AWAKENED HEART (The first he...

由 unilover85

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Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo met years before their first drama together "THE UNTAMED" They had met on Daytoy year... 更多

🔞🔞CHAPTER 22 🔞🔞
Announcement ❣️❣️
CHAPTER 54 the


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由 unilover85

Zhan froze as he remembered where he was in the morning, he didn't notice that the look on his face had changed and that he looked scared. He didn't want to think about that morning, infact...he didn't want to think about about that day and only wanted to focus on the one next to him. Sensing that Zhan didn't want to talk about it yet, Yibo dismissed it and said...

"It's alright, as long as your not doing anything bad behind my back it's fine. If so...I won't be able to forgive you, so...don't hurt me or I will be forced to break up with you and I really can't live without you."

Yibo was joking around but there was something about his words that made Zhan understand that he was serious about what he said. Of course Yibo was serious, it sounded like a joke because he said it laughing, but Zhan took it as a threat against his happiness. He wished what had happened during the day to never repeat itself again and he wished and prayed that no one has recognised him outside the restaurant. Yibo hugged Zhan again and Zhan mumbled some words into Yibo's ear and said...

"What is it that I could do behind your back..? You're really a crazy guy do you know that..?"

Behind those words was a pale face and widened eyes which were dry and a mind running wild with scenes of that day.

A few minutes later they they went downstairs as it was time for dinner. Yibo held Zhan's hand and they both went downstairs where they found the three guys already waiting for them, sitting on their respective chairs and waiting for the food Baba ordered to be placed in the table after being heated. The kitchen smelled so good and soon the food was brought to the table. The maids kept glancing at Yibo and Zhan from time to time and Zhan didn't even notice. He was the only one who didn't notice because even the three bodyguards saw it and just kept quiet.

Yibo thought he had enough since he didn't like gossip, he wanted to out an end to whatever that was going on once and for all so that they don't do it again. The elder maid, aunty just whisper hushed the two maids and just when they did, Yibo decided to speak, and when the man of the mouse speaks, everyone listens. He was clam as he spoke but there was always something Abit Yibo's words that no matter how simple they were, they made someone shudder upon hearing them.

"Can you two please tell me what it is that you want to say? You have been staring rudely and I don't like it. If you have something you wanna say then please feel free to say it."

"Oh...sorry Mr Wang, we...we were just...talking about things we saw on the internet."

No one could've mistaken how scared they were at the moment. Yibo didn't back down, he wanted to end gossip in his house once and for all. The two maids had been misbehaving that even at timez aunt would do the chores around the house by himself. Yibo knew about this from the gardener who was once a spy for Sharon, he was trying to clear his name Ince he was found out and Yibo just let things go. That's was because he hadn't sold him completely to Sharon or else she would've already known that Zhan lives with them.

" Then please do show me whatever it is that made out behave like that."

"Oh! No's nothing serious...we were just being nosy...that's all!"

"Let me be the judge of that, bring me whatever made you to have that reaction."

Zhan and other were already eating at the time when one of the maid showed Yibo her phone. They were so nervous and so scared of what might happen once Yibo saw what they saw. With only a.few bites from his plate which Zhan dished for him, Yibo stopped eating and looked at the phone, his expressions changed and as he scrolled. He gave the phone to the maid again and pointed out for them to go, they did not only leave the room, they held aunty's hand while she was wiping the kitchen counters and took her outside with them.

Yibo spoke and this time his voice trembled in anger that immediately the three bodyguards knew then that he was very angry, and they stopped eating while Zhan was enjoying the food and humming to every bite with a smile on his face.

"Zhan gē, where were you this morning..?"

" asked me that question already, and I think I answered you"

"If you had answered me truthfully then I wouldn't be asking again now would I..?"

"What's with you today, why are you so moody..?"

"Maybe it's because the one I gave my heart to betrayed me with his best friend.!!"

