Queen of the Pirates

Galing kay Buttercup-Rosie

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After Gol D. Roger's dying words drove all kinds of people to the sea to chase after dreams that only the Gra... Higit pa

The Journey Begins
The Pirate Hunter
The First Fight with the Navy
Enter the Thief
Zoro VS Cabaji
Luffy VS Buggy
Guardian of the Forest
The Infamous Liar
Protecting the Village
The Meowban Brothers
Finally, a Real Ship!
Johnny and Yosaku!
The Baratie and The Flirty Cook
Hawk-Eye Mihawk!?
Sanji VS The Invincible Pearl
Gin the Betrayer
Luffy VS Don Krieg
Heading for Nami
The Girl Who Cried Help
Arlong Attacks!
The Town of the Beginning and the End
High School AU Filler Chapter 1
High School AU Filler Chapter 2
High School AU Filler Chapter 3
High School AU Filler Chapter 4
The Grand Line
Laboon's Tale
Whisky Peak
The Princess of Alabasta
Onwards to a New Island
Arriving on Little Garden
Trapped in Wax
Straight Ahead!
A Sick Nami
The Snow Country: Drum Kingdom
The Straw Hat's Doctor: Chopper
Royalty AU Filler Chapter 1
Royalty AU Filler Chapter 2
Royalty AU Filler Chapter 3
Royalty AU Filler Chapter 4
Mr. Bon Clay
Ace Arrives
A Journey Through the Desert
Heading To Rainbase
Trapped by Crocodile
Mr. Prince to the Rescue
The First Defeat
The Clock Tower
The Rain Returns
The Sign of Friendship
An Archaeologist Joins the Crew
A Run in with Salvagers
A Promise not to Fight
Noland the Liar
The Emperor Cloud
Search for the South Bird
The Knock-Up Stream
Off-Screen Events: Akari is Born
Off-Screen Events: Shanks in Foosha Village
Off-Screen Events: Akari Learns to Fight
Off-Screen Events: Ace Heads out to Sea
The Sea of Clouds
Skypiea and Angel Beach
Criminals in Skypiea
The Punishment Begins
The Challenge of the Ball
Reaching The Sacrificial Alter
The Search Team is Separated
The Question Corner! Part 1
Alone in the Forest
Respecting History
Shandora: The City of Gold
Refusing Endless Varse
Rubber vs. Lightning
Jumping Ship
The Question Corner! Part 2!
To the Top of the Vine
The Golden Bell Tolls
The Secret of Skypiea
Pop Idol AU Filler Chapter 1
Pop Idol AU Filler Chapter 2
Pop Idol AU Filler Chapter 3
Pop Idol AU Filler Chapter 4
Back in the Blue Sea
Long Ring Long Island
The Davy Back Fight Begins
The Foxy Pirates Choose...?
Zoro & Sanji in the Groggy Ring
Afro Luffy Appears
A Supreme Admiral!?
Frozen Solid
The Sea Train
The City of Water
Dock #1
Franky Family Fight
Luffy VS Usopp
Heading to Galley-La HQ
The Traitors: CP9
The Aqua Laguna
Journey on Rocket Man
The Nightless Island
College AU Filler Chapter 1
College AU Filler Chapter 2
College AU Filler Chapter 3
College AU Filler Chapter 4
Luffy and Akari Fight Together
Robin's True Wish
The Search for Keys
Luffy vs Lucci
The Buster Call
A Final Farewell
Off-Screen Events: Life on Going Merry Part 1
Off-Screen Events: Life on Going Merry Part 2
The Question Corner! Part 3!
A Fist of Love
Uncovering The Truth
Waiting for a Ship
A Ship of Dreams
Set Sail on Thousand Sunny
Domestic AU Filler Chapter 1
Domestic AU Filler Chapter 2
Domestic AU Filler Chapter 3
Domestic AU Filler Chapter 4
A Talking Skeleton!?
A Floating Ghost Island
The Humming Swordsman
A Fifty-Year Promise
The Despicable Dr. Hogback
Straw Hats VS Oars
Nightmare Luffy!
Luffy vs. Moria
Kuma the Tyrant
Bink's Brew
Honoring the Lost
Mafia AU Filler Chapter 1
Mafia AU Filler Chapter 2
Mafia AU Filler Chapter 3
Mafia AU Filler Chapter 4
A Real-Life Mermaid!
The Flying Fish Riders
The Face Behind the Iron Mask
The Yarukiman Mangrove Archipelago
A World Nobles Sighting
Shakky's Rip-Off Bar
Rescued by a Legend
The Truth Behind Roger
Battle with a Pacifista
The Straw Hats Torn Apart
Awaking in Blacksmith Village
An Average Day in Blacksmith Village
Departing Blacksmith Village
Zombie AU Filler Chapter 1
Zombie AU Filler Chapter 2
Zombie AU Filler Chapter 3
Zombie AU Filler Chapter 4
Saved by the Devil
A Chat with Blackbeard
The Underwater Prison
Escaping Impel Down
Bon Clay's Sacrifice
Recounting Time Apart
Luffy's Tale to Impel Down
The War Begins
Battling Through Marineford
The Strongest Man in the World
Roger's Bloodline
Rescuing Ace
The End of an Era
The Question Corner! Part 4
Canon Side Stories #1: Paulie
Canon Side Stories #2: Iceburg
Canon Side Stories #3: Smoker
Canon Side Stories #4: Koby
Aboard the Polar Tang
The Island of Women
A Spirit Broken
Flashback: Meeting Ace
Flashback: Enter Sabo
Flashback: Troublemakers
Flashback: The Treehouse
Flashback: A Great Fire
Flashback: The Promise
Short Break

