70s happy little days on the...

By CNovel_Reader

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70s happy little days on the island (七零海岛幸福小日子) Author: Strawberry Pie https://www.quanben.io/n/qilinghaidao... More

Chapter 1-10
Chapter 11-20
Chapter 21-30
Chapter 31-40
Chapter 41-50
Chapter 51-60
Chapter 61-65
Chapter 66-70
Chapter 71-80
Chapter 81-90
Chapter 91-100
Chapter 101-110
Chapter 111-120
Chapter 121-130
Chapter 141-150
Chapter 151-160
Chapter 161-170
Chapter 171-180
Chapter 181-190
Chapter 191-200
Chapter 201-210
Chapter 211-220
Chapter 221-230
Chapter 231-240
Chapter 241-250
Chapter 251-260
Chapter 261-270
Chapter 271-280
Chapter 281-290
Chapter 291-300
Chapter 301-310
Chapter 311-320
Chapter 321-330
Chapter 331-340
Chapter 341-350
Chapter 351-360
Chapter 361-370
Chapter 371-380
Chapter 381-387

Chapter 131-140

463 5 6
By CNovel_Reader

Chapter 131

Ruan Lu felt deeply heartbroken and walked up to Hua Ya and patted Hua Ya on the shoulder and said, "Next time, you can try your best to save people. Although you are a member of the military, your political role is still that of a common person."

Hua Ya didn't understand, so Gu Tinglan threw Babarev to the ground and waved ruthlessly to ask someone to carry him away.

He told Hua Ya: "The height at which ordinary people take action is different from the height at which soldiers take action. Xiao Nizi, you have given your man a hard time this time."

Hua Ya was a little worried: "It really won't have any bad effects?"

Political Commissar Zhou said: "You are a little commoner, you just want to save people with good intentions. We all heard that Baba Lev was thanking you before he fainted, so don't worry. Comrade Gu Tinglan will still be there if the sky falls."

Gu Tinglan smiled and said: "Don't scare her, they are just two drunkards. Anyone with some background in the Soviet Union will not be brought here. They can't rise even if they want to. After drinking and wrestling, they are ordinary people. They have no shame in doing what the lesbians have to do after rescuing them."

Just be fine. Seeing that the people had been carried away, Hua Ya stopped acting and lowered her head, trying to button up her military coat and go home.

Gu Tinglan walked over, raised her chin with his index finger, and helped her fasten the buttons one by one. This indifferent attitude once made Ruan Lu, Political Commissar Zhou and others feel that they should not be here.

Xie Weimin followed the car to the military hospital. Generally speaking, it was not a big problem. It was up to us to decide where he was injured or not.

On the way home, Hua Ya thought of the person they always talked about and asked, "Is the Teacher Ye they are talking about the man you warned me to keep a distance from?"

Gu Tinglan didn't want to mention other men from Hua Ya's little mouth, so he nodded and said, "Yes."

Hua Ya felt a sour taste in his perfunctory words, and wondered if it was her misunderstanding.

Something happened tonight, it was freezing cold in the middle of the night. Gu Tinglan walked back reluctantly and called a jeep to take them to the gate of the family area of ​​​​the west courtyard.

The next day, Monday.

Hua Ya no longer wore military uniform. She added a fur vest to her turtleneck sweater and put on a thick cotton jacket. A thick cotton hat hangs above the shoe cabinet. When worn on the head, it can cover the forehead, ears and chin.

After putting on the cotton-padded jacket and hat, Hua Ya stretched out her legs to drag the small stool next to her, sat on the small stool and put on her cotton-padded shoes.

As soon as she stepped on her feet, she knew that Gu Tinglan had helped her replace the insoles inside with fresh ones. My feet arched comfortably in the shoes, and I felt better all morning.

It's cold inside the house and even colder outside.

It hadn't snowed yet when I came back at midnight last night. When I woke up in the morning, I saw a thick white patch outside the window.

This year Gu Tinglan took his coal coupons home early, and even found someone to exchange his cigarette coupons for more coal coupons. He just wanted to keep the stove at home warm and not keep his little wife cold anymore.

But I got the coal ticket back, the coal just arrived today.

Hua Ya put the five hundred kilograms of coal coupons properly in her cotton-padded jacket pocket, patted them, and planned to go to the supply and marketing cooperative with Zhou Wenfang after work to register and queue up to receive coal.

Most of the family members do not have a yard, so they can receive it once a week from the supply and marketing cooperative. Other times the coal is piled behind the supply and marketing cooperative, covered with large tarpaulins.

At the entrance of the building, there is melting snow and mud.

There are four or five half-section ice skates on the outer edge of the red brick on the top.

I don't know who was afraid that the ice skate would hit people traveling, so they knocked it early and threw it into the grass beside the path. Hua Ya had a candidate in mind, and she kept smiling as she walked over.

There are still two days until the island is closed, and it will be the twelfth lunar month when the island is closed.

As soon as the twelfth lunar month passes, it's the Spring Festival.

Hua Ya has been in the army for a full year now.

She first went to San Canteen and bought a bowl of rice porridge and salted duck eggs, which was enough for her small belly. Then she went to the next door window and bought a sesame seed cake with pickled vegetables.

When I was looking for a seat with my plate, I met the two sisters Zhao Xue and Zhao Yu who came to have breakfast. After saying hello, Zhao Xue grabbed a handful of freshly fried peanuts for Hua Ya. This is what they brought here to eat.

"The crispy ones are delicious." Zhao Yu grabbed another handful for Hua Ya: "My sister is willing to add oil and salt to the fried peanuts. I like to eat her fried peanuts the most."

Hua Ya pinched a peanut and threw it into his mouth. When he chewed it, his mouth was filled with the aroma of peanuts.

Hua Ya sat with them, eating breakfast and chatting for a while. Suddenly someone pulled her braid. Hua Ya turned around and saw Zhou Wenfang.

Zhou Wenfang said: "You must have slept in this morning, and your braid is tied crookedly again. You eat first, and I will help you tie it again after eating."

She didn't ask for the peanuts Zhao Yu gave her. She put a few flower sprouts in the bowl and tasted them: "It's really delicious. It doesn't taste like Huba at all. It's a pity that if I eat too much of this in the morning, I'll accumulate food. I'll bring some peanuts next time." I'll go find you some oil and let Xue'er fry some for me."

Zhao Xue said: "What kind of oil do you need to bring? If you don't mind, I only used the oil once for frying this morning and it is still bright and clear. I have reserved it at home for deep-frying, so I will use this oil for you to fry." It just so happens that I'm going to slowly fry the meatballs for the Chinese New Year."

When talking about fried meatballs, Hua Ya couldn't help but say: "Last year, I heard people say that your fried fish balls are particularly delicious, as well as shredded radish balls, glutinous rice balls, and bean paste balls filled with bean paste."

Zhao Yu laughed and said: "Sister, you see Xiaohua has been thinking about your craftsmanship for a long time."

Hua Ya made a noise and said, "I'll provide half a barrel of oil as a handling fee."

"Then thank you very much." Zhao Xue knew that Hua Ya's family was in good condition, and she had to fry meatballs for many people every year. Although they also provided some oil, they would not give half a bucket of oil at a time. Thinking that the more the merrier, the oil for frying things has been secured this year. Zhao Xue said happily: "Then I will use the first batch of fried food for you. Just tell me what kind of meatballs you want to eat."

Zhou Wenfang also wanted to fry some, but she ate less, so three or five pieces each time was enough. When I was hesitating, I heard Hua Ya say: "Don't make another one. Each person in our family will eat one less chopstick, which will be saved for you. Eat something like a chicken pecking at rice. Don't ask Xue'er to pay for it." Nosy business."

"Okay, okay, please save me one more bite." Zhou Wenfang said with a smile: "I recently renovated the oven and am learning to bake nut bread. If I succeed, I will give it to your family during the Chinese New Year. A few passed."

Hua Ya sighed and said, "Hey, with your skills, I probably won't be able to have such a good meal this year."

Zhou Wenfang pulled her pigtails angrily. The four of them finished their meal noisily.

After Zhao Xue and Zhao Yu left, Zhou Wenfang sat astride a stool and braided Hua Ya.

She still muttered: "You are all married, but you still look like a little girl when you comb your hair. Did I teach you before to use elastic bands to pull the hair on both sides to be symmetrical in front of the mirror before braiding it? Get some sleep I forgot about my sleep again."

Hua Ya doesn't like to braid two braids, but she can't braid a single braid herself. She had to take it apart and re-make it twice every time, which made her very irritable.

Now even Gu Tinglan can braid braids better than her. If she can get up in time in the morning, she will get the braids made by the ingenious Gu Bajin. If you sleep in, you can only do it yourself.

She simply wore a hat when going out now. The coal burning in the library hadn't started yet, so she didn't need to take off her hat, so she just thought of being lazy and made it up.

Hua Ya murmured: "I just drank the porridge too hot, otherwise I wouldn't have taken off my hat."

Zhou Wenfang patted her on the back: "Sit tight!"

Hua Ya immediately sat up straight.

Zhou Wenfang quickly braided her hair, and the two braids were tightly braided. The flower buds had a headache when they were pulled, just like when her mother knitted them for her when she was a child.

She wanted to rub her scalp, but Zhou Wenfang stopped her.

Hua Ya and Zhou Wenfang walked to the door and met Aunt Gao and Sister Dafang, with Captain Xiao Nie behind them. It seems that they want to check the hygiene of the kitchen in the family canteen.

Aunt Gao saw Hua Ya and shouted: "Go to the activity room for a meeting in the afternoon. Don't pretend to be confused and not attend again this time."

Sister Da Fang also said to Hua Ya: "The sleeves of the clothes I sewed last time are bald. Please take them over this afternoon and help me take a look."

The flower buds agreed crisply.

Zhou Wenfang saw it and said, "You were busier than your group leader all morning."

Hua Ya said: "Do you know what day it is today?"

Zhou Wenfang didn't know.

Hua Ya said: "Do you still remember the day when we first met? You didn't even talk to me at that time. When you saw Gu Bajin, you rushed up and said you were Aunt Gao--"

Zhou Wenfang's face darkened, and she quickly covered Hua Ya's mouth to shut her up.

That is simply her dark history.

Now that I think about it, I know that I was too reckless at that time, why did I say that to a girl who had just joined the army. Thanks to the other party, Hua Ya, he didn't hold a grudge against her and became good friends with her. If it were anyone else, he would be an enemy.

Hua Ya held her stomach and laughed, and was hit a few more times by Zhou Wenfang: "Please don't mention that time to me."

Hua Ya retorted: "I'm not in a hurry, why are you so anxious?"

The two were making a fuss when someone suddenly came out of the cafeteria door. The two of them quickly stood up and pretended as if nothing had happened.

The two of them walked arm in arm to the library in disgust.

It wouldn't work if I didn't hold my hand. I took a shortcut and passed by the Heroes Monument. There were big ice cubes on the ground. Family members would sneak out from here to the other side at every turn.

When I arrived at the library reading room, I didn't know who had opened the window all morning.

The whistling north wind blew indoors.

Hua Ya and Zhou Wenfang locked the windows separately.

There are still those things on the registration table, such as the book borrowing register, borrowing process, borrowing time, etc. The chair next to the table was covered by two fancy little butt cushions woven by Hua Ya.

She stuffed all the leftover cotton from making cotton-padded clothes into it, and it felt soft and bouncy when she sat on it.

The temperature dropped suddenly today, and they were too lazy to wipe the table with the rag. Hua Ya swept the table and chairs with a feather duster.

The weather was really bad, and not two people came to borrow books. Zhou Wenfang sat aside and kept stamping her feet. Hua Ya lowered her head and saw, hey, this little prodigal was not wearing any cotton shoes.

Hua Ya whispered to her: "I put on a double layer of insoles, and Ba Jin gave me the insoles before I went to work."

Zhou Wenfang said: "Don't pity me, just keep the stinky foot pad for yourself."

"I didn't say I wanted to give it to you." Hua Ya shook her warm little feet under the table and said with a smile, "I'll go home tonight and make chestnut flour steamed buns. Do you want to eat it?"

"Chestnut noodles? I really haven't eaten them before." Zhou Wenfang stood up and rummaged through the drawer under the table: "Hey, have you seen the hot water bottle I put here?"

Hua Ya said: "I didn't see it, otherwise I would have found a glass bottle and filled it with hot water."

Hua Ya remembered that there was one on the second floor, so she got up and twisted her waist and said, "I'll get it for you."

Hua Ya ran to the second floor, rummaged around, and found the glucose bottle that she had brought back from the hospital a long time ago. This thing is a treasure in winter. Pour hot water and stuff it into the pocket of a cotton coat to keep it warm all morning.

Hua Ya found the glass bottle and went to the water boiling room to get hot water for Zhou Wenfang. She saw Zhou Wenfang's little mouth turned pale. I don't know if I forgot to put on lipstick or it was frozen.

Back on the first floor, there was one more person in the reading room.

Xie Weimin sat across from the registration table and pushed the envelope in his hand to Zhou Wenfang: "The telegram is inside. I just took it as someone else sent it. I didn't read a word."

No one would believe this.

Zhou Wenfang took the letter, her fingertips turning purple from the cold. Xie Weimin looked at it, took out a large army green hot water bottle from his arms and handed it to Zhou Wenfang.

Zhou Wenfang accepted it without saying a word.

Hua Ya looked behind them in amazement.

What a magical way of getting along.

"I didn't bring it to you on purpose, I--"

Zhou Wenfang continued what he said: "You are so stupid, you have to carry a hot water bottle wherever you go. Am I right?"

Xie Weimin gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, I'm weak, I'm weak, I'm weak!"

Hua Ya hugged her belly and laughed loudly from behind: "If you are weak, just take it. Do you want to eat my chestnut noodle steamed buns made at home at night? It's the kind that the legendary Empress Dowager Cixi ate. It's particularly tonic. I want to put honey in it. !"

Xie Weimin let out a sigh of relief, stood up and prepared to find a book to cultivate himself: "Whatever the food is, it's all steamed buns. Thank you, no need."

"Hey, wait for me." Zhou Wenfang stopped Xie Weimin and said, "After I finish writing, you can help me take it over."

Xie Weimin stopped and raised a smile with difficulty: "Do you two need to communicate so frequently?"

"It doesn't cost money, and I don't need to run errands." Zhou Wenfang spread out the letter paper. Recently, more and more words were sent in the "telegram". She put the pen cap on the pen and said casually: "If you don't want to help, I, I will send the telegram myself."

How dare Xie Weimin let her send a telegram by herself? Wouldn't her secret be revealed as soon as she went to send a telegram? From the beginning to the end, Xie Weimin never sent a telegram for Zhou Wenfang. He only communicated with Zhou Wenfang in the name of Yu Qi.

Others are Yu Qi, but he is Yu Gui.

Xie Weimin couldn't get to the main table, and he didn't dare let Zhou Wenfang know.

He randomly found a book and came back. He sat across from Zhou Wenfang and opened the book, wondering where his mind was wandering. Zhou Wenfang held his hot water bottle and answered the telegram he sent, but what she was thinking about was another man. This realization made Xie Weimin feel furious.

What is this?

Hua Ya knew that Xie Weimin might pretend to be Yu Qi and sent a telegram to Zhou Wenfang, but she didn't know that Zhou Wenfang had already seen through this.