"What..? What are you talking abo–"

Zhan stopped his question midway, he wasn't interrupted while speaking or anything, but he had just realised what Yibo was talking about. His stomach tightened with fear and Yibo's voice tone didn't help either. His voice was deep and frightening to everyone listening, even his bodyguards. It didn't matter if they were older than him, there was something about him when he was angry that made them see him as a Japanese Yakuza. Zhan dropped the chopsticks from him fingers and slowly looked at Baba before looking at Yibo.

Baba had the same look Zhan had and he was scared to find out how the maids knew. He quitely fished his phone out of his pocket and scrolled after opening it up.  Larry had done the same and he was looking at the very same scene that Baba was looking at , but the difference was that Larry looked at him afterwards. When Baba finished reading the article , he glanced over at Larry only to see him looking at him with eyes that clearly hinting how dissapointed he was.

Things could've been avoided if Baba wasn't that careless to take Zhan where he was and even to let him go in a public place like that without him protecting him was worse, Larry thought. That look made Baba turn away and look at the scene infront of him. Yibo was looking at Zhan and his eyes were so red because of anger and Zhan was looking at the nothing that was on the table as he was just caught. He didn't see what Yibo saw, but he thought it was a good time to come clean. Whether Yibo would believe him and forgive him for doing things behind his back was unknown.

"Yibo, it's not like that, I..I didn't tell you about his message because I knew you were not gonna agree to it. I thought...I thought it was bad to accept his help and then ignore him. I'm sorry I hid this from you."

"So you only thought about how he would feel and not how I would feel if I found out..? So..what was it..were you thanking him with a kiss then..? Is that what it's about..?"

"What..? could you even think I would do something like that..?"

"What..? You kissed am I right.? So why are you making it sound like I'm accusing you..? How can I ever trust you again after today.?"

"Yibo..please...don't shout here, let's go upstairs and I'll explain everything that happened."

Yibo stood up and Zhan thought he was heading upstairs when he saw him heading to the cabinet by the dining room door where they kept all the car keys in a big decorative bowl. Zhan quickly stood up and blocked Yibo's way to stop him from reaching the cabinet. He knew that if Yibo was too angry, he walked away from him, trying to avoid saying or doing things he might later on regret. But there was a problem, he had done that months ago when he left and didn't come back home for a couple of months.

Zhan's eyes went big and tears just found their way down, scared of what might happen once Yibo walks out that door. He pleaded with Yibo to listen to what he had to say before he took his decision. He knew he lied , but he was scared of what Yibo would do and say.

"Yibo please, please let me tell you my side of the story ,'s not what it looks like.!"

"You mean to tell me that what I just saw was not a kiss...? That you were not holding hands inside and outside that restaurant..? Come on Zhan gē, how stupid do you think I am."

"Yibo please, you can do anything you wanna do and shout as loud as you want, but can you please do it upstairs..?"

"I can't, I can't go upstairs with you. Zhan gē...I might do and say things I'm not proud of, please...let me go so I can clear my head and I will come back for us to ta–"

"No.!! I know you won't come back (sobbs) please Yibo you can't leave me like this..please...let's talk about this.."

Zhan's sobbs were so heartbreaking but Yibo just looked at him and with his fists clenched, he walked passed him but didn't take the keys this time. It was when he reached the door when and about to go outside when Zhan ran towards him and hugged him from the behind and pulled him inside. It was a heartbreaking scene for his men to watch, and so they all stood up and went to them, they helped Zhan plead and Yibo closed his eyes in fear of what would happen if he was to go upstairs with Zhan. He couldn't even trust himself alone with Zhan, but with the way they were all pleading telling him how he once went out and never came back, he decided to unwrap Zhan's hands around his waist, turned around, and went upstairs.

Zhan pi6t his hands together, thanking them before he followed him upstairs. Baba and the other went back to finishing their dinner since they had eaten little of it or else they would throw it out, that would be the same as wasting food. Barry and Larry who didn't know anything about what had happened during the day looked at Baba again while they were eating. He thought it was time he told the two what had happened before they judged Zhan about something that wasn't his fault.

