●Late Nights & Convenience Stores ●

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It was currently twelve thirty am on a random Friday night. Taehyun was sitting on his bed as he tried to comfort himself for finding out that he had feelings for the older.

Yes, it took an entire year. 

But, he did notice these unwanted feelings for the older, a long time ago, he just didn't wanted to confirm it. But the time has come now, he had no choice to accept them. 

But the main question was, did Beomgyu reciprocate them? 

Taehyun was getting the guts of anxiousness in the pit of his stomach, just by thinking about the rejection, the older would give him, if he ever confessed. 

Which is not going to happen any time soon.

Taehyun kicked his feet on the bed due to the frustration, ruffling his hair. The AC wasn't doing it's job well as Taehyun was still feeling so hot-headed, right now.

And also hungry.. 

'Fuck you, Choi Beomgyu, for making me feel this way.' Taehyun glared through his window at the house, next to him. 

As if someone read his mind, his phone buzzed, the notification of a new message came. Taehyun, confusedly, picked up his phone. Who was going to text him, this late at night? 

Oh, it's Beomgyu.. 

Taehyun didn't realize how whipped he was for the older until the glow on his face, gave it away. He had no idea about how he turns into a giggly mess whenever Beomgyu calls him or texts him.  

Wanna go to the convenience store? 

This late? 


Why can't you go alone? 

Geez, do you want to come or not?  

Taehyun widened his eyes. There was absolutely no way that he was missing a chance to go out late at night, with Beomgyu.

Meet me outside in ten. 

Taehyun typed, getting out of the bed to walk towards his closet to find a warm wear. 

See you!!

Read, 12:39 am.  


"God, where the fuck is he? It's cold." Taehyun rubbed his hands together as he waited outside his house, eyes roaming around to find Beomgyu, who soon came into his view, waving like an excited child. 

"What took you so long?" Taehyun asked. 

"Soobin hyung caught me. I had to explain, why I was going outside in the middle of the night." Beomgyu shrugged, checking the time. 

"Walk?" Taehyun suggested.

"Walk." Beomgyu repeated with a confirmed nod. 

The walk to the convenience store, which was fifteen minutes away, was surprisingly awkward, tonight. Taehyun doesn't know if he's the one, who's making it awkward or if it's Beomgyu, who doesn't want to talk. 

"Hyung?" Taehyun called out, grabbing the other's attention. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong." Beomgyu replied with an awkward smile, hoping that the younger wouldn't see through him. 

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