Falling for Her Boss Again

By LoveLiveLust

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Three years ago Gemma started working for Richardson Worldwide. For the first twelve months, she worked hard... More

Author's Note
Early reads on Patreon and Ink*tt
1. First Kiss
2. More Kisses
3. A date with Larry
4. The Waiting Game
5. Family surprise
6. Boss Boyfriend
7. Family Dinner
8. Realization
9. Back at work
10. Casual Thing
11. Boss's Irritation
12. Rejection
13. First time
14. Spoiled
15. Familiar feel
17. Coming home
18. Bear hug
19. Ambushed
20. Support
21. Coming home
22. Heavy petting
23. Domesticity
24. Sunday Moment
25. Office gossip
26. Confrontation
27. Impromptu meeting
28. Facing truth
29. Crumbling down
30. Coping
31. Unsuspected surprise
32. Running
33. Grandparents
34. Rinse and repeat
35. Welcoming Julian
36. New Friend

16. Anxiety

139 5 0
By LoveLiveLust


Something is going on with Gemma. I can see that she's not her usual self. Am I wrong for taking her out of the country? Is she currently struggling with her eating disorder?

I need to get my focus back on the morning meeting. In this case a meeting with Samuel Chong's company, where I'm being introduced to several of his board members and key executive officers. I know his company will open more doors, even Dad couldn't contain his excitement when he congratulated me for landing the new contract.

Though my eyes were not on the contract, mine was to expand Richardson Worldwide throughout Asia. Ambitious, I know. But as always I need to lay my groundwork, and getting in with the Chong's will be the first. I know they have several branches in Hong Kong and several more planned throughout Southeast Asia.

Our Hong Kong office has been established for a couple of years now, but our client base hasn't expanded a great deal. We were mostly there to cater to the companies that have already been our clients for decades, so our expansion is a given to follow through with our client's growth.

Now, I want to start opening doors. I want local companies to start considering us though we are a foreign company. I just need to get into Samuel's good graces and make sure he's happy with what our company is offering. Happy enough that he'll start recommending us to his colleagues.

When the meeting finally ended just before lunchtime, I decided to call May Lee, the assistant who is working with me at Richardson Worldwide - Hong Kong. I need her to set up lunch and get a driver to pick up Gemma from our suite. I have less than three hours before my next meeting and I'm hoping to squeeze in time for lunch with my girlfriend.

"...yes, just tell Ms. Cohen that it's a lunch date. And May, please book us lunch somewhere that's elegant and serves excellent food. If possible in this building or around the area. I have a meeting at three and I don't want to be late."

May Lee has been great for as long as I can remember her working with me. She manages all my schedule, and correspondence, and translates everything I need.

"Of course Mr. Richardson, I'll set it up right away. I'll text you the restaurant details once I'm done."

I'm confident that she'll get everything settled in time, now all I have to do is finish replying to all these emails and then go to the restaurant, preferably before Gemma arrives.

Twenty minutes later I reach the fine dining restaurant. It was on the top floor, still in the same building as our branch office. And I'm pleased to learn that May managed to reserve a semi-private table for us. My day felt better already knowing I'll be seeing Gemma soon. I should've done this yesterday too, but I know I will set up lunch again with her, every day, until our last day in Hong Kong.

"Larry," Gemma greets as she reaches our table. I get up to kiss her cheek and help her to her seat.

"You look beautiful."

"Thank you."

My eyes are still giving her a once-over when she puts her hand on mine.

"You do realize that May Lee knows my full name, don't you? Now, she knows I'm your PA who is staying at your suite and invited for lunch at this posh restaurant. The kind of restaurant you'd bring your dates to?"

"Oh damn it." I cursed, putting a hand on my mouth knowing I screwed up and I have to email HR and make sure they know this from me.

Like right fucking now.

"Ok. Why don't you order our lunch while I write a quick email to HR." I say gently to her when I see a waiter approaching our table with two menus in his hand.

"W-what? You've got to be kidding me, you're telling HR?"

"What, why not? It's not like we're breaking any rules. There are no rules applied to me, and you are dating me. I merely emailing HR just in case May Lee starts her gossip, and while she may think it's harmless but not for you and your privacy. Your mental health."

That makes Gemma smile and while I'm typing the email from my phone, she starts talking to the waiter, asking a couple of questions about the menus before finally ordering for both of us.

"I ordered wine to go with our meals I hope you don't mind."

