The Babysitter

By noni185

247K 10.9K 1.1K

After being unemployed for almost six months, Mon finally was hired, as a babysitter. However this wasn't an... More

Meet the Characters
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Final Part!
Special Chapter

Part 20

4.3K 221 35
By noni185

A/N - Hello dear readers... here is the chapter everyone has been waiting for.

Yuki's POV

My world spanned around when I saw Mon covered in blood and lying on the ground.
I've always known Nop was no good, but I definitely underestimated the things he was able to do!

Yuki; MonMon, please stay with me - I was sobbing and poor Sarai was shaking while crying next to me - Sarai, can you walk to the front desk and bring me the phone? - she nodded while still sobbing.

I stayed close to Mon and I had my hands on her belly, to try and prevent the blood from coming out. It was a lot of blood!
Her pink dress was now red and the fact that she unconsciously made me worried!

Yuki; Mon, please. Don't do this to me, wake up now - but there was no answer. My cries were getting louder, but I stopped when I saw Sarai walking towards me with the phone.

I took it immediately and dialed the emergency number; one hand on the phone and the other on the wound to stop it from bleeding.

I requested an ambulance right away and the police would also be there to conduct an investigation and look for Nop!

Sarai; Why isn't Mon waking up, Auntie Yuki? Is she dead? - She had been crying nonstop!

Yuki; She will be fine Sarai, Mon is a fighter - I tried to smile but deep down I was scared, too!

Sarai continued sobbing while looking at Mon, while I prayed. I prayed that she would be okay. I prayed for this to be all a dream and that when I woke up my best friend would be just fine.

Yuki; MonMon, please. Wake up! - I cried out again - I'm sorry! I'm so sorry Mon!

My tears were nonstop, my heart was aching every minute that went by. Why wasn't the ambulance here yet?

Sarai; I'm scared! - she cried out loud. I looked at her and my whole world came crashing down.
The poor little girl was now sitting next to Mon, still holding part of her tutu while one of her hands held onto Mon's left hand tightly; her face was so red, and swollen from all the cry!

If anything happened to Mon I know Sarai would've been left with the biggest wound in her heart. She's just a little girl, experiencing that scene wasn't going to be easy. Especially when she has never been exposed to any people at all besides her mother's workers!

Yuki; Sasa, Mon will be okay...

After that, I heard sirens sound getting closer.


As I sat in the big waiting room, just me and Sarai all kinds of thoughts were going through my mind. I was feeling guilty! Like I should've done something different.

When Mon took too long to return, me and Sarai decided to go after her and prank/scare her. However, I never imagined that I would see Nop right next to her, suffocating her almost.

I froze, and it took me a while to process what was happening. I wanted to go and punch him but he had a knife.

Sarai screamed for Mon, and he noticed us making it ten times harder for me to do anything. I didn't even have my phone with me and I just hoped at the moment Tee would look at the camera and notice something suspicious or that someone would pop in the studio saving Mon, saving us.

But nobody did...

And now my best friend is in this hospital, and the only thing I can do is pray.

I let my tears fall. That's all I've been doing, cry!
It's been one hour since we arrived and I haven't heard anything... I'm not sure how she's doing...

Luckily Tee was here with me now, holding my hand.

The police have taken the report and are now looking for Nop. But I feel like they are not acting as quickly as I wanted them to!

I was sitting on the chair and on my left was my girlfriend. Sarai was sleeping on my lap, the poor girl cried so much that eventually she got tired and fell asleep!

Our clothes were still covered with Mon's blood and Tee advised me to go home and change but I refused to! I won't leave here until they tell me Mon is safe and okay!

I need to contact Sam but I'm not even sure if she's back yet and there's no one I could send Sarai home with... I remember Mon telling Me that Ricky left and would be picking them up when they were ready and I don't even have his contact information to let him know what's going on...I mean I can't even do that, the little girl also refuses to leave the hospital without Mon!

It's just been a hell of a day and I just need Mon to be okay...


Sam's POV

I arrived home a few hours ago, I want to surprise the girls. I didn't tell them that I would be home today; I even agreed that Mon should take Sarai to a dance lesson with Yuki so I could surprise them when they got back!

I've baked a special cake for both of them.

I know... Even Ms. Mai was surprised when I told her I wanted to bake.

I only use the kitchen when Sarai requests some baking time with me.
I hate cooking, and I'm so thankful I never have to cook. However, I took a few cooking classes when I was young; my grandma literally forced me to do so because she said a woman "should know how to cook"! Just a bunch of BS honestly!

But anyway, because I wanted to show Mon my appreciation and how much I love her I decided to surprise her with a cake. She doesn't know that I can cook, so that will be a huge surprise.

