●First Dates & First Kisses●

497 39 48

It was currently one-thirty am in the morning and Taehyun found himself, tossing and turning on the bed, his minds filled with different types of thoughts. 

In order to distract himself and try to fall asleep, he tried counting sheeps and now was currently, on his two hundred and fifteenth one.  

He was interrupted by the ringing sound of his phone. He stretched his arm towards the nightstand to grab his phone, his lips immediately curving into that of a smile when he read the contact id. 

Gyu Hyungie! 


Are you awake? 


Yep, why are you awake? 


I'm bored. 


Well, what can I do to help you? 


Open your front door, I'm coming there. 


WHAT?! My parents are home right now! 


Well, it's not the first time that I'm sneaking into your house with your parents present. What's the problem now? 


They know that we're a couple, idiot. 


So what? Isn't that a good thing? 


Do you really think that they're going to allow their son being in the same room as his boyfriend. Alone, at late night? 


Why wouldn't they? They've watched me grow up. 


It's completely pointless to argue with you. Just come over. 


Be right there, Tyun!<3


Taehyun shook his head with a light smile on his lips, he quietly got out of his bed, trying his best to open the door as quietly as possible before going downstairs. 

He looked at their door cam, waiting for Beomgyu to be seen in the door camera. And so when he finally did, Taehyun opened the door with clammy hands. 

Beomgyu's face broke out in a huge grin, he widened his arms so that he could hug Taehyun. "Tyun-" But got silenced. 

Taehyun shushed him, placing his hands over his mouth. "You're so loud, and for what?" He whispered before dragging Beomgyu by his wrist to go to his room. 

Beomgyu shrugged. "I don't know," He whispered back. 

Taehyun quickly opened the door with clammy hands, dragging Beomgyu in before closing the door, shut. And, when he turned around, he found Beomgyu sitting on his bed with a smirk gracing his lips. 

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