Wenclair oneshots

Per urdemonix_child

155K 3.6K 3.7K

This being #1 in "whyamiwritingthis" is wild ๐Ÿ’€ I wrote these at 3am feel free to bully me, votes and comment... Mรฉs

The Worthlessness of Grey
The Comfort of Rain
In Sickness and Health
Little Dragon
Start with Snow
This Moment
Even at Her Worst
Rules (Are Meant to Be Broken)
Words Unsaid
Beautiful and Scorned
Turning of Pages
Wounds, Murder Hornets, and Questionably Learned Skills
Wenclair Christmas pt1
Wenclair Christmas pt2
Wenclair Christmas pt3
Wenclair Christmas pt4
Wenclair Christmas pt5
Perfect Match - what a joke
Are you tired of me yet? (I'm a little sick right now..)
Don't Forget To (Bleed So Slowly)
And I Would Rather Be the Stray (Than Be Nothing To No One At All)
I Bite My Tongue (It's A Bad Habit)
how do you like your coffee? like i like my women
you're the only beauty i don't want to strangle
Cupid's Second Chance
sweet of twigs and twine
(Who says) I'm alone
When the Sun and Moon share the same sky
baby, you could be the death of me (literally)
please leave your earphones in so i can confess my love to you
Cute Aggression
you hold the key(s) to my heart
It's just a dumb little kitty hat!
The indelible mark
Desperate measures
You have my heart (or, how to care for your Addams loved one)
Imperfect day
It's okay to be different (so am I)
Killer Teeth
Blood of the Covenant
I wasn't afraid before I met you
The babysitter
If you smell something burning, it's my heart
What is this feeling?
Addams & Co
You shine all through my rain
Bringing life
I just died in your arms
Silent night, cursed night
Where there are wolves, ravens will follow
Seasons in the sun
I'm home where you are
Summer's end
You're my favorite color
An addams reunion
You Make My Yuletide Gay
Green skin
Together we will see how lovely heaven will be.
Hershey's Kisses
Teacher's Pet
Tag, You're Hit
Old Books, Ink, with a Hint of Arsenic
The Cellist
Confession Via Taylor Swift
Gift of The Wolf
you've done your dirt and you've dug your graves
Sleep Schedules
After All These Years
Chocolate is the Best Way to Say 'I Love You'
Addams and Eve
The Nightmares of a Wolf pt1
The Nightmares of a Wolf pt2
The Nightmares of a Wolf pt3
Wednesday feels guilt
A Stand-Up Gal
Thoughts and Prayers
Sweet, Sweet Revenge
Cherry Flavored Conversations
A Prank Gone Horribly... Right?
Are You Going to Claim Your Prize?
50 shades of red
On a Valentine's Day (I used to be my own protection)
I Need You More Than I Want to
It's the Uniform, Isn't it?
Finding Rainbwoes
what am I to someone like you?
Breaking Down Walls
Hopeless Woemantics
hiding behind the truth
love will have its sacrifices
I want to sleep on every piece of fuzz and stuffing that comes out of you
some things hurt worse than dying
a little cowardice can occasionally pay off
choose your poison (it won't harm you)
a rather loose definition of allergies
a room to be yourself in
the hypocrisy of being in love with a thief
Dancing On My Own
but I stay when you're lost
why'd you have to go and make me like you
the dark's not taking prisoners tonight
i don't feel like going home now Pt1
i don't feel like going home now Pt2

On the Edge

1.2K 21 9
Per urdemonix_child

Two goths, sitting on a rooftop, five feet apart because they're gay just not for each other

Yoko was taking a midnight stroll on the rooftops of Nevermore Academy, which really had less to do with her being a creature of the night and more with being a moody teenager with a fucked sleep schedule, a crippling addiction to caffeinated blood and a big fat crush she was unsuccessfully avoiding thinking about.

"Fuck," she mumbled under her breath, and if her heart had had a heartbeat, it would have stopped right there and then because one of the gargolyes lining the rooftop had just turned to look at her. "Addams!" She yelled as she recognized the figure hugging its knees an inch away from a very painful fall, as Yoko well knew from past experiences that had definitely not been her own fault, "What in the name of Sheridan Le Fanu are you doing there?"

The creature, because really, what other word was there for Wednesday Addams, tilted her head slightly.

"I was enjoying the silence," she said with her usual blank demeanor, "Now, not so much."