Sold to the Highest Bidder

602 26 29
Galing kay Buttercup-Rosie

"Let go of me!" Camie screams as two men dressed kind of like clowns carry her down the hall. They've removed her skirt and shoes to reveal her mermaid tail. "That hurts! Hatchin's going to come and beat you all up!"

"Oh, my boyfriend is going to do more than beat you guys up," I snarl, stumbling as the man holding the chain connected to the cuffs around my wrists gives me a tugged. Since I don't have a tail, I've been forced to walk through the auction house's back halls to my imprisonment.

It felt like hours since Camie and I were ripped from our friends and trapped in sacks to be taken to a horrible place that is this human auction house. The first moment that the sack was removed, and I could see once again, I was instantly reaching for Camie. The last thing that I want is for us to be separated. No matter what happens, I need to make sure that we stick together. Even if that means we get sold to the same person. I will do whatever I have to in order to stay with Camie. I'm not going to let her go through this alone.

The area we're in has a cage on one side of the wall filled with other people, even a man that looks to be a giant, that have been captured to be sold into slavery. It makes me sick knowing that this is something that is constantly going on here. That people are actually buying and selling other living beings. There's nothing that I can do to fix this sick business, but one day I am going to make sure that this is eradicated from the earth.

We stop walking, and a man wearing a large round hat atop long thin hair steps up to Camie now being held by the armpits by a single man. There's such a sickly twisted happy look in his eyes that their lucky I'm in chains because I would not hold back.

"Oh ho!" the gross man grabs Camie's face, squishing her cheeks between his disgusting fingers. "We should get a lot for this one! How rare! So lively! And such fair skin! Who's the seller?"

"The Hound Pets," some man answers.

"Peterman does good work."

"But the Flying Fish Riders aren't exhibiting this time," another man says.

"And they won't ever again," I hiss.

The gross man lets go of Camie's face and she instantly sticks her tongue out at the man. The grin on my face doesn't last long as he slaps her right across the face and sends her tumbling to the ground. His foot slams against her head multiple times.

"Why you dirty fish!" Gross Man screams.

"Stop, Disco!" some man shouts as multiple rush forward. "That's a valuable product! If you damage it, the price will drop!"

"Knock it off!" I scream.

"If you're going to kick, try the stomach or someplace hidden."

"Hmph," Disco grunts, making his way over to me. "And what do we have here? Just a normal little human girl caught with the mermaid. Well, at least you're pretty, so I'm sure we can get a good enough price for you."

"You're a sad little man inside, aren't you?" I spit right in his face.

