
By IAmIndeedNormal

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Miraculous Ladybug Fem reader x fem characters Love Interests- Marinette (Ladybug) Alix (Bunnyx) Juleka (Pur... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Season 1 ~~~ Season 2
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Authors Note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (Queen's Battle Part 1)
Chapter 24 (Queen's Battle Part 2)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 (Heroes' Day: Part 1)
Chapter 28 (Heroes' Day Part 2)
Season 2 ~~~ Season 3

Chapter 3

1.4K 52 7
By IAmIndeedNormal

Lady Wifi

 "I'm seriously going to hurt Hawkmoth when I find him" I say to no one in particular, absolutely pissed from spending half a school day fighting off villains with Ladybug and Cat Noir. "Malika, relax" I breathe deeply after I de-transform, laying against the brick wall, definitely nothing suspicious about chilling in an alley.

 Malika laughs at me while she eats her biscuit, "At least it's good practice Y/N" I just sigh at that, "yeah whatever, worst part is I have to head back to school for my backpack" I say as I start my trek back to school. 

 Pushing past people as they file out, I head to my locker where I was able to stuff all my things before leaving. Expecting to be alone I was a little caught off guard by the fact that somebody else was still here, "and look who it is" My once neutral face turns into a mischievous grin as I observe the short, sporty girl who has yet to notice me.

 Forgetting what I was there for in the first place, I just couldn't miss this opportunity. Putting on my best 'mysterious hot girl' face I leaned against the lockers next to her, successfully getting her attention I instantly note the way her cheeks turned just a little bit brighter once she saw who it was. 

"Hey, aren't you that girl that called me a model?" I pretend to think, trying to hide the grin that wants to come out. Her eyes briefly widen, embarrassment clear on her face as she chuckles awkwardly.

"Ohhh you remember that.. great..", I laugh at her response. "Come on don't worry about it i'm just teasing you, I thought it was cute." My eyes travel across her body as I say this before resting on her eyes, giving an 'innocent' smile. 

She sputters when her brain registers what I just said, "she thinks i'm cute?" She mutters to herself, a dopey smile appears on her face as she pulls her hat down trying to hide it. I have to physically restrain myself from not squeezing her right now, my heart hurts.

"I like your style, whats your name? I'm Y/N in case you forgot", "I'm Alix" "So what are you doin-", "Do you like roller-skates!" Interrupts Alix, "uhh yeah but I'm not really good at them, never had enough time to practice you know." I scratch my head awkwardly, thinking Alix is going to tease me but thats when I see the stars in her eyes, "That's awesome! I could totally teach you, it'll be so fun!!" She exclaims excitedly. 

 "But I don't have any roller-skates with me" "That's no problem I always have extra", "Looks like I'm not getting out of this one" I sigh before smiling, "sure why not, where we meeting?" I ask "At the nearby park, is Friday good for you?" Alix asks with a wide grin, 

"Yep sounds good, it's a date" I smile. "Oops maybe I shouldn't have said that" I stare guiltily as Alix is frozen in place, her blush probably permanent by now. 

She manages to nod before grabbing her stuff and bolting it out of there. Laughing at her reaction I finally get my stuff from my locker and head home.

After getting home and finishing all my duties I relax on my bed, petting Boo as she lays on top of my stomach. Malika floats towards my face with a cheeky smile, we stare at each other in silence before, "what's wrong with your face" Malika huffs at that comment "You're such a flirt you know that" she accuses, 

"Ugh! Me? Never, don't know what you're talking about" I deny poorly. "Mhmm" is all she says as she flies down to rest on my forehead for the night. I take this chance to think about my 'date' with Alix on Friday, 

"should I actually treat it as a date or like a friend thing, she never really confirmed anything" I chew on my lip as I think about it "Oh whatever that's a problem for future me" With that I close my eyes and let the sleep consume me.


It's the next day, I'm chilling in my seat as I think about nothing, never realizing that somebody was stealing glances at me. I stay zoned out until Marinette barges into the room, late again. I watch with confusion as I see her tap Nino's shoulder while whispering. 