"Do you have to do it so close to the edge, though?" Yoko insisted. Addams stared back at her for a moment.

"Yes," she finally said.

"Well, fuck, you scared me half to death," Yoko said, "Life. Whatever. You know what I mean."

"Your cowardice is noted, yes," Addams rudely agreed.

Yoko had a thought. A terrible thought. She decided she should ignore that thought. She furthermore decided she should simply keep walking. Be on her way. Addams would not resent her. She would, in fact, be grateful for it.

Yoko sighed as she gingerly approached Addams and sat cross-legged beside her.

"Your company is unwelcome." Addams said.

"I assumed as much." Yoko said. "Are we going to talk about why we're both idiots up here in the middle of the night, or are we just going to ignore each other?"

A few seconds passed with no answer. Addams had once again turned to look towards the forest, like one more gargoyle.

"We're not going to ignore each other!" Yoko snapped.

"I thought it was the obvious option." Addams said. Yoko was elated to hear a hint of emotion in the words, and terrified to realize that the emotion was annoyance. Wednesday would probably not hesitate to push her off the roof just for being mildly bothersome.

"We're going to talk about why we're both idiots up here in the middle of the night." Yoko insisted.

"You're an over-caffeinated nocturnal creature and I like the quiet. Mystery solved." Addams replied, the words said ever so slightly faster than her natural dead rhythm.

Yoko had another terrible thought. She quickly decided she shouldn't. Except. She had to talk to someone and Enid, Yoko loved Enid but bless her, the girl could get drunk on gossip like no one else. It was stronger than her. Addams, on the other hand, did not give a shit. Would not give a shit. Was physically incapable of giving any amounts of shit. Which made her the perfect target for Yoko to just dump all those stupid thoughts that were keeping her awake.

"Are you going to leave me a-" Addams began.

"Have you ever thought of drowning?" Yoko asked, quickly and bluntly, because she did not know where else to start, and because she knew Addams was one morbid lunatic.

Addams turned to look at her and slightly arched an eyebrow.

"Go on," she said, clearly intrigued.

"Every time I fall asleep, I dream of the sea. Sometimes, I dream of floating, of getting lulled and caressed by the waves while the sun warms me from above, like in the old days. Sometimes, I dream of a vast, endless chasm, of monsters beyond comprehension lurking in the shadows, watching. Waiting. Sometimes I dream of storms, of drowning, of gasping for air and being pulled by something into nothingness. And sometimes, most terrible of all, I dream of walks on the beach, guided by a familiar song I can never remember when I awake."

"Oh," Addams said, audibly disappointed, "You're being poetic. I thought we were going to discuss drowning as a murder or suicide method."

"I don't sleep, Addams. Not really. I drown. In salt and sunlight and darkness and what lies beyond darkness. Night after night, I close my eyes knowing the only thing that awaits me on the other side is–" she didn't have it in her to finish the sentence.

"You don't usually speak like this." Addams mused, clearly uninterested in the actual content of Yoko's words, which was exactly as planned.

"I'm not usually sleep deprived. Well, I am. But I'm not usually on this side of sleep deprivation. You know, when there's a dash of euphoria thrown in there and everything becomes a little less real and your walls come crashing down."

"Hmmm." Addams said, "that does ring a bell."

"It does?" Yoko asked. She had expected Addams to throw some cutting remarks at her, something about the weakness of her walls maybe.

Addams gave her a barely noticeable shrug.

"You feel powerful. Like you could do anything, if no one minded what a terrible job you did. You feel like there's a border between you and the world, like you're swimming in it rather than part of it. And you feel open. Like a carcass after the vultures are done with it. Like a blood eagle. It's nauseating and painful and wonderful and I would like it to stop now."

Yoko stared. It was all she could do. She had never heard Wednesday speak so much, let alone so openly.

She snorted.

"You have feelings." She joked.


"Wednesday Addams cares about things."

"I will push you."

"But then you'll feel bad about it!"

"If you don't stop, I'll stop pretending I didn't realize you were talking about Divina."

Yoko felt the smile die on her lips. No, "die" was too soft a word, that smile had been brutally murdered.

"Oh," she said.

"Exactly." Wednesday said.

"So." Yoko said.

"I could not care less. But it was unwise of you to give me ammunition when you're so determined to annoy me."

"I'm not determined to annoy you." Yoko protested.

"Every single interaction we've had thus far says otherwise."

"You love me." Yoko dared.