Technically this would also count as our "family time" since I've been away for a few days...

I've missed them so much and I'm trying my best not to run to Yuki's dance studio and meet them there.


Mon and Sarai were taking longer than I expected. It was almost six in the evening and they were not home, but I shouldn't worry since Ricky was accompanying them.

I know Mon missed Yuki a lot so they can take their time... it's fine.

I looked at the beautiful table that I had set up for us, with my cake in the center. The food was getting cold, and I was getting impatient at this point.

But it will be fine; they will be back soon!


A few minutes went by and nothing. Now I was getting worried, and just as I was dialing Mon's number Ricky called me and I answered right away...

Phone on;

Sam; Hello, Ricky.

Ricky; Lady Sam, I'm here to get Mon and young lady Sarai but... herm.... herm - it was like he was afraid to tell me -

Sam; Speak now Ricky!

Ricky; Miss Mon told me to not to wait for her and that she would call me when she was ready, and since the car needed some check up I brought it to the shop. I noticed...hum... that she was taking longer than usual so when I was done at the shop I came to get them but... I'm sorry Lady Sam!

Sam; Ricky, I need you to be more clear and go straight to the point, now! - my heart was racing!

Ricky; when I arrived at the studio the policeman told... - I interrupted him!

Sam; what do you mean police man? What's going on? - my knees were already weak, and I wasn't sure if I would be able to handle what was coming.

Ricky; Mon was taken to the hospital in a critical state. They won't tell me exactly what happened, so that's all I know!

I sat on the chair because my head was spinning.

Sam; where's Sarai Ricky, where's my daughter? - my tears were falling- where are they right now?

Ricky; Sarai is fine, I asked the policeman and he said that only one person was injured and it was Mon. They are at the hospital a few minutes away from here!

Sam; I will go there now!

Phone off:

I handed up the phone and immediately went to grab my car.

I was not in a good state to drive but I couldn't wait for Ricky to come get me either.

I need to get to Mon!

I need to hug my daughter!

I need this to not be true!

I went over the speed limit, but that's the least of my worries right now!


When I got to the reception, the staff immediately stood up to greet me after noticing my presence but I cut her and requested that she showed me where Mon was!

She walked with me to the waiting room where the rest of the families were, and I'm guessing that would be Yuki and Sarai!

"Please call the person in charge of this hospital right now!" I told her before arriving at the waiting room and she nodded her head agreeing!

I got to the waiting room my heart broke into pieces when I saw my daughter lying on the chair while Yuki was caressing her head.

Both of their clothes were covered in blood, and that made me worry more.

Yuki's eyes were red, her eyes were swollen; probably because of her cries.

I stood there frozen for a minute, lost in my thoughts and just processing everything.

Yuki noticed my presence, and she immediately started sobbing again.

Yuki; Sam - sobbing - MonMon... - I walked towards her and hugged her tightly while she cried - I'm sorry... I...

Sam; it's not your fault Yuki! - I grabbed her face with both of my hands and made her look at me - It's not your fault!

Yuki; She's bad, Sam - I let my tears fall and hugged her again. After a few seconds and kneeled next to Sarai and tried to grab her but my movement startled her, so she woke up crying.

Sam; it's me Sasa - I said calmly while she cried, holding onto Yuki, but after she heard my voice she let go of Yuki and practically jumped on me, hugging me tightly!

Sarai; Mama - she cried and I stooped up sitting right next to Yuki on the chair while calming Sarai! - MonMon... he hurt her!

Sam; Mon is strong, princess! She will be fine - I tried to comfort her but inside I was scared too. I was so scared!

Sarai; I saw it! He hurt her bad, and there was a lot of blood - she was subbing and so was Yuki - Mon did not wake up, Mama!

Sam; The Doctor is taking care of her, let's stay positive. Okay? - I sat her on my lap and wiped her tears -

Sarai; Mama, there are tears in your eyes too - she guided her little hands to my face and wiped the tears.- I've never seen you cry before Mama.

Sam; I'm okay - I tried to smile but I'm not sure if that happened. I'm not sure if it was the both of them sobbing, or the fact that I was in a hospital waiting room, or the fact that Mon wasn't there with us, but it was cloudy. Not the weather but my heart. It felt cloudy!

Doctor; Khum Sam! - he bowed and I stood up to greet him - My name is Doctor Ngoen. I'm in charge of this hospital!

Sam; Great, I'm requesting to move Miss Kornkamon to the VIP section! As well as keeping everything away from the media!
Please I advise you to talk with your Staff, especially the ones that will be taking care of Monday! - the last thing I wanted to do was deal with the media right now, so I wanted to make sure the hospital kept everything private, or else they knew what would be coming for them!