These days, few girls take the initiative to pursue people. Zhou Wenfang made a joke once, and she was somewhat afraid to take a step forward. In addition, I was also angry that such a big man as Xie Weimin didn't even dare to say a word of confession. As long as he was willing to take a step forward, Zhou Wenfang would dare to hold his hand.

But Xie Weimin not only refused to move forward, but also ran backward. Zhou Wenfang hated that iron could not become steel, so she wanted to make him angry.

Hua Ya held the glass bottle by herself, sat aside and looked at Zhou Wenfang and Xie Weimin.

Hua Ya hopes from the bottom of her heart that the two of them can succeed. Although Xie Weimin is a bit silly, he is a good person.

Xie Weimin, who had been given a good person card by Hua Ya silently in his heart, secretly glanced at Zhou Wenfang's expression as he wrote the telegram to "Yu Qi". There is a gentle smile on her eyebrows, and there are rows of beautiful words in her pen. I don't know where she came from to talk to other men, but she is still smiling even though she is thousands of miles away. To him, it was like the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves, with a stern face, uncertain about the weather.

Feeling sour and astringent in his heart, Xie Weimin couldn't bear it anymore. He reached out and knocked on the registration table to remind him: "No, Comrade Zhou Wenfang, your telegram is too long. Who else's telegram is as good as your letter? Just write two Isn't it enough just words?"

Zhou Wenfang stopped writing and stared at Xie Weimin: "If it's too long, I'll post it myself."

That's it again!

Xie Weimin was convinced and saw hero ink on the table next door. He hooked it up and handed it to Zhou Wenfang: "It's still daylight, write slowly. If there's not enough ink, I'll buy it for you."

Zhou Wenfang curled up the corners of her lips and said softly: "That's enough, but I don't have enough letter paper."

Xie Weimin couldn't bear it anymore and stood up quickly.

Zhou Wenfang raised his head and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Xie Weimin took a deep breath and said, "I'll buy you stationery so that I can write more letters to Comrade Yu Qi. I will help you send the telegram to him, don't worry."

Zhou Wenfang smiled and said, "With your words, I feel relieved."

After all, Hua Ya was thinking about her daughter. After Xie Weimin left, she leaned next to Zhou Wenfang and hesitated to speak.

Zhou Wenfang stopped after writing a few sentences, looked at the flower buds and said, "If you fart, let it go."

Hua Ya covered her nose and said, "You are too rude. You are still writing to Yu Qi like this. Otherwise, you should stop writing."

Hua Ya was afraid that the letter written by Zhou Wenfang would not reach Yu Qi and would be read by Xie Weimin.

Zhou Wenfang shook his head and said with a held breath: "I must write this letter, and I must write it very affectionately."

Hua Ya glanced at the door and secretly said to Zhou Wenfang: "Are you so confident that he will send you a telegram? What if he looks at it?"

Zhou Wenfang squinted and saw Hua Ya's sneaky expression and said, "Why did you suddenly say this? Have you noticed this kind of thing before?"

Hua Ya thought to herself, this is what I noticed now. It was clearly Xie Weimin who came to my house and sat on the sofa and said it.

She was not only worried about damaging Xie Weimin's image in Zhou Wenfang's mind, but also worried that Zhou Wenfang's personal letters to others would be seen by Xie Weimin, and her whole little face was so tangled.

Zhou Wenfang didn't have anything to write, so he pretended to write some recent events and then folded the paper.

Hua Ya saw Zhou Wenfang put the folded letter paper on the table where Xie Weimin was sitting just now, and said anxiously: "Do you believe him so much?"

Zhou Wenfang said: "Of course I don't believe it."

Hua Ya: "Then why did you send him a personal letter? Even if it's a telegram, it's not right, right?"

Zhou Wenfang said: "I saw that he was still breathing, and I became angry."

Chapter 132

Because the Family Committee would have a meeting in the afternoon, Hua Ya and Zhou Wenfang had a quick bite at noon and went to the supply and marketing cooperative in advance to queue up to register for coal tickets.

How many invoices are issued each year and how much coal is hauled. The registration time for receiving coal is only three days.

Fortunately, there were many people eating at noon and few people queuing up. Hua Ya and Zhou Wenfang were able to register before 1:30.

The sound of trucks transporting coal could be heard from behind the supply and marketing cooperative, and it fell down, all black gold in the cold winter.

Zhou Wenfang went to the self-study room to study in the afternoon, and rushed back with Hua Ya in a hurry.

"I heard that Beijing has collective heating, so every household doesn't need to burn its own coal. That's great, it's so convenient."

Hua Ya held Zhou Wenfang's arm, and after walking for a while, she felt warm and pulled the scarf to her chin. Xiao Zui exhaled a white breath: "It will be great when we can have collective heating here."

Zhou Wenfang said: "We have old houses here. When we built the building, we didn't even think about installing heating ducts. It is estimated that collective heating will not be possible in a short time. However, the wall between my house and the next door is thin, and everyone burns the stove. The walls are all warm, similar to when I was in Beijing."

This makes Hua Ya very envious. When she was in Linjia Village, she could only go up to the mountains to cut firewood for warmth in winter. Those who could burn coal were considered wealthy families in Linjia Village.

She also tried burning coal herself, but the results were unsatisfactory. It is not as good as the ones produced by people who have been burning coal exclusively for business for decades. The coal soot from these people has not been burned for a long time, and I don't know how it was produced.

She tried it several times, and then she thought about it. This was the experience passed down from generation to generation by the coal sellers. If it was successful just by burning it casually, they would not be able to support a large family on this.

A gust of north wind blew, and Zhou Wenfang shrank his neck: "Actually, the flue is installed above the living room, and most of the house is warm. It's just that it's cold under my feet. Especially since I live in a bungalow, it's like stepping on ice."

Hua Ya knows this feeling, and it's the same in her bungalow. The floor in the house is not as good as the bungalow where Zhou Wenfang lives now, it is still made of mud. In winter, what is the temperature of the ice outside and what is the temperature of the ground inside the house.

Thinking about it, she didn't know how she survived. Sometimes I can go for a walk in the mountains in winter and eat the hard-boiled steamed buns made by my aunt, which I can't even break open.

Zhou Wenfang tilted her head and asked, "What do you enjoy?"

Hua Ya said: "I was just thinking about the steamed buns. By the way, do you want to eat the chestnut flour steamed buns I told you about this morning? It's made with sugar and honey, just like what the Empress Dowager Cixi eats."

Zhou Wenfang heard her mention the chestnut noodles steamed buns twice and laughed: "What's wrong with you? Did you take over the chestnut noodles steamed buns?"

Hua Ya scratched the tip of her nose and said sheepishly: "The honey chestnuts I ate in the auditorium yesterday were so delicious. Captain Nie said that the remaining chestnuts were not easy to put away, so he gave me all the chestnuts."

Zhou Wenfang smiled sullenly and said with admiration: "That means you can get good things out of the hands of the Chief of Staff. He is a notoriously stingy person in our army."

Hua Ya thought that not only the chief of staff gave her good things, but also Ruan Lu and Political Commissar Zhou wanted to give her a big red flower again.

When she got home in the middle of the night last night, she and Gu Tinglan hugged each other and went to bed after washing. She could still vaguely hear Gu Tinglan laughing. She started laughing in the middle of the night. Thanks to her courage, she was not afraid of anyone else.

"Since it's a good thing given by the chief of staff, I'll take advantage of it." Zhou Wenfang walked to the library door and stamped her feet vigorously, stamping off the slush on her shoes: "I can't eat too much, give me a few to taste." Just taste it and it will be done."

Hua Ya said to her: "The chestnut noodles are not as solid as corn noodles. They are light and fluffy. I will give you ten. Anyway, the weather is cold, so I will keep them at home for a few days without spoiling them."

"Sure." Zhou Wenfang waved to Hua Ya and asked Hua Ya to quickly go to the activity room for a meeting.

After Hua Ya stamped the snow and mud off her feet, she waved to Zhou Wenfang and entered the activity room.

The content of this family committee meeting is very simple, which is to promote the use of coal, fire and antifreeze in households as winter approaches. In addition, families with children should try to let their children study in the third semester in study classes. Just like last year, children should not be allowed to play outside without special reasons.

Hua Ya carefully learned about antifreeze, especially how to prevent and treat areas prone to frostbite on the human body.

She remembered that not long after her marriage last year, Gu Tinglan went for winter training. When I came back, both feet had frostbite. If it were now, she would definitely hold Gu Tinglan's feet and help him rub some medicinal wine or something. She just got married last year and was so tied up that she couldn't perform well.

After the meeting, Hua Ya helped Sister Dafang change the sleeves of her sweater and muttered, "It'll be spring by the time you finish knitting."

Sister Da Fang saw that Hua Ya's round ones were really cute, so she couldn't help pinching her little face, and said with a smile: "I don't have your ingenuity, if anyone here doesn't learn how to knit sweaters from you, It feels embarrassing to wear old styles."

"There's nothing to be ashamed of." Hua Ya said: "What matters about a sweater is its functionality. If it can keep you warm, it's big. If you only care about appearance and lose warmth, you're paying attention to one thing and not the other."

Aunt Gao said with a smile: "Look, our Comrade Xiaohua has not been studying in vain recently. When we speak, we are just like writing articles, one after another. What can you tell us next time?"

Hua Ya still remembered that Aunt Gao had tricked her into coming to the stage to read for self-examination, and she kept saying "hum" in her nose.

Aunt Gao and Sister Dafang looked at each other, and Sister Dafang said as if coaxing a child: "I heard that you are going to make steamed buns with chestnut noodles. I wonder if I will be so lucky."

Aunt Gao deliberately said: "I live so close to the person upstairs in our house. They say that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. I wonder if I have that blessing."

Hua Ya likes to share the delicious food she makes with others. She hurriedly said: "There are some. Wait for me to go back and make more. Come to my house to get them tomorrow if you have time."

Sister Dafang said: "Then I have to get a washbasin to put it in."

Aunt Gao said: "If you use the basin, I will use the bucket."

Hua Ya didn't realize for a moment that they were deliberately teasing her, so she quickly said: "Company Commander Xiao Nie only gave me ten catties of honey chestnuts, so I can't make that much. I'll leave some for my eight catties and my two children. Can I give you the rest?"

They both burst into laughter, and Sister Dafang said, "I'm just teasing you. I'll take everything I say seriously. Don't you and your leader Gu make jokes at home?"

Hua Ya recalled it carefully, and it seemed that there were very few jokes. Gu Tinglan seemed to know that she could easily take her jokes seriously, and he would usually do whatever she said and would not go out of his way to tease her or make her distressed.

Hua Ya finally came to the conclusion that her man still loved her.

After finishing the work here, Hua Ya has to take the coal back before the supply and marketing cooperative gets off work.

Today is the first day of coal supply, and there are many people coming to collect coal.

Hua Ya waited in line for a long time, and it was not interesting to just look at the back of the head of the person in front of her. It took a long time before one person moved forward in the team in front of her, and Hua Ya stared blankly at the sky.

Suddenly a hand gently patted the top of her head. Hua Ya covered her head with both hands and turned her head irritably. When she saw Gu Tinglan coming back from get off work, she suddenly changed her face and smiled happily.

Now someone spoke to her, and she said coquettishly, "Why are you here? I've been standing here by myself for half an hour."

"Isn't Zhou Wenfang here?" Gu Tinglan thought they could be together and asked casually: "Isn't she cold?"

"How hot she is, and she's still cold." Hua Ya and Gu Tinglan stood side by side, with people in front and behind them. She whispered: "Hey, buddy, you are here. You are studying with me in the study room. You also need to help Xiaofang send the telegram. I think he can even chew the telegram."

Gu Tinglan was angry and refused to argue: "That's right." After saying that, he lowered his head gently and asked in a low voice: "Are you tired of standing? I'll line up here, can you go up and have a rest?"

Hua Ya didn't want to, so she just wanted to stick to Gu Tinglan. And seeing that most of the family members here came alone to pick up coal, she was happy to have Gu Tinglan by her side. There is such a caring person around, and other people are envious when they see him.

Many people in the family know the military rank. Even if they have never met Gu Tinglan, they can guess who his surname is after seeing the military rank. Looking at the entire regiment, Gu Tinglan is the only one who can become a regimental-level cadre at such a young age.

The first thing a person like this does after work is to come over and help his wife carry coal, which is no better than the stinky old man at home who only knows how to eat and shit.

Aunt Gao knew that Huaya wanted to put coal, so she lent her the yard of 102 on the first floor to put coal. She originally planned to carry two hundred pounds back, but Gu Tinglan didn't agree with anything she said. Even though Hua Ya said she had the strength, Gu Tinglan just wouldn't let her carry it back, and he just couldn't bear to let her do any heavy work.

When it was their turn, they took a hundred pounds of coal back.

Gu Tinglan took off his shirt except for a military vest, put the snakeskin bag on his shoulder, raised his chin with Hua Ya, and said majestically and handsomely: "Go home."

Hua Ya said crisply: "Go home!"

There were family members carrying buckets of twenty to thirty pounds in front and back. Seeing Gu Tinglan like this, she sighed, such a good man belongs to someone else!

What good things did you do in your previous life to meet such a man in this life?

After returning home, we will inevitably ask our own men to come out to carry coal. It is hard to say how many of them are really willing to come out.

While walking on the road, Gu Tinglan and Hua Ya calculated that a stove with 500 kilograms of coal should last three months. If he goes back to Luoyan Mountain to get some firewood, he won't be able to freeze his little wife this winter.

When he got home, Gu Tinglan divided the coal and took a shower first. When I came out, I saw Hua Ya still rubbing her steamed buns.

A lot of steamed buns have already been steamed in the pot. Besides this, there is also a plate of fried fried potato shreds on the table.

Hua Ya's small mouth coaxed Gu Tinglan: "Let's just have a bite tonight. It's too late to do anything else today. I'll make something delicious for you tomorrow."

Gu Tinglan checked the heater set up in the living room, and then looked at the flue to see if there was any smoke leakage. He said nonchalantly: "You can eat whatever you want. If you don't give me food, I won't eat you."

Hua Ya grabbed a bun and stuffed it into his mouth, blocking his smooth tongue.

The chestnut noodles are soft and soft, and the noodles are a bit like yeast noodles, not dead noodles. Gu Tinglan still had the sweet smell of chestnuts in his mouth. Served with Huaya's specialty shredded potatoes, it's still quite filling.

Gu Tinglan was washing dishes in the kitchen and saw Hua Ya standing at the door of the kitchen brushing her teeth and said, "Guess who called me today?"

Hua Ya thought for a while and shook her head. First of all, she must have thought it was her father's call, but her father had just spoken to her and Lin Yun on the phone and sent a package, so he probably wouldn't contact her so soon. If it was Lin Hui, he also wrote a letter last week. If it was not urgent, he would not call me.

Gu Tinglan didn't show off, washed the dishes, controlled the water, put them one by one on the dish rack and said, "Do you remember the Yevgeny I told you about? He invited us to have dinner with him tomorrow night. They will cook Russian food specially for us. Do you want to go?"

Hua Ya didn't want to go, after all, she had just sent his student to the hospital.