"Gē, I know what you must be thinking , I know it was wreckless of me to leave Zhan alone like that but, you guys should also know how it feels to have someone breath behind you neck every step you took. I gave him a little freedom that's all, what happened was neither his fault nor mine. That guys just acted out of nowhere and there was no way to foresee what he was planning to do"

"How do you know that if you had given him "freedom" like you claim you did. ?"

"I let him think he has all the freedom he needed, but in reality I was looking out for him. I suspected something off about him and by the time I realised was too late already. I took a video, look...Zhan did not know what he wanted to say, just take a look."

Larry and Barry watched at the  footage from Baba's phone but they got shocked when they heard the actual audio of the conversation between Zhan and Yichen, making Barry to ask about it.

" did you get the audio if you were in the car?"

"I planted a bug on him when I opened the door for him when we left this morning. I kinda felt off when he wanted us to leave right after Yibo left, I knew he was hiding his meeting with his friend from him. I also knew he was going to get into trouble once Yibo finds out about it. I decide to record their entire conversation and have it on camera as back up for him, he doesn't know about this and he might not like it."

"Bǎobèi...what do you mean he might not like it.? You saved him from fuming Yibo, he will definately thank you for it. "

"Yeah but I don't think it's a good idea to show this to Yibo though. He saw only a photo and he got so mad, can you tell me what will happen once he sees the video..? Besides..if Zhan finds out that I took a video, he might think that's what I always do. That I always record a video of him for Yibo, like were putting him under surveillance...I just don't want that."

"Fine, but if things escalate from where they're now you will have to show him, I would hate to see these boys break up because of a misunderstanding and we just sat by when we could've saved their relationship."

They agreed on it and finished eating, and when they were done, they put Yibo and Zhan's food in the oven and cleaned their dishes before they went to the back house.

Zhan had followed Yibo up stairs and he walked slowly, as his feet felt heavy with his heart sunken I to the out of his stomach out of his painful heart and fear. When Yibo reached the bedroom, the first thing he did was to go to the bathroom and took a cold shower. He was fuming hot out of anger and he wanted to cool down and calm his irregular beating heart. When he stepped out of the bathroom, he saw Zhan sitting on the couch, playing with his fingers.

Yibo changed his clothes and went to join him , he sat on the table and faced him. Zhan thought of avoiding Yibo's eye contact, but he knew that if he needed to be sincere, he needed to look him in the eyes. His embarrassment for being caught meant nothing  compared to what would happen if he told a lie. He knew Yibo would probably find out the truth if he needs to, he didn't want that. He thought that he should hear everything from him. Yibo just watched him and didn't say a word, he waited for Zhan to start talking and telling him the truth.

"Yibo, listen to me and please...I'm not saying you should believe way I say, but please listen ok.? I need to tell you what happened. "

Yibo still kept quite and just kept his eyes on Zhan, checkjg if he was sincere enough.

"The thing is, last night I got a text from Yichen asking me to meet him today at ten. It was the time we were in the bathroom and after I read it, I didn't want to tell you because I knew you would not allow me to go. I'm sorry for lying to you, but I saw no other choice. I basically have no friends except for Yichen who is my childhood friend, but except that, I have no one . I didn't think much about him and only thought about our friendship since we were little.

How was I to know that my best friend knew why me and my ex girlfriend broke up but didn't say anything. He knew about Fang's plan and didn't tell me, he enjoyed seeing me hurt and cry like that cause them it meant that was the only one who could comfort me. I mean...who does that..? I didn't know he was going to kiss me I swear.!"

"Is that all you wanna plead your  defence.? You mean that he just kissed you because he wanted to comfort you..? that's bullshit and you know it. Is that how you two used to comfort each other..? Might as well do more than that.!"