"Why you!" He goes to hit me just like he did to Camie, but I hold up my chained arms to block his blow. "Oh, what's this?" He roughly grabs my left arm, raising it up to his eyes to get a better look at the bracelet that has never left my wrist since Luffy gifted it to me. "Well, this looks too valuable for a slave to have, so I'll just be taking that for me." He starts to spin it around to find the clasp to release it.

"Don't you dare take that from me!" I scream, trying to pull my arm away, but Disco has a surprisingly strong grip. "That's the very first thing that Luffy gifted me in our relationship! It means the world to me! I won't let you take it my treasure! I won't let you!" I empty my lungs, and at the same time, a pulse explodes from around me.

Disco releases my hand and stumbles away from me. The moment passes before I can even begin to think what caused him to fumble. "I'll get that damn bracelet before you're sold today. March my words."

"Over my dead body, dick," I growl.

"You've really got a mouth on you. Firecrackers like you are beat into submission before long."

"Hatchin is going to beat you up!" Camie lifts her head up as tears fly from her eyes, bruises are forming on her face, and a dribble of blood drips from her nose.

"You're in for a world of hurt when our friends get here!" I snap, yanking back against my chains to make the man holding onto me stumble.

"Now their both talking back," Disco glares at us, ready to slap some more sense into us, I'm sure. Except, he doesn't get a chance before his eyes go white, his mouth hangs wide open, and then he falls backwards completely unconscious.

"Huh!? Disco!?" men start rushing to his aid.

"Hey! What happened, Disco!?" the man holding onto me lets go of the chains to rush towards his boss.

"Camie!" I exclaim, rushing right for her and falling to my knees. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay," she sniffles, wiping the tears from her cheeks. "How are you? I've never heard you scream like that. Like you were on the edge of breaking."

"You just haven't known me long enough," I sadly smile. "But I'm fine. We're going to be fine. I promise you that I'm not going to leave you alone. No matter what, we're in this together, okay?"

"Okay," she nods. "I'm just so sorry that I've pulled you into this mess. It's all my fault that we've been captured in the first place. I'm the one who wanted to go on land with everyone, and I'm the one who wanted to ride the Ferris Wheel, and-"

"Camie," I reach up and cradle her face as best I can. "None of this is your fault. I don't want you to think for a moment that we are in this horrible situation because of anything that you've done. You deserve to live your life to the fullest. You deserve to achieve your dreams. You shouldn't have to fear that someone is going to come along and kidnap you because you're a mermaid. Because that's the whole reason anything has happened today, isn't it?"

"Yes," she sniffles. "Mermaids fetch a high price on this market. I was a target from the second we docked."

"And can't you hear how messed up that sounds?" I drop my hand away from her face. "You can't choose what you were born as, but every single day these people chose to kidnap, sell, and buy living beings. Human, fish-men, and all in between. Can't you see how all of this is their fault?"

"Yeah, I understand what you're saying. I still feel horrible about you being ripped from your friends. Luffy-chin must be furious."

"I feel horrible that I wasn't paying more attention. That I didn't realize sooner that you were in such danger. None of that is going to change what happened though. All I can do is put my faith into Luffy and the others that they'll get to us before the worst happens. I'm hoping that all that fury Luffy's feeling right now, not just for me being kidnapped, but for you as well, is what gets him as soon as possible. They don't understand who they've messed with."

"Oh, Akari-chin, I'm so glad I'm not alone." She throws her arms around my neck as she nuzzles her face into my shoulder.

"Hey, old man," a deep voice turns my attention to the giant behind bars, but also to the man seated next to me. "Don't play dumb. That was you, wasn't it? That Haki? Who are you?"

The old man chuckles, a flask in his hand that he takes a sip of. He's tan with long white hair, a striped beard, round glasses, and a scar over his right eye. He's wearing a large silver hooded cloak, but his clothing underneath looks simple and casual. Even sitting down with a collar and chains, he exudes strength and importance. "I can't take credit for both, Besides, I'm just and old man who coats ships and likes young ladies."