She ran to the toilet to rinse her mouth. After rinsing her mouth, she ran back and said to Gu Tinglan, "Do I have to go? How is that Mr. Dad?"

"Mr. Daddy was fine. He only had two broken ribs. He didn't think it was a big problem, so he just asked the doctor to do a simple fixation on his chest and was discharged. The other Mr. Ski was also fine. Slight concussion**. I was discharged from the hospital together with Mr. Daddy." Gu Tinglan answered one by one: "If you want to go, you can go. If you don't want to go, I will refuse for you."

Hua Ya asked: "We'll have dinner tomorrow. The island will be closed soon. Will they leave after dinner?"

Gu Tinglan nodded and said: "Originally we were planning to leave tomorrow, but Ruan Brigade helped them postpone it by one day and leave the day after tomorrow. If it is later, they will have to wait for the island to be closed and use military helicopters to deliver it. Ruan Brigade is worried about the engine oil, so we might as well let them leave the day after tomorrow. Leave on the last passenger ship."

Hua Ya suddenly became happy: "Didn't they come all the way to help? Just take a small broken boat? Isn't it possible to walk across the sea-crossing bridge?"

"The cross-sea bridge can be walked, but Ruan Lu will not let it go. Although the bridge is officially completed, it will take a while for maintenance. I believe they can understand."

Gu Tinglan smiled and said: "Besides, it's good to use a small broken ship. Do we need to send them on an aircraft carrier? When Sardin passes, there will be dedicated people to send them to the military airport. We don't need to worry too much."

Even though they were leaving soon, Hua Ya didn't want to eat with them. The main reason is that the first impression was too bad and she didn't want to waste time on it. Eating a meal of Russian food will not lead you to immortality. After eating, you can leave what you should and leave what you should leave. There is nothing worth remembering.

But Gu Tinglan knew Yevgeny's character, a person who would never give up until he achieved his goals.

When he saw that his wife was unwilling, he didn't force her. I planned to call directly the next day to refuse.

But before he could make a call, Hua Ya separated from him and walked to the door of the library alone, where he was stopped by a strange Soviet man.

The one who stopped her was naturally Yevgeny.

Chapter 133

Hua Ya stood on the steps, even so, she had to raise her head to look at each other.

Yevgeny's hair is also silver, like the color of moonlight. It looks great in the warm winter sun. He must be aware of this advantage himself and takes care of his hair meticulously.

To describe it in flower bud terms, it looks shiny and smooth, and quite nutritious.

His eyes are deep and dark brown in color. The tall, aquiline nose and thick lips give this man a sense of simplicity in his handsomeness.

Wearing a brown suit with a woolen windbreaker. After all, I came from beautiful Siberia. Even though my nose was red from the cold, there was no snot flowing down.

Instead, Comrade Hua Ya, who was wrapped up in a chubby face, sniffed and spoke first: "Teacher Ye, what's wrong with you?"

Yevgeny laughed heartily and stretched out his big hand to shake Hua Ya's hand.

Hua Ya patted his hand and took it seriously.

Yevgeny knew this lady, and it was said that she had an outstanding appearance and outstanding personality.

These two points became apparent to him just half a minute after he stood in front of this person.

He took off his hat and said very gentlemanly: "I am a friend of your husband, Colonel Gu, and my name is Yevgeny. If you would like to call me Teacher Ye, I would also be honored. This interruption is because I want to help my student Baba Le. I apologize to my husband and former colleague Dedeski."

"Let's go in and talk first. The influence of people coming and going here is not good." Hua Ya didn't want to stand with him at the door of the library and let people walking around look at her. After all, foreigners are still a rare species at this time. They live in separately planned areas and are restricted from wandering to other places.

Hua Ya wanted to save others by herself, and she didn't know how Yevgeny came in. Judging from his leisurely appearance, he probably didn't climb over the wall.

"Sit down." Hua Ya took Yevgeny and sat in the reading room. There was no one in the reading room at this time. She didn't close the door, and opened it wide, as if to avoid suspicion.

Yevgeny understood what was happening, but said nothing more. He put his hat on the table next to him, took out a letter from his arms and said: "This is an invitation letter written by me personally. With a sincere and apologetic heart, I hope that I can entertain you and your family at my residence tonight." Husband. If I had known I would meet such a beautiful and outstanding lady like you, I would have prepared a perfect bouquet of flowers."

No one can refuse the hospitality of the youngest professor in the history of the Lenin State School of Architecture, not to mention that at such a young age he is not only a full professor but also the deputy dean of the school.

Even though Babalev was five years older than him, being able to become his student was still something that made Babalev very proud.

It's a pity that flowers and other flower buds are not rare. I would consider flower cakes.

Hua Ya didn't talk in roundabout ways and said straightforwardly: "I have other things to do and don't want to go."

Yevgeny smiled and said: "It's 'don't want to go' rather than 'can't go', right?"

Hua Ya said with a straight face: "You, a foreigner, want to compete with me in Chinese?" Hua Ya, who was criticized crazily by Zhou Zhengdu in his essay, was particularly sensitive to this, and even ignited a sense of crisis in his fluent Chinese dialogue.

Yevgeny laughed and said: "No, no, no, my respected lady, you are obviously better. Being able to talk to you makes me, a foreigner, very happy. I like your directness very much. I prefer it to roundabout ways." I like dealing with people with your personality."

Hua Ya found that talking to him actually made her feel quite comfortable.

It's a very natural and unpretentious feeling. But thinking of Baba Lev and Dedsky, Hua Ya's face turned serious again, and she could not let down her guard.

There is something unusual about this foreigner.

Yevgeny chatted with Hua Ya for a few words. Seeing that she still refused to let go, he placed the invitation letter on the table in a controlled manner. He stood up, put his hat on his left chest, bowed slightly, and left Hua Ya's sight in a very reserved manner.

Hua Ya can guarantee that if Gu Tinglan had invited Gu Tinglan in this matter, whoever didn't go would have been given a sack to carry Gu Tinglan on his back.

"Is that person from the Soviet Union just now?" Zhou Wenfang heard a sound here in the study room. When he saw Hua Ya talking to Yevgeny, he didn't come to disturb him.

"Yes, he is the leader of the Soviet team who came to support our construction." Hua Ya said simply: "I have already rejected him, but he still kept the invitation letter."

Zhou Wenfang picked up the envelope and looked at the front and back. The words on it were written in Chinese, and it was written in a very common sense of etiquette: Ms. Hua Ya and Mr. Gu Tinglan opened the same letter.

Instead of leaving Hua Ya alone, he took Gu Tinglan with him, so that even if someone saw him, he wouldn't say anything. Not only thoughtful, but also very attentive.

"Then do you want to go or not?" Zhou Wenfang handed the invitation letter to Hua Ya. Hua Ya also looked at the writing on it. If not that it was given by the Soviets, it could really be regarded as written by the Chinese. Not to mention how good the writing is, the horizontal and vertical lines are just like Yevgeny's person, he looks very well-behaved.

"No. What are you doing with all that effort?" Hua Ya was thinking about the steamed buns that she had not finished rubbing yesterday. She had to rub them out quickly today, and she would not be able to put them away again.

She remembered that Zhou Wenfang did not receive coal yesterday and wondered if she would go today. If she went, she would like to take some more back.

Zhou Wenfang thought for a while and said: "I still have some firewood to burn, but we can go and have a look first. If there are less people queuing up, we can get more. After these two days pass, we can only collect it once a week. I I'm afraid I won't be able to take too much."

Hua Ya blurted out: "Ask Xie Weimin to help you get it, he looks very strong."

Zhou Wenfang said: "Come on, I gave him the letter yesterday and he just walked away without even talking to me."

Hua Ya dug out the textbook hidden in the drawer of the registration desk and followed Zhou Wenfang to the study room. As she walked, she said, "What did you write that stimulated him? I said he must be able to read your letter." ."

Zhou Wenfang thought for a while and said, "I didn't really write anything. I just wrote down what I thought about and did every day, just like you usually keep a running account."

Hua Ya was unconvinced and said: "Why do you, who always go off topic, laugh at my journal? I have changed a lot now, okay? Last time I gave the composition to Teacher Zhou, Teacher Zhou let me go without saying anything. I didn't mention my mistakes. I've made so much progress than you. You wrote your composition in prose last time. Don't think I don't know. I'm not laughing at you in my heart."

Zhou Wenfang made a fist and wanted to hit her, but Hua Ya ducked away.

Hua Ya's little mouth was still chattering: "You are poking at his heart like this. You know he likes you, but you still do this. You are really a bad woman."

Zhou Wenfang sneered and said: "I have put opportunities in front of him more than once. As long as he says it, it can be done. If he doesn't say it, he will be like Liu Xiahui. What do you want me to do? Keep being shy. What do you say when you rush in front of a man? I deserved it at the time. I was stabbed in the spine from behind. Now it's not about Joe. I know he likes me and I deliberately elevate myself. I just want him to think as thoroughly as I do. Know your own heart."

Zhou Wenfang thought very clearly that it is better to go farther than you want to go if others push you. Think clearly about your own heart and make decisions more carefully than those made by external forces.

Hua Ya thought about it and said: "Well, you always have better ideas than me, just think about it yourself. Anyway, I heard my Bajin said that Xie Weimin has never been on a blind date with anyone at his age, nor has he said anyone he likes. You It's the only one."

Zhou Wenfang felt that the road was long and long: "I still have to carve this rotten wood."

At noon, Hua Ya and Zhou Wenfang went to the supply and marketing cooperative again to buy coal.

I don't know what happened today, but there were many gay men among the people who came to collect coal. Hua Ya and Zhou Wenfang estimated that the queue would be quite long, so they planned to come back at another time.

Hua Ya first went to the 102 yard to get ten kilograms of coal for Zhou Wenfang. No matter what, she could not let her eldest daughter freeze. Zhou Wenfang held up the coal and said: "Tomorrow is the last day of the week to collect coal. No matter how many people there are, I have to collect the coal for a week. I will return your ten kilograms of coal to you next week."

Hua Ya gave her the chestnut flour steamed buns again, and Zhou Wenfang went back carrying the coal and steamed buns.

Gu Tinglan returned home for lunch at noon, and Hua Ya actually cooked a dish of shrimps, clams, meat, stir-fried leeks and a sandwich of mixed vegetables.

Chives are too strong for a person with Gu Tinglan's physical condition. He has a lot of anger in his body. Every time he eats leeks, he turns over and over again at night. Later, Hua Ya learned the lesson and made a cold dish that would lower the heat while making leeks. This two-pronged approach helped calm down the food at night.

But Gu Tinglan, who was a prodigal, refused to eat either sandwich or shrimp, and instead picked up leeks and ate them with a smile. Hua Ya watched him eating leeks one bite after another at the dinner table, and she almost went crazy. Finally, seeing that Gu Tinglan was smiling so maliciously, he quickly pulled the remaining leeks into his bowl, picked up the chopsticks and put them in his mouth, not giving Gu Tinglan a chance to eat again.

Gu Tinglan stopped with regret, picked up two bites of crispy radish and ate them.

After dinner, Gu Tinglan washed the dishes, while Hua Ya insisted on washing apples next to the sink. After Gu Tinglan finished washing the dishes, she hadn't even finished washing the apples.

He walked to the sofa and saw the cotton-padded jackets piled on the sofa by Hua Ya, and subconsciously wanted to hang them up. Suddenly I saw a letter in my pocket and asked, "Is there a letter in your pocket? There is a letter from my family."

Hua Ya came out holding the big red marshal, but Gu Tinglan snatched him away: "You are not allowed to eat apples right after eating." After saying that, she rubbed her belly and found that it was full. This time I simply put the apple on the top shelf in the living room and don't let the flower buds eat it.

Hua Ya sat on the sofa angrily and stretched out her hand: "Give me the letter."

Gu Tinglan took out the letter and when he saw the writing on it, his face dropped: "Is it Yevgeny?"

Hua Ya was immediately surprised: "How could you recognize his handwriting right away?"

Gu Tinglan half-smiled and said, "Did you meet him? Why didn't you tell me?"

Hua Ya swallowed and said, "I just said a few words."

Gu Tinglan asked again: "Are you sure you only said two sentences? Is there one more?"

Hua Ya felt the strong smell of acetic acid. She quickly reviewed her conversation with Yevgeny and found that there was nothing out of the ordinary.

Hua Ya didn't dare to lie and muttered in a low voice: "Maybe, maybe there are more than a few sentences."

Gu Tinglan opened the invitation letter and read it carefully, with a sneer on his lips. I don't know if he heard what Hua Ya said.

After reading the invitation letter, he put it directly into his pocket and turned to look at Hua Ya: "I don't mean anything else. Really, I just want to ask."

Chapter 134

Hua Ya was sitting on a small bench, opposite the coffee table, and opposite the coffee table was Gu Tinglan sitting on the sofa.

Gu Tinglan was peeling an apple in his hand and said without raising his head: "Continue."

Hua Ya swallowed and said, "I told him, 'A foreigner, do you want to compete with me in Chinese?' - he said, 'No, no, no, you are better.'"

Gu Tinglan couldn't help but laugh. Afraid of accidentally injuring himself, he put the fruit knife on the coffee table and laughed while holding an apple.

"Everything I told him was official. There really was nothing else." Hua Ya put her hands on her knees obediently and looked at Gu Tinglan with joy. She also said happily with a shy face: "I even rejected him. Well, he put the invitation letter on the table and left like a gentleman."

"'Gentleman?'" Gu Tinglan's energy had not subsided yet. He said with a smile on his lips that Hua Ya couldn't understand: "You think he is a gentleman?"

Hua Ya's little radar clicked on. Without Gu Tinglan's need to say anything, he sat straight up and said: "It's fake. If he is a true gentleman, he will leave when I refuse him for the first time."

Gu Tinglan's eyes finally softened. He pressed his little finger on the handle of the knife and flicked it nimbly. The fruit knife rotated into the palm of his hand: "Come here and eat the apple. Look at your dry mouth. I said so." Ask, why are you panicking?"

Hua Ya knows how deceitful a man's mouth is, and her eight pounds is no exception. When people asked her to eat apples, she dragged the small stool next to the sofa and waited to be fed. Gu Tinglan saw her looking pitiful, huddled on the small bench and looking at him helplessly, and couldn't bear it, so he held her on his lap with one hand.

Hua Ya succeeds in pretending to be pitiful, and seems to have slowly found a way to deal with Gu Jibao. But she still didn't understand why Gu Tinglan got into trouble with the man named Ye, who didn't do anything.

Hua Ya took small bites of the apple and rested her head on Gu Tinglan's neck. It was almost time for him to go to work in the afternoon, and Hua Ya couldn't bear to leave him, so she simply put her other arm around his waist and touched his back dishonestly.

Gu Tinglan had serious business and said to Hua Ya seriously: "This Yevgeny looks harmless, he just looks harmless. There are some things I can't tell you. Although he is not a bad person, he will not be a bad person." A pure good guy. His status made him very popular with women in the Soviet Union. Especially in their country, how rare it is for a man who doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, and respects women's romantic feelings."

Huayao couldn't finish the apple, so he poked a piece with a toothpick and stuffed it into Bajin's mouth. Bajin chewed and ate it: "I'm not saying he is a playboy. Anyway, he is just a leaf that grew up among women. A person who doesn't get involved."

