●Arcades & Realizations●

417 25 35

14th October, 2019

It was a random, gloomy Tuesday for Beomgyu. It was because, he had just realized something, he shouldn't have. 

He was in love with Kang Taehyun. 

Yes, the one and only, Kang Taehyun. Who, was and is his childhood best friend. Who, always tried to comfort him during his ups and downs, without even knowing the context. 

Now, Beomgyu didn't know how he got to this realization but it was confirmed when he searched it up on the Internet, last night. 

'How do you know if you're falling in love with someone?' Beomgyu typed on the keyboard of his new laptop. At four-thirty am in the morning. 

Well, it seems like getting those butterflies when Taehyun came close towards him, blushing when Taehyun looked at him with those insane-sparkling, doe eyes, the pit of his stomach, dropping whenever he saw Taehyun with some other person, was not at all, normal. 

Beomgyu sighed as he rubbed his face with his hands, his hair all tousled up as he stared at the crumbling pages in front of him, on the desk, judging him from how hopeless he looked. 

He just wanted to do his fucking homework but it seemed like as if a certain someone wasn't ready to leave his mind. 

"God, I hate you, Kang Taehyun." Beomgyu whined as he threw a crumbled paper towards the door, frustrated. 

But just at the moment, someone, opened his door. And that someone was Kang Taehyun, who got hit on his forehead with that crumbled paper, Beomgyu just threw.

"Ouch, hyung." Taehyun rubbed his forehead with a monotone voice, showing no signs of pain or a single whine. 

Beomgyu awkwardly smiled, giving him an awkward wave to match. "Hey, Tyun."

"Hey," Taehyun rolled his eyes. The newly-found sassiness is Taehyun's personality was very much amusing to see. According to Beomgyu. "Wanna go to the arcade?" 

Beomgyu tilted his head. "Now?" He turned around to look towards the clock. "It's seven pm, right now." 

Taehyun placed a hand on his hip. "I'm bored. Do you want to? If you don't want to, it's fine. I'll drag Sunghoon with me." 

Beomgyu, immediately, stood up from his seat. "Wait a second. I'll go get ready, very quickly!" He announced, almost tripping on his way to the bathroom. 

Taehyun tilted his head, confused. How did he agree so quickly? 


The duo arrived pretty quickly as they only lived twenty minutes away from the newly-built arcade. 

"What games do you want to try out first?" Beomgyu asked as he paid for the coins. 

"Anything's fine," Taehyun shrugged, looking around. 

Just as Beomgyu turned towards Taehyun, he believed that he made the biggest mistake. The pinkish-purple lights were hitting the perfect spots on the black-haired's face. The eyes were looking around. Honestly, Beomgyu never seen those eyes, not sparkle for a damn moment. The lips were wet and rosy due to Taehyun's new habit of continuously licking and biting them. The moles added a few extra details, making Taehyun look, absolutely beautiful. 

Beomgyu sighed. He really needed to get a fucking grip. 

"Hyung," Taehyun called out, grabbing Beomgyu's brown sweatshirt's sleeve, oblivious to Beomgyu's racing heartbeat. "Let's go play crashing cars." He said as he pointed towards the area, which had many cars, lined up. 

But I Like You! | Taegyu ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt