dumpass and did what she said.then after I discovered their session I immediately went in and demanded a explaination. as it turns out she was using me to get the things she wanted like clothes, jewelrys and cars and her own house which she made me buy so that she can move in with the fuckin asshole.

Tatsuya:that's very sorry
carl..*writes in notebook* maybe you should move on and keep moving forward?

Carl:don't worry I've already did move for listening to me man...I feel so much know for a kid you sure know how to make someone feel better even though all you did was hug them instead of just killing them.why did I even signed up for this shit..god what was I thinking killing children that's just low man...thanks again, dawg I'll see ya around the Grove,big dawg.

Tatsuya:okay, now that all of them have left for a better life,I need to do something to you people.

Said Tatsuya,who glanced at the remaining captureers that are trapped in somewhat goop that hardened preventing them from escaping.

Tatsuya:hmmm,I guess...I should head on over to Yami's location and help him with...her.

Tatsuya started walking towards Yami's location while a few birds and animals gather towards him.

Tatsuya:what a nice day we're having today ☺️.

Back to Yami's fight with himeko....

They've been fighting for a few minutes now and Yami seems to be losing, I mean he's still a 10yo so it pretty much makes sense.he was panting and was holding a grenade in his hand.himeko saw that he's weakening so she dashed with a syringe towards Yami. she was just a few inches away when suddenly...


Dr.himeko:what the!?

A ice shard flew past between their faces himeko barely had time to dodge before it cut her cheek.she looked at the direction of where the ice shard came from and saw someone raised their hand Infront of them that look like they casted something then shot it at someone.the person then wakes out of the shadow revealing Tatsuya.

Dr.himeko:*narrows eyes at Tatsuya*

Himeko is very much wary of Tatsuya since hes actions earlier told her to be careful especially from her research on him he can apparently use ice. normally that wouldn't be a problem only his ice ability is strong enough to freeze a intire city within seconds and a forest is a exception of a city not to mention everything he touches turns to ice and his ability to control ice is very extremely hard to handle making him a very hard opponent and according to her past research hes ice ability is colder then anything below celsius.hes ice ability is very cold enough for not even attacks can hit him.he can somewhat put a Barrier around him using his ice ability anyone that dare try to attack him head on, will be frozen in just a seconds in 4 meters away from him and any ranged attacks will be frozen in mid air just 4 meters away from him aswell making his ability to control ice both offense and defense. sorry but.... am quite in a bit of a please do me a favor...

Dr.himeko:o-o-oh what would that b-be?

Tatsuya then crouches down and touched the dirt with his left hand and glanced at himeko with a dead cold stare.



As soon as Tatsuya said that himeko jumped in the air avoiding a bunch of ice shards coming from the ground.


The sound of a sharp shriek of something sharp from a blade was heard behide her,she turned around while in mid air to see multiple ice shards pointed at her she then shielded her self using her great sword of a chainsaw from the shards.the Ice shards then shot at her faster then the speed of light,each time the shards hit felt she was getting hit by a caliber bullet that's made to destroy tanks.she fell back to the ground crashing and making a small crater.she immediately roll to side narrowly avoiding a shards of ice from ground.she then looked to see multiple ice blades pointed at her afterwards shot at her.she once again shielded her self from the ice but she failed to noticed a shard coming from behind her.the shard then stabbed her at the shoulder and made her drop weapon.she looked at the shard at her shoulder and shard was spreading ice everywhere, where she is stabbed.

Tatsuya's ice upon getting stabbed or cut by the shards the wounds that were made by the shards will spread ice around it making you have frostbite while also in agonizing pain will spread through out the body freezing you until your fully frozen you can stop it by pouring hot water or something thats even hotter to stop it if you don't then you'll be a frozen statue.

Himeko sees the ice spreading her around her wounds and dicided to capture from another time but not without saying something.

Dr.himeko:soon~ you'll all be back to me~hehehehehahahaaha!!

Before she pressed a button that teleported her away.



Both Tatsuya and Yami just stayed silent for 5 minutes.

Tatsuya:maybe you take a break Yami....

Yami:...perhaps... I do....

The scene ends with Kurokus coming back to the place and saying "so what did I miss?" but was told they had only been chatting before they set course for their base.

The scene then appears in space where we see a very strange asteroid
and is rapidly approaching the destination towards earth.

Then we see a space station that is currently monitoring the asteroid with other people in it.

Worker:jeez..that things gotta arrive at earth within a 2 months...

Worker:yep.. though it is strange for an asteroid to be rapidly going towards our planet..wonder why?

Worker:were about to find out in 3 months,btw.that thing won't hit us right?

Worker: negative it's off course to the point it can hit us so we're fine

Unknowingly there wrong it's 100% going to hit them.then the scene ends to black...


(hey,whatsup? Sorry this took a while I was busy with school so it took a while so very sorry anyway.what did you guys thinks? I may or might have rushed this so am sorry for any inconvenience, anyway.bye and hope you all have a good and healthy day,bye peace ✌️)

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