"I have meticulously planned your murder on several occasions. Enid's misplaced affection for you is the only reason you remain undead instead of simply dead."

"Hey, you know the pup and I are a package deal."

Wednesday sighed.

"I am well aware, yes," she said, "you're very lucky that way."

"You know," Yoko wondered, "I honestly cannot tell if you're really as dangerous as you claim to be. But I'll give you this much, I'm not about to fuck around in order to find out."

"And yet, you continue to pester me." Wednesday pointed out.

"Yup," Yoko said cheerfully. "How'd you know I was talking about her anyway?"

Wednesday let out an annoyed huff.

"The oceanic imagery was a fairly blatant giveaway that it was about a siren," she said, "and the only other one with whom you have any real relationship is Barclay. From there, well, call it an educated guess. I have sadly been forced to observe your dynamic with both of them, after all. I personally do not see why you would possibly prefer Divina, but to each her own."

"Huh," Yoko said absently, before picking up on something. "Wait. Are you into Bianca?"

"Hardly," Wednesday replied immediately, "I do acknowledge she's the one other person here who would make a suitable partner, but that says more about the rest of you lot than it does about her."

"Huh," Yoko said again, before something else raised an alarm in her mind, "wait. One other person? Who's the other one?"

Wednesday turned to look at her and blinked.

"I had heard bat sight is actually not as bad as popular wisdom has us believe. Seems those reports are mistaken."

Wait. Oh shit. Oh no.

"You don't– You don't mean me, d–"

The look of utter disgust Wednesday gave her shut her up. She sighed in relief.

"No offense. But ew," she said.

"The feeling is mutual," said Wednesday, back to her usual demeanor, as she leaned forward to look down towards the ground. "Have you ever considered jumping?"

"Uh. What."

"It's not that big of a fall. I might survive. You certainly would. Have you ever considered it?"

"Why would I do that?"

"To see what it feels like. To feel the wind on your face. To answer the call," Wednesday listed, before once again turning to look at her in the eyes, "to drown in the darkness."

"It would feel very painful," Yoko explained slowly, as if talking to a child, "you can feel the wind by riding a bike. And if you want to answer calls, use your fucking phone."

"So you have never thought of it." Wednesday said.

Yoko looked away.

"I've thought of it," she admitted.


"There's better ways to drown."

"Such as?"

"Do you really want me to wax poetic again? Because I will."

Wednesday hummed. Then she looked down again.

"I might survive," she said again.

"Try it and I'll drag you back to your room from your pilgrim-ass collar if I must."

"Didn't know you cared," Wednesday said, her voice actually lightly teasing.

"I just don't want to deal with the aftermath. I don't know what I dread more, the paperwork or the wolf nagging and/or tears, depending on your survival."

"She would get over it." Wednesday said wistfully. And that was when Yoko realized.

"Oh shit," she said, "her? Really?"

Wednesday's back straightened, her shoulders tensed. Then she looked up, closed her eyes, and exhaled a huge sigh of relief.

"Her," she said eventually.

"Damn." Yoko said. "I mean, it makes a lot of sense, now that I think about it."

"Truth be told, I always assumed I was being hopelessly obvious," Wednesday said, "to everyone but her, at least."

"Well, there's been, ah, jokes, about your dynamic. But I think most of us have trouble thinking of you as an actual person with feelings."

"Thank you," Wednesday replied, clearly pleased with the comment.

"I'm sad to report that is no longer that case for me though. As of this conversation, I actually think of you as more than a deranged bloodthirsty lunatic."

"Shame," Wednesday mused.

"Hell, I think I actually kinda like you?"

Wednesday thought about this for a moment.

"You are not the irredeemable waste of a curse that I thought you were," she conceded eventually. Yoko whistled.

"High praise," she said with a chuckle. "What now? Friendship bracelets?"

"The only jewelry I'm getting you is a crucifix," Wednesday replied instantly.

"Please," Yoko said rolling her eyes, "You're probably more allergic to them than me."

"Not if I hold them upside down," Wednesday said, and Yoko suspected she was actually joking. Like some sort of friendly person. Like an acquaintance with whom she had a pleasant relationship. Like a friend? Was Wednesday Addams her friend?

"Hey, Wednesday?" Yoko said, preparing to test her theory and trying the first name out.

"Yes?" Wednesday asked, not showing any resistance to being addressed like that.

"You're a fucking loser."

Wednesday looked at her. For a moment, Yoko saw displeased surprise. Then, a tiny smirk.

