Shall Never Surrender (Nero m...

By Cobaltblue1117

21.8K 199 85

After losing his parents and uncle at a young age. (Y/N) dreamed of becoming a huntsman to honor his family b... More

bio (updated)
Red And Blue Roses
Welcome To Beacon
The Bringer's Awakening
Are We Done Yet?
Time For Some Rest
thanks everyone
First Day Of School
Familiar Faces
Knowing Him Better
A New Grimm Arm
thanks again
The Itsy Bitsy Phantom
You're A Philistine
The Granddaughter Of Sparda
Helping A Rabbit
Never Surrender
final thanks(for now)
DVLs Never Die
The Temporal Stead
The Ship Is Sailing
The Brothers Of Fire And Wind
Teaching The Knight And Cat
Shall We Dance?
By My Hand
Finally Home
The Voltic Black Knight
The Persona And The Shadow
Familial Rivalry
Sparda's Forge
A Fair Date
(y/n)'s Awakening
Shall Never Surrender
epilogue: You're Gonna Go Far Kid
thank you
story update

Meeting The Parents

184 2 1
By Cobaltblue1117

(y/n) and Pyrrha were in the library studying for a test when she suddenly got a call.

Pyrrha: it's my parents. Give me a moment.

She grabbed her scroll and answered it.

Pyrrha: hello mom. I'm doing fine. What? Tomorrow? What about Atreus? Okay, well I'll see you two tomorrow. Tell Dad I said hi.

She ended the call.

(y/n): what happened?

Pyrrha: my parents are coming tomorrow.

(y/n): why do you look scared?

Pyrrha: I've told them almost everything I've been doing here at Beacon.

(y/n): that's good you keep your parents informed.

Pyrrha: but I didn't tell them about you.

(y/n): I'm sorry what?

Pyrrha: I never told them I had a boyfriend. When I would mention you in my letters, I would call you my best friend.

(y/n): why? Why didn't you tell them you had a boyfriend?!

Pyrrha: my dad is very protective of me. I'm scared of what he would do if he found out about you.

(y/n): it's okay. Tomorrow you can introduce me.

Pyrrha: ok. But promise me that you won't say anything dumb.

(y/n): I'm going to say a lot of dumb things.

Pyrrha: this is serious!

(y/n): I'm joking. Don't worry I'll be a good example to your family.


The two returned to their dorm tired.

Jaune: how was your study...

He looked over and saw the two passed out on their beds.

10 years ago

Pyrrha was playing in the forest alone when she heard the sound of a Grimm sneaking through the forest. Scared, she began to run deeper into the woods. The sound went closer and closer to her until a Beowolf leaped out of the forest and slowly walked closer to her. Pyrrha fell back scared as the Grimm grew ever closer. Suddenly it was killed by her father with an axe.

Pyrrha's father: I finally found you. Your mother was very worried for you.

Pyrrha: sorry father.

Pyrrha's father: it's okay. Let's head home.

He takes her hand and the two began to walk home. Suddenly more Grimm surrounded the two. He father grabbed the twin blades on his back and began to attack the beasts. Pyrrha saw for the first time, what kind of warrior her father was. He slaughtered the beasts with his blades of chaos and ripped them apart with his bare hands.

10 years later.

Pyrrha woke up having remembered that moment from her childhood. She tried to go back to sleep but was too scared to sleep. Pyrrha got out of her bed and walked to (y/n)'s bed and shook him awake.

(y/n): what? Pyrrha? What do you want?

Pyrrha: can I sleep with you?

(y/n): sure. Just try not to wake me up.

He moved over and she got in his bed. (y/n) gave her a hug and closed his eyes.

Pyrrha: (y/n), did you fall asleep?

She didn't get a response.

Pyrrha: I guess you did. You know I've been dreaming of being here in your arms like this for a while. Ignoring the first day of school, it feels good knowing I finally got here.

(y/n): I can still hear you.

Pyrrha: I thought you were asleep?

(y/n): I was trying but you kept talking.

Pyrrha: sorry.

(y/n): we have a test tomorrow and your parents are coming. We need to be well rested.

Pyrrha: okay.


The couple were getting ready in their dorm.

Pyrrha: how well do you think you did on the test?