My eyes widen before narrowing and looking away. There are no doubt hundreds of people all over this archipelago that can coat ships, so even if there is a possibility that this is the old man we were looking for earlier, I don't believe it is him. Shakky said we didn't have to worry about him getting into any trouble, and this old man is in heaps of trouble if he's about to be sold at auction.

"Get those girls in collars and chains right now!" Disco slurs on his words as he is held up by two of his men.

There's a horde of men on us the second the order leaves his mouth. No matter how much we struggle and scream, the collars are forced onto our necks. Camie gets chains around her wrists to match me, and then we are forced into the area with all the other slaves to wait for the auction to begin.

All around us the auction house workers are getting ready for the event of the day, and the kidnapped people suck in with us are shaking from the horror that they know is coming.

Camie has her cheek resting against my shoulder as I hold one of her hands in mine. We haven't spoken since being placed behind bars, but I'm not sure what more we could say to each other that we didn't already say. There's nothing I can say to try and cheer her up because this isn't the kind of place that can hold any joy.

The last time that I was this scared was the night that the man who raised me got so drunk he threw a vase in my direction. The sound of the ceramic shattering against the wall haunts my nightmares to this day. No matter how many times I tell myself that he can't hurt me anymore, he's already hurt me enough to scar me for life. And then Luffy was there to make sure that never happened to me again. He protected me like he always has.

Now, as the fear is rippling through my body, I can't let go of the fact that Luffy would go through hell and back to make sure that I am safe. He'd do the same for anyone else on the crew or the friends we've made along the way. That's just the kind of man he is. I've never taken that for granted. That's why I've always tried to get stronger to protect myself if he couldn't be there. But this is the weakest I've felt in a very long time. I've never been more trapped than right now, and no matter how much I love and trust Luffy, it's terrifying.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your patience!" the announcer in the main auction hall can clearly be heard. "The monthly Grove 1 Human Grand Auction will now begin. The auctioneer is, of course, this man! The walking super bazaar, Mr. Disco!"

I can't see him, but I know that piece of shit is smiling wide and excitedly dancing around the stage. He knows that today he's going to make a lot of money, and the bile in my throat burns at that very thought.

"Thank you, everyone!" Mr. Disco's voice sends a tremor through Camie's body, so I do the only thing I can think to do, which is give her hand a squeeze. "Today we have once again prepared a lineup of the finest slaves! You are in luck! We have something extra special today! I pray from the bottom of my heart that you'll leave with the slave of your choice! Now let the auction begin!"

"Numbers two and three, you're up," a man unlocks the door to our prison, motioning for the slaves after the one that was already taken out is sold.

"Entry number one, from Toroa in the West Blue! He's from a long line of musicians and can play all kinds of instruments. He's also a pirate! Give him an instrument, and he'll play background music! Give him a mop, and he'll clean! What's more, he's an expert wine maker! He's a twenty-five-year-old human male in his prime! He's six feet four and weighs two-hundred-eight-six pounds! His name is Byron! We'll start at the special price of four-hundred-thousand Berries! Raise your plate to make your bid!"

I force myself to tune out the auctioneer as well as the people that are abuzz about the scene playing out in front of them. I don't need to know how much a man is going to sell for to a person that deserves only the worst. I don't want to know what other people think he's worth. My stomach is already rolling as each person is taken out, meaning that Camie and I are one step closer to being put on a stage for disgusting people to bid on us. To determine what we're worth in their eyes.

I've always known that certain men look at me as if I was some object that they could take and use for whatever their horrible hearts desired. From the Higuma the Bear when I was a kid, to Krieg at the Baratie, to Crocodile in Alabasta, to Sarquiss before Skypiea, and now with this. There will be countless men looking up at us and thinking such impure thoughts that would make Sanji kill them in a heartbeat. I shouldn't be used to it, but at this point it doesn't even faze me.

But there have been plenty of men in my life that aren't anywhere close to that level of horrible. Luffy's always been my biggest supporter in anything that I've ever wanted to do. He's never thought there was something I couldn't do, and he'd help me achieve any dream if he had to. He knows that if he needs to step in to give me a hand he can, but he also knows how much stronger I am now since we set out to sea. I'm not sure that I could be so deeply in love with him if he acted any differently.

