●New School●

406 23 37

15th June, 2010

They soon, quickly collected the other two before heading towards the school. They spent half of the car ride, debating over their favourite ice-cream flavors, TV shows and songs. Which resulted in Mr. Kang having a major headache. 

"I'm never dropping these little menaces again." He gritted his teeth while smiling, muttering to himself as he waved the kids, who ran towards the school gate. As soon as he saw them disappear in the crowded grounds of the school, he quickly sat down in the car. 

"My coffee! I'm coming for you!" 


Figuring out that there was still time until the doors of the classrooms opened, Yeonjun suggested that they sit under the huge tree. 

They quickly sat down under the tree, which had had a wood platform, so that the uniforms won't get dirty. It seemed like the schools did it on purpose so that the students could have a breath of cool air, without getting their uniforms all dusty and dirty. 

Beomgyu quickly laid down, using the backpack as his head pillow. Soobin snorted. "You slept for ten hours. How are you still sleepy?" 

"Don't question it." Beomgyu hushed him, closing his eyes. 

"I'm hungry." Yeonjun suddenly announced. 

"Eat the bugs from the ground." Beomgyu chuckled, making Yeonjun want to strangle him. 

"Soobin, are your parents fine with having one child?" Yeonjun questioned, genuinely. 

Soobin awkwardly laughed. "Let's not go too dark, shall we? Why do you even joke about murders? At this age?" 

Yeonjun shrugged. "Grew up watching crime and horror movies." The eleven-year old replied. 

They spent the twenty minutes, talking and laughing with each other until the school bell rang, making everyone whine. 

"Okay," Yeonjun said as he picked up his red backpack. "Let's go through this while being alive." 

Soobin chuckled. "Dramatic hyung." 

Yeonjun gasped. "I'm not!" and ran towards the school with Soobin following him. 

Taehyun and Kai, laughed, entering the school to get to their own classes. 

Kai saw Beomgyu following them. "Why are you following us?" 

Beomgyu snorted. "Rude. I'm walking towards my class?" 

Kai raised his eyebrows. "Your class is on the third floor." He said as they walked through the corridors of the second floor. 

"I entered the school year late by one year." Beomgyu shrugged. "I'm in the same class as you both." 

Taehyun excitedly clapped his hands. "Yay! We'll be sharing classes with Beomgyu hyung, Kai!" He nudged the taller. 

Kai squinted his eyes at Taehyun. "You whined when you found out that I was going to be in your class too." 

Taehyun, sweetly smiled, patting Kai's head, tip-toeing in the process. "Let's not talk about that." He hushed the younger as he entered their class. 

Immediately, he was greeted with the sight of their three friends. 

Jay, Jake and Sunghoon. 

"Taehyun! Kai!" Jake cheered as he ran towards the two, hugging the both of them. "I haven't seen you both through all Christmas!" 

Taehyun chuckled, hugging Jake back. "Sorry, I did call you on Christmas, though!" 

Jay entered the scene with his hands in his pockets. "Heard that you got grounded on Christmas. How was that?" 

Taehyun grumbled. "It was not a good. I had to beg my parents for the gifts that Santa had gotten me. And all because of this idiot." He turned around to point towards Beomgyu but ended up pointing in the air. Beomgyu was nowhere to be seen around them. 

Taehyun frowned, roaming his eyes through his surroundings. And that's when he saw Beomgyu, who was sitting at the back of their class, seeming lonely. 

Taehyun's eyes widened as he ran towards the figure, making the other four follow him. 

"Guys," Taehyun announced, grabbing the four's reactions. "This is our new neighbor. He had moved during Christmas vacations!" 

"What's his name?" Sunghoon tilted his head, taking a look at Beomgyu. 

"Hey," Taehyun nudged Beomgyu's arm. "Introduce yourself. I swear, they're nice." He confirmed. 

"Hello, I'm Choi Beomgyu." He quietly let out, lips forming into a strained smile. 

Jake's eyes lit up, happy to find a new friend. "I'm Sim Jaeyun but you can call me Jake!" 

Jay's eyes formed into crescents as well. It was the first time that day that Beomgyu saw the guy smiling. "I'm Park Jongseong. Just call me Jay." 

"I'm Park Sunghoon." The tallest of them introduced himself, very coolly. 

Just then, the teacher entered the room, making the chaotic classroom go silent. The other three took their seats, in front of them while Kai and Taehyun sat next to them. 

"Hello everyone," The teacher smiled, prettily. "I'm Ms. Lee. I'll be your homeroom teacher for the rest of the year. Anyone, who was questions, can approach me, alright?"

"We need to have a motto for our classroom, right?" She continued. "What would it be? Any suggestions?" 

Many hands were raised up. 

"You." Ms. Lee pointed towards Jake, who confidently stood up. 

"Be respectful and kind to others." 

Ms. Lee clapped lightly for Jake. "That's a good one. Any more?" 

Many more suggestions were suggested and they ended up with Jake's one since the teacher agreed that kids need to be respectful to each other and towards their elders. 

"Now that's done." Ms. Lee dusted her hands as she put up the wooden board on top of the blackboard. "Who are the new students?" 

Taehyun took a look at Beomgyu, who had his head down. He tapped on the older's shoulders. "Hey, you have to introduce yourself." 

Beomgyu lifted his head up, his hair being a mess. He hesitantly raised his hand. 

Ms. Lee smiled, motioning Beomgyu to come forward. 

"Introduce yourself." 

Beomgyu slowly took steps towards the front of the class, the eyes of the students were haunting him. And that's what he hated about the news schools. He had to introduce himself. 

"I-I'm Choi Beomgyu..." He trailed off. 

"Any hobbies?" Ms. Lee asked.

"Arguing with my brother..?" Beomgyu replied, not sure. 

Ms. Lee laughed. "That's hilarious. Anything else?" 

Beomgyu shook his head. 

"Take a seat and we'll start with our day." Ms. Lee bended down at Beomgyu's level, smoothing his hair out. 

As Beomgyu sat down on his seat. Five heads turned towards him. Sunghoon, Jake, Jay, Taehyun and Kai, gave him a thumbs-up. 

"You did well!" 


- I couldn't resist not adding Enhypen. I just love them a lot lol but anyways, I hope you liked the chapter<3

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