Hua Ya thought about it, such a person is more terrifying than a playboy.

After all, the playboy has let down women, and everyone can scold him and beat him up. But even though Yevgeny was surrounded by women, no woman said anything bad about him. There is quite a feeling that everyone is convinced.

Thinking about it on the other hand, Hua Ya had a bad impression of the Soviets, but after a short contact with him, he didn't seem to dislike Yevgeny that much.

The soft-eared flower bud buried her head in Gu Tinglan's arms and sniffed her man's scent like a little pervert, feeling filled with emotion in her heart. It still smells like a man in my own family.

Like her Ba Jin, she never hangs out among women, but trains among men. This is a real man!

Gu Tinglan lowered his head, saw his little wife with a smile on her face, and asked, "I'm going to work soon, do you need me to help you take a nap first?"

"Yes!" Hua Ya was used to being cared for and loved by Gu Tinglan like a child. She naturally put her hands around Gu Tinglan's neck and let him carry her back to the bedroom.

Gu Tinglan returned to the bedroom with his light wife in his arms. Within five minutes, he felt that his wife was fast asleep. Seeing her pink face, Gu Tinglan stuffed the hot water bottle she was holding in his arms under her feet. I pinched my feet casually to see if they were cold.

Thanks to him sleeping with me, my feet are warm. Gu Tinglan wanted to hide her dearly. He kissed her childish sleeping face and gently closed the door.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Hua Ya still hadn't woken up.

Gu Tinglan came back from the office building to apply and was going to take his young wife to attend Yepugeni's dinner.

Gu Tinglan didn't want Hua Ya to come into contact with Yevgeny. He couldn't say too many bad things about other men in front of Hua Ya. It would make him look very jealous, which was not good.

He is such a broad-minded person. He will never think that his little wife's beautiful soul will be deceived and their marriage life will fall into trouble just because the other party continues to praise his little wife in front of him many times. among the problems.

If you think about it, you will know that the original words are "an outstanding existence among women in the Soviet Union", "an elegant woman with beauty and wisdom, and blessed by the god of luck."

Such words are so illusory. Such people who are talking nonsense should neutralize each other with Xie Dazui and stop hurting the women who love them.

His little wife is suitable for a pragmatic man like him who carries a hundred and eighty kilograms of coal, takes her to dig wild vegetables on a mountain run, and dances with boobies on the sea.

He thinks so much definitely not because of lack of confidence in himself, or lack of confidence in his wife's feelings. But the little wife, who is so kind, pure and soft-spoken, is so easy to deceive. It is difficult to tell whether the professor is a human or a ghost when meeting a hypocritical foreign professor who can make people laugh.

Hua Ya came out of the bedroom with her hair down and yawning. She pulled on her slippers and suddenly stopped. She saw Gu Tinglan standing in the living room with a dark face looking in her direction.

"you you you--"

Gu Tinglan immediately changed into a bright and flowery smile, and eagerly picked up the thermos bottle and poured a cup of hot water for Hua Ya: "Daughter-in-law, drink something first if you are thirsty. Do you want some malted milk?"

Hua Ya held the enamel jar, shook her head warily and said, "What did you do to your heart's content?"

Of course Gu Tinglan didn't do anything wrong, and even if he did, he definitely wouldn't be targeting Comrade Hua Ya.

He reached out to take the enamel cup, but Hua Ya held it in his arms and blocked it with his arms. Gu Tinglan simply took down the jar of malted milk from the top shelf.

Their candies, cans, and snacks, as long as they were restricted to Hua Ya, were placed on top of the large standing cabinet in the living room. The amazing thing is that as long as Hua Ya steps on the small bench to reach the can, he will definitely find it when he comes home from get off work. The two of them went back and forth several times, but Hua Ya finally had to lose because of dental caries.

"One more spoonful."

Gu Tinglan generously poured malted milk into the enamel cup, not forgetting to stir the flower buds.

Hua Ya looked at him with a confused look. Gu Tinglan said first: "You drink it. After you drink it, I have something to discuss with you."

If you drink it, you can't take it away. Even if you don't agree, don't be afraid!

Hua Ya picked up the enamel cup and poured it down. Gu Tinglan quickly held down the cup and said, "Baby, slow down, I won't grab it."

The flower buds were finished in one go, and the sweet taste of malted milk filled your mouth.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Gu Tinglan said in a flexible manner: "The organization asked us to attend Yevgeny's dinner invitation together, so I came back early."

"But I refused." Hua Ya sneered and touched her hair. The man has this kind of face, and his face changes quickly when he uses it on you.

When Gu Tinglan saw it, he quickly went to the toilet to get a comb and combed the little lunatic's hair bit by bit.

Hua Ya started to take Qiao, holding a shelf and waiting for someone to serve: "You find some clothes for me and help me put them on."

Gu Tinglan said "Hmm," and braided the braids quickly.

If it were a year ago, before getting married, if someone had said that he knew how to braid braids, he would have thought that the other person was lying. Now that the braids are neatly braided, she can be regarded as a skilled craftsman.

After braiding, carefully put a pure white fur vest on the flower bud. He glanced at it from left to right, went to the dressing table to find a light blue gauze ribbon, and tied two braids for Hua Ya with a bow.

Hua Ya looked in the mirror and gave Gu Tinglan a thumbs up.

Gu Tinglan pressed her thumb and put a cotton-padded jacket on her. Hua Ya asked: "Don't you need to wear military uniform?"

Gu Tinglan said: "If you wear a bow tie, you will be worthy of him. Why should you wear a military uniform?"

Hua Ya put on her sleeves wisely, and Gu Tinglan helped button the buttons one by one.

"What do you think you would do if I wasn't with you now?" Gu Tinglan looked at his little wife who was neatly dressed up and was happy: "Other gay men have their wives help them dress up, but here it's the other way around. ."

Hua Ya wiped her mouth with honey and said, "That's not because you are naturally beautiful and don't need my help. People in our family area are envious of me for marrying such a good man like you. They can't even find her with a lantern."

Sweet words can conquer people's hearts best. Anyway, Gu Tinglan was in a good mood when he went out. I think my little wife is too smart.

Yevgeny lived in a corner of the west courtyard, a small foreign-style building dedicated to distinguished friends from far away. The small foreign-style building is peerless and independent, surrounded by a circle in the corner of the west courtyard. No matter which direction you travel, someone will take care of you.

They lived in three buildings, and Yevgeny had his own house, which made him look even more pure.

The sounds of drinking and barbecue came from the yard next door, and bottles of vodka collided, making Barbarev and Dedsky unable to stop.

Gu Tinglan and Hua Ya came to the gate of the courtyard. The gate and walls were high here. There is a sense of déjà vu of a wealthy family. I don't know how Teacher Ye, who lives inside, feels when he is surrounded by three areas inside and three floors outside. We are doing this for the safety of foreign guests.

If no one says that Yevgeny's courtyard is a foreigner's courtyard, it will definitely be mistaken for a Chinese courtyard.

He planted a row of bamboo on the courtyard wall, which was lush in spring and summer. In autumn and winter, only bare poles are left. Because there are black carp swimming under the ice in the south pool of the yard, there is a trace of vitality without feeling bleak.

The floor of the small courtyard is paved with a wooden plank. The wood grain of the plank is clear, and the color of the wooden planks is fresh and shiny. It should be because waterproof paint has been painted on it recently.

Walking seven or eight steps forward, there are two small vegetable gardens surrounded by stones. Inside was a green onion half a meter high with a slightly yellowed tip but still alive. Further ahead, under the eaves, there are three wicker chairs and a wooden table. Looking at the matching, Hua Ya can definitely tell that they are two wicker chairs that were temporarily borrowed.

Yevgeny was very happy about their visit. He walked forward and slowly introduced the small courtyard where he had lived for more than half a year. He said regretfully: "It's a pity that I have to leave here tomorrow and won't be able to feel the four seasons here. I It's another kind of beauty to want to have regrets so that I can come to China again next time."

Apparently he was the only one present who thought so.

When they came, Yepgeni was pulling green onions.

Before leaving, he wanted to give the green onions he planted to Chinese soldiers he knew well. Gu Tinglan guessed that it should be the two capable men who had been drinking with Babalev and the others. Those two soldiers were originally from Shandong, so they would be very happy to receive green onions from two vegetable gardens.

Hua Ya's chin was buried in her scarf, silently following them and listening to their greetings. She thought people like Yepugeni would plant rose flowers in their yards, but she didn't expect them to be quite pragmatic. Seeing that there is a pile of cabbage under the wall of the house, it seems that he did not expect the Chinese to successfully complete the project by the end of the year. I am also planning to spend the winter here.

Hua Ya rubbed her nose, who was she looking down on? The captain who really treated her as her eldest brother was in vain.

The leaders above requested that the work be completed before the winter period in December. Our people spit and nailed each other, resolutely obeyed the orders, and absolutely completed the task.

It seems that Mr. Ye's understanding of the Chinese people is superficial, and he does not know the Chinese people's tenacity and determination in facing difficulties and their perseverance that no one can beat.

Chapter 135

Maybe Gu Tinglan's bright and flowery smile impressed Yevgeny. After all, he had been here for so long, and the Chinese colonel always had a dark face towards him. For the time being, he couldn't care less about expressing his high praise for Hua Ya's arrival, and was still talking to Gu Tinglan while sitting on the wicker chair.

The two chatted for about twenty minutes. Hua Ya looked around but didn't see any dinner. She touched her belly. Are all foreigners so troublesome when entertaining guests?

The smell of the barbecue next door came continuously, along with the noise and a string of incomprehensible Russian.

While Hua Ya was wondering, footsteps came from the door. Yevgeny walked to the front of the yard and opened the door, and saw a little soldier bringing over a large plate of barbecue.

After expressing his thanks, he asked: "Did Babalev drink too much?"

The little soldier was one of the people drinking with him. He was not tall and looked to be in his early twenties. He smiled naively and said: "Mr. Babalev said that Chinese vodka was difficult to drink at first. After drinking it for so long, I felt a little reluctant when I thought about returning to the Soviet Union and never being able to drink it again. I was following him over there. Dedeski and his colleagues are playing games and drinking, and it looks like they're going to have a great time tonight."

The little warrior secretly complained. The implication is that they plan to drink as much vodka as they can and are still having fun without any reason.

Gu Tinglan glanced at the little soldier. The little soldier's iron plate was taken away by Yepgeni. He put his heels together and saluted Gu Tinglan: "Hello, Captain."

Gu Tinglan did not wear a military cap and nodded in return.

After the little soldier saluted, he returned to the yard next door and continued to get drunk with them.

Hua Ya didn't notice that the little warrior was drunk and glanced at Gu Tinglan. Gu Tinglan watched Yevgeny cutting barbecue by the window, smiled and said softly: "Their ancestors were wine-makers. If the alcohol is not good in this industry, people will get drunk as soon as they enter the wine-making room. He has been burning knives since he was a child. I grew up in a fog of alcohol, and I still feel lack of energy if I don't drink some every day."

Hua Ya didn't know where he got so many people with unique skills, and they all took unconventional paths. The same goes for the soldier who sliced ​​the duck last time. The cut duck meat was translucent under the light.

Yevgeny was dressed very casually in his residence, wearing a shirt underneath and a quilted jacket outside. The pants are black suit pants, and the feet are single-layer Jiefang shoes. Just like that, he didn't feel cold at all, and the stove had just been lit in the yard.

He divided the roasted meat into three parts, placed it on an iron plate and placed it on the stove to continue heating. Besides, neither he nor Gu Tinglan were good drinkers, so they just drank orange juice like Hua Ya.

Hua Ya saw some mint sprinkled on the barbecue and took a bite. It was indeed very fragrant.

Their barbecue is different from ours. Our barbecue is mostly pork such as pork belly, or chicken and duck. Most of the barbecue they make is beef, which is pounded hard before roasting, and some spices they brought over are added to make it very fragrant and easy to chew.

Yevgeny talked to Gu Tinglan and Hua Ya about what he had seen in China, and expressed his emotions about the domestic environment appropriately. Hua Ya didn't think anything of it, but some of her words sounded a little uncomfortable in front of Gu Tinglan.

Yevgeny was also very happy when he saw that the flower buds were delicious. After serving another piece of roast beef to Hua Ya, he said, "I wonder if you have ever eaten roast bear meat. Their meat is fat but not greasy. It sizzles when you put it on the fire."

He said "Zila Zila" in a weird tone, which made Hua Ya laugh. She didn't realize that Yevgeny was deliberately teasing her when he saw her silence, but she directly said: "Put you on it to bake, and you will also sizzle." It's sizzling."

Yevgeny found this joke a bit not very funny.

Gu Tinglan pursed her lips to prevent herself from laughing. He has good table manners and doesn't act like he's eating an apple at home. Pretending to wipe the corners of his lips with a napkin, he said: "My wife's character is like this. She is still a child in my heart."


Yepugeni had a smile on his face, and it was hard to figure out what he was thinking.

He invited again: "I heard from your husband that you like climbing mountains and playing in deep forests and wilderness. Do you know that in my country, more than 80% of the land in Siberia and the Far East belongs to No man's land. The area is more than 12 million square kilometers. I remember that China's land area is not even 10 million square kilometers."

Why does this sound like a squeeze on China's small size?

Before Gu Tinglan could say anything, Hua Ya asked in an "arrogant" voice: "Does your country have no money for development? It's a pity to have such a big empty space. If you don't want it, just give it to us."

Gu Tinglan pretended to cough, covering up the laughter that escaped his lips.

Yevgeny's lips twitched and he said: "The land cannot be given just by saying it. There are many political and military issues involved. There are many things we have to do, and there are many places where we need to spend money. You know , huge expenditures will be spent on national defense alone to block the ambitions of the American and British imperialist countries. Our weapons are far more advanced than those of the Chinese."

Hua Ya didn't care about his long speech. Since she was invited to have dinner, she was here to have dinner.

She said "Oh" and said: "No matter how rich the country is, no matter how many high-rise building competitions are built, and no matter how many advanced weapons it has, the people have no money in their pockets. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Are all of you leaders so vain? ?"

Yevgeny was startled. He only had a strong country in his mind, and the people only needed dedication. Whether the people have money in their pockets is secondary. Whether the country is strong or not and whether it has international status are the most important. Is this vanity?

Yevgeny said: "No, this is also for the people to live and work in peace and contentment."

"Can you live and work in peace and contentment?"

Hua Ya swallowed a piece of beef and said: "In the final analysis, the people live a poor life. If you have spare money, your fertile land will not be idle. Who doesn't want to enclose a large piece of land, cultivate more crops, and raise more cattle and sheep? Well, live a good life."

Indeed, no matter how many weapons we have, ordinary people don't have much money in their pockets. I want to live a peaceful and prosperous life, but I don't have enough money.

Yevgeny smiled reluctantly: "Yes, that's right."

Hua Ya took a bite of beef and concluded: "Look at our country's vigorous development. As long as we are united, we will be strong. Even if we are poorer, we should tighten our belts and enrich the next generation. If you are always so loose, you will be embarrassed to go out. If you admit that you are poor, you will have a hard time in the future."

Yevgeny was startled for a moment, but he didn't expect Hua Ya to speak so sharply. He repeated it again: "Tighten your belt and enrich the next generation. It's really a wise saying of the Chinese people."