Then there's Shanks and his crew that only ever saw me as a daughter that they wanted to protect from any danger. The only reason they thought I shouldn't go out to sea was because I was too young, and that is the same reason they had for Luffy. I'm sure that they are beyond excited to see what Luffy and I have gotten ourselves into. The party they must have thrown with each new bounty that was released for us. I longed for many years that any one of them could have been my father when living with hellish man that raised me. If only every man could be more like them.

There's even Garp, who I know wanted me to take a different path, but he's still proud of the young lady I've become. He's only ever wanted the best for me. He did everything he thought was right to try and protect me. If only he could see me right now, in this very moment, I know he's take out everyone to make sure that I was safe. It makes me sick to think that he might be letting this kind of evil slide. I can only hope that he has no idea that this is going on.

Then there's every guy on the crew that sees me as Akari, nothing more or less. Zoro sees me as a little sister, but he knows what I'm capable of. He wants me to show off my strength, and I trust he'll get me out of a hard spot if I ever find myself in one. Usopp is always looking to have a fun time, and I'm sure that he'd include me no matter what. Sanji has grown tremendously since we first met, and I'm not just a pretty face to him anymore. We can banter with each other without it getting weird because if there's one thing that Sanji is, it's being a gentleman to the fullest extent. Chopper is the sweetest boy that was close to a strong woman for many years, and I'm sure that she taught him how to respect every single person. Franky made sure to give me a space for blacksmithing in the Thousand Sunny, and even if Brook is a huge pervert, I don't take it too seriously.

"Moving right along now!" Disco breaks into my thoughts. "Entry number six! A set of ten male human workers!"
I shake my head, ignoring the announcements once more. It's only twisting my stomach even more.

With each pair that is taken away, the fear within me slowly rises. I would never give up on Luffy. I would never give up on the rest of the Straw Hats. I know that they are coming to save us. I know that they would battle anyone to make sure that I get back safe. And I would help do the same for them. We've all done the same for each other. That is what makes us the closest crew around. We're more than friends. We are a family that found each other when we needed it the most.

Camie has begun to slightly shake next to me, and my thumb has started to run across her knuckles in an attempt to calm her. From everything she's told us, from all the kidnappings to eating by sea monsters, I'm sure that this is the worst thing she's ever gone through by far. I hope that she hasn't lost hope in Hachi coming to rescue her.

I'm still curious about the old man still in this prison with us. He's been silent and drinking from his flask this entire time. If I wasn't glued to Camie's side (of my own will; I don't want to leave her alone even for a second), I'd walk down to him to ask him some questions. When we get out of this, I'm going to make sure that I talk to him. There's a feeling deep within that tells me I need to talk to him.

"Number fifteen and sixteen! Outside!" a worker snaps.

My head snaps up, knowing that seventeen is the number given to Camie, but I will not let them take her from me.

"Argh! Stop!" the male pirate linked with sixteen exclaims as a work pulls him out of his seat. "I don't wanna go! Prison's better! I don't want to be a slave! Help me!" he struggles against his chains, but there's no getting out of this fate.

"Give him a sedative," a worker orders.

"Call the Navy, please! Please don't sell me!"

Camie curls even further into me, shaking the most she has since we heard the auction began. "Hatchin..."

"Don't worry Camie," I whisper, looking back at her. "They're coming. I just know they are. They might even already be here and are waiting for the perfect moment to strike."

"We need to get the mermaid ready now," another worker speaks up.

"Hey, number eighteen! Release the mermaid!" a worker orders.

I slowly raise my head, glaring daggers as I let all emotion fall off my face. "If you separate me from this girl, I won't hesitate to kill every single one of you in here. Even if it costs me my life. Do you understand?" My hand rests where my shuriken pouch should be, but thekidnappers took that when we were transferred from their hands to the auctionhouse. Still, I don't need them to do some damage to these bastards.

A shiver visibly runs through all the workers in the vicinity. Obviously the collar around my neck could take me out before I even had a chance to make any damage, but I'm glad that they understand how serious my threat is.

