It's just a dumb little kitty hat!

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Enid knits Wednesday a hat, someone points it out and a fight ensues

"What is this?"

"It's a hat, silly."

Wednesday stared at the newly knitted item, finally understanding the multitude of small cuts Enid had acquired along her palms. A small black hat with two distinct pointed edges, it appeared almost feline.

The bubbly blondes voice continued to carry explaining herself in a ramble, she pulled a matching pink beanie from her bed.

"I figured since everything that happened with the Hyde at the Gates manor, and you having to sacrifice your snood, why not just learn to knit you something else. And before you ask, yes I have one too~"

The young Addams glanced at the two matching hats, an thread of guilt in her eyes at the mention of the shredded snood. Perhaps one day she should return and see if any of its remains are intact.

The light tone of the pastel wolfs voice broke the concentration of her thoughts,

"I don't expect you to wear it, ya know. That would be asking too much."

Wednesday fidgeted the material of the woven fabric in her fingers, a quick glance out their split window reminding her the weather had begun to shift season, the harsh breezes of chilling wind becoming more aggressive as days pasted.

The stoic girl placed the gifted solid black hat on her head, a gentle snugness that didn't make her feel like her blood flow was restricted, how disappointing.

Her lip nearly twitched into a smile at how comically wide the blondes eyes had become,

"Enid, this gift is very practical for the oncoming season. Thank you."

"I-uh-yeah, you're welcome."


Wednesday would be lying if she said she didn't use the item regularly, having taken a liking to wearing it nearly always in their dorm whenever the bright wolf was present.

But right now, at the lunch table with her increasing cold mash potatoes, the raven as growing annoyed with the vampires constant giggling. Enid's silent begging each time she looked at the dark roommate as a mercy to not kill their friends.

She made no promises, yet was ready to break off a chunk of the splintering outdoor furniture and hand carve a stake, had the outcast not blurted her thoughts.

"Still can't believe all it took for Addams to go soft was a gift from her girlfriend."

Wednesday was use to awkward silences, her father adored them, but right now with the way the blonde froze mid chew as her wide eyes connected with the gorgons narrowing pair.

She knew this was escalating, consider her interest peaked with the notion of violence, the raven held her silence to see what would happen.

Surprising the stoner broke the barrier first, "girlfriend?", Ajax's tone rose as he stood up from the table, his palms coming to rest on its surface as he supported his weight in a slight crouch. "You told me we weren't breaking up!"

Wednesdays brows furrowed at the new information, Enid hadn't mentioned anything about any relationship issues with the boy, then again she was too good for him anyways. The pastel blonde deserved someone more committed, attentive, someone like- oh. Oh no. The Addams eye twitched at the realization, her trance broken by the roommate rising beside her.

"I know what I said!", Enid pointed a glare at her undead bestie for practically outing her to her crush in front of her boyfriend and the entire lunch population.

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