Purpled in Hermitcraft

By IAmHadesFavorite

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Fanart not by me Purpled finally decided enough was enough and left the Dreamsmp, but not before Dream found... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 42

237 9 4
By IAmHadesFavorite

Ever since Punz had made it back to Hermitcraft, X has been out of his mind with worry. He knew things weren't good on that server, but hearing it from Punz didn't ease his worry, especially since he could contact anyone on that server.

X has been working diligently, trying to find some way to get a connection through. He was just about to give up for the night when his communicator went off. He grabbed it thinking that it was just one of her hermits.

His eyes widened in shock when he saw what the tag was. He got a message from Phil. he responded and then opened the main chat for Hermitcraft. After the message was sent the chat exploded.

<XisumaVoid> Guys, I have an important update. I have gotten in contact with Phil.

<GoodTimesWithScar> I haven't gotten anything from Purpled yet.

<Punz> I've got messages from Ponk.

<Fundy> I've even gotten messages from Wilbur.

<Tubbo_> Does that mean we have contact with everyone again.

<XisumaVoid> I think so. Phil wants to set up a call to get everyone up to speed tomorrow morning. Phil wants it to be early morning, so can everyone come to my base at 6:30 tomorrow morning.. That's all I have, so goodnight everyone.

<Tubbo_> Goodnight X

<GoodTimesWithScar> Goodnight X. Thank you for the information.

X then set down his communicator and went to bed with anticipation for the next day. He felt to bed feeling lighter than he had in many days.


Scar woke up early the next day, finding it difficult to sleep that night. He was excited, but also worried for the meeting happening. He was excited to get some information on Purpled and how he was, but he was also worried. Purpled usually always responded to Scar messages, but he never responded last night.

Scar made his way to the kitchen to start preparing food for the minors staying with him. He was surprised that they all stayed with him, especially Fundy since he was Iskall's friend, not that he didn't mind the company.

He made breakfast like usual while the kids were sleeping. Jellies was already up and rubbing against his legs. He leaned down to pick her up. She jumped into his arms and settled herself on his shoulder. Scar reached up and pet her.

"Aww," someone said from behind Scar, which made him jump, but Jellie stayed on somehow. Scar turned around and saw that it was Tubbo. "What are you doing so early?" Scar asked, still calming down.

"I couldn't sleep last night. What about you?" Tubbo asked, sitting in a stool across from Scar. All of his fanboying had cooled down over the time he had spent here. "Same, but I also had to make breakfast for you munchkins," Scar said, leaning across the counter to ruffle Tubbo's hair.

Tubbo pulled away and pouted, "I asked you to stop doing that." Scar laughed, "I don't listen very well." He then went back to his pancakes and flipped them over. "Should I wake the others up?" Tubbo asked, seeing that breakfast was almost done.

"Nah, let them sleep for a bit more. I feel like it's going to be a long day." Scar said. He then passed Tubbo a plate of pancakes. "There's syrup, fresh fruit, whip cream, butter, and chocolate sauce in the fridge.

Scar said, getting himself a plate and shutting off the stove. "Thank you," Tubbo said as he grabbed the butter and syrup. "No problem," Scar then went and grabbed some fruit to cut up and some whip cream.

Tubbo went and sat at the island again to eat. Scar joined him a few moments later when he had made his own plate. "How are you guys holding up?" Scar asked. It wasn't the first time he had asked this question, but he usually never got a straight answer.

"It's been nice, but I think we're all worried about our friends back 'home'," Tubbo said, putting air quotes around the word home. "That makes sense. I can't really understand that, but I'm sure it's terrible," Scar said.

Tubbo sighed, "Yeah, it's not as bad for me as some people since I wasn't really close with most of them. I'm mainly worried about Techno and Phil." Scar was surprised. "Why are you worried about Technoblade ? From what I know he's an excellent fighter."

Tubbo looked like he was just about to explain some more, but they were interrupted. "What's up big men? What's for breakfast? Tommy said as he entered the room. "I can make more pancakes?" scar said, getting up.

Tommy nodded his head in appreciation and went to sit next to Tubbo. "Do you know what time the meeting is happening?" Tubbo asked. "I don't know, but I think in around an hour," Scar said.

"Wait, what time is it right now?" Tommy asked. "It's like 5:30 in the morning," Scar said. Tommy groaned, "I thought it was much later in the morning," Tommy said. "I'm assuming that you couldn't sleep last night as well," Tubbo said.