He admitted with a wry smile: "You are indeed right. I have to admit that our country is far less united than the people of your country. In the remote mountainous areas of China, everyone knows who the leader of China is and what he has said. Everyone knows What is the common goal. Yet in my country, there are people who don't even know who the current leader is."

Gu Tinglan saw that Huaya had already eaten two plates of beef, and held down her little hands to prevent her from serving any more beef. He helped Hua Ya get some vegetarian dishes for her to eat for digestion, so that she wouldn't have trouble with him by accumulating food at night.

Hua Ya was reluctant, but she still poked the cauliflower with a fork and ate it.

Yevgeny felt that the effect of continuing to communicate with Hua Ya was not very effective, and there would always be a feeling of inadequacy. He turned his target back to Gu Tinglan.

He said it very implicitly, but in Gu Tinglan's ears it was no different than speaking to him directly. It is nothing more than that the Soviet Union is currently in a period of employment. The number of union republics is increasing. If you want to enter the political arena, in addition to some help in your own country, it would be best if foreign political and military parties can provide certain support. Gu Tinglan understood what it implied.

Gu Tinglan and him gave way, and they only said some funny words, but didn't say anything serious about business. What attitude is not expressed.

Before leaving, Yevgeny said to Hua Ya: "Tonight may be the last time we meet. As a good friend of you and your husband, I sincerely invite you two to visit the Soviet Union if you have the opportunity. Feel our greatness The Red Square parade and the beautiful land."

Hua Ya hesitated and didn't speak. Instead, Gu Tinglan smiled and shook hands with him: "If there is a chance."

Hua Ya came out of the yard very full and sighed: "Beef made by foreigners is delicious. People here don't like the taste of mint. In fact, mint is a very good thing."

Gu Tinglan was still thinking about Yevgeny's words. He took the time to tell his young wife, "Have you taken a liking to the mint in his yard? When he leaves tomorrow, I will ask him to give you a pot of mint."

Hua Ya waved her hands and said, "We don't accept this favor."

Gu Tinglan raised his eyebrows and let her speak for herself.

Hua Ya chuckled and said, "When he leaves tomorrow, no one will take care of this yard. Just ask the little melon seeds to pull out two roots and give them to me. At the worst, let the little melon seeds help water the yard and it will be considered even."

Speaking of this, Hua Ya started chatting and said: "This stuff is easy to grow. As long as it doesn't freeze to death if you pull two roots back, a big one will grow next spring. I'll plant it in the small flower bed downstairs, along with coriander. Plant them together. When the weather is hot, you can also make mint candies and make mint water."

Gu Tinglan's frown gradually relaxed. He looked back and waved goodbye to Yevgeny from a distance and nodded. Holding Hua Ya's hand in his pocket in the night, there are fewer and fewer complicated things in his mind. Only the little wife's little mouth is thinking about the beautiful scenery of next summer.

Forget it, it was up to him to make plans for official matters during the day. Under the hazy night, he just wanted to hold his young wife's hand and walk slowly home.

"This winter seems to be colder than last year I came here." Hua Ya's little hands were warm in Gu Tinglan's coat pocket, but she still felt the menacing cold wave.

"The weather station issued three cold wave warnings, only one in previous years." Gu Tinglan exhaled a mouthful of white mist and circled Hua Ya's scarf in the night: "I hope it won't be too serious."

They turned from the broken brick road to the main road. Before they could experience the romantic winter night scene, they heard the sound of running and breathing behind them.

Gu Tinglan and Hua Ya looked back in unison. The little soldier who brought them roast beef during dinner time was leading the way, followed by four or five soldiers carrying a stretcher.

The little soldier ran and shouted: "Captain, I'm suffering from alcohol, alcohol poisoning!"

Under the stretcher, you can see a pair of big, furry hands in the moonlight, which should belong to the tall Dedsky.

He was unconscious on a stretcher, with white bubbles constantly spitting out of his mouth. Because he had vomited just now, he was placed on the stretcher lying sideways. Worried that he would fall down, he was tied with straps all over his body.

Gu Tinglan said disgustedly: "Don't delay, send him to the hospital quickly."

Hua Ya looked at the group of people running away in a hurry, and couldn't help but think: Drinking fake wine will kill people.

Gu Tinglan was worried about their travel problems tomorrow, so he had to go to the hospital with Hua Ya.

On the way, Hua Ya said strangely: "Why are the people in their yard still drinking and having fun there? Don't they need to worry about their partners?"

Gu Tinglan is very experienced. When these Soviets first came here they could barely pretend. As time goes by, the secret will be exposed, and I will go to the hospital without even drinking. Once or twice, not to mention their own people, even Gu Tinglan felt it didn't matter.

"That won't delay their departure tomorrow, right?" Hua Ya said worriedly, "The island will be closed tomorrow. If it delays their schedule, they won't be able to leave."

Gu Tinglan's patience with them reached its limit, and he would never delay their ship for a drunkard.

"Don't worry, you have to go if you don't want to."

Chapter 136

"This gentleman has indeed shown symptoms of alcohol poisoning." The doctor held the test report and was no longer disturbed by the fact that a Soviet alcoholic would be sent to him from time to time.

He prescribed the injection and told Gu Tinglan: "There must be someone accompanying him to avoid aspiration due to respiratory obstruction."

Gu Tinglan nodded, and there were already soldiers accompanying him: "They are leaving tomorrow, and he must wake up before tomorrow morning. If he cannot wake up, he must be able to walk to the ship on his own and leave the army smoothly."

The doctor understood what Gu Tinglan meant, and said, "His excessive drinking all year round has caused liver damage. Although it cannot be cured at once, it can still be achieved by letting him stand up tomorrow morning." He called another doctor over. Said: "Prepare for intubation and gastric lavage."

Gu Tinglan came to Hua Ya, worried that she would be afraid and said, "This kind of thing is not surprising. He is still somewhat conscious. He was in shock when he was sent here last month."

Hua Ya has never seen such a drunkard, so she was relieved to hear that nothing was wrong.

Gu Tinglan rested beside her for a while. There was a place to get hot water in the corridor. A young soldier ran to fetch hot water and brought it to his sister-in-law to drink, and received a verbal commendation from the leader.

After Hua Ya finished drinking the water, she saw the time on her watch showing half past ten at night.

She had to go to work tomorrow, so she asked Gu Tinglan, "How about I go back first?"

Gu Tinglan said, "I'll go back with you."

Hua Ya breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that he didn't take this matter seriously. The two of them walked in the corridor towards the entrance of the hospital, facing the smell of disinfectant.

The only sounds in the corridor were their footsteps and the echo of soft voices.

"How did I behave with Teacher Ye today?" Hua Ya remembered that she had said a lot to Yevgeny, and wondered if any of the words she said were inappropriate.

Gu Tinglan smiled and said without thinking: "You performed so well today. No one has ever dared to ask them to give up part of their country in front of the Soviets. Haha, even the American emperors don't dare to be so arrogant. My The little wife said it and made the other party angry, so I almost applauded you."

Hua Ya said dubiously: "Really? I'm a little nervous when talking to him. To be honest, I don't know what to say and what not to say. Anyway, I always feel that he is sometimes trying to seduce our country. You The words spoken by an officer are of great significance, so I thought I would just say a few words. Unfortunately, he was unwilling to talk to me later. He was obviously very happy to invite me."

Gu Tinglan could guess a little bit of Yevgeny's thoughts. What a young and beautiful Chinese woman like Hua Ya lacks is Yevgeny's unabashed praise. You can gain some goodwill to some extent. Coupled with the heart-to-heart conversations during dinner, the young woman who did not understand politics would be somewhat tempted by his invitation to go to the Soviet Union. Maybe he would be able to help Yevgeny when he faced his purposeful invitation in the future.

Gu Tinglan didn't have time to ask when he first came out. The corridor was so empty at the moment, he asked: "Aren't you very tempted by the no man's land? Don't you want to go to the Soviet Union to see it?"

Hua Ya's head was shaking like a rattle.

Gu Tinglan was curious and emphasized to Hua Ya, "It's really a big area over there. You can play wildly for a few years without getting bored."

Hua Ya muttered what she was thinking: "But I don't want to eat small potatoes. If I eat small potatoes every day, I will go crazy."

Gu Tinglan smiled and said, "Is it because of this?"

Hua Ya asked back: "I am Chinese and have a Chinese stomach. This is a big deal."

Gu Tinglan nodded and said, "Yes, we are all Chinese. Not only do we have Chinese stomachs, we also have Chinese hearts and Chinese souls."

Speaking of "Hun'er", Hua Ya, who was walking in the long corridor of the hospital, paused, swallowed and asked Gu Tinglan: "Did you hear anything?"

Gu Tinglan stopped, and Hua Ya put her small hand into his big hand and let him hold it, saying nicely: "I'm afraid you will be scared, so hold on to it and don't let it go."

Gu Tinglan grasped Hua Ya's little hand obediently, and felt her little hand bulge in the big one. Gu Tinglan found it funny and held her tighter.

At the end of the corridor was the stairwell. Hua Ya and Gu Tinglan walked down two floors from here. Hua Ya asked Gu Tinglan again: "Did you hear anything?" This time Hua Ya's expression was not so Naturally, I was a little nervous.

Gu Tinglan knew that Hua Ya had sharp ears and eyes, so he stopped and listened carefully, and really heard the whimpering.

It is normal to hear crying in the hospital, but there will always be a few patients who cannot be cured. But this is the 031 Military Hospital, what happened under Gu Tinglan's eyes, he said to Hua Ya, "Stand here, I'll go down and take a look."

Hua Ya saw the flickering lights on the wall, grabbed Gu Tinglan's sleeve and said, "I, I will accompany you, I'm afraid you will be scared."

"That's great." Gu Tinglan took Hua Ya's obedient little hand and said softly, "If you didn't accompany me, I wouldn't dare go down the stairs by myself."

Hua Ya swallowed and her sobs became louder and louder. She said tremblingly: "Yes, right. I just thought you could be scared."

Gu Tinglan wanted to laugh, but was worried that Comrade Hua Ya would become angry due to shame, so he suppressed laughter all the way down.

When I reached the stairwell on the second floor, the lights inside were simply not on.

Gu Tinglan stood at the top of the stairs and said, "Who is there? Why are you not out of the ward in the middle of the night?"

Hua Ya hid behind him, fearing that something would suddenly appear on the stairs behind him, and her eyes widened.

The sobbing sound disappeared as Gu Tinglan finished speaking, and then a voice came from inside that shocked Hua Ya: "I, I am a family member of the patient."

"Aunt Wang?!" Hua Ya recognized Wang Lihua's voice immediately. She was no longer afraid now and was about to run inside in the dark.

Gu Tinglan was more cautious than her. He pulled her, turned on the flashlight in his pocket, and looked down the corridor.

Hua Ya saw Wang Lihua at the end of the corridor and didn't know how long she had been crying. She was sitting on the ground at the end of the corridor.

Gu Tinglan frowned, not noticing the presence of doctors or nurses despite such a big movement. The person on duty didn't know where he was.

Wang Lihua reluctantly stood up from the ground, wiped her tears and said, "They all went to the operating room to save my wound. He will not survive!"

Hua Ya helped Wang Lihua to sit on the chair next to her and said that Wang Lihua was crying so hard that the sky was dark and the ground was dark, and she walked unsteadily for a few steps. Hua Ya said in a soft voice: "What is going on, please tell me slowly. Don't fall down first before being defeated by the enemy. Think about Uncle Qian inside, what will he do if you fall!"

Wang Lihua was still very excited at this time. She sat on a chair, hugging Hua Ya and crying bitterly: "If he doesn't survive, my life will also go with him!"

Hua Ya stroked her back, asking her to calm down first.

Wang Lihua cried for a long time. It must be rare to see a caring person. After venting her anger, she leaned on the chair and sobbed with shaking shoulders.

"This is the critical illness notice." A nurse ran across the corridor. She said breathlessly: "Captain Wang continues to bleed, and the RH blood bags in the blood bank are in urgent need! Sardin Hospital does not cooperate with me and adjust the blood. With the island closed, blood from places no matter how far away can't be sent in."

When Gu Tinglan heard this, he became angry. He gritted his teeth and said, "Sardin Hospital is not cooperating. Is it because it wants to abandon my soldiers?!"

The little nurse quickly said: "After the bridge was repaired recently, our relationship with Sardinia has been tense. They said that our island will be closed tomorrow, and they will not send ships to our island from tomorrow on. If there is no ship, it will be No blood can reach us. Company Commander Wang's body can only last for one day at most. If we can't get RH's blood bag within one day."

Wang Lihua must have heard this saying a long time ago. She said angrily: "My husband was on a mission in Sardinia. In order to protect their injuries, he was sent here for rescue. If it weren't for them, if it weren't for them, my husband wouldn't be here." Will lie there. Now just because people on our island can pass from Haicheng in the future and no longer need to take their boats, they actually do such an animal thing! They want me to watch my husband bleed to death! "

"Things shouldn't be so simple." Gu Tinglan walked back and forth twice, leaving Hua Ya to accompany Wang Lihua here. He went to find a solution.

Before leaving, he told Wang Lihua: "There is no end to the fate of man, and all are my soldiers. I will definitely rescue him."

Everyone knows what kind of person Gu Tinglan is. He left after saying these words, but to Wang Lihua, who was in a state of collapse, this was the Dinghai Shenzhen.

She thought she was hallucinating, and asked Hua Ya over and over again: "There is no ship coming from Sardinia, and our ship is not allowed to pass. How can we send the blood bag? Did Captain Gu want to comfort me and say this specifically?" ?"

"Others will tell lies, but my Bajin will never tell lies! He can save him if he says he can! Just wait and see!"

Hua Ya was so angry, how could there be such a reason?

In a matter where human life is at stake, it's okay not to open a green channel, but it's still blatantly causing trouble! How much hatred does this require? This is the life of a soldier!

At a time when the whole country was proudly celebrating the completion of the cross-sea bridge, how could the leaders of Sardinia town have the courage to say that the ship would not leave unless they left? Not only did they not leave, they also refused to let the troops' ships pass!

No matter what the reason was for such a result, Hua Ya felt that the leader of Sardin was simply a short-sighted bad guy with no national justice!

"Besides this, has Uncle Qianjin offended anyone else?"

She thought so and asked this question, but unfortunately Wang Lihua didn't know anything and her mind was in a blur. She knew that her man had been bleeding in the operating room and was about to die. Wang Lihua had no idea why the injury occurred and why the leaders of Sardin town risked offending the troops to force him to death.

She was called over to guard the bed in the family hospital. She thought it was a simple operation, but she didn't expect that she was notified of critical illness three times in a row because she was running out of blood.

Hua Ya helped her sit and felt her body trembling. Hua Ya untied her scarf and wrapped it around Wang Lihua's neck, then put her arms around her.

"It's okay, I'm here." Hua Ya kept saying in Wang Lihua's ear: "Don't be afraid, I'll be with you. Uncle Qinjin will be fine."

Chapter 137

Hua Ya grabbed a meal from the hospital cafeteria, rubbed her eyes, and walked towards the operating room. It was so cold outside that the hot rice that had just been cooked was completely chilled by the north wind. It was similar to her heart, so cold.