(y/n): I studied with you all day yesterday, so I probably aced it.

Suddenly the rest of their team walked in.

(y/n): hey guys.

Jaune: what are you doing?

Nora: are you going on a date?!

Pyrrha: no. My parents are in town and I'm going to introduce him to them.

Jaune: why are you getting dressed in nice clothes?

(y/n): first, they aren't really nice clothes. It's our clothes we wore to the dance and I think Pyrrha's is still covered in dirt. Second,

Soon Pyrrha finished her makeup and (y/n) finished fixing his tie.

Pyrrha: ready?

(y/n): yeah.

Pyrrha walked out of the room but (y/n) walked towards his drawer. He opened it and stuffed a vital star into his jacket.

Jaune: why do have so many vital stars?

(y/n): they helped me with my injuries after missions. They are also a good proformance enhancer.

Ren: so they're a steroid?

(y/n): not that kind of proformance.

Nora: ohh.

(y/n): you'd be surprised how much stamina Pyrrha has.

Jaune: why are you taking one?

(y/n): I have a feeling I'm going to need them.

Suddenly Pyrrha yelled from down the hall.

Pyrrha: hurry up!

(y/n): sorry!

He closed his drawer and left the room.


The couple made it into the city and waited for Pyrrha's parents.

(y/n): Pyrrha. I want you to practice telling your parents you have a boyfriend.

Pyrrha: what do you mean?

(y/n): I know how tongue tied you can get so I want you to practice speaking to them.

He walked in front of her.

(y/n): pretend I'm your parents.

Pyrrha: okay. Mom, dad, this is my b...b...

(y/n): you got to be kidding me.

Pyrrha: listen it's really difficult to say something like this! I want to see you try!

(y/n): alright. Hey ma, pop, this is my girlfriend Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: how?

(y/n): it's probably easier for me since my parents would be cool with it.

Pyrrha: that's what makes it difficult for me! We should stop. Doing this is giving me anxiety.

(y/n): anxiety huh? Here's a trick I was taught to handle both anxiety and anger. At least it helped with my anger.

Pyrrha: what is it?

(y/n): count to four, inhale. Count to four, exhale.

Pyrrha began to breathe in then breathe out.

(y/n): how do you feel?

Pyrrha: a little better.

(y/n): just keep doing it till you feel fine. Now do you want to keep practicing?

Pyrrha: okay.

She followed his breathing technique and (y/n) moved in front of her.

(y/n): now introduce me.

Pyrrha: mom, dad. This is my boyfriend, (y/n) Sparda.

(y/n): good job. Now don't choke up when your parents get here.

Pyrrha: okay. Thanks for helping me.

(y/n): you're welcome.

He leans in to give her a kiss on her cheek.

???: Pyrrha?

Pyrrha pushed him away as she heard her mother.

(y/n): what the...

Pyrrha: my parents are here.

(y/n): oh shit.

Her parents rounded the corner along with another boy. Pyrrha ran to hug her parents.

Pyrrha: I've missed you guys.

Mrs.Nikos: we missed you too.

She let go and went to the boy.

Pyrrha: Atreus? I thought you were out on a hunt?

Atreus: I was. Then father told me he was going to visit you with mother. That's when I decided to go with them to see my little sister.

(y/n): ahem.

Pyrrha: sorry.

She stood next to (y/n).

Pyrrha: mom, dad. This is my b... my bo...

(y/n): damnit Pyrrha!

Pyrrha: I'm trying!

(y/n): I'm (y/n) Sparda. I'm Pyrrha's boyfriend. See that wasn't difficult.

Her mother was shocked but her father slowly got angry

Mrs.Nikos: Oh she never told us anything.

(y/n): she was too scared to say anything.

Mr.Nikos: she has a right to be scared.

(y/n) felt a little scared around her father and brother but nothing he could deal with.

Atreus: nice to meet you Sparda.

He shook (y/n)'s bringer and looked at it confused.

Atreus: what happened to your arm?

(y/n): it's a very long story and I'm not spending another breath explaining it.

Atreus: can you give the short version?

(y/n): I broke my arm and my father's sword healed it.

Atreus: swords here can do that?

(y/n): only the magical ones.

Kratos: boy! Stop bothering him.

Atreus: sorry father.