"That makes two of us," Wednesday said.

"Hah. Yeah," Yoko said. "Two goth losers pining on a rooftop in the middle of the night."

"I am not a goth. I have never even sacked Rome."

"On account of all the crucifixes." Yoko guessed.

"On account of all the crucifixes." Wednesday confirmed.

They sat in comfortable silence for a few moments.

"Do you really not know–"

"I know what a goth is." Wednesday interrupted.

"Oh. Okay," Yoko said, "so, what are you gonna do about Enid?"

"Suffer. Burn. Long. Perhaps even hope. I do enjoy torture, after all. What do you plan to do about Divina?"

"Plan? I plan to work up the courage to ask her out any day now."

"I see. And what are you actually going to do?"

"Absolutely nothing."

"That is idiotic."

"How is it any worse than what you said?"

"Because you actually have a chance."

"And you're saying this based on your impeccable grasp on social dynamics?"

"I'm saying this based on the fact that she has sat at the same table as me during lunch intentionally in order to spend time with you."

"You are a bit of a social deterrent," Yoko conceded.

"Flattery will only get you staked," Wednesday warned.

"But you realize that if I have a chance then you're practically married already, right?"

Wednesday Addams actually snorted.

"She would rather die than spend a single other night under the same roof as me."

"What? That girl adores you! Why would you think that?"

"Because she looked at me and said, Wednesday, I would rather die than spend a single other night under the same roof as you."

"Oh," Yoko said. "Are you on the roof so–"

"So I'm not under it, yes. I am acquiescing to her request."

"That's hilarious," Yoko said, though she did not laugh. "But this is Enid we're talking about. She'll get over it. She is just a little too passionate sometimes."

"Her pent up rage is one of her more attractive features," Wednesday conceded.

"That's the spirit!" Yoko said, surprised at the fact that a universe existed where she was cheering up Wednesday Addams, "why did you guys fight anyway?"

"Does it matter?" Wednesday asked, despondent.

"Maybe? I'm her bff, maybe I can help."

Wednesday thought about it for a moment.

"I would rather not discuss it, if it's all the same to you."

"Alright," Yoko said with a shrug. "Door's always open and all that."

Again, silence.

"Thank you." Wednesday said eventually.

"Don't mention it."

"I had no intention of doing such a thing."


"For what it's worth, there are other reasons why I suspect Divina is also romantically interested in you."

Yoko knew Wednesday was not exactly socially adept, but still perked up at the words.

"Really? Such as?" She asked.

"Her teeth seem sharper sometimes" Wednesday said, "I was trying to deduce whether it was involuntary transformation or sloppy glamour. Results are inconclusive on that front, but I realized it only ever happens when you're nearby."

"That's–" Yoko should not have gotten that flustered over that, "there could be other explanations. Circumstantial at best."

"She also always positions herself so you have easy access to her neck."

Yoko paused.

"She's been doing that on purpose ?" She yelled.

"Maybe. Maybe it's subconscious. But it is not subtle."

"It's maddening is what it is. You really think–"

"Either she wants you to drink her," Wednesday said, "or she's chosen you as prey, and is using her neck like an anglerfish uses light."

"Huh," Yoko said, thinking it over, "either way, what bliss."

There was darkness. A living, hunting darkness. Divina could feel it, stalking her, drawing nearer and nearer with every second, could feel it envelop her and graze her neck with piercing fangs. She felt herself arch her neck, all but offering herself up to the darkness, and–

There was the loud sound of her room's door being completely obliterated by a werewolf.

"YOKO HOLY FUCK!" Enid said.

Divina sat up, screaming.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Enid said, "She isn't here?"

"What the fuck?" Divina said.

"Yoko. Is she here? It's important."

Divina looked from the remains of the door to the werewolf.

"How important, exactly?" she asked slowly.

"Uh. Very?" Enid tried, not very convincingly.

"I see." Divina said slowly, "So. Let's do this slowly. Have you considered destroying her door?"

"Yes. She's not in her room. Her roommate says she doesn't know where she is, but she might be lying since–"

"Since you woke her up screaming and destroying her door and now she's mad at you?" Divina guessed.

"Uh. Yeah," Enid said.

"Huh. What a concept."

"Sorry?" Enid tried.

"Hmm," Divina said, not really in a forgiving mood. Then, as the fog of sleep finally began to lift from her mind, she thought of something. "Wait. You thought Yoko had snuck into my room, which I don't share with anyone, in the middle of the night, and still thought you wouldn't be intruding on something you would rather not see?"

