●Colorful Chalks & Black Roads●

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20th October, 2010

Taehyun sighed in anticipation as he looked towards the door, eyes not leaving a second, completely ignoring his mother, who was trying to teach him. 

Mrs. Kang frowned. "Where are you looking so much?" 

Taehyun shook his head. "I'm bored." 

Mrs. Kang folded her arms. "Oh yeah? We need to complete Fractions today so no excuse. You can play whatever you want since its Saturday tomorrow. For now, just do the eleventh sum." She said as she pointed towards a specific sum on the math textbook. 

Taehyun sighed, picking up his orange pencil before copying the question down in his notebook. 

'I wanna play.' He thought as he looked outside, seeing the figures of his friends, laughing and giggling. 

Few minutes later, the clock finally struck six-thirty pm and Taehyun's studying for the day was complete. He looked towards his mother with sparkling eyes, seeing her nod with sigh. He quickly rushed to the washroom to wash his face and comb his hair before stumbling outside the house. 

"Guys," He called out to the other four figures. "You all couldn't dare to bother and invite me? Do you know how horrifying those two hours were? I got hit five times plus more while trying to multiply." He complained. 

Yeonjun scratched his neck. "We did try to but your mom give us that look and said that we could play without Taehyun and that he will join us later." 

Taehyun rolled his eyes. "What are you guys doing, anyways?" 

Kai then sneakily took a pack of colorful chalks from his back, showing them off to everyone. 

Beomgyu frowned. "How did you even hide that?" 

Kai shrugged. "That's not important. But what's more important is that I have colorful chalks and we could do anything with it." 

Soobin tilted his head. "How did you even get them?" 

"It's my older sister's. Don't snitch on me to her. She'll kill me." Kai shushed him. 

"What could we do with the chalks." Yeonjun pondered with a finger on his chin, other's copying the same. 

Soobin's eyes lit up. "Let's draw on the road!" 

Taehyun tilted his head. "Draw on the road?" 

Beomgyu nodded. "Yes, we used to do it all the time in our old neighborhood. I think the markings of the drawings are still present over there if they haven't painted the road again." 

Kai and Yeonjun grinned. "That sounds cool!" They said in unison. 

Soon, they took out different colors of chalks. Red for Yeonjun, Pink for Soobin, Yellow for Beomgyu, Green for Taehyun and Blue for Kai. 

Before doodling, Soobin kicked the remaining dust on that area of the road before crouching down and drawing a huge sun with eyes and a smile.

Yeonjun crouched down, next to Soobin before drawing a weird creatures which had four legs and four arms. 

Taehyun grimaced. "That looks disgusting, hyung." 

"You don't know the true meaning of art." Yeonjun grumbled. 

Kai bent down too, drawing a bunch of fruits like Watermelon, Mangoes and Apples in huge sizes. 

It was Beomgyu's turn. And as a lover of art, he drew a fucking masterpiece for a child. He drew a few mountains and the half of the sun, emerging from behind the mountains with different trees around the area. 

Yeonjun gasped. "That's amazing, Beomgyu!" Kai and Taehyun nodded. 

"Thanks, I guess. It's not a big deal." Beomgyu shrugged, making the other's scoff. 

And at last, it was Taehyun's turn, who drew a bunch of flowers in different shapes, colors and sizes, completing their so-called-masterpiece. Dusting his hands off when he finally completed it. 

"Wait," Soobin stopped them. Crouching down to take the red chalk to write their names at the corner of their artwork, circling the names. 

"There we go!" He smiled, making the others clap. 

"Kids," Yeonjun's mother called out from her kitchen window. "It's time to eat! Go back home!" 

"Yes~" They bowed before bidding the others with a goodbye and a goodnight. 

And just like how the chalk stayed on the road, due to the snow, they knew that their friendship would too. 


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