New Year Virus

By dreamfl_56

4.5K 2K 571

A joyous New Year's celebration were shattered when an unprecedented and terrifying event unfolded. Instead o... More

{Season 1} Chapter 1 Another Virus?
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
End Of Season 1
{Season 2} Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 27

51 22 10
By dreamfl_56

I was eager to unravel the mysterious origins of the virus, so I turned to Smith, who sat down and began to narrate.

"Let me take you back a few months ago," he started, the weight of the past heavy in his voice.

.....FEW MONTHS AGO.....

In the remote, frozen expanse of Russia's unforgiving wilderness, time seemed to take on a different dimension.

It was here that a group of intrepid scientists found themselves entangled in a race against time itself. A virus, ancient and perilous, lay hidden beneath layers of ice, a secret preserved for centuries.

This was the moment when humanity first glimpsed the dormant threat that would reshape its destiny.

Arthur, a scientist driven by unquenchable curiosity, led the charge into this uncharted territory.

Arthur was an elderly scientist, his age etched into the fine lines and wrinkles on his face.

Behind a pair of sleek, modern glasses, his eyes sparkled with a passion for scientific discovery.
He has a heavier build, not particularly fit, which lends him an air of experience and wisdom.

With every passing second, the virus, encapsulated within the ice for a millennium, grew more ominous. Its very existence held the potential to rewrite history.

"William" Arthur inquired with a sense of foreboding, "can you tell me if this virus poses a danger?"

William's gaze remained fixed on the frozen core, as if he could sense the urgency of their situation.
In this race against an invisible foe, every moment counted.

"I don't know yet Arthur," he replied, a weighty acknowledgment of the gravity of their task.

William, well, he was Arthur's partner in crime, you could say. Like Arthur, he was no spring chicken. These two had seen more sunsets than most people, and it showed.

William, unlike Arthur, had a thinner frame. His shoulders slumped just a little, the years of hard work and research weighing on him. His hair, once a deep shade of brown, had now faded to a dusty gray, and what remained of it was combed back neatly. No wild tufts of hair for William.

He had a pair of glasses that sat precariously on the bridge of his nose, like they might slip off any moment. His eyes, though, they were sharp. They held a certain intensity, a spark of curiosity that hadn't dimmed with age.

As they gingerly removed the ancient ice core from its frozen tomb, their breath hung like a visible specter in the icy air. The virus, a relic from an age lost to time, seemed to taunt them with its secrets.

It was as though time itself conspired against them, pushing them to uncover the truth locked within the ancient ice. They had no inkling that this discovery would trigger a cataclysm that would challenge humanity as never before.

As Arthur left the icebound virus securely packed in a box, he couldn't escape the clamor of the press and the gathering crowd that had formed around his car.

Reporters fired questions at him like bullets, their microphones thrust forward as if trying to pry secrets from his very soul.

"Sir, can this virus pose any threat to us?" one journalist pressed, her voice edged with anxiety.

Another chimed in, "How old is this virus? Is it as ancient as it looks?"

The scene was frenzied, with cameras flashing and people jostling to capture every moment.

Arthur, trying to maintain composure, adjusted his coat. He spoke carefully, aware of the weight of his words.

"I wish I could provide definitive answers to your questions," he admitted, his voice steady. "But right now, we're standing on the brink of the unknown. This discovery, though, has the potential to bring immense pride to our nation."

In his words, there was a sense of both hope and trepidation.
With that said, Arthur and William entered their car and set off for the lab.

Their vehicle gracefully glided through the city streets, Arthur puffing on his cigarette with the casualness of someone who had smoked for decades, while William sat beside him, engrossed in the papers spread across his lap.

The car eventually reached its destination - a colossal building that stood as a monument to human ingenuity. It was a fortress of knowledge, an island of science amid the sea of uncertainty outside.

As their car approached, the massive metallic doors of the building swung open, revealing an army of guards who had been eagerly awaiting their arrival. They waved the car in, their crisp uniforms a stark contrast to the chaos brewing beyond those walls.

The building itself was a modern marvel, with its sleek glass façade reflecting the azure sky. As they entered, automatic doors slid open to reveal a spacious, high-tech interior.

The lab's atmosphere was a blend of sterile professionalism and the restless energy of scientific curiosity. Bright white lights hung from the ceiling, casting a clear, artificial glow over the pristine surfaces and equipment.

The floors were a sea of polished linoleum, spotless and reflective, almost like a mirror to the ambitious endeavors unfolding within these walls.

In one corner, a row of high-end microscopes stood in perfect alignment, their lenses poised for close examination of the tiniest mysteries.

Alongside them, fume hoods hummed with a low, consistent drone, where scientists in white lab coats delicately handled samples, their gloved hands moving with precision and purpose.

Every workstation was equipped with state-of-the-art instruments, and the room was filled with the constant hum of machines: from the gentle whir of centrifuges to the soft, rhythmic beeping of computers collecting data.

After swiftly delivering the virus to the laboratory, Arthur and William settled into a room dedicated to its study. It was a place bathed in fluorescent light, with sterile steel surfaces gleaming under the luminescence.

Moments later, the door swung open, and a young woman named Jessica entered. Her presence brought a breath of fresh air to the otherwise clinical room.

Jessica was a striking figure, her radiant presence contrasting with the cold atmosphere of the laboratory.

She was of average height, with a slender yet athletic build. Her long, chestnut hair cascaded down her back in a neat ponytail, framing her oval-shaped face. Her hazel eyes sparkled with a curious intellect, always eager to unravel the mysteries of the world.

Jessica's attire was practical yet stylish. She wore a well-fitted lab coat over a simple white blouse and dark slacks. A pair of sensible sneakers completed her ensemble, a nod to the long hours she often spent on her feet in the pursuit of scientific knowledge.

She approached the scientists with a warm smile, her enthusiasm for their work evident in her every gesture.

"Sir, yes, you were right," Jessica said.
"This virus, believed to have been frozen in ice for a thousand years, is unlike anything we've ever seen."

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