Tommy sighed, "I guess not, don't know why though." "Is it because you're worried about some people," Scar said. "No. I am not worried about anybody," Tommy said. "Mmhm," Scar hummed, not believing it.

They sat in silence for a bit before Scar slid a plate of pancakes in front of Tommy. "There's toppings in the fridge." Tommy nodded and went to the fridge to grab the syrup. Not long after both Ranboo and Fundy came into the living room.

Scar passed each of them a plate of pancakes and told them where to find the toppings. By the time breakfast was done and cleaned up it was 6 in the morning. Scar walked to everyone, who was gathered in the living room.

"We can head out now and be early to the meeting," Scar said. "That sounds good. We'll get ready now,"Fundy said, standing up and leaving the room with the others. Scar sat down on one of the couches and read something on his communicator.

In five minutes everyone was gathered in the living room. They would have to walk since the kids weren't used to elytras yet. Luckily, Scar had some horse waiting to go faster. "Let's head out," Scar said, holding the door open for everyone, including Jellie.

They all made their way to their respective horses and climbed on. Scar led the way to the nether portals. It was a quiet ride, but they made it there in 20 minutes, which was five minutes before the meeting started.

By the time they made it there, mostly everyone was gathered. Xisuma was in a corner talking to Punz and Scar made his way with the kids. Scar was just about to ask what would happen when Xisuma's communicator rang.

Xisuma picked it up and his face lit up. "The meeting is now starting. Make your way to your seats!" X yelled, before accepting the video call. He quickly projected the screen and Phil's along with many others faces were on it.

The minor's faces lit up seeing that they were all safe. "Phil, it's good to see you again. Do you want to explain what's happened?" X asked, keeping it professional, but anyone could tell how happy it was.

Phil set his communicator down and backed up a bit, so that everyone could be in the frame. X did the same with his server members, including the minors. Phil's face lit up much like the minor's did when he saw them.

"A lot has happened in very little time, so where should I start?" Phil questioned. "How about when Purpled, Punz, and Ponk arrived," Phil said. Phil nodded. "This may take a while, so everyone should get comfortable."

"Let's see, those three just arrived from the middle of nowhere when we were bunked at mine and Techno's cabin. Everyone besides Techno, Ant, Bad, Dream, Tommy, Fundy, Tubbo, Ranboo, and Karl were there."

"Why wasn't Techno there? When we were still there with you he was with you guys?" Tubbo asked, dreading the answer. "We don't actually know because he still hasn't told us," Phil said, shooting Techno a glare.

"It's not relevant at the moment, so continue Phil." Techno said, ignoring the glare. Phil rolled his eyes, "Anyway then Ant showed with Techno. Not long after, Bad was back under the eggs control, which is when he killed Punz and then Purpled killed Bad."

Phil paused waiting to see if anyone would add anything, but nobody did. "Then we were just having some normal time, but everything went downhill yesterday." Phil said and motioned for Puffy to continue now.

Puffy came and took his spot in front. "That morning there was an army of demons just waiting outside." She said and continued ignoring the questions for now. "Some of us decided to fight and stall while the others got away."

"Who fought the demons," X asked, already dreading the answer. "It was Sapnap, Phil, Techno, Skeppy, Eret, Foolish, me, Sam, and Purpled." She paused and let the others express their distress.

All of this noise and the mention of his name, seemed to wake Purpled up. Ponk, who was sitting by Purpled, noticed this. "Hey there. Are you waking up now?" Purpled groaned and tried moving his arm, only to cry out in pain.

The noise alerted the rest of the Dream SMP and the Hermitcraft members. Niki stepped out of the crowd and walked to the side, where Purpled and Ponk were. "Hey, don't try to move right now."

Purpled groaned and laid still now. "It hurts,' Purpled whispered "I know, go back to bed," Niki said, running her fingers through her hair. "Don't wanna," Purpled said. "It'll feel better," Niki persuaded.

Purpled tried to stay awake, but he relaxed and fell back asleep. Back on the Hermitcraft side of things, everyone was worried. They couldn't see Purpled, but they figured it wasn't good. "Is he okay?" Scar asked.

"No, he's got a broken arm, shoulder, leg, and most likely a few ribs," Phil said, taking charge again. Scar face dropped, he had a feeling it wasn't good, but he didn't think it was that bad. Looking at everyone else's face he could tell they felt the same way.

"That's not all that's happened," Phil said and continued. "There's also a new kind of demon, who seems stronger than all the rest. The only good news is that there only seems to be one."

"What seems to be the best course of action right now then?" X asked. "We need to find a way off of this server, but even Dream can't help with that." Phil said, which was met with many questions.

