●A New Pet!●

381 28 38

6th June, 2012

Taehyun was now finally ten. And who knows how but he started getting an obsession with dogs. Out of nowhere. He got excited even when he saw a stray dog on the street. 

It's been months since he's been asking his parents to adopt a dog for him. 

"Dad, can we please get a dog?" Taehyun pleaded to his father, the moment he got down from the stairs. 

His dad, who was sipping on his tea, choked. 'What?' He squinted his eyes after recovering from that cough. 

"Can we have a dog?" Taehyun, once again, asked. 

"No way!" Mrs. Kang shouted as she sat down on the dining table. 

Taehyun snapped his neck towards her, offended. "Why?"

"I'm sorry, pumpkin, but I don't think so that anyone of us knows how to raise a dog. You will be at school, your dad would be at work and I'm going to start a job in a few weeks. Who would take care of the dog?" Mrs. Kang reasoned out, her husband, nodding. 

Taehyun whined. "Our neighbors can! Especially Yeonjun hyung and Kai's families! You know, how much they love dogs!" 

Mrs. Kang shook her head. "We should not trouble them." And just like that, the debate went on for minutes before Mr. Kang had to step in because he couldn't keep up with both of them at the same time!

"Silence!" He held a fist in the air, quieting the entire house. Hell, even the birds stopped chirping! 

The power of dads, I guess?

"Fine," Mr. Kang sighed after he looked at the puppy eyes, Taehyun had just given him. "We'll get a dog." He was cut off by a 'What?!' by his wife and a 'Yay!' by Taehyun.

"Let me continue." Mr. Kang continued. "Only if our, Kang Taehyun, get's above eighty on every subject."

"Huh?!" Taehyun was in disbelief. "That's not possible!" 

"Well," Mrs. Kang smirked. "Say goodbye to your dog then." 

Taehyun whined. "I'll show you!" He said in a firm tone.

And oh boy, he did show them. Because he literally scored above eighty-five in every subjects. This was a shocker to his friends and to his parents. 

Taehyun was an average student, who passed with marks like sixty to seventy. So him, jumping to directly ninety's was a shocker for everyone. Even to his teachers. 

"Dad?" Taehyun slowly, asked after he showed them his report card and test papers.

"Which breed do you want?" His dad asked with a nervous smile, his mom, copying the same.

Taehyun smirked. "Golden Retriever." 

A few weeks later, Taehyun was now, being dragged down by his mom at seven-thirty am on a Sunday morning. 

"Mom," He whined, trying to escape from the grip of his mom's hands but failed. "Let me sleep!"

"Shush!" His mom shushed him, hiding a smile as she saw her husband, downstairs, waiting with a huge-pink-coloured box. 

Taehyun squinted his eyes as soon as his mom turned on the lights of the living room, frowning when he saw the huge box in the middle of the room. "What's this?" He asked, feeling a bit suspicious of the smiles, his parents were giving him. 

"Take a look." His father pushed him towards the box, making Taehyun stumble, lightly. 

"Okay-Okay, jeez." Taehyun sighed. "I'm sacrificing my sleep for this so it better should be good." 

"Trust me, it's worth it." Mrs. Kang smiled as she saw her son, struggling with the huge lid. 

As soon as Taehyun opened the box, a furry, light-brown-coloured head, popped out, making Taehyun freeze. He still didn't look into the box, excitement, running through his veins. He slowly turned around to look at his parents, who motioned him to look inside. 

And so Taehyun did. He loudly gasped when he saw a golden retriever puppy. It's tail was wagging and it had a smile on it's face, making Taehyun feel a bit teary-eyed. He tip-toed to lean towards the box, finally, taking the puppy in his arms. 

Taehyun smiled, tiny tears running down his face as he felt the puppy licking those salty tears away. Soon, his parents joined him too, hugging their child. 

"Thankyou!" Taehyun said, grabbing both of his parents with his free arm to hug them.

His parents chuckled. "What do you want to name him?" 

Taehyun thought for a while, the puppy still in his arms. 

"Blue!" Taehyun smiled, hugging the puppy, tighter. "Because it's my favourite color!" 


Do you guys have a pet? I want to have a dog but my mom is scared of dogs T-T My dad agrees with me, though. Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter<3

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