"She's a pirate with a fairly high bounty, so I think we could pair them together," a worker says to the man in charge with the clipboard who's been keeping everything in order. "Portgas D. Akari, the girlfriend of that rookie. She's pretty enough, so we can say she's a helper for the mermaid, but also for whatever you want."

I sneer, absolutely disgusted that they're having this conversation about me. To be degraded to an object is the worst feeling in the entire world, but they are discussing it so casually.

"Well, let's get on with it," the man with the clipboard orders.

One worker comes and picks Camie up, while another grabs my chains and drags me out of the prison. I take one last look at those still in the prison and look eyes with the old man, but I don't call out to him. This is our fate.

The workers take us through back hallways that must be right behind the stage because I hear the those being sold on the other side of the wall. Then we are right off the stage, and Camie is tossed into a giant fishbowl with a cork to keep her inside. I'm forced to sit on the platform around it and wait for us to be pushed out onto the stage. The pirate that was freaking out earlier unnaturally calm as he waits his turn is nearby.

"Well, this is getting lively!" Disco declares. "Moving on to one of our best entry buys! Entry fifteen is a marvelous beauty! Feast your eyes! Such astonishing proportions! The twenty-year-old dancer Pasia!"

"I'm going to kill him," I hiss, wrapping my arms around my stomach. "Him and everyone happily participating in this."

It it's much longer before Pasia is sold off to some sick bastard and Disco is announcing it like it is the greatest thing that's ever happened. "This is extraordinary! The beautiful dancer Pasia started at eight-hundred thousand Berries and sold for a whooping seven-million-two-hundred thousand! What could be next!" The pause gets a buzz to go through the crowd. "Entry number sixteen! The captain of a pirate ship! His name is Lacuba! This pirate captain was a notoriously clever trickster! His bounty is seventeen million! He's well built! Use him as a human horse for work that requires strength, or as a sandbag! He has may uses, now then..."

A scream pierces my eyes as a commotion follows on stage. I instantly look to see that Lacuba has done something to himself that makes him unsellable as blood pours from his mouth before he collapses to the ground.

"Whoa! He fell down!" someone exclaims.

"Lower the curtain for a moment!" Disco orders, and in the next few seconds, the curtain drops to hide us.

A worker runs over to the downed man to try and administer aid, but I don't think there's anything they can do to get him ready to sell in a couple minutes. "It's no use."

"Argh!" Disco grunts. "He's cutting into our profits! We can't sell him like this! Hey! Get the mermaid ready!"

"She's ready!" a worker replies. "We've paired her with that pirate that was captured with her. Akari was her name."

"Ugh, fine whatever. They're next!"

A cloth is thrown over Camie and I to hide us from the crowd as we're pushed out into the middle of the stage. The second we are in position, the curtain rises, and the auction is back on. What happens next determines everything.

"So, anyway, number sixteen, the pirate Lacuba, was so nervous he got a nosebleed!" Disco effortlessly lies. "He passed out, so we'll auction him again at a later date! But ladies and gentlemen, the product I will now introduce will make you forget this trouble in an instant! It's our greatest star attraction! And she even comes with a companion that will help you make her the best she can be!" A bright light shines down on us to reveal our silhouettes through the cloth. "Behold this silhouette! I bet many of you have sought one of these! I won't say anymore! See for yourselves! From Fish-Man Island comes Camie the Mermaid! And her lovely friend, all the way from the East Blue, Akari the Pirate!"

The cloth is ripped away to reveal us to the crowd like the objects they are making us out to be. The crowd is going wild at the sight of Camie, and my hands clench into tight fists as I can't even bring myself to stand.

"Camie!" Hachi's voice cuts through the crowd. "It's Camie! And Akari! They're together!"

Pappagu is crying and can barely get Camie's name past his lips.

"Hmph! We're taking them back!" Nami's voice reaches my ears through the chaos.

"It's Hatchin and the others!" Camie's voice barely makes it through the glass of the fishbowl. "Akari, them came to rescue us!"

My eyes scan the room before I catch sight of half the crew at the very top of the auction hall near the door. The only ones missing are Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Robin, and Brook. "Everyone! We're okay! I'm so glad you're here!"