They were overlapping each other and nobody could understand it. X whistle and get everyone's attention back. "Phil, what do you mean by that?" Phil sighed. "Techno can explain that one better."

Techno took this as his sign to take over. He was about to say something when Punz asked, "Wait Techno you can you talk now." "What do you mean by that Punz?" Tommy asked, worried for his 'brother', but not admitting it.

"Last I saw, he was still recovering from a neck wound," Punz explained. Techno sighed when Tommy turned to him. "Techno are you okay?" he asked. "I'm just fine Tommy, but can I explain now?'

Tommy nodded and Techno sighed. "Has anyone heard of Dreams over there?" The question seemed like it was meant for everyone, but Techno for some reason focused on Tubbo.

Tubbo and X both nodded their heads. Everyone besides Techno was surprised that Tubbo knew. "Tubbo, how do you know? I can understand why X would, but not you." Phil said. "I may or may not have listened in a conversation I wasn't supposed to."

Phil sighed, "Of course you would, anyways Techno explain." "I'm getting there. Dreamons are a demon that can possess people and control them. The person who was possessed doesn't remember anything from when they were possessed." Techno said.

Techno waited for someone to interfere, but no one did so he continued, "Dream was possessed by one of them and was freed from it yesterday by Callahan. I also think that both Wilbur and Quakity were possessed at some point," Techno expected an outburst, but surprisingly got nothing.

"That makes sense," Grian said and now everyone turned to him. Grian raised his hands in surrender. "What I've hung out with him at MCC sometimes. Especially after I killed him that one time." "Yea, now that you mention it both Quakity and Wilbur's personalities flipped in an instant," Tubbo said.

X sighed and muttered, "Only you Grian." He then raised his voice and asked, "What did Phil mean when he said the Dream couldn't help with that?" Dream decided that it would be best for Phil to explain, but was surprised when he was pulled upfront by Phil.

"Phil," Dream said. Dream turned to the people on the video call and was glad he had his mask on. He ignored the looks he got and said, "It's like I'm locked out of the server codes. It was lucky that I was able to get this back up and running."

"How can you be locked out of the server?" X asked, expression hidden by his own mask. Dream shrugged, "I don't know, but the servers not letting me change the life system that I don't remember putting into place, and it's not letting me allow players on or off the server."

"That's weird. What could have more power over an admin?" X asked, mostly to himself. Eret came to a grim realization. "Do you think it's the egg that's in control or maybe even Bad since he's under its control and is a player?"

"If it is, then it has more power than we originally thought," Dream said. "Wait, wait wait, what if that new demon we saw yesterday was either the egg itself or Bad's been corrupted too far and that was him." Sapnap said

"Shoot, it better not be your second theory Sapnap," Skeppy said. The entire Dream Smp nodded. "Hold up, can't the server track us," George asked. Even if nobody could see it, Dream's eyes widened as he answered, "It can."

"So, it doesn't matter where we go since it can always track us," Techno concluded. Dream was just about to answer when there was a long bang from the cave entrance. "Frick, what do you think that was?" Ant asked.

Phil didn't have time to answer before hurried footsteps could be heard. Everybody quickly stood up and grabbed their weapons. Ponk picked Purpled up and Niki grabbed Callahan. The entire Hermitcraft server watched in shock as Karl entered the cave.

He was breathing heavily and full of dust. Sapnap rushed to support him. "What? Where have you been?" Karl didn't answer, but said. "No time, we have to go. Now. The demons and the egg are at the entrance."

Phil walked over and picked up his communicator and clipped it to his jacket. "How? We don't know our way around this cave?" Quality asked. "Follow me," Karl said before going down one of the tunnels.

The other's were contemplating what to do when there was another bacn and soon they were following Karl. The Hermitcraft side watched as the Dream Smp ran through the tunnels and made it to the surface. Phil looked around and quickly cursed. His jacked shift, so that you could see the demons.

They were lined up outside the cave entrance waiting for orders. The demon king was standing outside banging on the tunnel walls, every now and then like a warning. Everyone who hadn't seen it before froze for a second before they started running again.

The Dream Smp ran in silence for half an hour before they took a break. "Can someone explain what just happened?" Doc asked, breaking the silence. Phil chuckles, "Honestly, I don't think any of us know what just happened."

The Hermitcraft people saw that Purpled was now awake from all the commotion, but in pain. Ponk reached into his bag that he still had and grabbed out a healing potion and gave it to Purpled.

Purpled drank it with help from Ponk and instantly felt better. He was also more aware of his surroundings and saw the video call. "What's happening and where are we?" Purpled asked Ponk.

