why'd you have to go and make me like you

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Wednesday learns two things on Valentine's Day:

1. Werewolves aren't actually allergic to chocolate.
2. She has a crush on Enid.

Wednesday hadn't expected her return to Nevermore to be so... quiet.

It is nice to get a bit of a break after the hell she went through not that long ago, but that itch to solve a mystery is slowly coming back, and soon she finds herself once again looking for something interesting to happen.

It doesn't take long though. Because as soon as February rolls around and everyone's settled into the new semester, Enid's barging into their dorm room with her teeth bared and tears in her eyes.

Enid goes straight to her bed, burying her face in her pillows, and Wednesday knows she's just waiting to be asked about what happened.

Wednesday pauses her writing and turns around in her chair with a sigh.

"What is it now, Enid?" she groans, preparing herself for the oncoming rant.

It'll last about four minutes at the longest, and all Wednesday will have to do is nod silently while Enid wears down the floorboards with her pacing. Then she'll threaten to claw her eyes out or jump off the balcony before deciding she needs to scroll on Tik Tok to calm down, and from there it takes about five more minutes for her to fall asleep.

Wednesday's used to it. Once Enid's asleep, she can get back to her writing. Of course, Enid will growl in her sleep, but Wednesday's gotten used to that too. She's not going to admit to anyone she actually enjoys it.

But this time, when Enid lifts her head up from her pillows, she looks different. The usual fire in her eyes is gone, and it sets off the alarm bells in Wednesday's head.

"Ajax broke up with me," she mutters before burying her head back down into her blankets.

Wednesday feels like she's been punched in the gut when she hears that, because she thought they had been fine. Enid wouldn't shut up about how cute he was or how funny he was and Wednesday was ready to strangle her every time she mentioned his name. And yet here they were, Valentine's Day right around the corner, and Wednesday's preparing to commit a murder.

"It was over Snapchat Wednesday! Snapchat!" Enid starts again, "Can you believe it?"

"I could if I understood the significance of Snapchat," Wednesday replies, trying to keep herself calm.

"The message disappears after a day! It's even worse than a text!"

"How cowardly of him," Wednesday says, and she's pulling out the nail gun she's had ready since that first date months ago, making sure it's still loaded.

Enid's eyes go wide, and she's rushing over to Wednesday, grabbing her hands before she can do anything.

"Wednesday, no," she scolds, her tone stern, "I mean, I appreciate the gesture, but you don't have to hurt him, okay?"

Wednesday glances down at Enid's hands wrapped tight around hers, and back up to see the worry on Enid's face.

Somehow, Enid is the only one that Wednesday seems to listen to. And even if she wants to throw the boy in a pit of fire ants for breaking her friend's heart, she'll respect her wishes.

"Fine. But if he does anything else to upset you, I'll be ready."

Enid nods, wiping her cheeks, and then she heads back to her bed and pulls out her phone without another word.

Wednesday keeps a close eye on Enid after that night. She sits next to her in class, at lunch, and is always by her side in the hallways making sure nobody dares to even look at her the wrong way. Especially Ajax, who's been sitting on the opposite side of the courtyard all week.

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