Well whispering until she shouts, "What?!" I slightly jump in my seat from her sudden outburst, "Marinette, if you're going to come late, would you please do it discretely?" Reprimands Miss Bustier as she turns back to the board. 

Marinette starts to whisper again as I try my hardest to not be nosy. But after the second loud 'what' she was sent to the principals office. Feeling bored again I rest my head on my fist as I pretend to care about the lesson.

I get a nauseating feeling in my stomach, confused, I'm about to raise my hand to go to the nurse when a screen of a villain who looks a lot like Alya shows up on the board, this villain is interrogating the principal on his wrongful suspension of Alya, "oh that explains Marinette" I think as I try to come up with excuses to leave. 

"For my next scoop, I'll be taking you to meet the girl who's been hiding behind the Ladybug mask!" Announces Lady Wifi, she throws a pink stop icon onto Mr. Damocles, freezing him in place. "Stay connected!" The screen turns off. 

Miss Bustier turns to the students, "Everyone, for your own safety, go directly home right now! And don't forget to read chapters four and five!", "oh sweet", I waste no time in running out, finding a hidden area to transform. "Malika, go crazy!" Magic swells around me as I transform.

Leaving my stuff back home I check my messages for Ladybug and Cat Noir, they say to meet up at 'Le Grand Paris'? "Well alright then." Using my metal fists I bound towards the hotel roof where I spot the hero duo. Pulling up next to them, I listen to them insult Chloe, "And besides, who would believe that she's the original Ladybug? She's obviously just a die-hard fan. A copycat?" Cat Noir nods, 

"Right" , "Don't worry Ladybug I know that whoever you are underneath is 10x better than somebody like Chloe" I roll my eyes at the thought of Chloe, she hasn't even talked to me yet but I already hate her. Ladybug smiles at my words, "Thanks"

Barging into Chloe's room to see Lady Wifi who just unmasked the 'real' Ladybug. The villain looks confused between us then to Chloe, "But I thought you were Ladybug!", "Sorry to bust your news story. Next time, double-check your facts." Says Cat Noir. 

"Oh you'll be sorry" threatens Lady Wifi as she releases Chloe from her frozen state, throwing those pink icons at us as we dodge. "Follow me!" Ladybug commands.

"So what's the plan?" Asks Cat Noir as we run away. "She gets her powers from her phone, so let's lead her to the basement, where there isn't any service!", "Brilliant!" I praise, hopping next to her.

We try to head as low as we can but Lady Wifi is too smart, she runs away from us so we go to follow her but we realize she's locked all the doors except one. "Get ready for an ambush on 3. 1, 2, 3!" Ladybug warns. We burst through the door only to see Lady Wifi is nowhere to be seen, thats when I see all the phones on the table. 

"Oh shit" A pink light comes out from the phone as Lady Wifi appears, throwing more pink stop icons toward us. Ladybug wraps her yo-yo around Lady Wifi but she disappears into the phone, re-appearing, "Ha! You can't get me!" She taunts. I scoff, "yes I can." As I start to break all the phones with an easy flick of my finger.

Distracted with the phones, I only realize Ladybug followed Lady Wifi into the kitchen until it's too late. The door is locked. "No, no, no... Hold on, Ladybug!" I panic, thankfully Cat Noir finds the hotel map in his staff, "The service elevator! Let's go" he calls out to me, I nod and follow him.

The service elevator door opens just in time for us to see Ladybug pinned to the wall with those pink stop icons, Lady Wifi trying to pull off her mask. I flex my fists in anger as I call out for Lady Wifi's attention, "Oh, how romantic. Tomcat's come to save his love bug. Oh, I guess you're here too mutt" That just ticks me off further, vein-like lines that cover my metal fists start to glow a soft white light as my anger grows. 

 I sprint towards Lady Wifi, dodging her attempts to freeze me as I close in. But the moment I grab her hand she already sent out a pause icon, it flies past me towards Cat Noir, he somehow dodges last second but the scare sent him straight into the freezer room.

 Lady Wifi successfully locking him inside. Using that brief distraction Lady Wifi pushes me off her, shooting a pause icon towards me, causing me to get trapped to the wall just like Ladybug. "Nooo!!!" Ladybug exclaims, worried for her two teammates.