"I bid five-hundred million!" some nasally male voice exclaims, and my eyes dart to a Celestial Dragon loser. "Five-hundred million Berries!"

My stomach sinks straight to my toes as my heart flutters and the breath catches in my throat. Every other person in the hall drops their voice down to a whisper at the absurdity of what just happened.

"The...the hall has fallen silent!" Disco continues to be the show man he's paid to be. "Um, do I hear...more than five-hundred million. If not, the bidding will stop!"

I can see our friends arguing about what to do, but I can't hear a single word their saying. I can't hear anything other than the blood bumping in my ears as I imagine the life I'd be forced to have with that absolute loser of a human being that would drop that much money for a mermaid. I'm sure that he doesn't even truly realize that I'm a part of the deal he is no doubt going to win. Even with all the treasure we have back on the Thousand Sunny, it can't compete with that number. And even if it could, I'm sure he'd just raise the price again.

"Time's up!" Disco slams a gravel down, snapping me back to my present hell. "Today's star attraction, the mermaid Camie, including her companion the pirate Akari, goes to the World Noble Sain Charlos for five-hundred million Berries!"

Before anyone can get any further, the battle cry of the boy I've been longing for fills the air before a flying fish crashes through the ceiling and lands near the top where our friends and some other pirates are standing.

"What the!" Disco exclaims.

"LUFFY!" I scream, feeling the tears waterfalling down my face in seconds.

"Couldn't you land a little better!?" Luffy shouts as he stands up out of the rubble, placing his hat back on his head.

"No! It's a flying fish!" the rider snaps. "You said dive in!"

"You guys told me to get on," Zoro stands up, rubbing the back of his head. "I was heading back to the Sunny. What's the big hurry? Where are we?"

"Zoro too!" Chopper, in Heavy point, exclaims.

"It's...Straw Hat Luffy!" some pirate with spikey bright red hair shouts.

"Who are these guys!?" multiple people in the crowd shout. "Where did they come from!?"

"Hey! Akari! Camie!" Luffy turns to face us.

"Luffychin..." Camie is almost inaudible to me.

"Luffy!" I blubber, feeling completely overwhelmed. As I try to stand to start heading for Luffy myself, I stumble over my numb feet and end up sprawled on the stage. The blood is already starting to prickle on my knees.

"I was looking for you two! I'm so glad I found you both!" He starts to run for us, but Hatching wraps his arms around him to try and hold him back.

"No! Stop, Straw Hat Luffy!" Hachi pleads. "What are you going to do!?"

"I'm gonna save Akari and Camie!"

"Yes, but they're wearing explosive collars! We can't get them free! Besides, Celestial Dragons are here." Hachi's extra arms pop out of his jacket to give him a better grip on Luffy.

"It doesn't matter!"

A woman screams, "A Fish-Man! How disgusting!"

Hachi releases Luffy as everyone turns to look at him in horror.

If I wasn't already crying, this would have sent me over the edge. The reason that Hachi has been so careful to hide who he is all day that we've been on land isn't because he's afraid of being kidnapped and sold into slavery. He's been afraid to be looked at like a monster. Like someone who doesn't deserve to be alive. Like someone who isn't human, because to these people, that is the worst thing in the entire world. To be different.

"I'll save you! Akari! Camie!" Luffy declares as he's now running full speed down the stairs.

"Catch the Straw Hat!" Disco orders his workers who rush forward off the stage in a second.

"Akari and Camie aren't something you can sell!"

The crowd is also in chaos as everyone has started to run away as Hachi makes his way down the stairs. They're screaming their disgust and hatred for a man that is only trying to save his friend from the horrible fate that they are happily participating in. They're even lower than I thought.

"Why is a fish-man on land!" some guy exclaims.

"Yuck! Why is he that color!?" the lady that screamed comments. "Why does he have so many arms!"

"I'm scared!" another woman shouts. "Scared of their existence! Don't come any closer! Go back to the sea, monster!"

"Get away!" someone screams before throwing a book to hit Hachi on the top of the head.

The tears are still flowing, but the fear that I was feeling moments ago has fully been replaced with anger. Pure hot anger that is making my blood boil. Even with shaky legs, I'm doing what I can to try and stand up. No matter how slowly it takes.

