But I Like You! | Taegyu ✓

By Taehyunnie22

11.7K 736 737

What happens when a new family settles down in the house next to the Kang's? Kang Taehyun, a cheery and a bri... More

●Hello, My Name Is...●
●Snow Fights & Christmas Mornings●
●First Day of School●
●New School●
●Colorful Chalks & Black Roads●
●Taehyun's Birthday●
●Taehyun's Birthday Party●
●Planning of the Movie Night●
●Movie Nights & Sleepovers!●
●A New Pet!●
●A Walk With Blue!●
●Rains & Algebra●
●Arcades & Realizations●
●Trauma & Comfort●
●Trauma & Comfort (Pt.2)●
●Late Nights & Convenience Stores ●
●The Breaking Point●
●First Dates & First Kisses●

●Sneak In●

406 28 37
By Taehyunnie22

15th December, 2021

Taehyun was sad. Now, he doesn't know if it's about the B+ he received on his Physics paper or the fact that Beomgyu was spending too much time with his friend, Yuri. The older was spending so much time with her that he forgot about the meeting up at their favourite tteokbeokki shop. 

Taehyun sighed as he tossed and turned around on the bed, not catching any ounce of sleep. He figured out that he'd just read one of the books, he had recently stolen from Soobin. 

He turned on the yellow night-light from his bed-side table. The time was currently two am and it was snowing outside. Taehyun took out the book from his bed-side drawer, grabbing the headphones before plugging them into his phone, turning on his playlist. 

He was currently huddled up in his thick-blue blanket, pillows propped up behind his back with his sad playlist, sorrowing with him. 

Taehyun hummed to the soft melodies of the melancholic song, turning the pages one by one as he was engrossed in the storyline. 

An hour into the book, he heard soft knocks on his window. Taehyun ignored it, thinking that it was some kind of noise made by the wind. But he confusedly, removed his earphones when it came more than two times, this time, sounding as someone was purposely, throwing rocks at them. 

Taehyun got out of his bed, very much whiny about the loss of warmth from his body. He peeked through the darkness, sliding the window open, he found a man-- more like a boy, ready to throw another rock onto his window. 

Taehyun squinted his eyes, trying to catch a better view of the boy. He widened his eyes when he found the boy a bit too familiar. It was fucking Choi Beomgyu! 

Yes, it indeed was. Beomgyu was standing in the heavy snow, without any coat, only using the hood of his black hoodie as the shield to cover his head. 

Beomgyu waved, happily, towards Taehyun, who gave him an angry glare, motioning him to run towards his door. 

Yes, it was not exactly the best idea to stand under the cold snow. 

Taehyun saw Beomgyu, jogging towards the main door. He quickly grabbed a towel from his bathroom before rushing downstairs, opening the door for Beomgyu, who was already standing there with a guilty smile on his face. 

Taehyun smacked the back of Beomgyu's head, earning an 'ouch!' from Beomgyu, who rubbed the spot on which Taehyun had hit him. 

"Idiot," Taehyun hissed, rubbing the towel on Beomgyu's hair to remove the wet snow from his hair. "Why the fuck were you standing like that in the middle of the snow? You could have gotten sick!" He whisper-shouted, nagging Beomgyu, who was staring at him with a fond smile. 

"I don't care~" Beomgyu whined when Taehyun pinched his ear, fed up with the older's bullshit. 

"Why were you even standing like that in the middle of the night? If it weren't for me, someone would have reported you to the police with the claims of stalker activities." Taehyun rolled his eyes, grabbing Beomgyu's wrist to drag him upstairs, to his room. 

Beomgyu shrugged. "You seemed pretty down, today so I wanted to know what's wrong." 

"And this was the only appropriate timing?" Taehyun huffed, closing the bedroom door to be as quiet as possible so that his parents couldn't hear them. 

"I knew, you'd be awake at this time." Beomgyu grinned when Taehyun pushed him into the bathroom, to not make the younger's floor wet. 

Taehyun rolled his eyes, walking towards his dresser to find some warm clothes for Beomgyu as the latter was practically shivering his body out. He grabbed a thick-blue hoodie with some black sweatpants to give to the older. 

They were almost the same height with a three cm difference so it wasn't much of a problem. 


Beomgyu came out of the bathroom with a grin, finding Taehyun on the bed, reading his book from where he left off. 

Beomgyu pouted. He didn't just come here so that the younger would ignore him for the night. He took large steps towards the bed before plopping on it, harshly. 

