●Taehyun's Birthday●

423 29 24

5th February, 2011

"Shh!" Mrs. Kang hissed, making her husband and the kids go silent. 

"Can't you all work quietly? He'll wake up!" She rolled her eyes, placing a huge Mickey Mouse standee in the living room. 

"He's going to have to wake up in a few minutes, anyways!" Yeonjun shrugged, placing the confetti poppers on the kitchen counter. 

"Is the cake ready?" Mrs. Kang looked over to her husband, who froze. 

"Cake? I thought you were the one who was responsible for it." Mr. Kang's eyes widened. 

"Uh-oh.." Kai shook his head with a smile, placing a few plushies on the couch. 

"Excuse me what?" Mrs. Kang squinted her eyes towards her husband. "So you're implying that we don't have any cake to celebrate now?" 

"No.." Mr. Kang trailed off. He could feel the steaming anger coming out from his wife. 

"How can we celebrate his birthday when we don't have cake?!" Mrs. Kang finally burst out. 

"Do we have cookies?!" Mr. Kang ran towards the fridge.

"Why are they like this?" Yeonjun asked Kai, who shrugged. 

Due to the loudness, Taehyun, suddenly woke up, sleepily walking down the stairs as he rubbed his eyes. 

"Mom? Dad?" He called out, squinting his eyes to see in the dark. 

Mr. and Mrs. Kang slowly turned towards their child before awkwardly laughing. 

Mrs. Kang ran towards Taehyun, embracing him into a big hug. "Happy birthday, my pumpkin!" She wished, ruffling the shorter's hair. 

Taehyun giggled, "Thankyou!" He said as he felt his dad picking him up.

"You're a big boy, aren't you? You're growing too fast!" His dad said, pecking his forehead. 

"His height isn't.." Yeonjun said, trying to hold in his smile. 

Taehyun gasped. "Dad!" He whined.  But poor him, his dad had his lips in a straight line, trying not to chuckle. 

"Yea-Yea," Mr. Kang quickly composed himself. "He's going to be taller than you both, right Taehyun?" He asked, to which, Taehyun nodded. 

"We'll see." Kai grinned. 

"Mom," Taehyun turned towards his mother. "Can I skip school?" 

His mom gasped, dramatically. "Why do you want to skip school?"

Taehyun closed his eyes in distress. "Because it's my birthday!" 

His mom crossed her arms. "That's not a reasonable excuse. You're going to school." She said in a firm tone. "Now let's get back to bed. It's almost twelve-thirty am." She said, hurrying the three upstairs. 


"Holy heavens!" Taehyun shrieked as soon as he woke up, seeing the vision of Yeonjun and Kai, running out of his room in the speed of a light. 

He touched his face, feeling a soft substance underneath his finger tips, taking a look to find out that it was a cupcake!

"You both are going to be so dead!" Taehyun shouted, immediately getting out of the bed to run downstairs. 

As he slid down the stairs, he saw the two hiding behind Mr. Kang, who looked confused as always but looked flabbergasted when he saw Taehyun's face. 

"Taehyun, what happened to your face?" He asked, giving the shorter a towel. 

"These two bloody idiots dropped a cupcake on my face while I was sleeping!" Taehyun complained as he tried to catch Kai but unfortunately, failed to do so. 

"It's fine," Mrs. Kang said with a smile as she walked in the room with a pot full of soup. "Go wash your face and get ready for school. We're gonna be late." She reminded them.

Taehyun sighed but gave a glare towards the two before walking upstairs, making Yeonjun and Kai shudder. 

"I can't believe an eleven year old feels threatened by a nine year old." Mr. Kang shook his head with a smile, getting an offended 'Hey!' from Yeonjun. 


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