Enid looked at her blankly.

"Just how much of a loser do you think I am?" Divina asked.

"I am not legally required to answer that question," the little shit answered.

"Okay, listen here–" Divina began, before sighing in frustration at a stray thought, "is she in any danger?"



"Oh. How should I know?"

"Because you are urgently looking for her!"

"Oh," Enid said, "Oh! Yeah, I see how it could look that way, with all the murdering that goes on around here."

"So, no one's in danger," Divina guessed.

"Does...does my emotional wellbeing count?"

Divina thought about it for all of two seconds.

"It does not," she concluded.


"You. Broke down. My door." Divina hissed. Enid gestured at her to calm herself.

"Okay. Okay. In my defense. This is very important."

"Important. How?"

"I had a fight with Wednesday?" Enid tried, and everything about her face told Divina she knew exactly what answer she was going to get.

"Get. The fuck. Out. Now."


"And put my door back in place on your way out!"

"But now I can't find her anywhere and do you really want an angry Wednesday Addams loose in the school?"


Divina sighed.

"Can't you just, I don't know, track her?"

"Like, her scent?" Enid asked nervously, "like, focusing on it so that the rest of the world fades away, and I am entirely consumed by it?"



"Absolutely not." Enid said.

"Are you fucking–"

"This is why I need Yoko!" Enid cried, "she'd understand."

"Trust me, no one understands you and your crazy girlfriend."

Enid laughed. Laughed long and hard and not amused at all.

"Girlfriend!" She said, "Wednesday! Can you imagine? Hahaha as if! I mean, not that she isn't very, you know, and not that I'm, I mean, and of course, what with the– and let's not forget, LET'S NOT FORGET–" she coughed, "Wednesday isn't my girlfriend."

Divina stared.

"I got that much, yes," she said.

"I'm gonna walk away now."

"You do that."

"Sorry about the door."

"No, you're not."

Enid shrugged.

"No, I'm not," she admitted as she turned around.

Divina sighed.

"Wait," she said, "what exactly are your goals here?"

"Unloading my emotional turmoil on Yoko and making sure Wednesday doesn't stab anyone who crosses her path," Enid answered immediately.

"Alright, fine," Divina said, "I'll help you look."

"I, uh, never actually asked–"

"Not for Wednesday. If we find her, you're on your own. But I want to know what's so important that it has Yoko messing up her sleep schedule," Divina admitted.

"Oh? Are you sure you don't mean who's so important?" Enid asked, enjoying herself far too much.

"You really wanna go there, little miss let's-not-forget?"

"I'll wait outside while you get changed," Enid said with a wonderfully defeated voice.

"That's what I thought."

"Could the reason behind your fight with Wednesday be relevant to our search?" Divina tried as they left behind yet another empty classroom.

"Don't think so. It was really all very stupid."

"I am shocked," Divina said dryly, "should I ask?"

"Are you here to search, or to chat?" Enid snapped, uncharacteristically on edge. It was dark, but still there was enough moonlight that Divina could see Enid's fangs had come out.

"I do that too," she said absently. Enid's annoyed face turned quizzical. "The fangs. Mine come out when I snap at people too. I mean, in our case it's not transformation, just glamour-concealed sharp teeth, but still, same result."

Enid chuckled.

"You must really hate Yoko then," she said.

"That's– different," was all Divina could think of saying.

"I bet," Enid said, "should I give you the speech?"

"What speech?"

"The 'break her heart and I'll rip your throat out' speech."

"I'd like to see you try," Divina said automatically, but then thought more about the whole conversation, "You're not what I thought you were."

"I've been told Wednesday's had influence," Enid said, "I disagree though."


"I think people are just paying more attention now that I'm around her. She's a bit of an attention lightning rod."

"So, you've always been the kind of girl who'd rip someone's throat out?"

Enid was silent for a few seconds.

"Yes," she said finally, "though to be fair, I think even I wasn't paying enough attention."

"What, to yourself?" Divina wasn't following.

"It's always been about everyone else. My parents' expectations, the pack's acceptance, the town's approval. And then one day I asked myself, what would Wednesday do?"

"That's certainly a philosophy," Divina said, trying to conceal her horror.

"The point is," Enid said dismissively, "I've always been me. I just hadn't noticed who that was. Not until her."

"Has anyone ever told you that you display a very normal and totally not concerning amount of intensity when you talk about Addams?"

The only answer was a loud, defeated sigh. Divina was surprised to find herself patting Enid's shoulder.

"There, there," she said lightly, but not wholly insincerely, "for what it's worth she's infamously intense about you too "

"Wednesday is intense about everything," Enid pointed out.

"Yeah, but like, especially about you," Divina insisted.

"You think?" Enid said with some hope in her voice, but then her shoulders sagged, "maybe that's why we always fight."

"Some would call that unresolved tension."

"Yeah well," Enid said miserably, "there won't be much resolving anything if we don't find her. And even if we do, I doubt she'll even want to talk to me."

"How come?"

"I might have snapped and told her I would rather die than spend one more night under the same roof as her."

Divina stopped dead in her tracks.

"You said that?" She asked, "that exactly?"

"I guess?" Enid said, "I mean, I know it's harsh but it just came out and-"

"Don't care," Divina interrupted, "This is Addams. If you asked, she would go to hell and back."

"Wednesday would consider hell a vacation spot," Enid protested, clearly flustered.

"The point is, you said that you didn't want to be under the same roof as her and we've been searching inside this whole time!"

Enid thought about it.

"God, she's such a fucking moron," she groaned.

"You love it though," Divina said.

"I love it," Enid agreed, resigned.

"Loser for loser, truly peak romance."

"Shut up and follow me, I think I know where to look," Enid said, "and you're one to talk."

"Yoko is not a loser!" Divina said, dropping all pretenses and not even defending herself because, fair.

"I'm her best friend. Trust me. Your crush is a loser. You just can't see it because you want to be her juice box."

"WOW," Divina said, far louder than it was wise for someone in their situation, "you sure you wanna play it like that?"

"I'm in love with Wednesday Addams," Enid said plainly as they walked up the stairs, which had Divina confused as she had thought they were going to search outside, "I want to kiss her stupid face and take her on creepy dates. She could ask to use me for target practice and I'd ask if she needs a blindfold. And this is all without touching on what the wolf wants. It's all very stupid and perhaps a little bit pathetic."

"...okay," Divina said as Enid paused to catch her breath.

"And still it's not as funny as watching you try to decide if you want to chomp Yoko's shoulder off or let her drink you dry."

"I mean, there's no reason why we can't do both," Divina mumbled in a tone even she didn't recognize.

"Hey, I say if you wanna play out both monster narratives at once, knock yourself out. It's gonna be a mess but there's no way it isn't going to be fun for everyone involved. Just don't come and give me shit about my intensity afterwards."


"And Divina?"


"Break her heart and I'll rip your fucking throat out."

Wednesday felt Yoko shift beside her, her posture suddenly turning alert.

"Incoming," Yoko said, not looking away from the dark treeline.

"Enid?" Wednesday asked, feeling a grip around her heart at the question.

"Divina," Yoko said.

"Oh," Wednesday said, making sure to sound bored and not at all intrigued by the fact.

" And Enid," Yoko finished.


Wednesday felt the grip on her heart tighten. She looked down.

"You're not 'answering the call of the void' your way out of this," Yoko said firmly.

"I liked you better when you were indifferent to my wellbeing," Wednesday protested.


"How about we strike a deal?" Wednesday suggested, "I will confront mine if you confront yours."

Yoko hissed.

"I don't know. Mine isn't pissed at me. Doesn't seem as urgent."

"Well, in that case–" Wednesday began, but was cut short as Yoko suddenly stood and stretched.

"Well," she said casually, "this has been a lovely night, but–"

"We know you know we're right behind you, dumbass," came Divina's voice. Wednesday turned around, still sitting by the edge, and saw the siren and, right behind her, looking uncomfortable with the whole situation, Enid.

"Ah, if it isn't my two favorite people in the whole world!" Yoko said far too cheerfully for anyone present to even begin to believe she was being genuine.

"Can we, uh, do this inside?" Enid said, "or at least, with some of us not dangerously close to the edge?"

Wednesday stared in silence, not really processing the words that were clearly meant for her.

"Don't worry, she won't jump," Yoko said dismissively, "she wouldn't dare."

"Is that a–" Wednesday began automatically before being interrupted by a chorus of 'no!' from the other three, "very well then."

She stood, allowed herself a moment to straighten out her clothes, took a deep breath, and turned to properly face Enid.

"Hey," Enid said softly, still behind Divina.