(y/n) walked up to her father and held out his bringer arm.

(y/n): nice to meet you sir.

He just stared at (y/n).

(y/n): okay.

Kratos: how long have you known my daughter?

(y/n): since I first got here. We met on the first night but we then became teammates.

Mrs.Nikos: oh you're that Sparda.

(y/n): yes the one from her letters.

Kratos: she said in her letters that you're a good warrior.

Pyrrha: dad!

(y/n): she might be a little exaggerating.

Kratos: I want to see it.

Mrs.Nikos: but about the restaurant?

Kratos: that can wait.

(y/n): I can take you to the training hall back at Beacon. It's late and nobody will be there. Besides we need our gear.

Kratos: no. It's too small.

Pyrrha: how about the arena?

Kratos: that will work.

(y/n): at least let us get our weapons.

Pyrrha's mom sighed as they all started walking towards the arena.


(y/n): so what do we need to do?

Kratos: she said you both fought before.

(y/n): I mean we had a few arguments but I wouldn't say we fight.

Pyrrha leaned over to speak in his ear.

Pyrrha: he meant our duel. I told them about that.

(y/n): oh. Yeah she beat me.

Kratos: she told us you weren't ready. Are you ready now?

(y/n): kinda?

Kratos: good. Now I want to see you two duel.

(y/n): why?

Kratos: I want to see if you're capable of protecting my daughter. I also what to see if she is capable of protecting herself.

(y/n) looked at Pyrrha who was putting on her gear.

(y/n): ready?

Pyrrha: definitely!

(y/n): you are way too eager for this.

Pyrrha: you and I haven't fought like this in a while.

(y/n): I hope I don't hurt you too much.

Play Perseus theme

(y/n) charged at Pyrrha but she used quicksilver to flank him and threw Gae Bolg at him. She recalled it leaving the tip in his back. She slammed the spear on the ground and it exploded.

(y/n): since when did you learn that?

Pyrrha: I was experimenting.

He used the bringer to pull her towards and tried to pick her up and hit her but she blocked the punch with her shield. She threw her spear at (y/n) but he used the bringer to grab the spear and threw it back. She blocked it with her shield and removed it.

Pyrrha: I'm getting deja vu.

(y/n): yeah.

Pyrrha used quicksilver and began to throw multiple versions of Gae Bolg before returning to normal and each spear hit (y/n). She slammed the bottom of the spear to the ground and each exploded. (y/n) stood up and summoned cavalier. He drove it towards her and began to hit her with the wheels.

Pyrrha fell back and (y/n) jumped off his bike and grabbed Aquila. He threw each of the blades at her but she knocked them away with her shield. She grabbed her rifle and began to fire at (y/n) and he took out his revolver. The two began to fire at each other but (y/n) shot at each of her bullets out of the air. She had to reload her rifle and Nero ran up and punched her in the face.

End song

Pyrrha dropped her rifle and gripped her face. A small amount of blood trickled from her lips. He noticed that tears landed on the ground next to the blood.

(y/n): shit! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!

I went closer to her and she immediately grabbed him by the neck and threw him. He saw that she was angry. This wasn't normal anger but a rage. A rage meant for a soldier. He had only seen this rage twice before, once during the chicken ball incident, the other being the time she threatened him. He began to crawl back out of fear as she walked closer to him.

Kratos: Pyrrha stop!

She didn't listen and kicked (y/n) in the face. He gripped his nose and stood up. He wiped the blood and got into a stance.

(y/n): I don't want to do this Pyrrha.

She didn't respond and swung at (y/n) but he blocked the hit. She hit him with a gut punch and he coughed up blood. He kicked her back and he grabbed his stomach in pain.

Kratos: not again.

Mrs.Nikos: you have to stop her!

Kratos jumped into the combat and tried to stop Pyrrha but she turned around and hit her father. (y/n) ran towards her and grabbed her in a chokehold. She punched him in the face and kicked him to the ground. Kratos used the blades of chaos and caught her arm.

Kratos: Pyrrha stop this at once!

She threw Gae Bolg at her father and he recalled the blade back to him. (y/n) tried to crawl away but she stabbed his leg with her spear. Pyrrha grabbed his head and began to slam it into the ground. Each slam made his bringer glow. Elsewhere, the Yamato began to move slightly.