Taehyun flinched, glaring at the older when Beomgyu took away his book. "Give it back, asshole!" 

Beomgyu dropped onto the bed, placing a hand over his chest to make Taehyun feel guilty but the latter just found it ridiculous. "How could you say that, Tyun?! I thought you loved me!" 

Oh fuck. That was also a major problem in Taehyun's life for now. He was trying to figure out his feelings for the older and so far, it was giving him a major headache. He almost got a bad grade in Physics, which was his favourite subject, due to him overthinking about his feelings instead of going through his notes. 

"I don't." Taehyun replied in a monotone voice, reaching out for the book but Beomgyu kept it out of his reach. The older was on the edge of the bed, ready to fall from any movement, now. 

Unfortunately, Taehyun didn't notice that as he was too adamant on getting his book back, he tried reaching out for the book but ended pushing him and Beomgyu from the bed, making contact with the carpeted floor. 

"Ugh!" Both of them groaned, glaring at each other after they opened their eyes after the effect from their fall. 

"You really had to push me, didn't you?" Beomgyu huffed, giving the book back to Taehyun, who had a smug smile on his face.

"Well, shouldn't have stolen my book, then." 

"It's not even yours to begin with!" Beomgyu argued but stopped when Taehyun placed a finger on his lips. Beomgyu was thankful that the room was dark and the younger couldn't see his reddening cheeks. 

His crush on Taehyun was alive and growing more, for the fact. 

"Shh!" Taehyun shushed the older. But gave him a confused look. "Are you gonna sleep here?" He asked when he saw Beomgyu settling into his blankets. 

"Of course, I am." Beomgyu replied in a duh tone, grabbing Taehyun's wrist so that the younger could also lie on the bed with him. 

As soon as Taehyun turned off the night-lamp, he was met with a pair of arms, wrapping around his torso. 

Taehyun took a deep breath. "Why would you even come here? So late at night?" 

Beomgyu sighed. "You were ignoring me for the entire day. What's wrong, Tyun?" 

Taehyun rolled his eyes even though, the older couldn't see him. "Nothing's wrong." 

Beomgyu carded his fingers through Taehyun's soft locks. "You can fool anyone but not me, Kang Taehyun. Tell me what's wrong, I won't judge you." 

Taehyun, unknowingly, fidgeted with Beomgyu's hand, which was free. "Are you dating someone? Yuri, to be specific?" 

Beomgyu let out a confused hum. "Yuri? No, I'm not dating her. Even when she confessed to me, weeks ago, I didn't accept her confession. Why?" The older replied, honestly. 

Taehyun let out a relieved sigh when he heard that Beomgyu wasn't dating Yuri. "I just felt neglected for the past few days. You didn't even remember spending time with me 'cause you were too busy with Yuri." He said as he felt the older's hold, tightened around his torso. 

"I'm sorry, Tyun. I completely forgot as I was trying to comfort her." The older pecked the crown of Taehyun's hair. "Her uncle had just passed away. She was very close to him." 

Taehyun nodded, understanding of the situation. "I hope she's fine. Losing someone isn't always easy." 

Beomgyu hummed, his fingers still in Taehyun's hair. "We'll have a tteokbeokki date, tomorrow. Okay?" 

Taehyun nodded, his heart fluttering over the word, 'date'. 

"Good night, hyung." Taehyun yawned, snuggling closer to Beomgyu, wrapping his arms around the older's torso. 

"Good night, Tyun." Beomgyu said, resting his chin on the crown of younger's head, now, switching to place his arms around Taehyun's shoulders. 


Beomgyu scrunched his face as the bright rays fell onto his face through the sheer curtains. He opened his eyes, confused to why he wasn't in his room. He later, realized that he sneaked into the younger's house, last night. 

Which reminded him of the younger, sleeping soundly in his arms. 

However, when Beomgyu looked around, he found Mr. Kang standing, next to the foot of the bed, with a slipper in his hand..? 


Mr. Kang raised his eyebrows, the slipper still in his hands. "Mr. Choi Beomgyu, why are you in my house? Specifically, in my son's bedroom?" 

Beomgyu gave an awkward laugh, shaking Taehyun so that he could wake up. "Haha... Uh.."

Taehyun whined as he opened his eyes, processing for a bit as he stared at his father's glares, eyes widening as he just realized that his dad had caught them both, cuddling with each other. On the bed.

"Dad, it's not like that-" 


- Double update because I felt sorry for leaving y'all hanging for two weeks. 

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