"Yibo..!! His can you say something like that..? How can I even think of dokg such a things to you..? I think you should start using your head instead of just running your mouth. "

"Wait...wait ...wait...hold it right there, you do not get to scold me or tell me those kind of stupid things just because of age. Do you have any idea how played I feel right now..? Do you have any idea what it feels like to ask your boyfriend not to cheat on you or lie to you and only to find out that somethimg like this happened. Zhan gē, I can't share you with someone else,you are mine andine alone. How can you let him kiss your lips like that and bit flintch if you trully did not like it."

"Yibo come on, you know deep down that I would never do such a thing, how can I when–.. it was just for a few seconds and not more than that."

"Why not..? how should I know..? Zhan gē, how should I know if your to be trusted again..? His could you do this Zhan gē..? I thought you were happy with only me in your life, why should I always have to face these kinds of situations iny relationships..?"

"Yibo please, (sniff) he doesn't mean anything to me, I don't even have feelings for him. I liked him as a friend and that's all."

"Ok, it's fine. I need to go bed now, I have work tomorrow."

"Yibo please, we need to talk about this, please "

"I don't wanna talk about it right now, I can't deal with that kind of betrayal right now. Tonight I'll be sleeping in the guest bedroom, please give me space to process this whole thing."

"How can I do that Yibo, we need to talk about this today and end this, how can I call asleep when you're like that?  Please Yibo, it happened just this one time and it will never happen again. Please forgive me"

Zhan was pleading with Yibo while tears blurred his vision but Yibo didn't want to deal with any of that. He had many thoughts running wild in his mind and he just couldn't find it in his heart to just talk it out. Zhan continued asking for forgiveness and stated that he had never done anything else behind his back, but in truth...he was lying about that aswell. That very morning, Zhan did something behind Yibo's back and he didn't tell him about it. He was hiding it and hiding something from someone you love is a lie no matter how you look at it.

"Zhan gē, how can you say it's only for today? How can I be sure something like this didn't happened last night..? I really go out of your way for your friend. I asked to accompany you to see your parents and you refused, you knew very well that you were going there to meet your friend but you made me believe that you were going to see your parents. Zhan gē...what else are you hiding from me..? How do you want me to trust that you didn't feel the same way..?"

"I didn't want to take you along because he would have recognised you and I don't trust that he would not say anything about it. Judging from what happened today, I think refusing you to go home with me was the right decision."

"I don't care what people say..!! All I care about is you!! Now someone tasted what is mine and his am I supposed to act chill about it..? Just think of yourself as me okay, step in my shoes for a few seconds.!!"

"Don't shout at me like that, and why should I step in your shoes when you didn't step into mine when you left me and I had to find out from a gossip that you were with a woman..?"

"Wow..Zhan gē, if you're using that to defend yourself then that's so lame. I went out with her just to protect you, I didn't do anything explicit with her. My reasons were valid because I was trying to protect you!!"

"His is it ok that you do things I'm not comfortable with and you call them protecting me but when I do something to protect you, you call it explicit..?"

"How is that protecting me.? Tell me... how are you protecting me when you're literally kissing another man publicly for the whole world to see..!!?"

"I didn't kiss him he kissed me..!!"

"Yeah, whether you boil it or fry it, a potato is still a potato."

"Come on Yibo, grow up will you..? You're annoyingly childish sometimes and that angers me!!"

"What..? What did you say..?"

"Oh my goodness! What have I.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. "

Zhan was regretfully of his choice of words, but it was too late. Yibo was angry and hurt, he was actually more hurt than upset and Zhan didn't know what to do. He realised that his first mistake was bringing up what Yibo did with Sharon when he knew that he was the one who had pushed him away the first time, the second time, he was trying to buy Zhan's inormation  from Sharon but when be hear the price, he refused. He knew he could never touch any man or woman except for Zhan. He loved that man.