"Well, we kinda just ran from some demons, and are in the middle of nowhere. Also, not to freak you out, but Dream was possessed, but he is good and is with us now." Ponk said. Purpled nodded his head taking in the information.

"Okay, give me a minute, is there anything else?" he asked. "Yea, we're on a video call with Hermitcraft," Ponk said. "Okay," Purpled said, "Can you help me up?" "No, until we get you crutched, you aren't going to be standing," Ponk said.

"Then you can be my crutches, I just want to see them again," Purpled said. Ponk sighed, "Fine, Niki you want to help me out with him." "Sure, but I don't know how much help I'll be since I kinda can't put his other arm around my shoulder." Niki said, going over.

"Oh yea," Ponk said as he face palmed himself, "Try to grab around his waist, but don't bump his shoulder. He also shouldn't be hopping since that will only harm not help." "Okay," Niki said. She helped Purpled get to his feet and held him steady as he wobbled.

"Take it easy, don't push yourself," Ponk said. "I know," Purpled said, taking an experimental step forward. He leant most of his weight on Ponk and didn't even try to put pressure on his bokeh leg.

"You got this Purps," somebody said. Purpled startled, forgetting all about the video call. He looked forward at the call projected from Phil's communicator. He saw the entirety of Hermitcraft along with the minors on it. It seemed that Punz was the one who said it.

Purpled glared half heartedly at Punz. "I've told you to not call me that." "Aw, that's the first thing you say to me after seeing me again," Punz fake pouted. "It helps that I knew you were still alive, idiot." Purpled said.

"Hey, Purp, how are you?" Scar asked. "I've also told you not to call me that. Can that name just be banned?" Purpled said. "Nope, it's so much more fun this way," Scar said and Purpled groaned.

"I think we should get back to the original meeting now," Phil said from the side. "Are there any more questions that you guys have?" he asked. "How are you guys going to stay away from the egg demon thing if it can track you," Tubbo asked.

"I can try and do some hacking into everyone's code to turn off their location, but it may not be that easy. The only other option I can think of is to take the battery out of everyone's communicator since that's how it tracks you," Dream said.

Purpled, stiffened, forgetting what Ponk had said earlier. "Something you guys could also do is to spread the communicators out across the server, but keep one with you to stay in contact with us," Iskall suggested.

Phil shook his head as Dream went back to trying to hack his own code first in case something went wrong, "That wouldn't work because the egg demon could just see his minions out to check it out."

Iskall deflated atmosphere was quiet and tense. Dream broke it when he just suddenly passed out. Sapnap was near him and able to catch him before he hit the ground. "Dream, hey Dream are you okay? Wake up!" Sapnap said, trying to shake him awake.

George made his way over nad grabbed Dream's communicator, which fell when he passed out. "Does anyone know how to make sense of coding?' he asked. "Yea, can you put it up to the screen, so I can see it?" Xisuma asked.

George went and put Dream's communicator to the screen. X looked at it and saw that Dream's location setting was off. "I think he'll be okay. It seems like it's just a side effect of shutting his location off," X said.

George sighed in relief. "Wait, so that means that he could turn the locations off on everyone, which would mean we can still keep in contact with you," Eret said. Tubbo smiled, coming to that same conclusion, "I think so."

Not even a few minutes later Dream started waking up. Sapanp saw and helped him sit up, "Why did you just suddenly do that?" Dream rubbed the back of his head, "I honestly wasn't sure if that was going to work."

"Well it did, and I would appreciate a warning next time," Sapnap said. "Sorry, but I should shut everyone's location off as well, so you can scold me later," Dream said. "Everyone should lay down to make sure you don't injure yourselves.

"Eret I'll do yours first," Dream said and Eret threw him a thumbs up from where he was lying down. In just a few minutes Eret was out and his location shut off. This is how it continued for the next half an hour.

"You're next, Purpled," Dream said and Purpled swallowed nervously from the ground. In just a few moments the feeling of floating embraced him. He expected to just float around for a bit, but the universe had other plans.

Suddenly he had weight on him and he looked down. He was standing, but he didn't feel any pain, so he experimentally rolled his shoulders and still didn't feel any pain. It seemed that his injuries didn't affect him here.

He then looked around and stumbled back in shock. To his leg was the demon king, but it didn't seem like it at all. Granted, Purpled didn't have any experience with it, but something felt off.