Luffy is struggling against the group of workers that have thrown themselves on him, but he's not going to stop until he reaches the stage. Until he can safely say that Camie and I are safe.

But then a gunshot rings out, and all the shouting ceases as we all turn to see that damn Charlos pointing a smoking gun at Hachi who has collapsed on the steps as blood pours out of him.

"No," I place my hands on the ground to hold myself up. If I wasn't in total shock by what has happened in the last ten minutes, I'm sure that I would have thrown up by now.

Luffy stops running, turning around as anger settles on his face.

Charlos breaks into a dance as he starts to laugh. "I got him! I killed the fish-man!"

"Hachi!" Nami cries out.

"Phew, I'm glad," some woman disgustingly laughs. "What if he'd come close and given us a disease or something?"

"I bet he was plotting something," a man comments. "I mean, he has a fish brain."

Luffy is making his way back up the steps. By the way he's walking, I can tell he's furious, and I don't think he's going to stop at Hachi.

Camie is slamming her fists into the glass of the fishbowl. Her screams rip through my heart.

"Father!" Charlos annoyingly continues his triumphant shouting. "Look! I caught a fish-man! I caught it myself, so it's free, isn't it? What a bargain! A free fish-man slave! Free! Free! Free octopus!"

I want to scream with all the air in my lungs, but I can't even get my body to move.

Luffy makes it to Hachi, but he doesn't even glance down. He's dead set on the one that hurt his friend, and he doesn't know it, but also bought Camie and me.

"Wait...Straw Hat!" Hachi grabs onto Luffy. "Wait! No..." he's struggling on every word. "Don't get angry. It's...my...fault."

Luffy looks down at him, and even from where I'm at, I can see the fury in his eyes.

"You promised...not to cross the Celestial Dragons. Even if someone got shot." His arms release Luffy as the blood loss becomes too much. "I was a pirate once! This is what I get for the bad things I did. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. I wanted...to make it up to Nami. Even just a little. I j-just wanted to h-help you."

Luffy has fallen to his knees next to Hachi. His hand resting on the octopus's chest. I honestly think that Luffy is taking in every single word, and that he isn't going to go back on the promise he made when we first set out on the Archipelago.

"Hachi," I slam my fists into the wooden stage, wanting to feel something physical to knock some sense into me.

"I've always messed up..." Hachi groans. "Everything! Really. In the end...I just caused you trouble. I'm sorry!"

For a moment, the silence makes me think that everything is going to go the way Hachi wants it. That no more trouble is going to be caused. But we're dealing with a spoiled brat with a gun.

"Stupid fish!" Charlos exclaims as he fires another shot at Hachi that Luffy quickly moves to become a shield. "I shot you, but you're still chattering away! You annoy me!"

And then Luffy is once again on his feet, walking with determined fury towards the Celestial Dragon. This time, no one is going to be able to stop him.

"Stop, Straw Hat!" Pappagu cries out. "You'll never get away with it!"

"What's he gonna do!?" multiple people exclaim.

"Luffy," I choke out.

Charlos fires two more shots, but Luffy is too quick even at point blank range. "You annoy me too!" 

Luffy pulls his arm back to prepare for a punch.

The world slows down as Luffy firmly plants his foot on the next step and leans his entire body into his punch against a man that holds more power that I could ever imagine. And then his fist connects with the spoiled man's face, and I'm sitting up straighter as something I can only describe as immense love for Luffy as he does something that everyone would call incredibly stupid. But I don't see it that way. He's doing what so many people over hundreds of years have probably wanted to do, and I find it incredible.

Then time speeds back up at the exact moment that Charlos slams back into the stone benches, the bubble around his head popping. The room is eerily quiet as almost everyone watches on in horror, but I can't help the excitement welling within me.


Hope you enjoyed reading! I have had the idea that Akari would be with Camie to be sold at auction since I first watched it happen in the anime. Also, this is the end of Volume 51, which is wild for me to think about! A little over a volume left before the moment I think a lot of us are waiting for. Anyways, I would love to know what you thought! :D

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