She shrank her neck and poked the bun in her pocket again. Cold rice doesn't taste good, and cold steamed buns don't taste good even more.

Hua Ya guarded Wang Lihua all night, fearing that she would do something stupid. She started crying when she saw the flower buds, and she couldn't even make a sound after crying. Hua Ya half dragged and half hugged her to the ward to rest, but even then she couldn't stop sobbing.

Critical illness notices were sent to her all the time. Overnight, my aunt, who was originally full of energy, became much older. It was difficult for her to speak, her voice was hoarse, and her lips were wrinkled and bleeding.

I don't know how I'm getting through these days. There are obvious silver threads on the black temples. His face was haggard and pale. The only good thing is that both children are in the class and have not come out, otherwise what would this family be like.

"You take two bites first." Hua Ya opened the lunch box and ignored the growling of her stomach. She took a mouthful of eggplant and brought it to Wang Lihua's mouth and said, "Open your mouth."

Wang Lihua was no longer conscious. She numbly followed Hua Ya's movements and opened her mouth to swallow. Suddenly the breadwinner of the family was teetering on the line of life and death, and she could do nothing. Even if she gave him all her blood, there wouldn't even be a word of explanation.

Hua Ya fed her a few mouthfuls and let her drink some water.

Wang Lihua murmured: "No matter whether he survives or not, I thank you for always staying with me."

"What are you talking about? Gu Tinglan made a phone call all night to contact him about the blood bag. You don't believe him, but I believe him." Hua Ya put the lunch box on the low cabinet next to the hospital bed, pretending to be angry and said: " You quickly cheer up and wait for Uncle Qianjin to come out of the operating room. You still have to take care of him! How can you feel relieved if someone else takes care of you?"

Wang Lihua said feebly: "But, but can I take care of him? As long as he lives well, let alone taking care of him, I can just serve him for the rest of his life. My family will fall apart without him!" "

Imagine that the person lying in the operating room was Gu Tinglan. Hua Ya felt that she would not be any better than her. She sighed and took the towel on the bedside to wash in the toilet. While rubbing, I thought about what I would do if I encountered something like Wang Lihua?

Hua Ya threw the towel into the basin and said angrily: "One life is worth another, and whoever doesn't give me an eight-pound blood bag, I will, I will strangle him to death! I don't want this little life anymore, I will Choke him to death, you big bastard!"

Hua Ya managed to make herself angry and came out of the toilet with her mouth tightly pursed. When she saw Wang Lihua crying, she rolled up her sleeves and covered Wang Lihua's face with the hot towel.

Wang Lihua didn't feel it at first, but later she felt it was hot and struggled to take off the towel.

"It's okay to know it hurts."

Hua Ya muttered, took the towel in her hand, pressed Wang Lihua's Tianling Gai and began to wipe it vigorously as if wiping a child's face.

Wang Lihua was not as strong as her, so she let her struggle as she struggled.

After wiping her face, Wang Lihua's face turned red from her rubbing. Hua Ya wiped her hands again. After finishing, he twisted the towel again and put it on the bedside.

She hadn't eaten in the morning, and she probably wouldn't be able to eat at noon. She took out the plain stuffed buns she bought from her pocket, pulled the plastic bag and started to nibble on the buns.

The steamed buns are no longer very warm, just like Wang Lihua's heart, watching the time passing by, getting colder.

The doctor said that Wang Qianjin could not last more than a day. In the early morning, he said that Wang Qianjin had lost too much blood and that if he could not get a blood bag within four hours, he would be hopeless.

Within half an hour of hearing this, Wang Lihua had a big blister on her mouth. Four hours sounds like a very fast time. She watched the hands move second by second, as if watching the king of hell approaching step by step.

Wang Lihua stood up holding the low cabinet, her heart was burning and she couldn't sit still. If Hua Ya hadn't forced her to lie on the bed for a while, she would have stayed at the door of the operating room all night.

She swallowed, as if her throat had been cut with a knife. She said with difficulty: "I'll go out and take a look at the door of the operating room. I'll just take a look and you eat first."

"No, you wait until I finish eating. It will be ready soon." Hua Ya quickly stuffed the bun into her mouth. Wang Lihua was frightened and said hurriedly: "Slow down, slow down! Drink water quickly!"

She was really afraid that before anything happened in the operating room, Hua Ya almost choked herself.

Hua Ya took the kettle, drank half of the warm water, wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and said, "Let's go, I'll go with you."

Wang Lihua was so moved that she held Hua Ya's hand tightly and was speechless. Her family members are no longer around, and her main support now is Hua Ya. If Hua Ya hadn't been by her side every step of the way last night, she would have collapsed.

"Whether we can be saved or not, I, I will always remember your goodness." Wang Lihua regretted her one-sided breakup with Hua Ya that day, and now she feels ashamed when she thinks about it. But Hua Ya and his wife helped her and her husband regardless of past grudges. She will definitely remember this kindness.

"It's about 'can it be saved?', it can definitely be saved. Uncle Qianjin must be working hard in the operating room, you can't be discouraged outside!" Hua Ya helped Wang Lihua go out, and they were still the only ones in the long corridor.

Because the island is closed for half a year, patients in the hospital who are not in good condition will choose to seek medical treatment at the Provincial Military Region General Hospital outside to avoid being unable to keep up with medical treatment. There are also some special medicines that are not available here, so you have to go to the general hospital.

It was convenient to talk with fewer people, so Hua Ya coaxed Wang Lihua into telling her a lot about the things that Wang Qianjin and she had just met.

Only then did Hua Ya realize that Wang Lihua was fashionable enough, and that she and Uncle Qian had broken off their parents' arranged marriage, escaped from the marriage, and eloped. Later, when Wang Qianjin and she had their second son, they returned to their hometown to visit relatives. They were almost forty years old at that time. Seeing that they were doing well, their mother's family and husband's family accepted the marriage smoothly.

The last time I met Wang Lihua, she brought back her youngest son who had been living in her hometown for a year. I also told my family by the way that her husband is now a well-known company commander and is not a sand digger at all.

After learning about this situation, Wang Lihua and Wang Qianjin's family members even forgave them for their previous behavior. He also said that he would like to take a look at the troops on the island when he has time.

Everything was obviously going in a good direction, but this beautiful family suffered such a heavy blow.

The operating room was in a small building next to it. Hua Ya led Wang Lihua and walked slowly on the snow. After talking about the past, Wang Lihua became silent again.

But her eyes kept looking towards the second floor where Wang Qianjin was performing surgery. She was standing downstairs, looking at the white wall. It was obvious that the two of them were so close yet so far away.

She could imagine how painful and helpless it must be for Wang Qianjin to lie on the operating table, watching his own life and blood flow away. Could he know that she was standing across the wall, waiting for him?

Wang Lihua couldn't hold it back, silent tears fell down in clusters. When Hua Ya saw this, his eyes turned red.

She stood with Wang Lihua downstairs for a while, but she couldn't bear the cold, so she took her to the operating building.

Just standing outside the door, you can hear the doctor inside shouting: "I can't survive this time! The body's blood loss exceeds 2,000 ml, and I can't control it! If the blood bag doesn't come, the patient will lose his vital signs!"

A little nurse suddenly rushed out of the room, holding in her hand the critical illness notice that Wang Lihua was all too familiar with. When she saw Wang Lihua standing outside the operating room, the young woman couldn't bear to say: "This may be the last notification of critical illness."

There is no blood bag, and there is no boat. There is nothing we can do now.

Wang Lihua took the critical illness notice and slowly rolled into a ball.

She leaned against the wall, looked in the direction of the operating room, and said in a hoarse voice: "Go ahead, I can't go with you this time. You go ahead. I'll help you pull the two children into adults and then go find you." ."

Hua Ya wiped her tears and said to Wang Lihua in a choked voice: "Auntie, don't talk nonsense, you will get over it. My Ba Jin hasn't come back yet, you two have to hold on until Ba Jin comes back -"

Wang Lihua came to her senses at this time. She patted the back of Hua Ya's hand and said, "Auntie is fine. I have two sons. They haven't grown up yet, so I will support them. When they grow up, I will go find them again." . The last time we eloped from home, I waited for him for two hours under the banyan tree. Now let him wait for me. I will know him for the rest of my life. As long as he waits, he will be able to wait for me. "

It would be better not to say these words, which made Hua Ya throw herself on her and cry, crying and hammering: "What stupid things are you talking about? What stupid things are you talking about! Wuwuwu, I don't want anything to happen to you, I'm with you, You have to be good!"

Wang Lihua let out a deep breath. Sometimes things are really right in front of her, which is much better than hanging on. My heart has been restless and bleeding these days, and I have already become numb.

"Thank you, aunt, and thank you for your uncle." Wang Lihua's mind went pale. She slowly put her hands on Hua Ya's shoulders, looked at the crying Hua Ya and said, "Don't cry, good girl, don't cry anymore." "

Hua Ya doesn't know Wang Qianjin, but she has the best relationship with Wang Lihua. Seeing her in such pain, Hua Ya's heart also felt painful. She choked and said, "Don't say stupid things. If you don't say anything, I won't cry."

Wang Lihua stared in the direction of the operating room. The red light above the door of the operating room flickered on and off. She knew that when the light really dimmed, her world would become dark.

"Buzz buzz-"

"Buzz buzz-"

Just as they were hugging each other and crying, the door of the operating room suddenly opened.

Suddenly two military doctors in white coats rushed out. They rushed downstairs quickly.

Hua Ya left Wang Lihua's shoulder, and a propeller with an afterimage appeared in the corridor window directly opposite her.

The sound of the huge engine suddenly stopped, and a military 097 helicopter landed steadily in the middle of the snow.

Gu Tinglan pushed open the cockpit door, spread his long legs and jumped out. The warm winter sun cast a golden halo around his body.

While he was busy explaining something, Xiao Guazi crawled out of the cabin behind him and handed the hard-earned suitcase to the military doctor.

The military doctor who rushed over handed over the suitcase with the blood bag, saluted Gu Tinglan quickly and rushed to the second floor.

Xiao Guazi's face turned pale. He stood on the snow and swayed, complaining in a low voice: "Captain, I'm airsick. I want to vomit."

Gu Tinglanshuai hadn't finished pretending yet, so he said ruthlessly: "Hold it in."

From the corner of his eye, he saw his little wife lying on the window with a silly look on her face, and he immediately felt that this voyage was worth the money.

Xiao Guazi pouted and had to coordinate with the people from the Armed Equipment Department who came after hearing the news. Shuaidu let his good team leader pretend to be a fake, and suddenly flew away from the island, and he had to run errands to handle the formalities.

I can't help but beg my grandpa and grandma not to let anyone investigate further. He is just a miserable little melon who always gets frustrated wherever he goes.

But just knock, it's important to be quick in the army. See what the military doctor meant. This saved Captain Wang's life.

Hua Ya lay on the window and looked at Gu Tinglan with a silly little face. She couldn't believe that her eight pounds fell from the sky and stood here with a blood bag!

"Eight, eight pounds." Hua Ya was so excited that she didn't know what to say. She turned to Wang Lihua, who was also stunned, and said, "Uncle Qianjin is saved, he is saved!" She ran downstairs and continued happily. He kept shouting: "Eight pounds! Eight pounds! Eight pounds!"

The soldiers beside Gu Tinglan lowered their heads and suppressed laughter. This Prince of Hell hates being called "Bajin" the most, but he met his sister-in-law who likes to call him "Bajin" the most. Now the throne of the family is very obvious.

Hua Ya looked like a little parrot, shouting excitedly all the way, and stopped the car in front of Gu Tinglan. There were too many people, so she couldn't rush into Gu Tinglan's arms.

Her excited little face was like a flower blooming under the warm winter sun. Even just two flights of stairs made her excited and sweaty on the tip of her nose. She held her head high, with bright stars in her eyes. She smiled with crooked eyes and said proudly: "You are a great hero, and my eight pounds is a great hero!"

Gu Tinglan watched her excited little feet keep arching in the cotton shoes. The toes of the cotton shoes moved, but she didn't even notice.

Gu Tinglan held a hand/gun to the head of the director of Sardine Hospital, and after showing off his power and grabbing the blood bag, Gu Tinglan softened his voice and said to his wife in a calm voice: "Hey, it's all trivial. ."

Chapter 138

Gu Tinglan couldn't help but reached out and stroked the ends of Hua Ya's eyes. Only when she cried, the ends of her eyes would turn pink.

"I just thought about it and didn't cry much."

Hua Ya didn't want to admit it, and she didn't want to cry where Gu Tinglan wasn't there. She just looked at Wang Lihua in too much pain and couldn't hold it back for a while.

Gu Tinglan pressed the back of her hand against Huaya's cheek, her face feeling hot. This didn't mean I cried for a while, just burst into tears.

Gu Tinglan behaved intimately. After saying the matter, Xiao Guazi turned around and said "Ouch", and then started coughing. He almost coughed out his lungs. His leader still only had eyes for his sister-in-law and didn't care about him at all. Life or death.

Come on, he doesn't want to offend this person anymore.

Shut up and go upstairs.

Hua Ya turned away embarrassedly and whispered, "Stop touching me. I'll give you a kiss when I get home."

The moment Gu Tinglan put down his hand, he did not forget to pinch her earlobe, and took advantage of his wife's unpreparedness to wipe her oil in front of everyone.

Hua Ya's face was about to burst red. She grabbed Gu Tinglan's clothes and led him to the operating room, stammering: "Go and see Uncle Qian."

They walked up the stairs and there was no one behind them.

Suddenly, Gu Tinglan turned over and pressed her against the wall.

He kissed her sweet little mouth hard, bit her lip as if punishing, and said, "Don't cry where I can't see you. It won't happen again."

Hua Ya raised her head and kissed his chin, seeing that he was really angry. Just kiss him a few more times, from his chin to his Adam's apple, until his anger subsides. New anger is about to come up, so he quickly stops and says, "Never again."

This little guy has a first-class attitude towards admitting mistakes and a superb ability to make mistakes.

Gu Tinglan had lost his temper with her for a long time. Seeing her like this, he let her go and wiped the moisture from the corners of his lips with his thumb as he was used to. He maliciously licked his thumb under Hua Ya's gaze.

This was great, the little wife not only blushed even harder, but her ears and neck also started to turn pink.

"I want to see Aunt Wang, please let me go." Hua Ya couldn't stand it anymore. If she continued like this, her head would become full of yellow waste. Hua Xiaoya, who wanted to make progress, twisted her body to avoid Gu Tinglan, stood two steps away, turned around and muttered: "Be more serious, Mr. Captain."

Gu Tinglan's brain was "bombed" by the sudden title, and he suddenly realized the benefit of changing the title.

He took a step closer and stood on the steps. His already tall body completely enveloped Hua Ya. He supported the wall with one hand to block Hua Ya's escape route. He said with a half-smile: "Call me like this, let's Which of the two is the crooked one?"

Hua Ya closed her mouth and wanted to slap herself in the mouth.

Gu Tinglan came over aggressively, sniffed the hollow of Hua Ya's neck, and said with satisfaction: "This little girl, the captain is very powerful, should we give it a try tonight?"

A tingling feeling ran through Hua Ya's spine. She stretched out her small fist and punched Gu Tinglan's chest. She pushed it gently and said, "Mr. Rogue, my fists are also very powerful. Do you want to try it?" try?"

Gu Tinglan took back his hand, laughed in a low voice for a while, and said without any sincerity: "I was wrong, wife. Let's go there first, and then you can punish me when we get home."

"That's it."

Comrade Hua Ya put Bai Trial Bai Ling's little fist into his pocket, put his hands in his pockets, and walked upstairs with a rosy little face.

Men, sometimes you have to keep your skin tight.

Look at how tight she is for her eight pounds, and she has such a rogue heart that she can freely control. Keep switching between serious and non-serious at any time.

Hua Ya didn't catch the tone in Gu Tinglan's words, so she thought she could really punish him easily when she returned home, and she was still secretly feeling proud in her heart.

As he walked towards the operating room, the heat on Hua Ya's face finally subsided quite a bit. Because Gu Tinglan made too much noise, he flew a military helicopter over the coast and landed in the inner courtyard of the military hospital under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes.

More than half an hour after Hua Ya and him came up, Aunt Gao, Sister Dafang, Zhao Yu, Zhao Xue and others, as well as Aunt Mai and Zhou Wenfang all arrived.

As luck would have it, they happened to be having a meeting in the library. Zhou Wenfang is helping Hua Ya record the meeting content. When I met family members who had returned from the military hospital, they sighed when they saw the helicopter: "Wang Lihua's man can be saved now!"

Only then did they realize how serious the matter was this time.

Wang Lihua gritted her teeth and didn't say a word to them. Sister Dafang came to find her, but she didn't say anything. After learning the whole thing, Aunt Gao was furious to death.

Wang Lihua didn't bother to explain the situation to them. She was focused on the lights in the operating room. I don't know if it was a psychological effect, but she felt that the lights above the operating room were dazzling.

It was rare for her to feel her own heartbeat, and she couldn't hear anything other people said or asked. She just wanted Wang Qianjin, who was lying inside, to persist a little longer. As long as he persisted a little longer, he would be able to see her again.

Hua Ya helped Wang Lihua explain the matter again, and the family members were particularly angry after hearing this. The people in Sardine Town are so brave, they dare to do such a thing!

Gu Tinglan is sending people to investigate the cause and effect of the entire matter. It is difficult to achieve a balance between the rights of the military region and local governments, and they are often in subtle coordination with each other.

Logically speaking, this kind of thing should not and cannot happen, but it just happened. This was obviously not an accident, but a deliberate act.

Regardless of Gu Tinglan's personal actions or the orders of the town government, he will issue notices to the Sardin town government through his official status as Unit 031. They must be allowed to give a formal explanation to 031. And informed the Sardin town government that 031 will definitely continue to investigate the person responsible for this incident. Their only option is to hand over the person in advance and give an explanation to all the 031 soldiers. Otherwise, all consequences will be borne by the town government personnel.

Five hours later.

Wang Lihua half-crouched beside the hospital bed as if she was exhausted.

The doctor told Gu Tinglan, Hua Ya and others: "This is also what Captain Wang saved his life. If he had not had the habit of donating blood, the stock of RH type blood in the blood bank would not be enough to support the entire operation. He donated last month 400 ml at a time. Thinking that the island would be closed again this time, I donated 400 ml in advance. We do not advocate blood donation behavior with too short intervals. But Captain Wang thought that his blood type was rare, and when considering the emergency needs of others, he could donate 400 ml. It came in handy. Unexpectedly, by a strange combination of circumstances, I saved my life."

The chief surgeon who said this was very sad. As a materialist, he had to believe that there was destiny.

Hua Ya sat next to Wang Lihua and said with emotion: "Good people are really rewarded. You and Uncle Qian must have done enough good things, otherwise it wouldn't be such a coincidence."

Aunt Gao and other family members divided their labors to help Wang Lihua take care of things at home.

Sister Xiao helped carry coal to the house, and Aunt Mai delivered meals and quilts to the children in the study class. Sisters Zhao Yu and Zhao Xue prepared meals and sent them over, and also brought a change of clothes for Wang Lihua.

Zhou Wenfang looked at Hua Ya's little face, which was rarely haggard, and said to Hua Ya, "We take turns guarding here. You should go back and get some sleep."

Aunt Gao patted Gu Tinglan on the shoulder and said, "You did a great job this time. Lao Ruan was still angry in the office. Hearing that Company Commander Wang had come out of the operating room, he breathed a sigh of relief. After all, we are all Our own people, after getting along with each other for several years, are not family members but family members. You saved Company Commander Wang, which is equivalent to giving reassurance to all the soldiers on the island. Let them know that our Dayu Island cannot be easily destroyed by others. Take it by the throat."

Gu Tinglan kept suppressing his anger and said with a sneer: "Pinch me by the throat and pinch me? I just want to see who dares to pinch my throat and pinch me."

Aunt Gao knew that Gu Tinglan's temper was getting worse, so she hurriedly winked at Hua Ya.

Hua Ya looked over and said in confusion: "Auntie, what's going on here? You keep looking over here."

Aunt Gao angrily threw the cotton hat at Huaya. Gu Tinglan grabbed the cotton hat and put it back in Aunt Gao's hand. He said with a smile: "I took her back to rest. She didn't sleep all night. I'll do it later." Go find Ruan Lu and write a written report on this incident. Let's leave first."

Hua Ya stood up in confusion and followed Gu Tinglan for two steps. Gu Tinglan helped her put on the cotton hat and wrapped her whole face in the hat. He wrapped himself in circles of scarf to block the cold wind blowing on his face.

Just like that, Hua Ya's little mouth still muttered: "Why did Auntie throw the hat at me? Doesn't she want the hat? She doesn't care about the hat you bought for me. It's very warm. I won't give it to you if you want it."

Gu Tinglan successfully took Hua Ya out of the house before Aunt Gao threw her shoes at them. Thanks to her, the atmosphere in the ward has improved a lot.

Wang Lihua, who finally recovered, didn't know what to say when she saw a room full of sisters. it is more than words.

"My family is most afraid of being accused of clinging to relationships. He has a nagging personality, but he is good at it. He was not good at expressing himself in the past, not because he was afraid of delaying his own future, but because he was afraid that because of what he did not do well, the people around him would be disappointed. Implicated."

Wang Lihua took the warm water handed to her by Zhou Wenfang, took a sip, and said slowly in a hoarse voice: "When he wakes up later, I will ask him to thank everyone properly."

Sister Dafang was sitting at the door, knowing that Wang Qianjin was fine and just waiting to wake up. She said cheerfully: "I don't dare to accept his apology. It would be bad if someone stabbed someone in the back and said it was a clinging relationship."

As he said this, the sisters in the room all laughed softly. Isn't this what Wang Qianjin was thinking.

Wang Lihua's heart was in her stomach. Although Wang Qianjin was still nervous and had not woken up, her overall mental state was much better. When she heard Sister Dafang teasing her, she was not angry. Instead, she said: "We The couple will be cooking at home when they arrive, so please come to my house for dinner."

Aunt Gao said: "Forget it, we didn't take those things to heart in the past. If you two really want to thank me, just thank Xiao Hua and Xiao Gu. Because of Wang Qianjin, they didn't know each other all night. I close my eyes and I'm so worried about you two. Did you hear just now that Xiao Gu is going to continue to make trouble with the town government. According to his character, he will never hold it high and put it down gently. "

Wang Lihua hated people who made things difficult at this critical moment in her life. All her words of thanks could not express her gratitude to the young couple. They are nothing short of the saviors of their family.

Thinking of this, she wiped away her tears again: "I will keep the couple in my heart."

Chapter 139

It was already time to get off work, and there were not many people walking on the road.

Hua Ya was so sleepy that she staggered as she walked forward, leaning against Gu Tinglan's arm in a daze.

In winter, everyone wears a lot of clothes, so they don't stand out if they are next to each other. This gave her an opportunity. She quietly stretched out her little hand from her sleeve, trying to hook Gu Tinglan's big hand.

Gu Tinglan knew that as soon as this thing's little hand hooked up, he would be dragged all the way home. He is not afraid of being seen by others, but he easily catches a cold while half asleep on the road.

He deliberately avoided Hua Ya's little hand and hid back and forth several times, but his little hand was still trying its best through the sleeves. Sometimes when he bumped into someone, he would shrink up on purpose, scratching his little fingers like he was scratching an empty sleeve.

Gradually, Hua Ya realized this man's bad intentions, put his hands in his pockets angrily, and decided not to love him.

Gu Tinglan laughed and wanted to hold Hua Ya's hand, but she mercilessly twisted her body to avoid him.

With his hands in his pockets, he walked like a little penguin, huffing and sulking as he walked forward.

I stopped while walking and watched everyone running in the same direction.

Hua Ya was scared now and whispered: "Did something happen?"

Gu Tinglan said: "Stupid or not, we all said today is the day to close the island. The dock is busy at that time."

Hua Ya looked eager to give it a try. She didn't watch the island closure last time, so she couldn't miss it this time. If you miss it, you have to wait another year.

She felt hot while walking and loosened her scarf. The white skin on the back of the neck is looming.

Gu Tinglan took off his gloves, rubbed his hands, and put his hand on the back of Hua Ya's neck. Feeling the warm temperature, he said, "It's too cold at the pier. I'll go with you to watch for a while and then we'll go home."

Hua Ya shrank her neck, trying to avoid his hand. Gu Tinglan pinched the back of Destiny's neck. She froze in place unable to move, and said in a low voice with shame, "Let go, someone is coming."

Gu Tinglan released his hand at the right time and said nonsensically: "I want to see if you are cold. Experts say that if your body is cold, your neck will be cold."

Hua Ya turned her head and covered the back of her neck with difficulty in her bloated clothes and said, "You also said that experts don't let me believe in their foreign farts."

Gu Tinglan hurriedly covered her mouth and said, "Little ancestor, please keep your voice down."

Hua Ya bit his palm "ang" and took a small revenge.

Gu Tinglan took a breath of air and Hua Ya hurriedly let out a sigh.

Gu Tinglan smiled and said, "It won't work this time. There aren't even any teeth marks. Are you reluctant to bite me?"

Hua Ya wanted to bite him to death. If he hadn't pretended to be in pain, she wouldn't have said anything.

"Let's go, let me take you to see the scenery." Gu Tinglan saw that Hua Ya was about to be annoyed by him again, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "Today we have to transport all the winter supplies ashore. The dock is very busy."

"Busty?" Hua Ya said with a sullen face, "How could I not be in a busy place?"

Gu Tinglan smiled while pulling her sleeves and leading her down the path.

This path is close to the pier and is difficult to walk on snowy days. Gu Tinglan led the way below, and Hua Ya fell behind step by step.

Gu Tinglan took the initiative to pull the hem of his clothes and let his wife hold him: "Be careful, step on the snow, don't step on the ice."

Hua Ya obediently grabbed the hem of the clothes he handed out, like a child in preschool, holding the hem of the clothes of the person in front of her and followed him slowly down.

Halfway through the walk, I heard shouting from the dock in the distance. Hua Ya stuck her head out and looked into the distance and said, "What are you doing?"

People in the small black dot in the distance pulled the boats ashore, and there were already various boats on the shore.

Gu Tinglan saw her looking around and stretched out his arm to block her waist: "To avoid ocean pollution in winter, the ship can be inspected and maintained regularly after being towed ashore."

Hua Ya saw many small boats sailing into the distance, with huge red buoys being dragged behind them. The boat was almost out of sight, and you could still see the buoys floating and sinking with the waves.

Gu Tinglan saw that no one noticed the two of them, so he simply put his arm around Hua Ya's waist and led her slowly down the last few steps.

"These small boats have to push the buoy fifty nautical miles away from the coastline. All ships passing Dayu Island must detour when they see this buoy and are not allowed to cross. This is also one of our Dayu Island closure signs."

They went down to the beach and walked more than 500 meters in the direction of the large cave. Hua Ya saw many small fleets appearing on the sea. From a distance, it looks like a moving team of ants, loading goods from the freighter anchored in front of the reef in an orderly manner, and moving to the island one by one.

Only then did Hua Ya realize why so many people were rushing here. It turned out that they were all here to help move goods. At eight o'clock tonight, the island will be officially closed. Unless there is a special order, no other people, machines, or objects will be allowed to leave the island.

"This is the last batch of winter supplies, a total of 680 tons." Gu Tinglan looked at the direction of the freighter and softly introduced to his wife: "This year's supplies are the most abundant in years. I hope this winter And I can spend it peacefully."

"Our troops have supplies, what about the people on the island?" Hua Ya looked at the vigorous scenes on the coastline, her blood boiling in her heart, and she wished she could roll up her arms and sleeves to carry the supplies.

"Of course there are government-supported materials, and they have been on the island for generations and have more experience than us."

Gu Tinglan quietly pressed his wife's shoulders, worried that she would let go, and said calmly: "Starting from this week, our winter patrol team will start patrolling all over Dayu Island. We will never ask the common people Every stitch and stitch will never leave the people isolated and helpless after the island is closed."

It seemed as if everyone in 031 appeared on the coastline, and many people passing by were talking about the supplies. They all said that they would have a good year this year.

Hua Ya was happy from the bottom of her heart. She still remembered how Ba Jin and his elder brother looked worried about supplies last year.

"Let's go, it's getting dark, let's go home."


The setting sun is like fire, shining on the busy people, as beautiful as a painting.

The soldiers pulling the ship to the shore in the distance shouted loud slogans together. I don't know who started to take off their shirts, revealing their muscular upper bodies, and their dark muscles flashed in front of Hua Ya's eyes--


Gu Tinglan's big hand patted Hua Ya's eyes mercilessly. No matter how hard she pulled, she just wouldn't let go.

Gu Tinglan held a colorful little bud and walked up against the crowd, scolding him as he walked: "You don't even look at the men in your own family, but the wild men outside are so good? I think you really need to be punished. . Hua Xiaoya, you don't have this problem once or twice. Let me tell you, if you do this again, I won't be able to survive this life."

Hua Ya kept giggling under his arm. She deliberately wanted to make Gu Tinglan angry. Who let Gu Tinglan tease her all the time? She also let him have a taste of it.

After returning home, Hua Ya regretted it.

The man's mouth is broken, which is really annoying.

After she took a shower, she wanted him to hand over her clothes. If it were normal, he would come over in a hurry and even rush to the bathroom. Today was a good day. I called her three times, came over with a groan, threw the clothes on her and left.

After taking a bath, Comrade Hua Ya ran out of hot milk before going to bed at night, so she had to make it herself. The cans of milk powder were on top of the standing cabinet, and Hua Ya stood in front of the standing cabinet waiting for the cans. The vinegar mop was used to mop the floor and wash clothes, but he wouldn't pick it up when he passed by.

Hua Ya dragged the small bench to reach the cans down by herself. When she turned around, she saw that the enamel cup had not been painted yet.

This attitude of non-violence and non-cooperation made Comrade Hua Xiaoya very angry. She stood facing the wall with her arms in her arms, deciding to fight back fiercely against Gu Tinglan's domestic cold violence.

After Gu Tinglan finished her housework, she was speechless when she saw the angry Comrade Hua Xiaoya who was still standing facing the wall. This little pervert is looking at a wild man in front of her, but she still doesn't allow him to do anything?

Gu Tinglan was so convinced. Looking at Comrade Hua Xiaoya that his chest was heaving with anger, he decided to apologize personally.

This is a very good apology.

Comrade Hua Xiaoya slept soundly in the ** all day the next day. When she got up, she thought she had blinked when she saw the dark sky outside.

Gu Tinglan was reading next to her. When he saw that she was awake, he immediately brought a cup of warm milk. The diligent look looks like two different people from the dead thing that was holding the flower bud in its mouth last night.

For most of the night, Hua Ya felt that the world was completely white. She didn't even know when she fell asleep.

After waking up, I feel dry and comfortable. Hua Ya shrank herself into the quilt, revealing her little head, and drank the milk in small sips.

Gu Tinglan put the book aside, rubbed her head and said, "Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

Hua Ya blushed and said, "It's quite comfortable."

Gu Tinglan smiled softly. He liked his wife's frankness so much.

He didn't dare to make his little wife angry anymore. He leaned on the bed and helped her smooth her messy hair and said, "Wang Qianjin is awake, you can rest assured."

This is great news!

Hua Ya held hot milk and said in a sweet voice: "Aunt Wang must be very happy. She really loves Uncle Qianjin. Do you know that they eloped to the island?"

Gu Tinglan really didn't know that after drinking the milk, his little wife lay on him and hugged him like an octopus. She mysteriously told Wang Lihua and Wang Qianjin's past, and told Gu Tinglan that : "This is a secret. Don't tell anyone else."

Gu Tinglan smiled and nodded and said, "Okay, I'll help you keep your little secret."

Hua Xiaoya expressed that she was very satisfied with his sensibleness, yawned, muttered something in her small mouth, and gradually fell asleep again.

One week later.

Hua Ya carried the books she would use in the afternoon and the steamed buns with soy sauce that Gu Tinglan had warmed for her, and happily headed to the library.

Life has not changed much since the island was closed, except for the fact that the dishes in the canteen have been reduced by half, and the products provided by the supply and marketing cooperative have also lost some varieties.

She didn't feel anything else for the time being, feeling no different from usual.

She walked to the library, but before she entered the door, she heard Sister Da Fang's joking voice: "Now that you are among women, why aren't you afraid of others gossiping?"

An honest and humble voice said: "I'm not trying to get into the crowd of women. Comrade, you can't talk like this. I'm here to give you gifts and I want to thank you."

Wang Lihua also laughed and said, "Just let him go. You see how hopeless he is, why are you teasing him?"

Wang Qianjin was discharged from the hospital yesterday. This morning, he and Wang Lihua couldn't wait to go to the activity room to catch someone to thank them. I changed my previous attitude of avoiding people when I saw them.

Chapter 140

They sorted out the specialties from their hometown into about ten small portions, and each of the family members who came to the hospital to accompany them that day had a portion.

Aunt Gao was not here, so Sister Xiao helped to accept it. Sister Dafang, Zhao Xue, and Zhao Yu also took it happily.

Among all the gifts, there is a small flower basket made of dried flowers that stands out. Inside is the Qima cake made by Wang Lihua herself. A lot of rock sugar is added to it, as well as walnut kernels and melon seeds peeled out bit by bit with your hands. The most precious thing is probably that there is a large Northwestern jujube inside. This thing has traveled more than 2,000 kilometers across the ocean. Wang Lihua is usually reluctant to eat it, and only puts one or two in it when making porridge.

In order to give Hua Ya a surprise gift this time, Wang Lihua sifted out a dozen huge jujubes from the already large jujubes at home, and pressed them all into the Qima cake.

She also brought another plate of chima cakes for everyone to taste. Sister Dafang and the others ate them in their mouths. They were so crispy that they joked: "Stop helping in the kitchen, why not go to the supply and marketing cooperative to prepare chima cakes?" Sell ​​it."

Zhou Wenfang was also biting the Qima cake beside him and said: "She put a lot of effort into it, not only adding nuts, but also soybean oil and honey. Huaya must like to eat it."

"Who is talking about me behind my back?" Hua Ya poked her head out from the edge of the door frame. Seeing everyone here, she asked in confusion, "Why are you having a meeting without Aunt Gao here?"

Turning her head, she saw Wang Lihua and Wang Qianjin. Hua Ya suddenly became happy, walked around Wang Qianjin and said, "Uncle Qinjin, how are you doing?"

Wang Qianjin held the flower basket awkwardly, not knowing what to say: "Well, okay, great. Thanks to you and Captain Gu."

Wang Lihua took her hand and told her: "Nothing else is serious. The stitches where he was hit by the cargo have been removed. After all, his vitality has been damaged. The doctor said he should take good care of himself for the whole winter. Because of this, this winter, It's a pity for him that he can't join the patrol team."

Hua Ya clapped her little hands and was happy for them, and said, "Just wait, I'll get you some good stuff later."

Her good thing is naturally the wild ginseng she got from Sun Mountain. She estimated that Wang Qianjin didn't need wild ginseng that was too old, so she cut two small ginseng sticks into pieces every week and made soup. She estimated that it would be fine after winter.

Wang Qianjin was at a loss when he saw Hua Ya. He took the cotton hat in his hand, swallowed and said: "Comrade Huaya, I don't know how to thank you for your great kindness. The prime minister's belly can support a boat, and you, sir, have a lot of -"

Hua Ya immediately covered her ears and said "Oh, oh, oh, oh," artificially. Wang Lihua hit her, and Hua Ya said, "I'm so afraid that you won't let my aunt play with me, so stop talking."

Wang Qianjin innocently scratched his disheveled hair, held his cotton hat tightly and said, "You two are the benefactors of my family, and it's natural for me to get closer to you. Whoever wants to say anything behind his back can say it." , I, Wang Qianjin, died once and thought of everything else."

Hua Ya applauded Wang Qianjin with a "pa pa pa pa", and after a few pats, Zhou Wenfang pressed him down and stuffed a piece of Qima cake into his mouth.

Hua Ya's eyes suddenly widened, my God, what kind of delicacy is this!

She was like a little hamster "clicking" quickly into her mouth. Wang Lihua looked at it and quickly handed her the little flower basket and said: "Everything in here is for you." After that, she whispered: "Yours" The jujubes are the biggest, and my aunt will pick out good jujubes for you one by one."

Hua Ya pursed her lips in amusement and whispered, "Auntie loves me the most."

Wang Qianjin stood at the edge and smiled innocently.

As they were talking, suddenly the big radio hanging in the corner of the activity room sounded the sizzling sound of electricity.

Huaya only heard music played during the Chinese New Year. Normally, the big radio was rarely used to convey information. Most of them posted big-character posters or publicized them at meetings.

Hua Ya didn't know the seriousness of the matter. When the other family members heard the loudspeaker, their faces suddenly became solemn.

After the sound of electric current passed, a woman's voice in Mandarin finally came from the loudspeaker: "Urgent notice: In three days, there will be extremely cold airflow passing through our island. Please make preparations for the extremely cold weather from all departments and family members in all districts."

"Extreme cold weather?" Hua Ya vaguely heard Gu Tinglan mention it once, saying that the extreme cold warning has come three times this year, and counting this time, it should be the fourth time.

Wang Lihua frowned and said: "I remember the last time the big radio announced the extreme cold weather warning, the snowflakes falling from the sky were really bigger than goose feathers. No one could walk on the road, and the temperature on the island dropped to below minus 30 degrees Celsius. Many people on the island froze to death back then."

When she said this, Sister Dafang also remembered a lot of things at that time. She said: "We also donated a lot of supplies to the people. People from the patrol team were out all night rescuing. Now I still feel scared when I think about it. ."

Hua Ya felt excited when she heard what they said.

After repeating the previous content twice, the big radio began to broadcast the supplies that families need to stock up on and how to deal with extreme cold weather.

The benefits of the army are reflected at this time. Basically every household will respond to the call every winter and prepare flashlights, batteries, candles, emergency medicines, cans, blankets, tents and other supplies in advance. There are also many people who took coal and piled it in their yards.

The big broadcast not only asked everyone to make reasonable use of these resources, but also asked everyone to stay calm and not panic when encountering a snowstorm.

Hua Ya did not chat with them happily. She had to take the time to check the doors and windows in the library. If there were any signs of looseness, she had to report it to the maintenance department in advance so that they could seize the time to reinforce it.

What Hua Ya didn't expect was that as soon as the loudspeaker sounded, many family members came to the library to borrow books.

This time, most people borrowed not one or two books, but more than ten or twenty books. This formation shocked Hua Ya.

Zhou Wenfang did not experience the extremely cold weather a few years ago, but Sister Dafang and Wang Lihua came to help register and talked to them a lot.

Sister Da Fang helped register the book titles, and then recorded the library card number on a blank piece of paper, waiting to be copied into the register when Hua Ya was not busy.

She said: "If there is a snowstorm, we won't be able to go to work and we can only stay at home. The only way to pass the time is reading. Borrow more books and go back to avoid boredom and be prepared."

Hua Ya thought about how she was locked up at home and couldn't get out. She probably had to scratch off the big white spots on the wall. She is very active by nature, and if she is not allowed to go out, she will feel more uncomfortable than anything else.

Zhou Wenfang remembered an item mentioned in the correspondence with a friend and said: "There is a kind of semiconductor radio popular outside now. It costs more than one hundred yuan. It can play songs and listen to operas just like the radio. It would be great if we could have this thing. , I'm not afraid of being bored even if I'm locked up at home with a 'chatterbox'."

Hua Ya knows about this thing. It became fashionable in the mainland around 1973. Dayu Island is relatively closed compared to the mainland. There are few channels for new things to know, and new things come slowly.

Seventy-three years later, semiconductor radios have become a gadget that every household has. Especially when getting married, this "big item" is one of the betrothal gifts that must be included in the three turns and one ring.

Unfortunately, it is the end of 1972, and the epidemic has just emerged in the inland areas, and it has not spread to the island yet. When it comes to the things Hua Ya misses the most, semiconductors are definitely one of them.

You can listen to a lot of storytelling in it, you just need to keep your ears open to listen, you don't have to read it yourself. The masters inside speak vividly and act right in front of you, which is more immersive than a comic book.

Zhou Wenfang's mention of this just aroused the itch in the flower bud, making her think about it again.

After Hua Ya and Zhou Wenfang finished their busy work, Sister Dafang and Wang Lihua had to go back to make preparations. They also borrowed a few books and went back to read them.

Taking advantage of their lunch break, Hua Ya and Zhou Wenfang only ate two pieces of Chima cake to fill their stomachs. They each found five or six books that they were interested in and put them in their bags to borrow them when they got off work.

After Wang Lihua and his wife left, Sister Dafang was about to leave when a person came to the reading room. Sister Dafang was happy when she saw it. It turned out that it was her husband Chen Zhi who was here.

Chen Zhi also came here to borrow books. When he saw Sister Dafang here, he frowned and said, "We haven't prepared anything at home yet. You are busy with family committee matters. You don't care about your own family?"

Hua Ya and Zhou Wenfang looked at each other and silently pretended not to hear Chen Zhi's complaint towards Sister Dafang.

Sister Dafang is an outspoken person and doesn't take complaints to heart at all. She said with a smile: "I'm going home right now. I didn't know I would encounter this when I went out. You came over to borrow books and you didn't allow me to come over and help."

Chen Zhi simply ignored her, walked to the bookshelf leading to the stairs to the second floor, and found several mechanical-related books.

He registered it in Zhou Wenfang's hand, turned around and left. Sister Da Fang quickened her pace and walked to the library door with him.

Sister Dafang saw Hua Ya and Gu Tinglan secretly holding hands in a deserted place yesterday. She and Chen Zhi had never done this in ten years of marriage.

Today, she had a whim and wanted to secretly hook Chen Zhi's hand under the cuff. Unexpectedly, Chen Zhi shook her hand away as if he was electrocuted and said coldly: "Your hands are so cold to the touch." What am I doing?"

Sister Dafang was stunned for a moment, and then cursed: "I touched you? Who the hell wants to touch you?"

Chen Zhi walked out of the door first with the book in his arms and said, "Women know how to make trouble."

Sister Da Fang's steps stopped suddenly. She looked at Chen Zhi's back as he walked further and further away, and suddenly felt a sense of strangeness.

Hua Ya and Zhou Wenfang did not study in the afternoon and worked overtime in the reading room to register and borrow books. People who came to borrow books lined up from indoors to behind the outdoor stone tables, and the scene was particularly heated.

Fortunately, the family members are very qualified. Seeing that the two of them were overwhelmed, several people took the initiative to help them return the books and register them.

By the time this activity was over, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon.

Hearing six bells ringing on the wall, Hua Ya suddenly remembered that she had timed out when she got home.

Ever since Zhou Wenfang found out that she had access to her home, she had been acting strangely in both mouth and mouth. Today I saw that the flower buds were late, and I gloated and said, "I really want to see your old man make trouble. Are you eating this specially?"

Hua Ya really thought about it in her heart. She really didn't want to take this bite. Over time, I did find it quite enjoyable.

The small work is pleasant, and Hua Ya likes it.

Zhou Wenfang deeply despised this.

Hua Ya carried her bag and books and walked home. Passing by the supply and marketing cooperative, she was shocked again. There were more people queuing up to receive coal than the people she had registered just now.

Hua Ya thought for a while and hurried to the tail of the team to get more coal back.

The person who registers to receive coal is the salesperson of the supply and marketing cooperative. They are also family members, and thanks to the large number of people, they can register in shifts.

This time, everyone no longer carries small buckets weighing twenty to thirty pounds to their homes. Basically, they carry as much as they have on their coal bills to their homes. Running back and forth, another round of ants moving.

Huaya still had 400 kilograms of coal left to pick up, and she still had the 102 yard that Aunt Gao lent her to use, so she might as well follow the example of the previous family members and get all the coal back in one go.

She moved a little bit differently from other family members. She put four 100-jin snakeskin bags aside, borrowed a pole from the supply and marketing cooperative, and carried the 400-jin coal home in one go. .

The person at the supply and marketing cooperative next to me happened to be the elder sister who recommended cheap milk powder last time. Seeing that Huaya wanted to carry all the coal back in one trip, she quickly pressed her snakeskin pocket and said, "Comrade, do you want your waist? This is four A hundred pounds of coal, I know you are anxious, but you can't show off like this! Put it down quickly, there is a wooden cart inside, can I lend the wooden cart to you?"

The eldest sister is also kind-hearted. She is really afraid that Hua Ya will bend her small waist with all her strength.

Hua Ya didn't want to occupy the wooden cart, she could just carry the coal back. She pulled the snakeskin bag and tied it to the pole, while the elder sister pulled the snakeskin bag down.

Hua Ya couldn't help but said to her eldest sister: "I can do it! I can really do it! I can really do four hundred pounds!"

The eldest sister grabbed a corner of her pocket and said to Hua Ya, "No, no, no, you can't. Let go, I'll bring the wooden cart over right away. Don't waste time here!"

Hua Ya said eagerly: "I'm not wasting time. As long as you let me go, I can go home!"

The eldest sister disagreed and even asked a female employee to get the wooden cart. Hua Ya saw that many family members were unable to use wooden carts, and she did not want to take up resources. But the eldest sister said nothing to let her go.

Hua Ya was finally convinced, slammed the pole on the ground, and said tiredly: "If you don't let go, I will carry you back to my house!"

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