"Hello," Wednesday said.

"You know I didn't literally mean that I'd rather die and all that, right?"

"The thought crossed my mind," Wednesday admitted, "but I thought I'd better play it safe."

"You always do," Enid muttered. And, to Wednesday's surprise, Divina chastised her by slapping her arm, "ow! I mean, it's okay. I'm sorry I yelled. Why don't we go back to our room and talk it out?"

"You may yell as much or as little as you wish. I do not care," Wednesday lied, earning an arm slap of her own from Yoko, "but I am grateful for the reassurance, and I'm sorry for my part in our dispute as well," she added, which made her feel as if her ribcage had just been torn open. Enid, for her part, was left speechless, though Wednesday could not tell if this was due to her words, her restraint by not pushing Yoko off the roof after the slap, or both.

After a few seconds, Enid smiled and offered her hand. Wednesday looked at it for some time, feeling her nails bite into her arms, before taking a small step forward.

She looked at Enid. Then she looked at Divina, who seemed intent on looking at anywhere but the three people there with her. Finally, she turned to look at a smirking Yoko.

"Good luck," Wednesday was surprised to hear herself say. Yoko gave her a quick two-finger salute.

And then Wednesday took another step, and another, until she could hold Enid's hand.

As Enid pulled her towards the warmth of Nevermore's halls and away from the edge, Wednesday felt herself follow.

"The magnitude of our fight might have been disproportionate to its cause," she suggested.

"Ya think?" Enid said with some amusement. She turned around, not to look at Wednesday, but behind her. Wednesday imitated her. Yoko and Divina were still standing right where they had left them. "I've been told there might be some unresolved tension between us."

"Interesting hypothesis," Wednesday said, and if her ribcage had been torn open before, now all her organs were painting the roof red with her blood.

She felt Enid's hand release hers. They had reached the window Wednesday had used to climb out. Enid went in first, then offered her hand once again. Wednesday hesitated, drawn in by the warmth, but loathing the mere thought of accepting the help.

She did not take the hand. Not until she was back inside, when she took the whole arm.

"You're cold," Enid said, "you were out there a while."

"I like the cold," Wednesday protested, though she could at least admit to herself that in that moment, being back inside holding on to Enid felt wretchedly right.

"Maybe if you had–"

"I'm sorry I didn't take one of my snoods," Wednesday said, anticipating the remark, "and that I said they are stupid."

Enid didn't answer. They walked in silence instead. The halls were dark, and what moonlight shone through the windows only added to the academy's somber ambiance by casting disfigured shadows of the trees outside. Wednesday found it all very romantic.

"You could have just told me you didn't like them when I made you the first one," Enid mumbled as they reached their room's door.

"Then you wouldn't have made me any more." Wednesday pointed out.

"That is. So stupid." Enid said, though clearly delighted by the idea.

"I am well aware," Wednesday said, releasing Enid's arm so she could open the door, "you seem to bring that out of me."

Enid froze, her hand still on the door.

"Sometimes," she said slowly, "you say these things, and I'm not sure you realize what you sound like."

Wednesday looked back. Behind them the corridor faded into silent darkness. Somewhere in there was a window, and beyond that window, there was a roof, and that room had an edge. And there she could sit forever, never falling, never rising. Just her and the trees and the cold and–

"Open the door," Wednesday said, "I have had enough of this silence."

"You think those two will figure it out?" Divina asked, still not looking at her. She looked so beautiful with her bed hair and her sharp teeth and her neck , which she was definitely exposing to Yoko, holy shit.

Before she knew what she was doing, Yoko had made her way to that neck. She allowed herself to take in the scent and felt Divina's hand slowly guiding her up so their eyes would meet.

"You haven't made this easy for me," Yoko said.

"I don't think I could have made it easier if I tried," Divina countered, smirking.


"Are you really going to talk about her right now?"

"She seems of the opinion that you're either into me, or planning to kill me," Yoko pressed.

"Can't a girl do both?"

Yoko pulled back slightly and gave her a look.

"What," Divina asked, "like you've never thought about killing me?"

"I've thought of it," Yoko said, the words oddly familiar.


"I've thought about drowning, too."

"I know a spot."

Yoko reached for Divina and gently tilted her face, so she could get a better look at that neck.

"If I bite, will you bite back?" she managed to ask.

"Only if you ask nicely."

Question of the day: What's one thing you'd never buy even if you had unlimited money?

Continua llegint

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