●Movie Nights & Sleepovers!●

394 26 6

7th November, 2011

"What time are you kids having the movie night?" Mrs. Kang asked, taking a seat next to Taehyun on the couch, who was playing with an yellow-coloured slinky toy. 

"Probably around eight-thirty or nine pm." Taehyun replied, eyes still on the toy.

"Listen," Mrs. Kang took the toy out of her son's hands as she figured out that Taehyun wasn't paying attention. 

Taehyun whined, trying to reach out for the toy from his mother's hands, who kept it out of his reach.

"Do not stay up late at night. Me and your dad will be going to sleep early as always. You know the rules. Please take care of the house since Soobin and Beomgyu will also be joining your movie night this year." She reminded. 

"About the going to bed late.." Taehyun trailed off when he saw the done look given by his mother. 

Mrs. Kang sighed. "Do I really need to remind you about the time where you three went to bed at four am? And how pissed off we and the parents were?" 

Taehyun shuddered at the awful memory. "Please don't." 

Mrs. Kang nodded with a sarcastic smile. "Anything to eat?" 

Taehyun shook his head. "We'll probably get something from the pantry. And you know how Yeonjun hyung's and Kai's moms are, they load us with food." He giggled. 

Mrs. Kang smiled. "Have fun." She ruffled his hair before walking towards the kitchen. 


Taehyun rushed to the door as soon as he heard the doorbell go off. His parents had already gone to bed. There they saw Yeonjun's dad with the kids. 

"It was late at night so I figured that I'd drop them off." He smiled before waving at the kids. "Have fun and don't stay up late." 

"Yes, I'll take good care." Taehyun smiled, showing off his dimples. 

As soon as Taehyun shut the door and made sure that it was locked, Yeonjun scoffed. "Seriously, why do they keep on saying that when they know that we'll do everything but go to bed early on a movie night." 

Soobin's eyes widened. "How late are you all planning to stay awake?" 

Taehyun thought for a while, walking towards the couch. "Probably our normal time for sleepovers, which is three-thirty or four am."

Soobin gasped. "That late?!" 

Kai immediately ran towards 'his' spot on Taehyun's couch. "What? You've never stayed up late?" 

"Not at this age, of course!" Soobin cried out. 

Beomgyu, slowly, walked towards the couch. "What movie are we watching?" He asked. 

"Fictional?" Yeonjun proposed. 

"Comedy?" Both Soobin and Taehyun suggested, high-fiving each other when they realized. 

"Let's settle down for horror, shall we?" Beomgyu suggested with a smirk after thinking for a while. 

Yeonjun's, Soobin's and Taehyun's eyes widened in fear. "No way!" They cried, immediately quieting down when Kai gave them a reality check about Taehyun's parents sleeping upstairs. 

"Why?" Beomgyu smugly asked. "Too scared?" 

Yeonjun and Soobin scoffed. "You bet." They said as they took a seat on the couch. 

"What about you, Tyunnie?" Beomgyu tilted his head at Taehyun, who froze in his spot due to fear. 

"I hate horror movies." Taehyun mumbled as he took a seat next to Beomgyu, who held his hands. 

"Don't worry, those aren't real, you know?" Beomgyu tried comforting Taehyun but it didn't work. 

"Okay, but I have to warn you that I'm extremely clingy when I watch horror movies." Taehyun pouted to which Beomgyu smiled. 



Not even twenty minutes into the movie and Taehyun was already shielding his eyes with his right hand, while the free one was entangled with Beomgyu's hand. Yeonjun had a blanket over his head to avoid taking even the tiniest peak at the movie and Soobin had a pillow in front of his face, occasionally watching a few seconds of the movie before again, covering his face. Kai just had himself leaned over the arm-rest of the couch, enjoying himself.

Suddenly, an idea popped in his mind. He had a smug smile on his face as he quietly got up and walked towards the behind of the couch, he had his hands in the air, as if he's trying to scare someone.  And you're right! He was going to scare his Soobin hyung. 

'One, two, three-' Kai counted his head before shouting a, 'Boo!' from Soobin's shoulders, who completely freaked out and screamed his lungs out, scaring everyone except Beomgyu, who was used to this. 

"Kai Kamal Huening!" Soobin warned. "I'm gonna kill you!" He whisper-shouted before running behind Kai, who was wheezing. 

During the time when Soobin screamed, Beomgyu felt the grip on his hands, tightening. He took a look at Taehyun, who had a horrified expression on his face. Beomgyu laughed, patting the younger's head. 

"Don't worry, it's just Soobin hyung. There are no ghosts." He comforted Taehyun. 

"SORRY-" Kai was cut off by a pillow being smacked onto his face, all the feathers inside the pillow, falling out and creating a rainfall of feathers around them. 

As the feathers settled down and Soobin could finally see the younger's face, he burst out laughing. Kai had his mouth full of those white feathers! And he looked hilarious! 

"Ew!" Kai grimaced as he spit out the feathers from his mouth before picking up the pillow, which was abandoned on the ground. He held the soft cushion in his fingers before smacking the back of Yeonjun's head. 

Yeonjun gasped with a look of betrayal towards Kai. "WHY ME?!"

Kai shrugged and that's when Yeonjun threw a few kennels of popcorn towards Kai. 

Taehyun and Beomgyu didn't know how but they also, somehow, got involved in the food slash pillow fight. 

And the once, clean, home was now surrounded with kennels of popcorns and the feathers of the pillow. 


But I Like You! | Taegyu ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin