By BangtanArmies

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Alpha - Blooming Flowers - Chapter 1
Alpha - Phone Number - Chapter 2
Alpha - Aftertaste - Chapter 3
Alpha - Squabble - Chapter 4
Alpha - Checkmate - Chapter 5
Alpha - Adult Love - Chapter 6
Alpha - The Riddle - Chapter 7
Alpha - Mind Games - Chapter 8
Alpha - The Protagonist - Chapter 9
Alpha - Carrot Cake - Chapter 10
Alpha - The Corset - Chapter 11
Alpha - Dark Flames - Chapter 12
Alpha - Midnight Rain - Chapter 13
Alpha - The Pervert - Chapter 14
Alpha - Hot SSAM - Chapter 15
Alpha - Poisonous Prick - Chapter 16
Alpha - The Wilderness - Chapter 17
Alpha - Problematic Man - Chapter 18
Alpha - First Blood - Chapter 19
Alpha - Poisonous Intimacy - Chapter 20
Alpha - Fair Trade - Chapter 21
Alpha - Silent Killer - Chapter 22
Alpha - Unscratched - Chapter 23
Alpha - A Goddess - Chapter 24
Alpha - Wild Card - Chapter 25
Alpha - Murder Trial - Chapter 26
Alpha - Beautiful Woman - Chapter 27
Alpha - Parallel Lines - Chapter 28
Alpha - Glass Heart - Chapter 29
Alpha - The Curse - Chapter 30
Alpha - Double Edged - Chapter 31
Alpha - Creams & Crumbs - Chapter 32
Alpha - Cursed Child - Chapter 33
Alpha - Lone Wolf - Chapter 34
Alpha - Fire Bird - Chapter 35
Alpha - Blood Thirst - Chapter 36
Alpha - A Snowflake - Chapter 37
Alpha - Light & Shadow - Chapter 38
Alpha - Inner Warmth - Chapter 39
Alpha - Invisible Bruises - Chapter 40
Alpha - Counter Attack - Chapter 41
Alpha - The Prophecy - Chapter 42
Alpha - Divine Offering - Chapter 44
Alpha - Red Petals - Chapter 45
Alpha - Cotton Candy - Chapter 46
Alpha - Cruel World - Chapter 47
Alpha - The Untamed - Chapter 48
Alpha - A Mother's Sacrifice - Chapter 49
Alpha - Love Greed - Chapter 50
Alpha - Our Fairytale - Chapter 51
Alpha - Translucent Porcelain - Chapter 52
Alpha - The Apocalypse - Chapter 53
Alpha - Child Support - Chapter 54
Alpha - Power Burden - Chapter 55
Alpha - Everlasting Legacy - Chapter 56
Alpha - Winter Storm - Chapter 57
Alpha - White Lies - Chapter 58
Alpha - Backup Plan - Chapter 59
Alpha - Souls Ascension - Chapter 60
Alpha - Blue and Grey - Chapter 61
Alpha - Autumn Leaves - Chapter 62
Alpha - Love Debt - Chapter 63
Alpha - Winter Breath - Chapter 64
Alpha - Love Affairs - Chapter 65
Alpha - Internal Wounds - Chapter 66
Alpha - Cursed Flame - Chapter 67
Alpha - Predator & Prey - Chapter 68
Alpha - Disgraceful Existence - Chapter 69
Alpha - Our Love Story - Chapter 70

Alpha - Death Angel - Chapter 43

203 18 82
By BangtanArmies

Sora's POV

"First lady~! You didn't have to- Aigo~! We're so ashamed of our drunken behavior!" Assistant Cha gasped in shock as I piled the freshly baked dessert on her table. Taehyung lost the bet, and I don't want to make false promises, especially when the staff is wary of my presence, so I baked it for them.

"Omo! You made so much?! We were only joking!" Assistant Ri apologetically bowed again after realizing the bag was packed with desserts.

"Please share it with the other departments-"

"What's with the fuss?" Taehyung dawdled, cooly strolling into the private lobby with Secretary Yoon, who was somewhat surprised by my unannounced visit.

"Our first lady baked dessert-"

"Really?!- My lady! You didn't actually take our jokes seriously?! Aigo~! It must've been a burden for you~! We'll make sure to eat the cakes and appreciate your efforts in tears~! I'm so touched by your kind gesture~!" Secretary Yoon funnily teased as he peeked inside the massive bags and bowed at me.

"I'm a person of my word," I chuckled. Taehyung dimmed his eyes at the bags loaded with paper boxes decorated with neat ribbons and glanced at me suspiciously.

"Inside my office, now," Taehyung ordered, strolling past me.

The assistants and the secretary happily unloaded the boxes on their desks, so I gripped my handbag that was strapped over my shoulder and entered the office after Taehyung as he took off his suit to hang it on the coat hanger. He nodded to beckon me forward and sternly sat at his desk. What's with his bossy attitude...? I unsurely stood before his desk with my hands gripped over my handbag.

"What did you make me sign the night I was drunk?" Taehyung asked with his eyebrow lifted.

"W-What?" I pursed my lips. Heart... thumping hard against my chest.

"I thought it was a dream. But there were ink stains on my hands after I woke up. What did you make me sign, Sora?" Taehyung pressed, frowning from his seat. I gripped my handbag nervously as he sternly stared at me from behind his organized desk with his hands clasped under his chin. Sighing in defeat, I opened my bag, pulled out a file, and placed the paper on his table. Taehyung lowered his gaze to the document with his eyebrows furrowed.

"You promised to make me your... assistant," I shrugged. Taehyung examined the messy scribble on the work contract.

"That's not how I sign my name. Did you fabricate my signature?" Taehyung scoffed, looking up at me in disbelief. I glanced at the obvious replication of his signature and back at him.

"Y-You w-were drunk! You couldn't perfect your signature..." I shrugged, defensively frowning at him. Taehyung bitterly grabbed the paper, crumpled it between his palms, and tossed it into the trash.

"How dare you take advantage of-"

"Hey! That's not fair! Give it back-"

"You making me sign a work contract when I'm intoxicated is a crime, Sora! I can sue you!" Taehyung grimaced. I bit my lower lips upon his disapproving stare.

"Whatever! I'm leaving! You're so annoying!" I huffed, attempting to walk away. I have to leave before he reads my mind with his supernatural power!

"The interview is tomorrow at noon. If you want the position, then show up. Don't try to cheat your way through just because we're close," Taehyung exhaled. I halted by the door and turned to frown at the man as he leaned back against the chair with his hands clasped together.

"We're not close," I muttered, coldly turning around to leave Taehyung's office. The secretary and assistants excitedly chatted with me in the lobby, so I stayed back briefly to speak with them and finally left the building to return home.

A moment later.

I paced back and forth in the penthouse living room with the printed interview questions and answers I found online, restlessly chewing my nails as I attempted to memorize the script. Yangcha quietly watched me in confusion while munching the cake I made for him.

"Noona. You'll get dizzy if you keep pacing like this," Yangcha chuckled with the spoon in his mouth. I grimaced and slumped beside him with the towel over my damp hair. This is frustrating! I can't memorize every single interview question overnight!

"Stupid jerk," I grunted as Yangcha curiously leaned over to peek at the paper. He's really heartless! I thought he'd be lenient with me because of his past mistreatments!

"You're applying for a job...?" He lifted his gaze to me in surprise while chewing the cake on the side of his cheek.

"Taehyung is selecting a personal assistant at his fintech corp," I nodded without looking away from the paper. Yangcha unsurely shifted his gaze to the list of questions and back to me.

"You want to work with him? Despite your past with him?" Yangcha muttered while jabbing the cake on the plate.

"It doesn't matter anymore. I don't want to live my remaining life dwelling on the past," I muttered as I read through the detailed answers with a concentrated frown.

"I see," Yangcha chewed the cake quietly.

I blinked out of my cluttered thoughts and glanced at the alpha once I noticed his strange silence to find him staring blankly at the half-eaten cake. He's usually chatty, so it's rather obvious when he's upset about something.

"Wae? Is the cake not delicious?" I asked, nudging Yangcha's shoulder, causing him to snap out of his thoughts.

"Huh? N-No. It's good. Of course, it's good," Yangcha shrugged, glancing at me and back at the cake with a downcast expression.

I lowered my head to examine his face... but he intentionally looked away to avoid our eye contact. I can't believe he's sulking? Did he expect me to stay home with him 24/7? My mother will kill me for being useless! I reached over to brush my thumb over the cream stain on his lips. Yangcha immediately looked up at me, startled by my touch. I pressed the cream on my thumb against my lips to taste the flavor I wiped off him, causing the alpha to stiffen against the cushion. He's easily flustered by my deviant behavior. It's adorable.

"You're really... cute when you're grumpy," I chuckled, scooting closer to him. Yangcha intensely stared at me as I sucked my thumb until a hint of redness flushed over his cheeks. I grabbed the plate from his hand, sliced the cake with the spoon, and lifted it towards his lips.

"Ah," I opened my mouth. Yangcha blinked and opened his mouth as I instructed, so I pushed the cake into his mouth. He quietly ate and lowered his gaze to the cake again.

"Did you bake for Kim Taehyung?" Yangcha asked, lifting his gaze to me.

"Nope. Only for the employees because I made a promise. Why? You're against me working with Taehyung?" I chuckled, fondly watching him chew the cake with a brooding pout. So that's why he's unhappy?

"Of course not. You can do whatever you want," Yangcha shrugged.

"Then why are you sulking? Jealous much...?" I questioned, curiously leaning forward, but was cut short when Yangcha grabbed my face and leaned forward to press his flavorful lips against mine. I groaned in distress as he chuckled against my lips, purposely smearing the cream on my lips. Yangcha pulled away, took the plate from my hand, and fed himself as I licked the cream off my lips with a slight smile.

"You're going to marry me. Why would I be jealous?" Yangcha shrugged as he shoved the remaining cake into his mouth. I nodded in agreement, gently lifting my arm to run my fingers over the visible scar on his scalp.

"You're a very secure man," I smiled. Yangcha might be vulnerable at times, but he's a confident man.

"I have to be the best of the best to secure your heart. And I did. That makes me the best, right?" He shrugged with a cute smile. I softly chuckled while tracing my hand over his earlobe, briefly leaning forward to peck his cheek. I can't seem to keep my hands off him. What's happening to me...? I've never been this touchy with my lover, but I like him so much... that I can't seem to maintain the gap between our bodies.

"No one can replace you," I assured.

Yangcha faintly beamed in delight at my statement and happily scraped the plate clean. The alpha got up to wash the dishes as I sat on the couch to revise the interview question. He eventually brought a blanket into the living room, carefully crawling onto the couch with me. So I laid down beside him and turned on my side to skim the paper as Yangcha settled behind me with his warm body aligned against my back.

"I love you," Yangcha whispered, gently kissing my shoulder while eyeing the paper in my hands, so I turned my head that was cushioned over his bicep to give him a quick peck on his lips.

Yangcha happily kissed my cheek while hugging me against his chest as I rested on my side, facing away from him. He switched on the television and quietly watched the movie without bothering me further.

I finally dropped the paper onto the carpet, ultimately surrendering to my hazy mind after failing to make sense of the contents. I give up. This is too complicated. Deeply inhaling, I pulled the blanket to my chest while watching the film on the screen. Yangcha switched off the living room lights with the remote once he noticed I wasn't revising anymore and interlaced his fingers with mine over the blanket to hold me.