Zhan had mad even a bigger mess trying to defend himself that he said the wrong things, he knew Yibo was very stubborn and him forgiving him so soon was just a dream. He thought about way would happen it he was to tell Yibo the truth, will he still stay mad at him or what. ? Yibo unplugged his phone and was about to walk out the bedroom when Zhan stood at the door, preventing  him from going out again. He still pleased and said..

"Bodi please...please forgive me for what I did today, I swear I will not do it again. can punish me the was you like and say whatever you wish to say to me, I will not talk back this time. Just don't....don't leave me, please...!"

When Zhan was pleading at Yibo by the door, he clasped his hands together like he was praying and brought his hands near his nose. That's when he smelled it, the disgusting of the food they just are.  He sniffed again and indeed, his hands were smelling like rotten fish. He out his hand behind him but it was too late. He was trying to stay strong just so that Yibo doesn't slip out while he's distracted. But he couldn't help it, when the smell got worse and he had to rush to the bathroom to throw up.

Yibo was close behind him , he saw that his face was red and looked like he was holding his breath to a point where his face reddened. He saw how he was about to vomit but try so hard to stop himself. In the bathroom, Zhan kneeled down and threw up into the toilet bowl. Yibo was behind him soothing his back while running his hand up and down his back, he was so worried about him. When Zhan was done, Yibo helped him up and took him to the basin to rinse his mouth and wash his hands since they were the ones that disgusted him.

Yibo helped him wash them with soap and took him to sit on the bed afterwards. He asked if he was fine and Zhan's answer was the same the entire time, he was worried and angry, but he knew he could not sleep infornt of Zhan if his mind kept telling him that Zhan had betrayed him. He put fixed the sheets for him before he walked toward the door, and he was about to open the door when Zhan spoke and said...

"Yibo.. please stay...I need you, I think I'm not feeling well. Please stay with me, I promise I won't touch you if you don't want to."

"Zhan gē, can you not see the anger I'm trying to hide from you right now..? I can't keep this in much longer cause them I'm gonna take it all out on you."

"You mean to say that there's nothing I can say or do to make you forgive me.?"

"(Sigh) No! Not right now No!"

"Not even when I tell you  I'm pregnant..?"

Yibo felt like the last part was jumbled up and that he only caught the unclear word tones which he didn't even know what they meant. He knew that Zhan was talking Chinese but he thought he was hearing another language. He thought that maybe it was Korean, or maybe Japanese, cause there was no way Zhan said what he thought he said. Yibo was facing the door when Zhan said that, making him freeze in place.  What did Zhan say..? Did he hear right.? He was even scared to ask him to say it again. Scared of the dissapointment of hearing wring words  and not the ones he thought he might have heard. Not the words he longed to hear from Zhan, he wanted to keep it at that. But there was no need for that cause Zhan repeated his words, realising that Yibo was still in disbelief.

"I rushed out this morning cause I wanted to go get checked up. I didn't want to say anything and bring your hopes up for nothing. I know how much you want kids, and I made a decision to make your wishes come true. I'm sorry for lying and for not telling you about it sooner, I will never do anything like that again, I promise. "

The room became silent again when Zhan stopped talking. There was no other sound in the bedroom and Yibo could only hear his heartbeat. It was so loud that he felt like he would collapse if he didn't sit down. He turned around slowly, and weakly, and when he faced Zhan, tears were already down his cheeks. He was crying silently at the news he had just heard, those years were of happiness, but in the midst of all that..there was still a little bit of anger from what Zhan had done with his friend that day.

He walked over to Zhan, his blurry eyes never leaving Zhan's and he sat down on the bed. He looked at Zhan's clothes and blanket covered stomach, wiped his tears clean and with a clear vision, he look at Zhan and told his hand in his. He took a few deep breaths to calm his fast beating heart, he took Zhan's hand and placed it against his heart. Zhan was looking at him this whole time and the only time he averted his eyes was right at that moment. He looked at his hand against Yibo's heart and he realised that it was beating way faster than it should.