Kratos: boy! Stop your sister!

Atreus ran towards Pyrrha and grabbed her.

Pyrrha: let me go!

She stabbed him and charged at (y/n). He grabbed Red queen and swung it at her. She quickly stopped it with her semblance and threw it away.

(y/n): why are you acting like this?!

Pyrrha didn't respond and kicked him back to the ground. He was too tired to stand up and Pyrrha got on top of him. She began to hit him multiple times. Kratos pulled her off him and (y/n) reached into his pocket and took out a vital star. He crushed it and began to heal. He stood up and went to Pyrrha.

(y/n): please calm down! I beg you please!

He gripped her hand.

(y/n): remember. Count to 4, inhale. Count 4, exhale.

She began to breathe in the out. Pyrrha began to calm down till she was kinda back to normal.

(y/n): why did she get like that?

Kratos: it's been with her since she was a child. Atreus has it but it's worse in her.

(y/n): what is it called?

Kratos: the sparten rage. A soldier's brutal fury. I had this rage but it soon became extinguished.

Pyrrha stood up and punched (y/n) in the face.

Pyrrha: why did you hit me that hard?!

(y/n): sorry. I meant to pull my punch but I swung too hard.

Pyrrha: it's fine. Just don't do that again.

Mrs.Nikos: what about the dinner?


They were all at the pizza restaurant that (y/n) has visited multiple times.

Mrs.Nikos: well this isn't what I was expecting. At least we're finally having dinner somewhere.

Kratos: of all the foods from all the realms I've been too, this is some of the best I've ever had.

Atreus: you're right father.

(y/n): so...Pyrrha's rage thing?

Mrs.Nikos: you should've seen her tantrums when she was a toddler.

Pyrrha began to get embarrassed.

Kratos: they were very difficult times.

Mrs.Nikos: I remember when she destroyed an aisle in a store because I didn't let her get a toy.

(y/n) chuckled a little and Pyrrha got more embarrassed.

(y/n): I mean I used to have anger problems before but I haven't seen anything like that.

Pyrrha: you had anger problems?

(y/n): it was mostly me getting into fights because people would insult me. I once fucked up a guy's face because he called me an orphan.

Atreus: are you?

Kratos: boy!

Mrs.Nikos: Atreus!

(y/n): it's fine. I kinda am. My parents left when I was a little boy and are probably dead now.

Soon they finished eating and left the restaurant. They began to walk down the road and they began to walk down the road.

Pyrrha: so how long are you going to be here?

Kratos: we are leaving in the morning. We only came for the evening.

Pyrrha: what do you think of our relationship?

Kratos: since you didn't kill him and he was able to hold his own, I approve.

Pyrrha: wow. I didn't think you would say that.

(y/n): well it's been a long day. I'm going to head back but you can be with your family.

Pyrrha: okay. I'll see you soon.

She gave him a kiss and he walked away.

Mrs.Nikos: he seems like a nice boy.

Pyrrha: he is isn't he?

(y/n) entered his dorm.

Jaune: how were things with Pyrrha' s family?

(y/n): they're nice people. Pyrrha almost killed me but overall it was a nice evening.

Jaune: what was that?

(y/n): nothing.

He got changed into something comfortable and sat on his bed. After an hour, Pyrrha walked into the room.

(y/n): you're back.

Pyrrha: my family is staying at a hotel but will be leaving early tomorrow.

Suddenly, the bringer began to glow.

Pyrrha: why is your arm glowing?

(y/n): what do you have?

Pyrrha took out a small lantern with a flame burning in it.

Pyrrha: Atreus found in on his travels. He said it would make a good decoration.

(y/n): it looks like an anima mercury from Fortuna.

Pyrrha: what's that?

(y/n): it's a fake soul. It is used in alchemy. It's what made the army in Fortuna. It can be used to give inanimate objects life.

Pyrrha: really?

(y/n): yeah. This stuff is like gold to anyone who gets their hands on it. Fortuna keeps this stuff under lock and key. It's impossible to bootleg this stuff without killing yourself. Mind if I keep it?

Pyrrha: no.

(y/n) took it and grabbed his sword. He began to tinker with it into the night.

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