We quietly watched the move while lying down on our sides as he softly breathed against my ear, kissing my head now and then... until I giggled at the ticklish sensation. The main character funnily chased their children in a playground, causing us to chuckle at the comedic interactions. That's a very cozy family. I wish I was raised with so much affection. Yangcha gently rubbed my knuckles as I rested sideways on his firm bicep until I grew a bit sleepy... so I turned away from the TV to hug his neck instead. Yangcha patted my head with his eyes glued to the screen.

"You've grown a bit of a beard. Should I shave it for you?" I muttered while observing the short roots over his chin, which was merely a few inches from mine. Yangcha didn't respond and kept his gaze past me, calmly watching the movie while massaging my scalp with his fingers.

"Our children should take after you," He muttered, drifting his fond gaze to me.

"Children?" I smiled while stroking his firm jaw as we lay under the blanket. Why is he suddenly bringing it up?

"Oh. Our children should take your family name," Yangcha nodded, gently lowering his face to kiss my lips.

"They should take after their father. What are you talking about?" I chuckled, pulling away to scan his sleepy expression. He shook his head and pulled me closer to snuggle against my face while rubbing my upper back with his palm.

"My name is a disgrace. I'm not a father figure they would be proud of," He muttered. I grew hushed, quietly rubbing his prickly hairlines just above his nape until he let out a deep exhale and closed his eyes. Yangcha appeared dispirited by his own claim. Would they be proud of him?

"I'm proud of you," I whispered. Does it matter? I'm not bothered by the dirt on his name. Yangcha opened his eyes at my statement, carefully shifting his head back on the cushion to observe my face with a faint smile.

At the end of the day, I still have my family around me. But Yangcha? He has no one. Only me.

He can't even return to his grandparents without putting them at risk. How did he endure the hardships alone? Perhaps... it's not because he doesn't want to take proper care of himself but because he lost his purpose in life?

Yangcha tried to ruin himself because he was guilty of his crimes. He was punishing himself until we met again. And suddenly, he had the will to live again. And so did I. Yangcha had entirely towed me out of my misery. And despite being younger than me... he's much more mature and has brought out the best in me, but not to please the world. I am a better person for myself because of him.

"A bad person like me? You're a convincing liar but I believe your every word because I'm a sucker for you~!" He teased. I scoffed, firing him a playful glare.

"We're both bad to other people! But good for each other!" I shook my head. Yangcha chuckled and lowered his face to kiss me again, so I gently smooched him as he rubbed my upper arm with his affectionate strokes.

"I can't believe I've gained the chance to hold you like this. Everything feels like a dream to me. You know? I wake up every day... feeling very frightened because... what if I wake up one day... and this is all a dream? And you're not in my arms? It's scary," He muttered.

"Should I hold you tightly in your sleep? So you won't wake up panicking? Like this? Can you bear it~?" I teased, tightly hugging his neck, causing Yangcha to groan as I playfully suffocated him with my arms. He softly chuckled and turned to lay on his back, gently pulling my body onto his. I giggled as he tightened his strong arms around my waist with a satisfied beam as I laid over him under the blanket.

We ended up... falling asleep after teasing each other with the small conversations on the couch in our peaceful home.

The Next Day before Noon.

"Jagi, are you ready~?" I called while putting on my shoes by the door. I have to attend the interview at Taehyung's firm. Yangcha's leaving the penthouse to work at a local courier service where he's employed to load goods for delivery.

"Why didn't you drink the milk? I poured it for you," Yangcha asked as he strolled out of the room to grab the mug from the counter in his casual clothes.

"Oh? It's mine? I thought it was for you," I chuckled as he handed it to me, so I drank from the mug as he bent down to pull on his work boots.

Yangcha straightened his back and took the mug out of my hands after I emptied it and left to place it away in the sink. I stepped out of the penthouse with his lunch box until he locked the door and followed me to the elevator. My driver arrived shortly at the building to pick us up and we left together. Yangcha grabbed the lunch bag to place it on his thighs as he held my hand over my lap.

"I can ask my mother to employ you at the tower. You don't have to heave heavy goods," I pouted. He's a skilled programmer. Why is he wasting his talents? Yangcha chuckled and shook his head.

"The corporation won't respond well to my presence. It's fine. I like labor work. It keeps me fit," Yangcha smiled as I leaned against his shoulder in the back seat of my personal car. He's avoiding the spotlight again... after I lost my position at Philanthropy.

"Make sure to finish your meal. I added a lot of broccoli and carrots for you. And take your health supplement, alright? We'll get you checked at the hospital later this week. And make sure to drink plenty of water! This wipe- use it before and after you eat to clean your hands," I muttered, unzipping the cute lunch bag to show him everything I packed inside.

"You even brought a towel?" Yangcha asked, weakly smiling at me.

"Use it to wipe your sweat. I'll wash it after I return home," I nodded, reminding Yangcha of his diet. He'll get sick again if I don't encourage him to eat well.

"I'm not a baby, you know~?" He cutely nudged my shoulder.

"You're my baby though," I shrugged, causing him to chuckle in disbelief. I smiled and zipped the bag for him again just as we arrived at a warehouse packed with staff and crates of goods. Yangcha quickly got out of the car with his lunch bag, so I followed him with a basket of premium quality pears as the middle-aged ahjussis and ajummas turned to stare at us.

"Noona. It's fine. I can-"

"No. I want to see your boss," I shook my head when he tried to convince me to leave the place. Yangcha pursed his lips and awkwardly bowed at the staff there.

"Yangcha! Aigo! You're here?! He's our new helping hand!" A middle-aged woman marched out of her office with a yellow cap over her head in her blue work vest to greet Yangcha.

"Anneonghaseyo, sajang-nim," Yangcha greeted the woman, who halted to eye my formal outfit and glanced at Yangcha's casual clothes before shifting her eyes to the driver waiting by my luxurious black car.

"Oh? Who's this pretty lady? Is she your sister?" A man chuckled, walking forward to greet us.

"Ah! Annyeonghaseyo! I'm his fiancée! Please take care of him! Oh- And I brought a little something!" I beamed, walking forward to offer the fruit basket to the woman.

"Oh?! Your fiancée?! She's so pretty!-"

"This is premium quality pear! You didn't have to bring it!" The woman gasped in surprise as she accepted the basket. I chuckled beside Yangcha as he shyly smiled at his senior colleagues.

"He's got big muscles! Aigo~! I won't have to heave as much anymore!" Another man teased as he stood beside a truck.

"I'll leave him under your care for now," I chuckled at the sweet elders as they praised Yangcha's well-built physique.

"Good luck with your interview," Yangcha smiled, turning to me. I tiptoed to give a soft peck, causing the ahjussis and ajummas to giggle at each other in excitement.

"Kids these days~! They're so affectionate~!" The boss chuckled. I patted Yangcha's arm and strode back towards the driver as he opened the door for me, so I waved at Yangcha to bid him goodbye. He beamed and waved back at me from the entrance. I drew out my phone to snap a picture of Yangcha while giggling by myself and finally entered the car.

"Ah~!" I softly grumbled while rubbing my belly when I felt an uncomfortable ache. I keep farting...? What's wrong with me? The driver took me back into the city center after I dropped off Yangcha until we arrived at the glass building. I thanked the driver and entered the building lobby alone but paused abruptly with my lips ajar once I noticed the stunning decorations.

The building was a massive glass house. The natural light source... beaming brightly through the UV-tinted roof and walls to illuminate the space with its natural glow. There was even a small artificial waterfall within the lobby. This definitely isn't Taehyung's taste. How did the alphas convince him to select this interior??? Gurgle. I groaned again, tearing my eyes away from the lovely decorations, and rushed towards the lobby bathroom. I quickly pushed an empty stall open, pulled down my panties from under my formal ankle-length A-line skirt, and sat down in a hurry to release my swelling discharge. Breep.

I pursed my lips in distress as the thick paste seeped out of my sore butthole. I clutched my aching stomach and lowered my head to endure the uncomfortable ache. Diarrhea?! At this time!?- Is it the milk?! I grimaced and sat on the bowl until I finally emptied my stomach, repeatedly flushed the toilet to prevent the nasty odor from spreading across the bathroom, and left the stall to wash my hands. Fuck.

I lowered my hands to rub my aching stomach, anxiously glancing at the time on my phone. I have 30 minutes left before the interview. Should I get medication? What if the diarrhea strikes again!? I quickly raced out of the building to a nearby pharmacy to grab medication for my uncomfortable stomach, frantically hurrying back over the busy streets until I was completely out of breath. Hah~!

"Annyeonghaseyo~! Are you one of the candidates?" A staff politely greeted me. I patted my wild hair strands to maintain a pleasant appearance.

Taehyung is the type to select a person with an exceptional first impression. That's why I made the effort to dress up appropriately for the interview. I nodded at my name on the list to confirm my attendance a minute before the time was up.

The man instructed me to stick my name tag on my shirt.

"Oh~?" I paused once I entered the waiting lounge to find crazy attractive women and men sitting and pacing around with their resumes. Oh? Was being pretty and handsome a requirement on the job recruitment notice? Everyone was so... appealing and prepared- I suddenly felt a little intimidated by their presence.

I pursed my lips and sat on an empty chair as people briefly glanced at me. They look like models. How are the women so slender and beautiful and the men so fit and handsome? I unsurely scanned the candidates. Taehyung's more picky than I anticipated. Maybe that's why he never liked it when I didn't dress well around him? Was I embarrassing him with my carelessness...?

"Did you hear? He's graduated from a prestigious university abroad and had even interned at the state's private technology center?" A random woman sitting across from me giggled while nodding at a man in the corner of the room, dressed in a navy suit with silver frame glasses hooked over his high nose bridge. The women within the room were eyeing him eagerly. He's really handsome. Just like one of those hot CEOs in the dramas.

"He has potential," I nodded uneasily as the woman with pretty doe eyes and short black hair smiled at me. She's pretty too. Just like a doll.

"That's the former model from X agency. She's a beauty with a brain. Her parents are successful surgeons," The woman nodded at the tall model with a neat bun. I glanced at her high black heels and glanced at my medium heels unsurely. Should I have dressed up better? I thought I looked appealing, but damn... I think... I might've underestimated the candidates- I hugged my stomach again as it stirred sorely. Fuck. Why isn't the medication working?!

"May I have your attention, please? The program will begin shortly. Please leave your documents behind and follow me to the trial center," A man appeared to announce the beginning of the interview.

"Oh?- But what about our resume? Aren't they inspecting it?" The woman before me muttered in confusion. The candidates glanced at each other unsurely and placed their documents away. I got up from the chair, followed everyone out of the lounge... and we strolled together through a narrow corridor. What is he testing us on? Taehyung didn't tell me anything! Why is he so rigorous!? I'm not prepared at all!

"I heard the founder is a handsome man from the wealthiest family!" Someone excitedly whispered.

"He's not checking our background? Wae? Are they picking the candidate based on looks?" Someone else muttered. The model smirked and pridefully walked forward until the staff opened the door for us. Looks!? Seriously? I won't stand a chance!

"Huh...?" The crowd muttered in confusion as I squeezed in between the pack to make my way to the front... but halted in confusion once I found myself standing in a massive kitchen filled with fruits and bags of flour. The crowd frowned and glanced at each other in bewilderment. This isn't the environment... I expected.

"The founder is here. Best of luck!" The man smiled at us and stepped aside as the leading Kim's heir strolled out from the back door in his fitted black suit. I felt the crowd... tensing up as he stopped before the nervous candidates with an empty expression. I weakly smiled and tried to catch his attention, but Taehyung looked past me without acknowledging my presence. How... rude.

"The candidate has an hour and a half to craft your best dessert. That's the only trial, and the final candidate will be selected after I perform the taste test," Taehyung announced. I widened my eyes as the crowd gasped in shock. Huh!? Did I hear him correctly?!