Purpled looked closer and saw just past the demon was Bad, but Bad was crying. Purpled hesitantly walked over to Bad, who noticed him and quickly stood. "Purpled you to help me. I don't want to be this thing," Bad said.

"How can I help you?" Purpled asked. "I don't know, but please help me," Bad said as he sat back down and brought his knees to his chest. Purpled was about to say something, but suddenly the ground dropped out from under and he was falling.

Purpled landed in some water and quickly got out of it. He almost fell back in when the Demon King was in front of him again, but this time it was speaking in his head. It felt the same when the egg had tried talking to him.

I can give you peace, Purpeld. I can take away all you pain. Let me in. I can help you. The voice kept saying in his head, but Purpled ignored it to the best of his ability. He hated this egg and wouldn't let himself be controlled by it.

The whispers soon grew to shouts that pierced through Purpled's brain. He quickly fell to his knees and put his hands over his ears, but that did nothing. He then remembered Sam saying something about going into Holy water and Purpled remembered the water that he had fallen into.

It wasn't holy water, but he hoped that it would at least help. He quickly shuffled backwards and dunked himself into the water. The yelling subdued just as if someone was talking normally, but soon he had to go up to water.

The talking turned back into shouting and Purpled gasped in pain. He couldn't get enough air to stay under the water. Just when he thought that nothing would change, he went boneless and fell into the water.

A moment later he gasped awake, trying to push himself into a sitting position, but stopped when his arm and shoulder flared up. Eret was by his side in an instant since Ponk was still put.

Eret pushed Purpled back down. "Stay down, what's wrong?" Purpled took a moment to orientate himself. "Bad dream or vision. I don't even know," he said, calming down. "What was it about?" Niki asked as she approached.

"I don't even know entirely, but I think that Bad is actually the demon king at least," Purpled said, opting to ignore the last part of his 'dream'. "Why do you think that?" Eret asked. Purpled shrugged his one shoulder.

"It makes sense you could say, but I don't know at this point. Everything is so messy," Purpled said. Niki chuckled, "You could say that again." Dream cleared his throat, "Everyone's locations are now off, so we just have to wait for them to wake up."

The Hermitcraft side let out a sigh of relief. Those on the Dream Smp side make small talk waiting for everyone to wake up. Callahan then started to stir. Nobody noticed at first since they were focused on other things.

Callahan stood up shakily, but still nobody noticed since he was so quiet. Callahan saw this as an opportunity to scare someone. He thought about who had the best reactions and concluded that it was Wilbur.

Will was off to the side of the screen, but still on it. TO anyone who saw Callahan, he just put his finger to his lips as a way of telling them to stay quiet. Eret saw how Callahan was wobbling, so he casually made his way over to Wilbur's side, seeing as that was where Callahan was heading.

Callahan made his way behind Will and suddenly flung himself onto him. Will jumped, which flung Callahan off and screamed. Eret quickly caught Callahan as all attention went over to them. "Who was that!" Will yelled.

Callahan smiled and held his arms up as if cheering. Eret laughed along with many others. Tubbo himself had fallen out of his seat because he was zoning out when Will screamed. Tommy was busy laughing at him while Ranboo was also laughing, but helped him up.

Phil sighed at the antics, "Is everyone awake now, so we can get out of the open and to Snowchester." Tubbo and Ranboo perked up at the mention of their 'nation'. "Why are you guys heading there?" Tubbo asked.

"I mean it's kinda in the middle of nowhere, so it makes sense as long as that's okay with you and Ranboo," Phil said. Tubbo and Ranboo looked at each other, "Yea that's fine. We weren't exactly planning on going back there," Ranboo said.

"Sweet, should I keep the call going or end it here?" Phil asked. X looked around at his hermits. Some of them obviously wanted to stay and talk while others seemed like they wanted to work on their projects now that they knew everything was okay.

"You can keep it on, but now it's just for communication, not meeting stuff," X said. "K, then I'll clip it here," Phil said. The people of the Dream Smp got ready to go on their journey. Niki and Ponk were helping Purpled and Eret was helping Callahan.

X muted his side of the conversation to talk to his Hermits. "The meeting has come to a close, but whoever wants to keep talking can stay, and those who want to work on builds or stuff can go."

Most of Hermits left while X, Scar, Stress, Tubbo, Tommy, Ranboo, Fundy, and Iskall stayed there. The rest of the day was spent just having a light hearted conversation. The Dream Smp group made it to Snowchester before dark, so they didn't have to worry about mobs.

The call ended at around 9 pm with a promise to keep the communication going. Everyone then headed to their own bases for the night. They all slept well, even with all the new information that they were given.

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