He got scared for him cause he thought he would pass out, but Yibo smiled looking at him. Continuing his actions slowly, he put his other hand on Zhan's stomach , trying not to press hard. He felt content just by putting it there and he smiled. Right in the midst of his happiness, he thought about something and he voiced it out since he was concerned. Even so, he was nervous to ask Zhan what he was worried about

"Zhan gē, are...are you still going to play that role in the new drama..?"

" I asked Jake about it this morning and he said if I want to continue with it, I would have to be extra careful cause it might cause problems, especially the fighting scenes."

" so..? Are you doing it or what..?"

"Yibo it's still early to talk about it now, I'm only two weeks pregnant. At this stage I can't even feel the bay inside me, just the symptoms. I don't know...let me think about it first."

"Okay. So...what did Jake say..? He must have told you that we must stop having sex right..? I think he's right, we'll hurt the baby."

"No! He never said that only that I should be careful in everything I do cause my body was never meant to carry a baby cause I'm a man. I also have to go for a check up every two weeks to check if  the baby's growing up well. He never said anything about not having sex."

"Well I think we should stop, I don't want my baby to get hurt all because of my recklessness."

"What..? Yibo..what do you think made this baby..?"

"My sperm of course."

" Then don't you think the baby will need your sperm to grow well since it was the one that created the baby..?"

"Zhan gē, I did biology in school ok, I also took some biology classes in addition to my courses. There's no way the baby will need my sperm to grow, it's not a plant but a human being ok.."

"Ok.. then let me tell you this, I'm never stopping, okay..why did you think I went to check in the first place..? I enjoy having sex with you, but it doesn't mean I would want to do it constantly like I've been doing these days. I can't seem to get enough of you, I crave you every single time and even right now I want you so deep inside of me that I think that my very hard Zhan junior is gonna busrt into many pieces because of how painful it's becoming and if you–.."

" Whoa! Zhan gē, slow down...ibcsnr even hear what you're trying to say. Listen...if you crave anything to eat just let me know okay, I will personally go buy it. "

" Are you heading what I'm saying Yibo..? I said ...the only thing I crave right now is you. Jake told me it's pretty normal to feel that way, and he said sex downst have anything to do with the pregnancy unless if there comes a point where it needs to be stopped because of the dangers the pregnancy might be in. But I'm fine for now and we don't need to stop."

"No Zhan gē, I don't wanna do it right now, it's too early. We'll see when you're at least five months old."

"WHAT...?? Tell me you're kidding me Yibo..!! There no way I'm waiting that long."

"It doesn't matter what you say, I'm the one holding the action remember..? Besides...I'm still mad at you !"

"I thought you forgave me"

"Not yet, I still can't calm my anger down. What I know is that you're not getting anything tonight and that's final. I'm only beeing nice talking to you cause I don't wanna be mad at my baby. So no activity, until further notice!"

"How can you be so cruel, just feel me right now, I want you so bad that I think I'm going crazy. Please Yibo...just one round is enough for today."

"No...I might end up pouncing you so hard that it might affect my baby"

"Can you stop it..!! Why do you have to be such a dick about it...jeez..."

" Wait...! Zhan gē...what did you just say...?"

"Exactly what you heard.!!"

Zhan was genuinely upset about how Yibo was talking about pouncing and how hard he would do it that it got him more turned on. He even said things he didn't even realise he was saying. Zhan was never comfortable with swearing but right at that moment, he used the word that he had never used before. He was still oblivious even when Yibo was staring at him with his eyes wide. After thinking for a second, Yibo smirked, got up and went straight for the door. He opened it and got outside and closed it, he left Zhan still sitting on the bed looking at the closed door. Was Yibo going to sleep in the guest room like he wanted to..? Zhan thought, he started to feel sad as tears pricked his eyes, he laid on the bed and tried to sleep while tears were already dripping onto the pillow.


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