"Wait- So we're supposed to-"

"Yes. One of my requirements is for the assistant to have exceptional cooking skills. A person can easily be trained to perform technical work, but cooking requires those with natural skills. Do your best," Taehyung nodded blankly. The crowd suddenly grew anxious as a few staff entered the room to guide the puzzled candidates. This is unbelievable! The model frowned in disbelief as she restlessly grimaced at Taehyung, who stood motionless at the center of the kitchen.

"The ingredients are available, and all the tools are placed on the racks," The staff announced. Is this a MasterChef competition?! I quickly glanced at the basket of fresh fruits and back at Taehyung in disbelief. He didn't look in my direction and stood calmly with his hands clasped together.

"I'm screwed," A man beside me lowered his face in disbelief. Many candidates... were taken aback by the trial. They were instantly defeated upon the request to bake for the founder.

"You may begin," The man announced. I quickly pulled the fresh apron over my head, tied it behind my back without hesitation, put my hair into a neat bun, and quickly raced towards the fruit basket to grab a small bowl of fresh strawberries.

Did he do this so I could easily win the competition? I smiled and grabbed the eggs, butter, flour, whipped cream, and all the necessary ingredients. The room suddenly bustled with loud clatters as the crowd picked out their desired components. I set off to work with my ingredients until the noisy world faded into the back of my mind. I can do this! Hah! Taehyung isn't so bad after all!

Taehyung sternly wandered around the busy kitchen to oversee his candidate's efforts as a handful of the attendees groaned with sore frowns due to their cluelessness as others passionately performed their work with happy smiles. Only half of the candidates seemed to know how to bake... while the other half unsurely glanced at each other.

"Candidates may leave if they wish to abandon their mission," Taehyung announced, suddenly stopping by my table. But he didn't look at me and glanced at the others with his piercing cold stare.

A few people sighed in defeat and left through the door before the time was up, but I didn't bother and blended the cream in the metallic bowl after I shoved the cake pan in the oven to fluff up the dough. I quickly placed the whipped cream aside and added pink dye while reaching out for my strawberries- but halted with a slight panic attack once I sensed something abnormal about the weight of the bowl. Why is the bowl so light...? My eyes widened in horror... the instant I averted my eyes to find... an empty bowl.

Where did my strawberries go?!!

I gasped and lifted my terrified face upward to find Taehyung leaning against the table with a few strawberries in his palm as he chewed the remaining fruit on one side of his cheek with his smug expression trained on the other candidates. Why did he eat my strawberries?! I angrily clutched the stainless whisk in annoyance while glaring at his ignorant behavior. He wouldn't look at me, but I knew he intentionally ruined my workflow with his outrageous interference. He's obviously enjoying my failure! Stupid man! Should I smack him with the whisk?! Ding.

I blinked out of my thoughts at the loud chime and took out the heated cake pan to place it on the table. What should I do now?! I quickly hurried back to the fruit basket... and to my horror... the strawberries were gone. Shit! I snapped my head towards Taehyung, who was curiously strolling around the kitchen to inspect the candidates with my strawberries. Ahhhh!? Can I curse at the fucking asshole!? I want to kill him! I grabbed the ripe bananas from the basket because it was the only ingredient left and hurried back to the table.

Thump! Thump! The candidates nearby lifted their heads with startled looks as I angrily chopped the stupid bananas with a kitchen knife. Stupid! Man...! I wish I could stab him like I'm stabbing the stupid banana! Argh!

I gritted and punctured the bananas on the chopping board until Taehyung appeared before my table again with his arms crossed. I glared at this smug expression as he smirked at me, so I gripped the knife, abruptly halting to narrow my eyes at his arrogant smile. Is he testing my patience? While I'm holding onto a sharpened kitchen knife?! He's gambling his life on my boiling temper right now!

"You wanna die?!" I mouthed, angrily frowning at him. He claimed I shouldn't cheat my way through, but he's the one disrupting my work!

Taehyung shrugged dismissively and walked away with a contented smile as I chased my deadly glare after him. Huffing in annoyance, I finally chopped up all the bananas and scraped them into the remaining batter in the mixture to blend with the butter. I have to restart everything! I quickly poured the thick paste into a rectangular pan and shoved it inside the oven again.

"Thirty minutes left," The man announced.

I clenched my jaw and glanced at the candidates to my sides. And to my surprise... the dude from the prestigious university was decorating a fancy Tiramisu on the plate. My jaw dropped at the impressive dessert. So I glanced around the room in a panic... and almost everyone that stayed behind was... making crazy... complicated recipes. Gulping, I glared at my plain banana bread in the oven in disbelief.

This is unbelievable! Why did he eat my fucking strawberries?! I huffed in frustration as I waited for the timer. Taehyung suddenly left the room, leaving the candidates to wrap up their work. I nervously chewed my nails with my eyes fixed on the banana cake with a slight frown. I need to think of something new! But I'm too frustrated to even focus at this point! Ding.

I quickly flung open the oven- and grabbed the heavy tray to slam it on the table, causing the dude beside me to jerk at the loud clatter as I quickly cut out a piece of the steaming banana bread in a square shape to place it on the small plate. Fuck! It's hot!

"Time's up! You may bring your dessert to his office on the highest floor," The man announced.

The man beside me smirked at my pathetic piece of banana bread, lifted his dessert, and walked off with the other candidates. I pursed my lips while frowning at the syrup and jam on the table. I have to do better! I will not lose to him! Especially not when he's provoking me like this! I quickly slid the piece of banana bread in half, added strawberry jam to the bread, and pasted a bit of cream before jamming the bread shut like a sandwich.

I grabbed a spoon and hurriedly raced out after everyone else... but I was the last to reach the packed elevator. The candidates took the available lifts and I was left... alone... waiting in the lobby because of the crammed compartment. I grimaced at the elevator number on the screen and glanced at the rising elevator. Fuck it. I won't make it on time if I wait for another lift. I quickly raced up the stairs in my uncomfortable heels. Clack! Clack! Clack!

"Ahhhhh~!" I whined in annoyance once my stomach growled in pain again. Grimacing... I hugged my stomach with one arm while climbing the stairs until I was out of breath. I need to take a dump again! Fuck- I quickly rushed into a random floor to search for the toilet with the plate of banana bread.

"Can you look after this for me!? Just for a moment!" I gasped after bumping into a man in the corridor. He grabbed the plate with a startled expression but didn't get a chance to speak, so I wildly pushed him aside and hurried inside the toilet as the swelling shit pushed against my clenched butt muscles- BREEEEP!

The explosive diarrhea trickled from my throbbing butthole again... immediately after I sat on the bowl. I grunted with sweat beads over my head as I perched on the toilet while tapping my heels over the floor to concentrate on the unsteady flow until I felt like fainting from the persistent diarrhea attack. I'll be late at this rate. I groaned softly and leaned my head against the stall wall with my eyes closed.

I finally wiped the sweat off my forehead after about five minutes of enduring the continuous explosive diarrhea, cleaned my butt with the automatic sprinkler, flushed the toilet, and thoroughly washed my hands in the sink before stepping out of the bathroom to find the man leaning against the wall with the plate. I halted once he looked up at me awkwardly.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Min Yoongi as he held the plate with both his hands.

"What do you mean? This is my workplace," He muttered. Right. He's a part of the Taehyung start-up project.

"Where's my banana cake?!" I shrieked, widening my eyes in disbelief once I noticed the absence of my bread.

"Taehyung passed by earlier. He grabbed the bread with his napkin and left..." Yoongi awkwardly shrugged. I whined in distress. Kim Taehyung!!!!!! I snatched the empty plate from Yoongi's hand without thanking the alpha... and stormed off with my eyebrows furrowed. I'm going to complain! He's too much, really!

"I will kill that stupid man!" I screeched, angrily punching the elevator screen. The compartment finally arrived on the floor, so I rushed inside and ascended to the top floor... to find the candidates waiting outside the door with anxious looks as Taehyung remained in his office. I will fucking smash the plate against his fucking head!- Did he think this is entertaining?!- Ah- Ah~! I'm very nauseous.

"Everyone may enter," The secretary informed, finally opening the door, so I grimaced and followed everyone inside the room with my empty plate. Should I shit on the plate? And offer it to him?! That's not a bad idea. The supreme alpha premium quality shit is definitely an extraordinary recipe. The candidate anxiously gathered inside the room as Taehyung sat on the couch after performing his taste test, leaving the plates scattered on the coffee table. I dimmed my eyes at his smug expression.

"Not bad. You're all exceptionally talented," Taehyung approvingly smiled at the anxious crowd. I glanced at the leftover cakes on every plate after he had a bite of all the desserts. Except mine. Did he throw my banana bread away...? I glared at him in annoyance.

"Is this it? You'll pick the candidate after tasting the cake?" The model frowned at the founder.

"I've already chosen my personal assistant," Taehyung nodded.

"Would you like to announce the winner?" The secretary smiled at the founder as he gazed at the various creative desserts on the table.

"The empty plate is the winner," Taehyung announced. Everyone halted at his words with their keen eyes on the table as the crowd scanned the leftover desserts unsurely.

"But you haven't finished any of the treats...?" The prestigious university guy uneasily glanced at Taehyung. The crowd glanced at each other in confusion. I halted in realization... slowly lifting the empty plate... before my bulging eyes in shock. Wait-

"Omo... Where is your dessert?" The woman from earlier nudged me as I stared at the circular plate without blinking. Everyone turned to look at me as I gawked at the dish on my palm with a stunned expression.

"M- My banana jam bread-?" I stuttered, lifting my face to stare at Taehyung in disbelief.

"Your plate is empty, isn't it?" Taehyung asked blankly. I glanced at my plate again with my lips ajar as the crowd froze in their place.

"I'm the chosen candidate?!" I gasped, snapping my bulging eyes back at Taehyung. HAH?!

"Your bread got my napkin dirty," Taehyung nodded, lifting the strawberry jam-stained napkin to show me.

The woman beside me clasped her hands over her lips, startled by my unexpected victory. I suddenly broke into a bright grin when the crowd applauded and cheered for me, causing the secretary to chuckle weakly. I gripped the empty plate with a wide smile... as if it was my prized possession... and glanced at Taehyung to find him... smiling at my dumbfounded reaction.

He was teasing me!

A moment later.

I slowly limped out of the firm on my swollen ankle due to the friction burn after racing up the flights of stairs to reach Taehyung's office with my plate. The founder eventually dismissed the candidates and sent them home with appreciation gifts. The candidates congratulated me with sincerity, so I chatted with a few of them and finally strolled out into the opening to wait for my driver until... a familiar black car rolled by the sidewalk.

"Hop in. I can't step out, or the staff will recognize me," Taehyung slightly rolled down his window to invite me in. I nodded, cautiously limped around the car to open the door and slipped inside in difficulty.

"Thank you," I grumbled while buckling my seatbelt as Taehyung steered the wheel and drove forward. He glanced at my bleeding ankle and bitterly looked forward.

"You wouldn't stand a chance against the candidates if I followed the standard procedure," He shrugged, steering the wheel to the side.

"I thought you were against me working for you," I mumbled. Taehyung ate all the strawberries!

"I need someone to care for me when I'm too busy working," He shrugged, stopping by the traffic light, and leaned back with his eyes trained on the intersection.

"That's why you chose me?" I asked.

"Yeah. Even if your dessert was the most basic. I'm more used to you... and I don't feel like hiring a stranger to follow me around. You know my habits and needs... so I don't have to waste my time training you to attend to me," He bitterly shrugged. I pursed my lips and glanced at my hands.

"Basic?! You ate my strawberries!" I whined, grimacing at him.

