but I stay when you're lost

700 27 68

Yes i forgot to post this, sue me

Enid doesn't have someone to kiss at midnight, and somehow it's Wednesday's problem too.

It was two days ago when Enid had called Wednesday and asked, no, begged her to come to Nevermore for the New Years Eve party.

When Wednesday answers her phone (curse Xavier for not just getting her this stupid thing, but giving Enid her number), Enid doesn't even give her a chance to yell at her for calling her.

"Wednesday! Oh my god you finally answered me! I'm in a crisis. Ajax and I decided to break things off and now I don't have a date for the New Years Eve party-"

"Enid," Wednesday says, but Enid keeps talking.

"-And I am not showing up alone-"

"Enid," Wednesday says again, more sternly this time.

"-And more importantly I don't have someone to kiss at midnight-"

"Enid!" Wednesday hisses, and that finally gets her to shut up.

"Sorry. You know I ramble when I'm anxious."

"I am well aware."

She can hear Enid groan on the other line.

Wednesday takes a moment to soak up everything she's just heard.

Her and Ajax had broken up. She remembered the two of them all over each other on the last day of the semester. She thought they were going to be fine. How unfortunate.

And because they were now broken up, Enid's biggest concern was not having someone to kiss at midnight. Wednesday could never relate.

"Why don't you go with Yoko?" Wednesday suggests. After all, Yoko seemed much more like someone who could help with all of Enid's problems.

"She went home for the holidays," Enid replies with a sigh.

Wednesday pauses.

"Wait. I thought you were going home for the holidays."

"Nope. That nasty snowstorm canceled my flight."

Enid wouldn't stop talking about how excited she was for Christmas, and to learn she probably had spent it alone makes Wednesday feel a rare wave of sympathy.

"If I had known you were stuck at Nevermore, I would have invited you over."

"Aww," she croons, "You're so sweet."

Wednesday knows that's how Enid always talks, but the comment makes her stomach do flips when she should be disgusted. She's thankful Enid can't see her face right now.

"Okay, look. You don't have to come. I'll be perfectly fine on my own. All by myself. A lone wolf, her heart broken-"

Wednesday knows Enid's trying to guilt trip her. Somehow it always seems to work.

"Fine. I'll come. Just so I don't have to listen to you drone on and on."

So that is how Wednesday ends up back at Nevermore for New Years Eve. She has one suitcase with just enough clothes to last her the weekend, nothing more. Not even Thing had come along, Wednesday telling him not to worry because she'd be back by Sunday night.

Enid's beaming when she opens the door.

"Howdy roomie! I am so happy you're here!" she cheers, holding out her arms before stopping abruptly as Wednesday eyes her out.

"Right. We don't hug."

Enid takes a step back, but her eyes linger on Wednesday.

Wednesday can tell that they're both thinking about the same thing right now.

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