Drunken Mistake

By AkariSshh

138 0 0

Celestine Daven a freshmen student was trying to move on from her longtime crush one day her best friend deci... More


Chapter 4

10 0 0
By AkariSshh


I am still in shock that the stranger I kissed was my classmate my mind can't stop thinking about him, I know it's not so me to chase someone I don't know but I think I will be literally crazy if I don't find him.

 "I don't know what is happening to me but I am desperate to talk to him and tell him" I have made this decision in my mind.


So as I was walking outside the classroom I've been thinking  grab a bite in the cafeteria to kill some time because I still have a one hour break before my next class.

--In the Cafeteria--

I was walking inside the cafeteria and saw my bestfriend also going inside she also saw me and she ran towards me.

We decide to buy some foods and I picked my favorite snacks  I bought some burger and fries then pair it with iced tea, my bestfriend on the other hand just bought some milk tea, then we try to find a vacant table so that we can start to eat and catch up about our first class on this day.

"You won't believe what just happened earlier." I told my bestfriend.

"spill the tea girl" She sounded so curious while sipping her milk tea.

"Guess who I saw today in the class room." I said this sounded so excited I even slap her in her arm.

"Ouch! you sounded so excited huh who's this GUY? I supposed hmm" She smirked and sounded so curious and her voice was very loud even saw the  the other students turned their heads when she was talking.

I was Shushing her " keep your voice down rach! okay okay I'll tell you now just keep it down okay?!" I lowered the tone of my voice so that we won't disturbed other students that are also eating in the cafeteria.

"I saw him inside the class room and he was my classmate! Can you believe it??? the guy I kissed is my classmate!" I finally told Rachel.

She was about to spill her drink because of how shocked she was.

"What the hell?! Are you serious oh my God? Did you talk to him does he know you? remember you?!.." She was talking so fast like a rap God, I put the tip of my finger on her mouth and made her shut up because she was acting like a crazy woman who want to know all the details.

"Shush can you relax?? We saw each other but nothing special happened okay? I was so embarrass and I was literally stunned I don't know what to do or what to say." I was so down telling her this. 

"ohhh I have a plan! do you want to talk to him?" She said this smiling, I know my bestfriend she would do anything that could make me happy that's why I'll trust her on this.

"Actually we talked a little bit because of what I said in the classroom about the things I dislikes I was telling everyone that I dislike talking to people I don't know." I told her what happened, I told her that he thought I didn't like what happened, that it was just a dare that's why he walked out and did not talk to me anymore.

She slap my arm telling me it was my fault that we did not even exchange a good conversation, well I know it was partly my fault buy what can I do it happened so fast I did not even think of any word to say.

"It was your fault celest! It was you chance to actually talk to him and have a conversation with him it was you time to get to know each other." She was telling me this hysterically and I was just listening to her rant.

"Yes yes I know but I will definitely talk to him okay? I just need some time to think on how could I approach him he literally thinks that I hate what had happened that night." I told her and kept silent for a while.

Rachel continued sipping her milk tea and checked her phone while I was think of ways on how to get him talk to me, it was hard knowing that the first time we saw each other again was a disaster.

As I was  busy thinking of ways and still eating my fries Rachel just sat there quietly and just on her phone watching some random videos, but moments after I sip my iced tea I felt the need to go to he comfort room.

"Hey rach I'm just going to use the rest room I'll be back in a minute" I stood up and she just nod and continued on what she was doing.

So i walked outside the canteen and turned left there was a hallway there before you can find the rest room there was the female and male rest room it was beside  each other with a little bit of space so when I open the door to the female rest room I was shock because someone just open the other male rest room door and It was a familiar face.

He saw me.

It was him again the guy I kissed.

We looked at each other for about 5 seconds...

I freeze. "It's  time to talk to him. I think this is the right  time but how? how could I possibly talk to him what am I going to say??" I was panicking inside my mind and thinking of ways on how to open a conversation with him but suddenly...

"Hey..." His voice was husky and it made me melt inside. 

I looked at him he looked sad.

"Hey uhm hi" I finally talked.

"I want to tell you something about that night please just listened." I beg him to stay and listened to what I am going to say to him. 

"I am listening but first let me ask you just one question" He sounded very serious.

He went to my side and was looking at my eyes, I was stunned and It flashback what happened that night we were like this I was looking up to him. 

He held both of my hand, we were so near each other and I can literally hear smell his neck he is smells so good as I was checking up on him he finally started talking and ask me one question.

"Is it really just a dare? Did you really not feel something at all?" I knew what he was talking, he was talking about what had happen last night.

I tried to compose my self and think of what am I going to say when someone grab me.

"What are you doing to miss celestine mr niklaus?!" He sound angrily and very serious his eyes it's like burning.

When I look at who grab me, It was azi my best friends brother our teacher...


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