"At least you won! Stop whining! You asked for work- and I gave it to you- so you better keep your annoying pouty lips sealed!" He snapped. I grimaced at his harshness and glared out the window as he drove forward again.

"So annoying..." I grunted under my breath.

"And what's the foul smell? Is it you?!" Taehyung scoffed, turning to frown at me while sniffing the odor in the air.

"I've been having diarrhea the entire afternoon!" I whined while hugging my sore stomach.

"Hah! You made me food after you shitted!?" He gagged in disgust. I glared at his annoying reaction.

"What?! Is your shit made of gold?! I washed my hands and even sanitized it with disinfectants!" I glared. Taehyung briefly fired me a sharp glare and drove me to the mansion. He insisted that I get treatment for my swollen ankle. The alpha effortlessly lifted me out of the car... carried me inside the empty mansion before setting me on his couch in his bedroom.

"Take a quick bath. I can't stand your reeking odor," He muttered before exiting his bedroom.

I grumbled in annoyance at his disgusted frown, entered his bathroom to shower as he demanded, and finally stepped out to find a set of new clothes on the bed. So I pulled on the formal dress until a nurse appeared with a tray of medical tools. I greeted her and sat on the couch as she knelt by my feet to treat the friction burn before bandaging my feet with soft cotton to secure my wound. She left afterward... just as Taehyung returned to his bedroom. He tossed a pair of faux fur slippers at my feet.

"Thank you," I muttered. Taehyung suddenly flung a homemade sweet rice cake box on my lap and strolled toward his desk to dig through his drawers. I smiled at the sweet rice cake until Taehyung placed the contract on the table with a pen.

"Read the terms and conditions and sign it. You'll start working for me tomorrow," Taehyung nodded. I grabbed the pen, signed the paper without hesitation, and pushed it towards him. Taehyung frowned at my dismissive behavior after I refused to read the contents.

"I don't need to read it," I shrugged.

"Are you sure? The work I require is quite intensive," Taehyung frowned.

"How bad can it get-"

"You have to prepare appetizers for me on demand. Pack a warm lunch for me daily and cook dinner if I work overtime-"

"WHAT!?" I snapped, sitting up in disbelief. Taehyung grimaced at my startled reaction as I sat with the sweet rice cake pressed against my lips. I quickly snatched the contract, but he was quicker. Snatch!

"I look forward to working with you," Taehyung smirked, snatching the file from under my fingers just before I touched it.

"Give it back!- Hey! That's unfair?! Why would I cook for you?!" I screamed in distress, but Taehyung possessively hugged the work contract and quickly got up to lock it away in his drawers.

"Oh yeah. You have to address me as your boss whenever we're at the corporation. No one shall find out we're related parties... so you must remain professional and prudent under all circumstances," Taehyung chuckled. I scoffed in disbelief with the sweet rice cake left unchewed in my mouth as I watched Taehyung organize his desk.

"Are you searching for an assistant?! Or a maid?! I'm not your slave! This is a scam!" I complained while glaring at him in disbelief.

"I'll deduct your salary every time you complain. It's all stated in the contract. You should've read the terms beforehand," Taehyung darted me a sly smirk. I pursed my lips with the sweet cake in my stuffed cheeks. Is he crazy?! I furiously grabbed the cushion from the couch and wildly swung it across the room. SMACK!

"YAH!?" Taehyung snapped in disbelief after the cushion hit his stupid cocky face and fell onto the desk.

"I bet you didn't specify that I can't throw a tantrum in the contract!" I poked out my tongue, quickly standing up with the box of sweet rice cake.

"You're unbelievable, really!" Taehyung snapped in annoyance. I made funny faces to mock him and limped out of the room in the fluffy slipper and the box of rice cake.

"I'm leaving, sir!" I waved, dismissively leaving the room without shutting the door. I heard Taehyung cursing from his room upon my childish attitude as I strolled the corridor and left the mansion with my driver. Did he think he could beat me!? I'll annoy him until he loses his sanity!

Third Person POV

Yangcha seized the heavy box with his gloved hands and effortlessly flung it into the truck before turning to haul another crate. The heavy sweat beads... dripping messily from his chin and soaking his white shirt as he tied his jacket around his hips. The ajummas giggled and nudged each other as they eyed his transparent abs through the wet fabric.

"Yah. Your girlfriend is super pretty. How did you meet her?" A chubby ajusshi asked as he stood in the truck to sort the crates.

"We met at our university," Yangcha responded.

"She seems well-off. Is she from a rich family?" A man his age chuckles as he helps the alpha lift the goods.

"Neh," Yangcha nodded.

"Of course she's rich! She has a personal driver! Even her skin complexion radiates the rich girl vibes!" An ajumma chuckles.

"She's so thoughtful! Didn't you see? She packed him a full meal, snacks, and even his supplement!" The boss lady agreed.

"Is she older than you? She seems to take on the role of your mother," The ajusshi on the truck chuckled.

"Neh. She's two years older than me," Yangcha nodded.

"Ohhhh! She's your noona?! Dayum! Yah- Are you dating her because she's wealthy?! You should be living a comfortable life, so why are you sweating your ass off here?!" The young man nudges Yangcha's shoulder out of excitement.

"Yah! Mind your words! She's obviously a pretty lady!" Ajumma scolded.

"I'm a bit useless, so this is the most suited job. My girlfriend doesn't mind," Yangcha chuckled.

"How'd you afford to marry her though?" Ajusshi asked curiously. Yangcha weakly smiled as he chatted with the average.

"Yangcha!" A familiar voice chirped, so he quickly turned at the slightest sound of her vocal to find the supreme alpha limping toward him in her slippers and casual dress. She beamed and waved at him with her usual pretty smile.

"She's so bright~!" Ajumma chuckled as she marched to her lover.

"What happened to your feet???" Yangcha asked, slightly widening his eyes in surprise once he noticed her limping on her left leg.

"Nothing! It's just my heels! Annyeonghaseyo~!" The supreme alpha greeted the staff there. Sora arrived an hour early to wait for him... so she ended up chatting with the average employee as he completed his work. Yangcha grimaced at her injury and finally excused himself from his duties after his work hour.

"Ah- Don't touch me. I'm too filthy~!" Yangcha slightly jerked his face away when Sora tried to peck his sweaty cheek. She pouted at his rejection while carrying his lunch bag as they walked toward her car. Yangcha opened the door for her.

"Did you finish everything?" Sora asked as they sat in the backseat while checking the empty lunch box to ensure he had finished his food.

"Of course I did," Yangcha nodded while dabbing his sweaty neck in the car. The supreme alpha smiled pridefully and held onto his dirty hand on their entire trip home.

A moment later.

"Noona! I'm seriously stinky right now-" Yangcha complained after they entered the penthouse. She wouldn't stop... trying to kiss him. Sora suddenly grabbed his cheeks, successfully planting her sweet kiss on his lips. He was caught off guard by the doorway. The alpha chuckled and gave in as she wrapped her arms around his sticky neck to deepen their kiss. The supreme alpha didn't mind holding onto her lover's sweat-drenched body.

"Go and shower. I'll prepare the meal for you," Sora poked his smudged nose.

Yangcha pecked her lips again while holding her waist and strolled away to shower in their bedroom. Sora softly hummed while washing his lunch box, threw out the snack bags before placing his towel away in the laundry, and finally prepared dinner for him. She eventually placed the hot meals on the coffee table in the living room as Yangcha strolled out in a set of pajamas. The supreme alpha left afterward to shower and returned to find her lover watching the TV while sitting on the carpet before the meal on the table, patiently waiting for her to join him.

"I told you not to wear those heels," Yangcha grimaced as he bitterly watched Sora limp with her blistering ankles. She shrugged and sat beside him in their matching couple teddy bear pajamas.

"It's fine. I won't have to dress up too much while working with Taehyung. He's lenient with me," Sora shrugged as she grabbed the chopstick to dig into the meal.

"You made it?" Yangcha asked.

"Yup. It was a baking contest," I nodded. The alpha pursed his lips and nodded as he ate beside his girlfriend.

"Did you go to his place?" Yangcha asked. Sora blinked and glanced at him.

"How did you know?" She smiled.

"You smelt like him earlier," Yangcha shrugged. He noticed her strange fragrance in the subtle wind current when she approached him earlier at the warehouse. She smelt like her ex-lover.

"I hurt my ankle badly after the intensive contest, so Taehyung took me back to the mansion to treat my ankle. I signed my work contract there and left afterward to pick you up," She informed.

"I see," Yangcha nodded, quietly averting his eyes away to eat the food. The supreme alpha dismissively ate her meal while watching the movie with Yangcha on the television. And they finally headed to bed after clearing the table. She finally exhaled and sat on the bed to rub her sore shin until Yangcha approached her with a cup of water and a few pills.

"Huh? What's this...?" Sora asked, unsurely looking up at her lover.

"For your stomach," He shrugged. Sora nodded and took the pills without hesitation before drinking water- but paused abruptly with the water in her mouth once she realized something. She shifted her suspicious gaze to Yangcha's guilty expression... cautiously... swallowing the remaining water to flush the pills into her system.

Sora's POV

"How did you know? I didn't tell you anything about my diarrhea," I muttered, frowning at Yangcha's awareness of my sickness. He pursed his lips, and carefully took the half-empty mug from my hand to place it on the nightstand before sitting beside me with his head lowered.

"I added laxatives... in your milk this morning," He pursed his lips, briefly glancing at me and back at his clasped hand as he sat beside me. I froze in my position with my eyes fixed on his guilt-ridden face. Slowly, I lowered my hand to rub my sore stomach. So that's why I had diarrhea all day...?

"Yangcha..." I sighed while staring at him with a slight frown.

"I'm sorry. I wanted you to fail his test. I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have done it," He muttered, lifting his tearful eyes to me. I bit my lips with a conflicted feeling.

"I asked if you were uncomfortable the other night, but you said-"

"I know. I didn't want you to spend time with Kim Taehyung. But I knew I didn't have the right to intervene because you are determined to work," He shook his head. Ah... What should I do? I'm not angry at him, but he's starting to worry me. Yangcha used medication to hinder me from attending the interview. It's not that big of an issue... but his constant... sneakiness is... troubling me. Did he really have to make me sick?

"I wouldn't have attended the interview if you told me not to, but I've already signed the contract," I sighed deeply.

"It's fine. I shouldn't stop you from doing your things. I only wanted to confess my acts because I felt sorry," He muttered. I dimly stared at his face as I leaned against the bed head.

"Will you speak to me the next time you're unsatisfied with something? We should communicate, or it'll be hard for me to understand you," I exhaled heavily.

Yangcha nodded and glanced at me with his puppy gaze. I quietly scanned his apologetic expression until he scooted forward to hug me. I would've been mad if I found out on my own that he used the medication to disrupt my day, but he confessed first. So... I shouldn't be upset. Right? I patted his back as he gripped my back.

"I'm sorry," He muttered.

"I'm not upset," I sighed heavily, gently pecking his cheek. Yangcha weakly smiled and kissed me, so I patted his face with a weak smile. We went to bed after the brief reconciliation. And I ended up falling asleep sooner than expected due to the medication.

Buzz. Buzz. I stirred under the blanket at the disturbing vibration over the nightstand. Buzz. Buzz. My phone vibrated again. I sleepily extended my arm to search for the screen to enable the do-not-disturb function, tossed my phone aside, and turned on the mattress to hug Yangcha, who was fast asleep beside me. I snuggled against his warm chest and closed my eyes- RING. RING. RING. My body jerked unconsciously at the blasting ringtone, so I frantically lifted my pillow to search for my phone in a panic. What the fuck-?! I grabbed it to mute the loud sound in horror before glancing at Yangcha, who stirred on the mattress with a slight frown. Shit! Did I wake him!?