Doc Ngoen; Of course Khum Sam, we are here to serve you - he bowed his head again -

Sam; I want to know what's going on with Mon at this moment! Where's she?

Doc Ngoen; Miss Kornkamon came here with a penetrating abdominal trauma that caused loss of blood. Unfortunately, her liver was slightly damaged so we had to take her straight to the OR! The surgery is still ongoing, and we have the best care team with her doing their best!

Sam; I need you guys to do everything you have to, to save her. I mean everything!

Doc Ngoen; We will Khum Sam!

Sam; I need someone to keep us updated, at all times and if you could please give us a more private area to wait that would be great!

Doc Ngoen; My Assistant is arranging to transfer your family to the VIP waiting area, it's on the last floor of the building. A team will come shortly to assist you and your family!

Sam; Thank you, we will be waiting.

Doc Ngoen; Thank you for your patience, Khum Sam. It's an honor! - I just nodded my head and he bowed once again before leaving the room. I turned to Yuki and she looked spaced out!

Sam; Yuki - I called and she looked at me - Now tell me everything that happened!

She nodded and started explaining everything...

I already knew who had done that to Mon, there was only one person!


I should've got rid of him, long before! But, he will get his turn.
I'm not going to wait for no authorities, the justice will be done my way!

Mon will be free from him!


As Doctor Ngoen mentioned his team came a few minutes after and guided us to a private room.

Tee was also there, she had stepped out before I arrived to get coffee for Yuki!

Ricky also came to the hospital, I was a little upset that he had listened to Mon and left them at the studio. However, I can't blame him! It wasn't his fault, he didn't know!

Sarai refused to leave the hospital, I have tried many times to send her home with Ricky but she won't move. She wants to wait for the surgery to be over!

I can tell she's scared! She's scared of losing Mon, she's scared of everything that happened.
She witnessed everything and I know she will be traumatized for life maybe.

I will need to arrange therapy for both her and Mon and probably Yuki as well!

I can't even begin to imagine what they went through, all because of that bastard, Nop!

Oh, I will get him!

I won't sleep until justice is served!


Mon was losing a lot of blood, that was the unfortunate update that we got!

Doc Ngoen; we will need to do a blood transfusion soon - my heart was almost out of my chest, and I was stealth trying to keep it together but it was getting difficult - We just wanted to check if anyone had the same blood type as Miss Kornkamon, before using from other donors?

Sam; what's her blood type?

Yuki; She's type O ! - Yuki said it before the doctor could speak -

Doc Ngoen; Correct!

Sam; She is? - I looked stunned,

Yuki; Yes, she told me years ago!

Sam; Sarai is... she's also type O -

Doc Ngoen; Is Sarai Mon's daughter? That would explain a lot - both me and Yuki slightly looked at the doctor - O is a rare blood type, so Sarai would've probably inherited from her parents.

Yuki; No... She's Sam's daughter - she said after a few minutes and we both looked at each other blankly... the room was quiet.

Doc Ngeon; erm... so I guess Sarai is under age so she won't be able to donate. However, we've found a match for her but we just wanted to see if your two were compatible with her... - we finally looked at him - So I will go pass the message and hopefully I will return with great news soon!

We both nodded while he stepped out of the room.

Now it was just me and Yuki. Tee got Sarai and brought her to get some snacks from the vending machine across the hall.

The floor we were on had security, so she would be okay!

Sam; Yuki, I'm going to ask you something so please be honest with Me - she looked at me for a few seconds and then nodded her head - Why is Nop still looking for Mon, after all this year?

There was a huge silence... she was hesitating.

Yuki; erm... Mon was trying to do her best... She... was trying to save her from him...

Sam; Save who?

Yuki; Belle - she let out a loud sigh - their five-month-old daughter!

My heart dropped!

Yuki; they had a baby, but Mon gave her up for adoption so Nop wouldn't hurt her. She was scared that he would hurt her! - there were tears in her eyes - She did her best, and she was young!

I gulped... I remember that name, Belle!

Sam; When was... - I had to stop and breathe - when was Belle born?

Yuki; June 12, 2018!

There were no words, I couldn't pronounce anything. I was frozen!

Yuki: When is Sarai's birthday- I saw her gulping while looking at me anxiously-

Sam; She will be five next month - I looked her in her eyes and tears kept falling - On June 12!

Yuki; Oh...

That's all she said!

To be continued....

Hi there again dear readers; hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I will let you all discuss in the comments 🫣
Sorry for the long wait, see you soon!

Don't forget to vote and comment <3

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