"Well, well... what am I gonna do with the three of you?", she briefly pauses after she says this, looking like she was listening to something. "Well if you don't get him out of there fast, your crush will soon be slush.!" She laughs evilly after saying this, 

"Good luck with your gang! I have other news to cover!" She disappears after removing Ladybug from the lock, "Hey! What about me" I whine, still feeling woozy after banging my head against the wall. Ladybug rushes towards me, "Are you okay?" , "Sure as much I can be when I'm stuck to this wall, you should be worrying more about kitty in there freezing his tail off." I say dismissively. 

 She gives me one last look of concern before turning her attention to Cat Noir, "Hang in there Cat Noir!" Ladybug uses her lucky charm, we both look confused at the box covered in spots until Ladybug sees the microwave. 

"Of course, the microwaves! But uhh" Ladybug looks between the freezer and myself, I understand what she's thinking. "Actually I have a plan" I say, she looks at me in interest.

Prepping myself for the explosion the microwave bursts, breaking the icon and freeing me from the wall. With no time to lose I turn my attention to the freezer, "Persevere!" I exclaim, adrenaline filling me once again. 

Getting into position I use my newfound strength to demolish the freezer door, freeing Cat Noir as he falls on top of me. "Ew off" I push him off of me so that he lays on the ground and not me. He shivers on the ground for a few seconds but I know I saw that glare.

Ladybug and my miraculous beep, "You two used your abilities...there's not much time left." He says, pointing out the obvious. "Exactly! So here's what we'll do, listen to me...", she pulls us closer to her as she whispers the plan. 

We both nod in understanding. I grab a pan, giggling as I cover the camera icon Lady Wifi is using to watch us. Allowing Cat Noir to sneak out with the service elevator. 

 We sent out Cat Noir so he could jam the wifi antenna, "I really hope he hurries up Ladybug and I only have 3 min left." While we wait I notice Ladybug is stressed so I carefully grab her hand, squeezing it gently. She turns to me quickly, probably caught off guard by the gesture, but before she can say anything the icon on the door disappears, letting us escape the kitchen.

Seeing Cat Noir fighting with Lady Wifi, I use this distraction to run up to the villain. Punching her square in the face, she drops the phone as she groans in pain, allowing me to smash it with my foot. Freeing the dark akuma as Ladybug purifies it. I take a deep breathe as the little ladybugs fix everything, before I leave I see Alya has returned to normal and is now looking up at me in awe. 

 "What, do I have something on my face" I feel around my face looking for whatever she's staring at. "OMG it's you!! Please can I get an interview, how old are you, what's your hero name?!?" "Wha- didn't you just get akumatized maybe you should relax first" I smile awkwardly, slightly backing away from the fanatic. 

"Ohh come on at least tell me your name! I have to know who my savior is" she hops in place excitedly, I turn to look back at Ladybug and Cat Noir. They both have an interested face since this is technically my third mission with them and I have yet to tell them a name. "I'm... Hyenadon" I puff out my chest proudly as i say it, Alya squeals in response.

Ladybug giggles at the girls reaction, "Well.. Hyenadon, we still have to finish this mission" I look at her confused until I see her and Cat Noirs fists outstretched, I smile brightly, "Pound it!" Ladybug's and my miraculous beep. "Oops gotta run, byeee!!" I wave to the two heroes, running away to de-transform.


The microwave beeps as I take my food out, sitting down at the small table, I take a moment to look around the apartment. Sighing deeply as I take in the emptiness, not only in the apartment but in myself. Thankfully, I get a notification on my phone, it's from Alix.

 Opening it, I read the message inviting me to watch her win a bet against Kim, some guy in our class, and she wants me there to support her. My face glows red, "she was thinking of me, she wants me there" I repeat blissfully in my mind. Happy that someone thinks about me.

Reading In Between The Lines

Y/N loves teasing people

Hyenadon is an actual animal (slightly changed) , from the name you think it's the ancestor of hyenas but it's actually completely unrelated

Hyena's are not related to canines but more closely related to felines

Y/N knows that

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