Caller ID: Stupid Jerk.

"Why is he calling at this hour...?" I grumbled sleepily. 5:10 AM. Yangcha restlessly tossed and turned on the bed, so I slipped back down to hug his head and gently patted his shoulder until he drifted back to sleep. I sat up on the mattress again, crawled off the bed, and carefully strolled out of my bedroom.

"Why are you calling so early?" I grumbled after answering the phone as I slumped on the couch in exhaustion with my eyes closed.

"Yah! I have a schedule with the shareholders today! You better be ready by 6:00 AM!" Taehyung snapped. I frowned.

"What?! That's impossible-"

"6:30 a.m. is the longest I'll allow since it's your first day," Taehyung firmly stated, suddenly ending the call before I could complain. I grunted at his caller ID with a slight frown. What the fuck? My work day starts at 6:30 am...? Is he crazy!? Sighing heavily, I stood up and stretched before the dark city view before strolling into the kitchen to open the fridge. I have to cook Yangcha his breakfast and lunch.

A moment later.

The chicken soup steamed with its savory scent as I left it boiling on the stove while chopping the vegetables. Yawning sleepily, I dumped the chewable chunks into the pot and turned to stir the sour and sweet fried pork rib in the heated pan. I chopped up the apples, plucked the grapes, and peeled the tangerines with my eyes half-open.

Sighing for the hundredth time, I placed the steaming Kimchi pancake on the plate and settled it on the table before adding the leftover rice into another pan to make seaweed fried rice with scrambled eggs. And after an intense hour of cooking... I finally turned off the stove and thirstily drank a glass of water before packing the fruits in a box and placing them in the fridge to keep it cool. I settled the fried rice on the table with a cup of freshly squeezed celery juice.

"Noona...? What are you doing up this early?" Yangcha yawned, strolling out of the bedroom with his puffy eyelids. He scratched his head and sat down at the counter to stare at the early morning food in confusion.

"I have to leave early for work today, so pack your meals before you head out to work. Pour the chicken soup into the stew bottle. Pack some rice and bring the sweet and sour ribs- Oh. And the fruit is in the fridge, so don't forget it and take your supplements on time," I muttered while pointing at the empty soup container and lunch box beside the bag while packing a separate set for Taehyung. I quickly strolled out of the kitchen to shower, pulled on formal attire before putting my hair into a neat bun, and strode back out to find Yangcha sitting on the stool. He was chewing the fried rice and kimchi pancake with his eyes half open.

"Who are you packing for?" Yangcha nodded at the other lunch box.

"Taehyung," I muttered.

"Why are you cooking for him?" Yangcha lifted his face with a slight frown.

"It's a part of his contract terms," I shrugged as I placed a box of fruit in the other bag.

"Isn't that too much work?" Yangcha grimaced with his mouth half open. I grabbed the bag and rounded the counter to kiss his cheek before lifting his celery juice to take a sip.

"It's fine. Make sure to empty this, okay? I'll pick you up after your shift," I smiled, pushing the cup against his lips. Yangcha intensely stared at me as he sipped from the glass, so I placed the half-empty juice away and pecked his moist lips. I tried to walk away, but Yangcha grabbed my arm and pulled me onto his lap.

"I'm going to miss you," He grumbled, tightly hugging my waist. I chuckled and pecked his cheek again.

"I'll text you, okay? If possible- I'll call you," I smiled while patting his firm cheeks. Yangcha cutely whined and puckered his lips.

"Another kiss," He demanded. I giggled and lowered my face to kiss him again.

"I have to go," I smiled as he released me from his embrace.

"I'll see you soon," He nodded, so I strolled away with Taehyung's lunch box to put on my shoes by the door. Yangcha sadly watched me while sitting on the stool.

"You better pack everything! Don't be lazy! Send me a picture, okay?!" I reminded him again. Yangcha nodded, so I waved and left the penthouse, finally... hurrying down to the lobby until I noticed Taehyung waiting by his car.

"It's almost 7:00 a.m!" Taehyung scolded as I hurried towards him.

"I didn't know I was needed this early!" I argued. Taehyung glared at me as he held the door open, so I hopped into the passenger seat. He slammed the door shut and rounded the car to get into his driver's seat as I placed the lunch bag in the back seat.

"Your work starts at noon on Friday. 6:30 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday. You should be ready whenever demanded on my busy days," He grunted. I scoffed in disbelief.

"I don't remember you waking up this early for work?!" I snapped. Is he doing this on purpose to mess with me?!

"I completed the university course this year! I'm a full-time worker now! And you've been living in a different place! Of course, you wouldn't know!" Taehyung bickered, glaring at me in irritation.

I huffed under my breath and leaned back against the car seat in defeat. He took me to a nearby cafe for breakfast. We grabbed our drinks for the day before heading off to work. Well. We didn't actually go to the firm. Taehyung had to meet up with a few shareholders at a reserved suite at a fancy hotel to discuss the hiring of an independent auditor to prepare for the upcoming year-end financial statements.

"Your water... sir," I muttered while placing the glasses before Taehyung as he sat at the meeting table. He nodded and flipped through his files, so I smiled and stepped back.

"May I have a glass too?" A chubby man smiled.

"Of course," I smiled. Taehyung unsurely looked at the man and glanced at me... but I assured him it was alright and left to grab another glass before walking over to the man to place it for him when I suddenly felt his hand over my hips.

"Where did you find his beautiful young lady...?" The foreign shareholder smirked, causing me to tense up uneasily at his uninvited touch. Taehyung glowered at the man from his seat.

"Please do not touch her, or I'll have to ask you to leave the room," Taehyung firmly spoke. The man unsurely eyed the founder and released me, so I cleared my throat and walked back towards him. They can't know I'm the former Philanthropy founder... or there will be problems in Taehyung's corporation.

"Why? Is she your woman? I can see why you're protective of her," The man chuckled while examining my body with his disgusting male gaze. Taehyung clenched his jaw, darkly staring at the arrogant man.

"It's not that I'm protective of her, but a man must respect a woman. Her body is not an object you can freely roam. Please refrain from showcasing your inappropriate manners. Or I'll have to take legal action. No employees should be mistreated or taken advantage of. I do not tolerate problematic acts," Taehyung sternly lifted his eyebrow, causing the man to tense uneasily in his seat. The other shareholders bitterly eyed the man as I stood behind Taehyung's armchair.

"I'm sorry, sir," The man cleared his throat, resentfully shifting his gaze to me.

"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to my assistant," Taehyung ordered. The shareholder stiffened in his seat and glanced at me with an offended look.

"Do you expect me to apologize to a mere-"

"Just because she's a woman that works with men like you... doesn't make her any less worthy. Apologize to her. Now," Taehyung interrupted the man, causing the other shareholders to lower their heads in fear. The man clenched his jaw at Taehyung's intimidating gaze and averted his glowering eyes to me again. He wasn't pleased with the command.

"I'm sorry," He finally apologized. I didn't blink and stared at him with a poker face.

"Bring a chair and sit down. Your feet are still healing," Taehyung briefly glanced at me. I stared at him unsurely and glanced at the shareholders as they observed our interactions. Taehyung frowned at my uncertain reaction and sternly nodded at the empty chair.

"Yes, sir," I nodded, grabbing the chair to sit beside him. Taehyung exhaled at my obedience before averting his attention back to the files as the men within the room narrowed their eyes on me. What if they circulate... unnecessary rumors about us?

"Contact the listed firms to check for valid credentials and report to me," Taehyung pushed a file toward me. I grabbed the document with a startled expression.

"The firms we selected-"

"My assistant will do a background check first to prevent collusion," Taehyung firmly stated with his eyes fixed on the other file, so I glanced at the list of proposed audit firms and law consultants. The shareholders dimmed their gaze and glanced at me again after Taehyung granted me the power to oversee their proposal. I shrugged and highlighted the documents in silence as they discussed the other objectives at the meeting.

A moment later.

"I hope you have a wonderful day, sir," The men bowed at Taehyung by the doorway leading to the corridor as I carried the heavy files in my arms.

"Thank you," Taehyung nodded at the shareholders. I awkwardly stared at the men and tried to bow, but Taehyung abruptly grabbed my wrist to stop me with his eyebrows furrowed. He fired me the 'What are you doing?' look.

The man unsurely glanced at Taehyung as he blankly stared at me and carefully took the file out of my arms. I pursed my lips at the stiff shareholders and finally turned to leave with Taehyung until we arrived at his car. He opened the door for me, so I got in as Taehyung placed the files in the backseat and finally drove us back to the firm.

I fell into a brief nap during our ride... because I woke up too early this morning.

A moment later.

"I'll microwave the food," I informed Taehyung and hurriedly walked over to his private snack section at his fintech office to place the meals in the microwave.

Taehyung took off his suit while sitting on the couch to review the documents, so I took out my phone to find a few texts from Yangcha. It was the pictures of his packed lunch meals and a cute selfie of him on the bus ride to work. I sent him a heart emoji with an attached selfie of me- Beep. I quickly slipped the phone into my pocket, carefully grabbed the meal from the microwave, and hurried towards Taehyung to place it on the coffee table.

"Didn't you cook for yourself?" Taehyung asked, lifting his eyes to me in confusion.

"Is a lunch break not included in the contract?" I pursed my lips. Taehyung glanced at the steaming meal, lightly tossing the files aside.

"Share the meal with me. Cook two portions from now on. You'll be eating with me because I can't give you a lunch break. It's your mother's order to keep you close," He muttered. I pursed my lips and sat beside Taehyung.

"I'll just have the... chicken soup. You can have the meal and the fruits," I muttered, carefully blowing into the hot metallic container. Taehyung sighed and ate the meal beside me with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. We sat quietly without exchanging conversations.

"Thank you for the meal," Taehyung suddenly muttered to break the awkward silence.

"Why didn't you ask imo to cook the meals?" I asked curiously. Taehyung only eats food made by imo and rarely eats the food served by the corporation staff.

"I wake up early these days. She's getting old, so I figured I shouldn't burden her," Taehyung shrugged. I nodded while slurping the soup directly from the container.

"Thank you for defending me earlier," I muttered. Taehyung turned to stare at me while hovering his fork over the meal as he slowly chewed the food.

"I hired you to assist my needs, not to serve me or my men... so don't abide by another man's order. And definitely don't lower your head for them. You're the supreme alpha... and even if we're concealing your identity... don't kneel for anyone, even if it's an act. Just be you," Taehyung muttered. I stared at him with my lips pursed and finally glanced at the container with a slight smile. He did change. It's strange how... he's so... considerate these days. I guess... we're steadily growing and maturing as we age.

"Got it, sajang-nim~!" I giggled while staring at the container.

Taehyung shook his head at my playfulness and ate his food without another word. I ended up staying at the office to help him contact the firms via calls to book appointments with the professionals... and ultimately placed the company's phone down after endless inquiries with an aching head.

The secretary suddenly brought us packed meals after the sun set over the city, so Taehyung told me to eat at his office. I ate my dinner while skimming through the emails he asked me to send to the shareholders as he ate at his desk. Taehyung finally permitted me to head home after working overtime. He took me back to the penthouse after I asked him to stop by a Chinese restaurant to pack meals for Yangcha. 11:20 PM.

"Jagi~ I'm home!" I announced, pushing the door open expecting him to be in front of the TV screen, but the penthouse was dark. I pursed my lips and glanced at Yangcha's work boots on the rack.