"No, I think I needed a glass after that email too. God... I've been so focused on work that I forgot about keeping you hidden. Well, not that I want to. I think that HR should know anyway, then everyone would know that you're mine. Especially Schultz from marketing." I give her my dashing smile and as expected she blushes beautifully.

I rest my phone on the table, screen down before I focus on Gemma in front of me. I put my hand on hers and tell her that I miss her.

"I miss you too. Thank you for taking me to lunch. I was bored."

"Well, I plan to take you to lunch again tomorrow. Do put that on your schedule." Another bright smile is plastered on my face.

"Um...about that...I was going to tell you tonight, but I'm leaving tomorrow."


And just like that my appetite is gone and my mind is racing to demand why she wants to leave. But I stayed calm and waited for her explanation.

"I...I'm bored, I'm not used to being alone in a foreign country and walking around in a foreign mall. I don't even know what to buy, I don't think I need something to buy. I need to fill my time with something, I need to work. I...have been," her words were cut short by the waiter who delivered our drinks.

"Please continue."

"I have been having anxiety and depression. I lied to you yesterday, I didn't eat lunch and I took my emergency pills last night. I was about to call Dr. Sheridan when May called telling me that she arranged lunch for us. So, here I am."

My chest tightens from her confession and my hand instinctively caresses hers. "I'm so sorry, let me wrap things up here and we'll be on a flight home tonight." Yep, suddenly my goddamn ambition is gone and she is my tunnel vision. I want to get her home. I want to get her better.

"No...no, you don't have to. I'll be okay. You still have a couple of days here and I need to go to therapy anyway. I need to get back to my routine."

"Shit, I'm so sorry, baby. I didn't know. I just want us to have a special vacation. And with my kind of hectic schedule, this is as close as we can get to one."

"I know, Larry, I am the one who schedules your appointments and I expect nothing less from you. You're a very dedicated and hardworking person that's a couple of things that I like about you. So, please don't shuffle your schedule for me. I'll be alright. We can talk, video call, and stuff."

"And stuff?" I raise my eyebrow at her last playful remark.

"Yeah, stuff that couples do long distance. You know..."

When I see her cheeks blushing, stopping is the last thing on my mind when I can flirt with her from across the table.

"Uh...no I don't. Why don't you tell me, exactly what you mean by it?"


"Gemma," I playfully tease and start eating our lunch. In between our conversations, our meals were brought to our table. It looks delicious and I'm getting impatient to try them.

"Oh. My. God. This is too fucking good." I almost moan if Gemma didn't kick my feet from under the table stopping my foodgasm.

"See you'll be fine for a couple of days without me. Maybe a little heavier when you get home. But you'll get your work done, and eat delicious food." Gemma points out the obvious. Though I still have objections about staying and letting her go back alone, I know she's right.

"I'm not going anywhere, I'll be there when you come back. Okay? I may even be tempted to pick you up at the airport."

"Yeah? With one of those silly banners?"

"Well, I don't know if I want to humiliate my boyfriend. But maybe I can find something that can cheer you up after a hard week of working abroad."

"Mmh...okay, I'm starting to like this plan. Please continue, Gemma."

She chews her chicken dish and washes it down with the white wine before she tells me her next plan. "Let's see, I can pack a bag when I meet you at the airport. Maybe I'll decide to give you a couple of days' worth of welcoming home, a private party for two."

"Hmm...maybe you will need to do that, seeing I'll be tired when I get back. Do I get a massage?" Fuck, this conversation is getting me hard.

"You might, but we're not talking about that. You're going to attend another meeting. We can talk about it when you get back to the hotel later. Maybe over a nice quiet dinner at the suite."

"Damn it, Gemma. You're making it worse. Now you just drag my filthy mind down the gutter."

She giggles before she continues to eat her lunch and I watch her intensely. Okay, at least she's feeling better. And if she needs to come home I'm just glad that she realizes to do it sooner.

"I'm proud of you, Gemma. I'm glad that you recognized what needs to be done for your mental health. I'll support you with everything you need. Come on, I'll escort you to the lobby. I still have time before my next meeting." I proudly tell her. Her eyes told me that she appreciated the words when she replied with a lovely thank you.

Gemma let me rest my hand on the small of her back. It's a possessive hold that I know she likes because she leans closer to my side and lets me kiss her temple once we're in the lobby waiting for the company's driver to take her back to our hotel.

This feels right. Gemma in my arm.

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