"Is he still at work?" I mumbled. He hadn't sent me any texts after he told me he was heading home first because I was working overtime. Sighing, I placed the food package on the coffee table and strolled inside the room to find Yangcha sleeping on his side, facing the opposite wall in my dark room. I tiptoed to his side and gently tapped his shoulder to wake him... but Yangcha wouldn't budge and calmly breathed with his eyes closed.

"Hey. I brought you food," I whispered, trying my best not to startle him in his sleep.

Yangcha stirred with his eyes closed and turned to face the other side. Huh...? Yangcha is a very light sleeper though. Whatever. He must be exhausted. I sighed and strolled into the shower to take a quick bath, walked into the closet to put on my gown, and finally slipped in beside Yangcha to sleep. He'll wake up to eat once he's hungry.

Next Morning.

I woke up early again on the Sunday morning to prepare the meals in the kitchen but halted once I noticed Yangcha limping... out of the bedroom and into the living room. The alpha strangely didn't greet me as he grumpily sat down with his head tilted against the headrest and closed his eyes.

"I heated the meals for you. Did you eat anything last night?" I asked from the kitchen while marinating the chicken breasts with my plastic glove.

"No," Yangcha shortly replied. I halted and glanced at the alpha as he calmly sat on the couch.

"You went to bed with an empty stomach?" I asked in shock. Why didn't he eat anything? He could've heated the leftovers in the fridge.

"Yeah," Yangcha replied. My chest stirred uneasily at his brief yes and no response. What's with his attitude?

"You should eat then," I sighed and turned to cook the meals, finally strolling inside the bedroom to get dressed after prepping everything and walked back out, only to freeze in place when I realized the food was still untouched on the coffee table... and Yangcha was... staring unblinkingly at the city view. I could feel it. The somber atmosphere. I cautiously... rounded the couch and slowly approached him with a slight frown. Still, Yangcha... didn't look at me.

"Are you upset?" I asked, sitting beside him on the couch.

"No," Yangcha replied, refusing to acknowledge me with his dim gaze. I grimaced at his persistent unresponsiveness to my concerns.

"Are you going to eat the meal or not? If not. Then I'll pack it and leave the penthouse," I sighed in frustration.

"I'm not hungry," He replied.

I gripped my fists in annoyance as he coldly stared at the city with a gloomy expression, so I hastily got up and tried to stomp away but was firmly tugged back when I felt a tight grip around my wrist. I pursed my lips, startled by the immense strength around me, and turned to find Yangcha... clutching securely onto my wrist.

He was staring at me with a slightly... angered frown... so I grimaced and tried to tug my hand in an attempt to free myself from him... but he only tightened his grip and tensed his body at my withdrawal. His ears suddenly glowed bright red, making me freeze with an uneasy feeling as I scanned his bizarre reaction. What's with this behavior...?

"Keep up with the attitude, and I'll leave you to sulk-" I scolded in irritation but was cut short when I felt Yangcha shaking on the couch. I pursed my lips in horror as his unblinking eyes unexpectedly swelled with tears, so I glanced down at the firm grip and back at him as he glared at me with his upset... yet angered expression...? Shit. Is he mad?

He won't release me no matter how many times I tugged my wrist... and I knew... I couldn't overpower his strength because my hands were starting to go numb from the pressure.

The discomfiting pain... is worsening but I refused to snap at him.

"Hey...? Hey. Why are you crying...? What's the matter? Hmm...?" I exhaled heavily, suddenly softening my voice upon his alarming behavior. Yangcha clenched his jaw intensely, so I carefully stepped forward to pat his cheek... but he quickly turned his face away to dodge my touch, still refusing to ease his grip around my wrist. Fuck. I've never seen him this upset before. Is he mad? Or is he upset? I can't tell.

"I'm sorry. Okay? I didn't mean to lash out at you- Whatever it is. Will you talk to me?" I worriedly asked, slowly crawling onto his lap as I attempted to catch his burning eyes.

Yangcha finally averted his glowering gaze to me after an intense minute of silence between us, so I pursed my lips anxiously at the sight of his visible tear streams... slipping... from his lower lashes... and his lips... slightly trembling in distress... making my chest churn in discomfort as he struggled to contain his overflowing emotions. I cautiously lifted my hand to pat his cheek with a restless feeling.

He refused to release my wrist regardless of my comforting strokes. I am confused but more worried about his unstable state. Yangcha didn't avoid my touch this time... so I rubbed his warm tears with my thumb... as the alpha... scowled at me with his loud muteness. I softened my gaze and leaned forward to give him a soft peck on the lips. The alpha didn't blink and frowned at me, so I tilted my face to kiss him gently with my love strokes. Yet, he didn't respond and remained stiff under me. I rubbed his cheek worriedly after pulling away to examine the swelling tears.

"I love you. Okay...? Will you calm down for me?" I whispered. Yangcha gritted his jaws in response, so I exhaled and leaned forward to hug him, gently patting his back as he stubbornly clutched my sore right wrist. Why isn't he calming down?!

"You said to hold you when I get the urge to kill," Yangcha finally whispered.

I sucked in my breath, suddenly freezing against his shaky torso with my terrified eyes on the opposite wall. He's heating up. Yangcha wants... to kill? I can't feel my wrist. Should I run? Sora. This is dangerous. If he loses control- I blinked out of my thoughts and slowly pulled away to search his infuriated glare. I can feel it... his body... trembling beneath me as he defied the dangerous temptation.

"Here. Hold my other hand," I offered, lifting my left hand.

Yangcha lowered his eyes to my fingers and seized them as well. I didn't wince at the painful grip and composedly sat on him with an attentive stare on his hot tear streams. This is the first time. He's never shown me the urge to slaughter before- Sora! He wants to kill you! You should be cautious- But what happened?

"A-Aren't you scared?" He asked, slightly frowning at me as I calmly waited for him to cool down.

"You're not a threat to me. I trust you. Take your time," I shook my head.

Yangcha frowned at my sympathetic response as he struggled to contain himself, so I smiled and leaned forward to kiss him again. His fuming hot breath... searing dangerously against my face, but I didn't wince and persistently stroked my lips over his... until... I felt him easing his grips around my aching wrists.

I didn't break the kiss and proceeded to caress him at a steady pace. Yangcha eventually took a deep inhale against my face and finally released my wrists from his firm clutch... so I raised my numbed hands to encircle them around his neck while deepening our kiss until he weakly leaned back against the headrest in defeat.

"I-I'm sorry- Noona- I didn't mean to hurt you-" Yangcha weakly sobbed against my lips. I quickly pulled back to frown at his flustered face. The alpha suddenly broke down and lowered his head until his wet tears trickled all over his shirt.

"It's okay. I understand. I'm not upset-"

"I'm really sorry! Noona- I didn't mean- Please don't hate me- n-noona- I swear-" Yangcha lifted his desperate face to plead me in a small voice. I sorely scanned his torn gaze while rubbing his cheeks with a restless feeling. Sighing heavily, I leaned forward again to welcome him with my assuring embrace. Yangcha shakily sobbed and choked on his tears as he tightly hugged my waist, so I gently rubbed his nape to soothe his dangerous temptation.

Jae Yangcha had a psychotic episode.

Fuck. I am scared... but I'm even more scared of letting go of him.

If only I had resisted him out of impulse and left his side... I'd probably be dead by now.

A moment later.

Yangcha sniffled softly with his nose pressed against my shoulder as I calmly patted his back with an unblinking gaze on the blank wall behind the couch. It's been half an hour of listening to his frantic apologies. He keeps apologizing... and my shirt is... soaked with his warm tears. RING. RING. I blinked out of my thoughts and turned to look at my phone on the couch. Yangcha pulled away to reveal his puffy red eyes at the abrupt disturbance.

"I'll pick up the call for a brief moment. Okay?" I assured. He nodded and rubbed his tears as I grabbed the phone and got off his lap to answer it.

"I can't work today-"

"It's your second day!" Taehyung snapped.

"Yangcha is sick. I have to look after him-"

"Is he a child?!" Taehyung scoffed in disbelief.

"I'll visit the mansion later in the afternoon to perform my duties. Just please give me a day off," I replied. Taehyung scoffed on the other side of the line.

"Bring me lunch and be at the mansion before dinner," He grunted and hung up on me, so I lowered the phone and glanced at Yangcha, who was staring at his fingers with a blank expression. I blankly raised my wrists to inspect the bruises and finally walked towards the fridge to grab a cooling patch. Yangcha looked up at me in guilt as I sat beside him to place the cooling patch on his forehead. I felt it... his body... it's like a boiling kettle.

"I- I'm sorry-"

"I understand. You should eat. Hmm?" I nodded at the food. He pursed his lips and nodded, so I grabbed the rice bowl and quietly fed him with the spoon. Yangcha sniffled and chewed in silence, briefly peaking at my blankness before shifting his guilty eyes away.

"I can do it," He muttered, taking the bowl from my hand. I sighed deeply and let him feed himself as I quietly observed him. I was stupid for sticking around when he was having the attack. But maybe... running away was the worst thing I could do..?

"Are you feeling better?" I asked, reaching out to pat his head. Yangcha nodded and gulped the water from the mug. I finally cleared the table after he ate and did the dishes.

"N-noona, are you mad-"

"No. You should shower. I'll leave for a moment... so stay calm, alright? I'll be right back," I shook my head as I dried my hands against my clothes.

"Okay," Yangcha nodded. He got up from the couch and walked away to shower as I instructed. I grabbed the lunch bag, left the penthouse, and walked through the lobby to find Taehyung sitting on the couch with his arms crossed.

"You seriously can't- What's wrong with your wrists?" Taehyung tried to scold me but halted with a startled expression once he noticed the fresh bruises around my wrists.

"Nothing. Take your lunch and leave. Yangcha is sick," I shook my head and pushed the meal into his arms.

"Yah. Is he hurting you-"

"No. I'm fine. Please leave. I made your favorite dish," I muttered dimly. Taehyung clenched his jaw unsurely while scanning my somber expression.

"Give me your phone," Taehyung demanded. I stared at his stubbornness and handed him my phone so Taehyung quickly typed on the screen.

"What now-"

"I'm your emergency contact. If that fucker... attempts to hurt you... press the emergency button," Taehyung pushed the phone back into my hand and stormed out the door before I could speak. I bitterly stared at Taehyung until he left in his car before taking the elevator back to the penthouse to find Yangcha sitting on my bed. He took a painkiller to numb his pain.

"What happened to your ankle?" I sighed, kneeling before his legs to examine the swollen bruise.

"I slipped at the warehouse," He muttered. I sighed and got back up to sit beside him. Yangcha pursed his lips at the bruise around my wrist.

"Did I... trigger you?" I asked, uneasily observing his grim expression. Yangcha shifted his startled gaze to me and back to my hands.

"I don't know. I just felt- really angry-"

"So you were angry?" I sighed. Yangcha nodded. He kills when he's angry?

"I'm sorry-"

"Why were you angry? Because I came home late?" I asked. Yangcha nodded again.

"Noona- I'm usually not like this. I promise. I didn't know what got into me- Ah!-" Yangcha gasped, painfully gripping his forehead after I flicked him with my finger.

"You rascal! Did you think I was out having an affair?!" I snapped in irritation. Yangcha pursed his lips with a slight pout.

"I'm sorry~!" Yangcha whined.

"You could've just spoken to me! I trusted you, but you couldn't trust me!? Oh?!- Of course, I wanted to come home early to be with you-" I scolded him but was immediately cut short when Yangcha grabbed my cheeks, forcefully pressing his lips against mine to silence me. I tried to shove him away, but he refused to release me and tilted his head to suck away my breath with his active lips... until I gave in to his desperate strokes. Hngh~! I moaned intensely as he stifled my voice with his slick tongue. 

"Forgive me. Oh? Sora, forgive me..." Yangcha frowned, pulling away with an apologetic expression. I softened my glare on him... and finally nodded in defeat while tasting his spit on my damp lips.

"I was never upset in the first place, you idiot," I smiled. Yangcha exhaled in relief at my positive reaction and pulled me into a crushing hug. The alpha pulled away to smile at me as I bit my lower lips. He drew me back in and breathily kissed me with his minty aftertaste... until I weakly laid back on the mattress.

"Can you not work overtime? I get really frustrated when you come home late because I'm worried about you," Yangcha softly muttered as he snuggled against my neck while lying over me. I sprawled weakly with my arms rested on the mattress.

"Kim Taeyung isn't an easy man to convince," I sighed. Yangcha groaned against me, so I gently rubbed his back to console him.


"What's this?" Taehyung asked, looking up at me with a startled look as I entered his room to find him sitting at his desk. The alpha shifted his gaze to Yangcha, who sternly stood beside me.

"Uh- Well- He needed to get his ankle treated, so I brought him along," I awkwardly tried to explain. Taehyung glanced at Yangcha's bandaged ankle after the nurse fixed his injury and glanced at me in disbelief.

"Ah~ You're seriously giving me a headache-"

"It's illegal to force your employees to work overtime," Yangcha grimly muttered. Taehyung frowned at the alpha.

"She agreed to the work contract-"

"Araso. If Jang Sora works over time. Then I'll stay by her side until she's allowed to go home. Deal?- Deal!" Yangcha funnily argued, suddenly slumping on the couch with his arms crossed firmly over his chest.

"Y-Yah!-?! What are you doing?! G-Get out now!- Hah~! This is unbelievable! It's the second day of work! And you're already demanding a day off- only to show up with your psycho boyfriend in my private space?!" Taehyung groaned in distress while pulling his hair. Yangcha maintained a composed expression as he stared at the alpha harsh reaction to his presence. I nervously blinked at Taehyung, who appeared... as if he wanted to bang his head against the desk.

Taehyung finally gave in to Yangcha's stubbornness and let me work overtime at the mansion after we ate dinner in the dining hall. The elders weren't home, so we were practically the only ones there.

Jungkook is absent too. Maybe he's doing his routine workout session at the suite with Hwa-young again...?

"Make yourself useful since you're here," Taehyung muttered, tossing a file at Yangcha, who was sitting on the couch in my bedroom to watch me type on my laptop as I sat crossed-legged on the floor before the coffee table. Taehyung didn't want Yangcha in his room, so he agreed to let me work in my bedroom instead. Yangcha glared at Taehyung as he picked up the files.


"I need you to break into my fintech firewall protocol to locate the loophole. So I can direct my team to address it. I have to test our cyber security before the launch," Taehyung nodded at the file loaded with a descriptive overview of the software. Yangcha quietly grimaced as Taehyung handed him a technical laptop. The alpha grew hushed as he carefully read the document and finally started programming for Taehyung as I researched the suggested law firms.

Well. Strangely. Taehyung and Yangcha got along really well. They bickered a lot, and Taehyung would attempt to throw himself off his balcony whenever he was frustrated... but Yangcha's programming skills were very helpful for the fintech development. He found many loopholes, so Taehyung had to ask his team to work on reassembling firewalls to avoid undesirable issues. It was agreed between us that... I would only work overtime at the mansion, and Yangcha must be present to prevent misunderstandings between us at home.

I quietly sat at the edge of the bed to apply the cream on Yangcha's ankle as he softly snored on the mattress until I noticed Taehyung standing by the doorway with his arms crossed. He dimly stared at me without speaking. Yangcha sleeps really early and he's also a light sleeper. That's why I never stayed up late and would head to bed with him before my usual curfew to ensure that he was getting enough rest.

"Wae?" I unsurely frowned at Taehyung's muteness.

"I just find it a little... amusing that... you're willing to care for him when you're... usually the one getting cared for," Taehyung whispered, nodding at Yangcha.

"He takes better care of me than I do for him," I shook my head.

Yangcha would do anything, and by anything, I mean he'd run through the rainstorm to get me medications if I was feeling unwell. He'd never hesitate to grab my women's necessities while he was out and would stay up all night and day to look after me when I was sick. Even if he couldn't cook, he'd always bring home fruits and snacks. He often completes my work when I'm asleep... even if he's not used to staying up late. I don't care what people say about our problematic relationship. We're happy together, so there shouldn't be an issue.

"Did Jungkook speak to you?" Taehyung asked, suddenly switching the topic.

"No. He's still upset. I don't know why he's so reactive to my relationship," I muttered. Jungkook has been ignoring me for a while now and refuses to speak to me.

"He likes you. Isn't it obvious?" Taehyung muttered. I softly scoffed while bandaging Yangcha's feet.

"I don't remember him being this petty when he likes someone," I shrugged.

"If he couldn't care less about your well-being... you'd never even witness his effort... in trying to reach you," Taehyung shrugged.

"You care. But you're not upset with me. It's his nature to be a jerk because... I stopped trying to please him," I shrugged. Taehyung grew hushed before letting out a heavy sigh.

"I need you to finalize the report by next week," Taehyung muttered, strolling off without another word. I got up from the bed to place the kit away, gave Yangcha a soft peck on his cheek, and left to work in Taehyung's room.


A week later.

Kim Taehyung drove me home after our exhausting schedule at the fintech firm as I rubbed my sore neck to soothe the ache. He dropped by a restaurant earlier so I could pack dinner to share with Yangcha. I don't have any schedule tomorrow since it's Monday. Taehyung will take care of the corporation... and I can finally rest after the intense three-day shift.

"Eomma got ginseng from China. Give it to him," Taehyung handed me a box of supplements from his driver's seat.

"Wae? Are you growing fond of him too?" I chuckled as I accepted it.

"He should stay healthy so you don't have to treat him like a helpless child," Taehyung bitterly shook his head.

I smiled and waved at him before turning to enter the penthouse. Taehyung didn't leave and waited in his car until I entered the elevator. The door slid open on the vacant corridor, so I happily strolled towards the penthouse and entered with my belongings- CRASH. I halted- at the alarming crashing sound from the living room. THUD. THUD.

The lights within the room were off... but the space was dimly lit... by the city lights. I stood in the doorway with my arms full of bags and files as a swift movement raced across the room. My eyes widened in horror as the person head locked Yangcha from behind, who was struggling to free himself from the attacker. The alpha grunted, angrily flinging his arms elbow as he stood over the shattered coffee table, slamming the force directly into the stranger's masked face. Thump! I stiffed in shock as the person resisted the painful blow to their nose and strangled Yangcha even harder.

"ARGH!" Yangcha bellowed, swiftly hip-throwing the intruder off his back- CRASH! The person violently flung across the room at his immense force, colliding hard into our humidifier stand. The sharp shards suddenly shattered to the ground as Yangcha stood up with his hand clasped over his sore throat and a furious glower directed at the person, who was now rolling on the floor with their hands clutched around their injured ribs.


"Noona! Leave!-" Yangcha snapped when I tried to walk forward.

I froze in shock when the intruder suddenly launched to their feet and bolted straight at Yangcha with a sharp shard. Thud. I dropped my bags and files, unconsciously rushing towards Yangcha, whose eyes widened in horror. He quickly snatched the cushion from the couch to intercept the sharp end with the fluffy cotton as the person violently swung the broken glass at the alpha. Poof! The light feathers exploded from the cushion through the deep tear. The attacker suddenly swept Yangcha off his feet, sending him tumbling over the shattered glasses on the floor.

"Hey?! YAH!-" I gasped, rushing forward to seize the person's shoulder, but the person suddenly shoved me aside, sending me staggering onto the couch. The attacker quickly pinned Yangcha onto the floor as he struggled to sit up and swiftly raised the shard above his head in an attempt to stab him again.

"Noona! You have to leave-"

"ARGH!" I screamed, angrily bolting at the person to secure my arm around her throat- forcefully wrestling her onto the floor before she could puncture Yangcha with the shard.

She tried to resist me, but I struck her face with my fist and grabbed her wrists to disable the shard from her grip. She suddenly flung me off her body with all her might before scrambling to her feet- but I quickly swept my leg across the floor to trip her until she tilted backward and slammed hard onto the rough floor. She grunted in shock as Yangcha frantically scrambled to his feet. He sprinted forward as she roughly forced her body off the floor and thrust her leg upward in an attempt to kick his chest.

Yangcha didn't flinch at the mere miss of her deadly boots and grabbed her ankle- wildly hauling her across the room, sending her tumbling into me- so I quickly head-locked her from behind until she kicked the couch with all her might to shove the both of us backward- FUCK?! We collided roughly into the wall. THUMP.

I grunted in pain as my back slammed into the solid concrete... but I refused to release her and violently grabbed her hair to restrain her. The woman groaned in pain as I yanked on her scalp. She frantically thrashed within my grip until I toppled and fell to the ground... so she hastily shoved me away- but I angrily snatched her mask as I tackled her backward with all my strength to pin her shoulders on the floor.

"YURI?!" I gasped, halting in shock while hovering over her familiar face. Yuri's eyes suddenly flashed in horror as she lay beneath me with her hands around my throat. My heart... thumping out of control as I frantically tried to process her unexpected presence. Am I looking at the right person!?

"Sora!- What are you doing here?!" Yuri grunted, suddenly releasing me in a panic after she recognized me. I quickly sat up on her torso as she pushed her body off the floor in disbelief. I couldn't comprehend how she was sitting before me when I thought she was still living abroad! I stared at her familiar facial structure with my mouth hanging open, utterly shaken by her appearance. What's happening?!

"I should be asking you that question!-" I gasped, quickly grabbing her hands as her nose bled severely from the blunt force but was cut short once I noticed Yangcha storming towards Yuri with a kitchen knife clenched in his hand.


"Yangcha! Wait!-" I gasped, shoving Yuri aside, quickly scrambling onto my feet to block him from her. Yangcha didn't seem to hear me as he marched forward without stopping, so I turned toward Yuri in horror. I quickly rushed towards the alpha- but he swiftly grabbed my shoulder and violently shoved me backward. No- No! Yangcha is going crazy again!

"HEY?!" Yuri gasped, pulling me out of Yangcha's path in a panic. The alpha kept his possessed blank pupils on her. Yuri swiftly tugged me behind her back with her sharp eyes trained on him as he murderously stormed forward with his hostile darkness.

"Yuri- stop-"

"Who is he?!" Yuri snapped as she cautiously backed away from Yangcha.

"He's my fiancé!- YANGCHA!" I screamed in fear when he suddenly bolted forward with the knife raised above his head. Yuri roughly thrust me aside, quickly seizing Yangcha's wrist to stop him from slashing her with the blade but was caught off guard when he suddenly snatched her neck with his other hand.

I tumbled hard onto the couch as Yuri suddenly gagged within his deadly grip. She smacked his chest repeatedly, but it was useless as he attempted to shove the knife towards her. Yuri firmly held his wrist to hold back the silver blade... and to my absolute terror... Yangcha clenched his jaw until his muscular body bulked up... with the assistance of... his raging... evil.

Slowly... very effortlessly... Yangcha lifted Yuri off the floor by her neck with one arm. My pupils flashed in terror as I watched his alarming state. Yuri started gagging in pain as her shoes grazed helplessly over the glass shards on the floor. THUMP! Yangcha violently thrust the woman against the wall, pinning her with one arm while hovering the polished knife over her face with his other hand as Yuri desperately restrained his wrist with her remaining strength. The alpha clenched his jaw at her resistance and tilted his evil-infested face forward to glare right at her with his pitch-black eyes.

"Ah?!- Fucking bastard!-" Yuri grunted in difficulty as she thumped her head in distress against the wall. Blood dripping... heavily from her nostrils... and her sweat... beading all over her forehead as she desperately forced the sharp blade away from her face.

"Yangcha! HEY! Wake up! YANGCHA?!!?" I screamed in a panic, fearfully dashing towards him. Yangcha didn't budge as I hugged his waist to tow him backward. He was like a solid statue... cemented in place.

What's with him!? Can't he hear me!?! Yangcha suddenly tried to thrust the knife forward again, so I cried in horror and grabbed his thick forearm with both my hands to tug the blade from Yuri's bulging eyeballs. She's turning blue! 

Yangcha sternly glared at the woman without blinking, stubbornly refusing to lower the knife as I begged him in tears. Yuri screwed her face in distress while struggling to gasp for air with her legs dangling hopelessly against the wall. My heart started pounding out of control at how powerful Jae Yangcha was... as the uncontrollable darkness consumed his paralyzed senses.

"R-Run- Sora- Leave-" Yuri weakly shifted her tearful eyes to me. I sobbed in distress as I clenched my teeth while struggling to tow his muscular arm backward. I can't! I can't leave her to die and I can't let him make another kill!

The alpha suddenly thrust the sharpened steel forward again, causing my eyes to widen in horror as it shifted toward her eyeballs. Yuri grunted in distress as she desperately struggled under the pressure of being strangled while being pinned to the wall with her vulnerable throat... cuffed between his deadly grips.

"ARH!" I screamed, unconsciously grabbing the blade tip with my bare hands to stop it from sinking into Yuri's pupils. Yuri grunted in pain as Yangcha darkly pushed the blade between my hands, making me whimper in shock as the knife painfully slashed my flesh with its thin edge. This can't be happening!  

"YANGCHA PLEASE!?- CAN YOU HEAR ME!? WAKE UP WILL YOU!? I'M BLEEDING!?" I cried in desperation as I gripped the blade with my torn flesh to stop it from hurting Yuri... but Yangcha stood blankly with his deadly grips around Yuri's throat, relentlessly... suffocating her. She'll either die from being strangled or from being stabbed!


Yangcha suddenly wobbled to the floor at the unexpected blunt impact on his neck. I shrieked in fear until my eyes widened at the swift movement as Yuri weakly tumbled onto the floor. Thump! They both slammed onto the scattered shards. I stood in absolute shock after Yangcha and Yuri... unexpectedly collapsed to the ground. I can't breathe.

Slowly... I shifted my tearful eyes to another person while holding onto the bloody blade as the man stared at Yangcha in utter bewilderment. His face... turning paler by the second as he heavily panted beside me.

"Fuck!?-" Taehyung gasped, wildly turning to stare at my bloody hands in horror as I held onto the blade. Too... afraid... to let go because my flesh was aching too much between the piercing blade.

My thick blood... dripping between my shaky fingers. I finally found my voice and cried in distress... causing a flood of tears to sting my burning cheeks. Yuri coughed in pain while rubbing her wounded neck. She suddenly slumped against the wall with a bleeding nose and pale complexion, weakly flopping to the side... as Yangcha sprawled on the floor with his eyes closed.

Taehyung quickly grabbed a towel from my room and carefully removed the knife from my hands... making me whimper in pain as he compressed the towel against my fresh wounds.

"We have to leave-"


"Sora! You saw him!-"

"He'll only grow more upset if I leave! And I can't leave Yuri!" I stubbornly cried in fear. Taehyung clenched his jaw before darting Yuri a conflicted glare as she unconsciously sat against the wall with Yangcha's handprint around her bruised throat. He will kill her.

A moment later.

I quietly sat beside Yangcha as he remained unconscious on the bed. Taehyung contacted the head doctor for assistance, so the man visited earlier to treat my wound and left after he inspected Yuri and Yangcha's wounds.

This is a misunderstanding! The conflict will only escalate if I flee out of fear.

"Uh- N-Noona!?- Noona-" Yangcha suddenly jerked awake, frantically searching the room with his active pupils. He's awake. The darkness has once again... left him disoriented. The alpha halted in shock as soon as he noticed me... sitting beside him on the bed.

"Noona!" He gasped, towing me into a crushing hug, and quickly pulled away to inspect my bandaged hands in shock. Yangcha pursed his lips and shifted his startled gaze to me in tears.

"Are you sure... you're under control?" I asked, dimming my eyes on his unstable condition.

"I- I'm sorry! Noona- There was an intruder! She attacked me- so I-"

"She's my friend," I whispered. Yangcha pursed his lips. His face... draining of blood.


"I don't know what happened either. But right now... I need you to remain stable," I shook my head. Yangcha clenched his jaw and lowered his eyes to my injured palms. He grunted in distress and rubbed his forehead to beat himself for his failure to retain control of himself.

"Noona..." He whispered, lifting his apologetic face to scan my pale expression. I shook my head and leaned forward to hug him with a stuffy chest.

"I want to tell you that everything... is okay and that I'm fine... but your attacks... it scares me. Yangcha. I'm scared," I whimpered restlessly as he held me against his chest. He shakily exhaled while tightening his grip around my waist.

"I'm sorry. I know you're frightened," Yangcha apologized. I closed my eyes and held tightly onto his shoulder. We sat in utter silence... until we heard a soft knock on the door. Taehyung pushed the door open.

"She's conscious," Taehyung announced. I nodded and lowered my bandaged hand to hold Yangcha's. I pulled him onto his feet... so he firmly held onto me, and we slowly exited the bedroom to find Yuri sitting up on the couch with her palms pressed against her bandaged face.

Yangcha tensely stared at her until she lifted her dark gaze to glare at him as I led the alpha to the opposite couch. Taehyung anxiously stood with his arms crossed as the two warily glowered at each other.

"I'm sure there was a misunderstanding. Yuri. This is Jae Yangcha. My fiancé. And Yangcha. This is Yuri. My former roommate," I calmly introduced them to each other.

"Why did you attack me?" Yangcha grunted in displeasure. Yuri clenched her jaw, pulled out a folded piece of paper from her leather jacket, and tossed it onto the table.

"Someone hired me to kill you," Yuri muttered. Taehyung frowned at her blunt confession and lowered his gaze to the paper. I reached for it and unfolded the creases to find a few pictures of Yangcha printed on the paper.

"Who? Who sent you after him?" Taehyung questioned, unsurely glancing at Yuri.

"I don't know. A friend referred the mission to me," Yuri shrugged. Yangcha dimly pursed his lips. Someone hired Yuri to kill Yangcha...?

"Is it one of the alphas?" I asked Taehyung.

"Possible," Taehyung nodded. I gripped Yangcha's hand and glanced back at Yuri's weary expression. She looks ill. Is she alright? There were dark circles beneath her eyes.

"Yuri. Can you confirm... whoever is responsible for the kill order?" I asked anxiously. Yuri clenched her jaw and glared at Yangcha again.

"It's a cult. For all I know. They told me he's an infamous serial killer," She darkly mumbled. Taehyung quickly glanced at me with a startled look. A cult?

"The Black Phoenix," Yangcha whispered in horror and lifted his face to stare at Yuri with a hardened expression. She glanced at us unsurely. The society... is also a cult. Which side... is after him?

"They're seeking revenge because you hurt the heir," Taehyung sighed, sitting down with his face lowered. I anxiously frowned at Yuri as she rubbed her bruised neck with her sharp eyes on Yangcha, who was blankly staring at her as he clenched onto my bandaged hand for stability.

Yuri left the penthouse after we settled the matter... and she agreed she wouldn't attempt to attack Yangcha again because she didn't want to be involved with me.

Meanwhile, Taehyung insisted that I leave with him because he was afraid Yangcha would hurt me... but I refused and told him to head home. It took a bit of convincing to send Taehyung back to the mansion, and I finally returned to the penthouse to find Yancha mopping the blood on the floor after he vacuumed the shattered glasses. I told him I was going to shower and finally stepped out of the bathroom to find him sitting on the bed, calmly waiting for me with a pale face. He anxiously glanced at my hands again.

"Is it aching?" He asked worriedly.

"Not as much," I shrugged. I took two painkillers prescribed by the head doctor. The man had applied numbing creams to the wounds so... it's not as painful.

"I'm really sorry," Yangcha worriedly pursed his lips.

"Let's go on a date tomorrow," I muttered, sitting beside him. Yangcha turned to look at me with a confused frown.

"A date?" He asked.

"Oh. Coming to think of it... we've never been on a date before," I nodded. Yangcha gently hugged me on my side and snuggled his face against my neck to inhale my soothing scent.

"She's Chung Manseok's daughter," Yangcha muttered. I froze.

"What?" I blinked at him.

"You should've let me eliminate her. She's a deadly weapon," Yangcha lowered his gaze to his hands.


"She will return. And the next time she emerges from their flames... it's an order to kill you and your family," He dimmed his eyes. I pursed my lips in fright. Yuri?... She's the cult leader's daughter?! What?!- Dread suddenly filled me as I stared at Yangcha in bewilderment.

"I could've saved you so much trouble," Yangcha muttered, dimly staring at his hands in discontent. I tensely stared at the disappointment on his face. It's as if he wasn't satisfied... and somehow... he was still infested with the deadly darkness. It made me uneasy. Yangcha darkly shifted his dim gaze to me... causing my body to stiffen in place upon witnessing the unmistakable darkness within his pupils.

I realized.

Stopping... Jae Yangcha from making his kill... doesn't actually calm his raging blood thirst.

The failure to spill blood... will only... make him feel more restless... and the repressed... urge... will ultimately erupt again with his evil... to unleash his menacing intention... to slaughter.

Did I really believe I could feed the Black Jarguar my affection and expect him to be full...?

"Give me a kiss," I smiled.

"Hmm?" Yangcha blinked out of thought, so I pucker my lips with my eyes closed. Yangcha leaned forward to rest his lips on mine, making me smile at his obedience.

"You've already spilled blood today. My blood," I exhaled, pulling away to stare affectionately at his eyes. Yangcha frowned and glanced at my lips again. I think I'm crazy at this point. He lifted my bandaged hands and gently pressed his lips against the cotton before shifting his lips to mine.

"The more... lenient you are with my mistakes... the more my soul burns for you. You're aware, right?" Yangcha asked, pulling away to stare at my eyes. Why am I smiling after almost dying at his hands? I didn't know. What's wrong with me? This is a dangerous gamble.

"I'd bleed for you without hesitation, but... I'm mortal. If I keep bleeding... I'll wither and die. Is that what you need? For me to die for love?" I asked curiously. Yangcha inspected my face as he gently caressed the side of my neck with his thumb.

"No. I won't let you die no matter what," Yangcha shook his head.

"So are you going to defy our destiny?" I chuckled.

"The only divine entity I serve is you. And for you. I will burn down heaven and drown hell to keep you by my side... in the living realm," He stared at me with a fond gaze. I chuckled weakly at his determination to prove his devotion to me.

"You're turning me into a sinner," I whispered. I want to commit crimes for him. Whatever he's provoking inside me... is a guilty pleasure that I'm savoring.

"A goddess doesn't sin, Sora," Yangcha shook his head.

How can a goddess sin with a death angel by her side...?


Did you really think I'd leave you hanging for that long~? Nope! Here's another chapter! Hehe! I'm your Jae Yangcha! Because I'll do anything for you guys~! I hope you're enjoying the story! Thank you for supporting ALPHA! I love you guys so much! Will be back, my love! <3 Feel free to ask me if you have any questions! <3

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