The Agonising truth (Backugox...

By Ellatheelephant69

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When one twin is quirkless, but the other has a quirk that could rival the number 2 hero in Japan. Over the c... More

1. Pinkie Promise!
2. Siblings
3. Spoke up
4. Reality
5. Sludge villain
6. This can't be happening
7. Angel
8. Family
9. You're the Twin
10. Overthink
11. Promise
12. Zero pointer
13. Burns
14. 38 rescue points
15. You Fucking Cheated
16. Teacher
17. I'm still standing
18. he's your brother
19. I love annoying him
20. Hero costumes
21. Vomiting... rainbows
22. Tell you
23. Backusquad
24. Bet
25. Unforeseen simulation joint
27. I am your loyal subject
28. He wasn't wrong
28. Obstacle Race

26. Hell is over

103 6 4
By Ellatheelephant69

As he stood still that same sickenly smile only widened. I felt myself tense, something didn't feel quite right.

And then out of nowhere.


The power of the punch pushed me back into a wall as I felt it crack around my form. Hearing a not so satisfying crack in my back I breathed for air hoping it was nothing. As my dazed eyesight came back to me I noticed the same man smiling as three figures clocked in darkness stood behind him in darkness. Each figure emitted strange black mist.

'His quirk must be something like Ectoplasm, he can form clones, but they don't look like him.' Gritting my teeth I pushed away from the wall standing up and ignoring the soaring pain from my lower back.

"Well, well looks who's still standing."

"Why don't you show me what you got other than cowering behind those things." I shouted cracking my fingers.

"Well I would but maybe not today."

"COWARD!" I screamed leaning down into a runner position before I added some fire power behind the ancle of my foot adding impulsion as I zoomed up to the green haired freak.

As I flew forward closing in on the shadowy figures as they protected there cowering leader behind then I ignited my arm into a powerful blaze.

Feeling a numbness beginning in my arm I added more power to the soles of my feet trying to get there quicker before the fire would go out.

'I think this is all I have left. I have to put my all into it if I want to knock him out.'

With a fierce thrust of my fiery arm I unleashed torrent of scorching flames as they rushed into the forms of the shadowed things. Watching through the flames I watched as the mist around the creators stormed around then eventually disappearing.

'Where is he!' Desperately searching through the crowd of unrelenting flames I saw nothing. No green haired form lying on the floor passed out. Absolutely nothing.

"That would have been quite a hit miss Ayumi if it worked in your favour." He smiled his eyes slanted in amusement.

I stood there drained of every last bit of firepower as I felt a pang in my chest by as he untouched silhouette loomed over me.

"Well, well it's come to an end now. I must say you did amuse me quite a bit for such a small child."

More figures clawed out from the ground. Their shadowy misty figure clawing the ground desperately to escape. I felt a shiver ran down my spine, a chilling sensation as I looked into the dark red eyes of it, staring directly at me.

'I can't back down! I refuse to run I'll have to use what Shoto taught me.'

As they stood from the ground the three shadows wasted no time as they sprinted towards me closing in on me. I planted my feet perfectly just like Shoto taught me, I balanced myself out taking a deep breath and closing my eyes I focused in on my surroundings. 'Just think of this as a fight with Shoto, only now there are three of him'

I opened my eyes as I saw a glistening shadow reach out for me, his hand in a shape of a fist. Leaning backwards I arched my back letting my hands touched the floor as I kicked my legs hitting the opponent as I swerved back dodging the other two. Landing back on my feet a shadow disappeared from sight. 'There weaker than I thought'

The other two surrounded me pulling strikes effortlessly. Dodging there attacks swiftly I focused on their pattern of attacks. 'The strikes are random and aren't planned, there leaving themself open.' As the on to my left hit at me again I took hold of it arms pulling it forwards and kneeing it in the stomach. The shadows of it rapidly moved as it dispersed into nothingness. 'This is too easy!'

I felt energy flow into me as I took on the other shadowed silhouette. It punched effortlessly as I placed my hands where it hit defending against each hit as I waited for another opening. I felt another rush of emotion as it reached kicked at my side, taking hold of it leg I kicked it were it hurt. I didn't know if it really hurt there since it was a shadow but I was having too much fun to care. It quickly dispersed into nothingness as I felt another round of claps coming from the green haired freak.

"I didn't know you were skilled in combat as well. You've surprised me yet again."

"I'm a UA student, I spent months training for the entrance exam so obviously I'm trained in combat you coward!" I shouted tightening my messy ponytail to get out the way.

"Well let's see how skilled you are then."

"Finally, not going to hide behind your weak shadows now." I laughed running to him.

"Well you've proved yourself worthy of going against me buttercup!"

Determination etched on both our faces as we charged at each other smiles on our faces each stride we took closing in on each other.

Wed clashed together as he quickly took the first move punching me in my cheek. I felt a small crack in my jaw as I responded quickly punching him in the lower rib. He tried another punch this time to my stomach but I quickly placed my hand in the way as his fist clashed again my parm.

He more punches forcing me into the defensive. He didn't seem to relent throwing one punch after another never changing in power. 'He's a lot better than those shadow things, I've got to think of a way to put him on the defensive, his moves are too quick.' Dodging another punch to the face I spotted and opening going for it immediately. Pulling back my fist I threw it at his chest but that was my first mistake. I had left myself open.

He was quick enough to quickly grab my wrist and punched harshly into my ribs before another one came down on my stomach. As I gasped for air he tripped me off my feet pushing me to the ground as a pain crunch sound erupted from my ancle.

I let out a painful screech before I shut myself up biting on my lips to try concealing the pain.

"Oh your so going to pay for that!" I whisper for gritted teeth as he stands over me foot stamping on my ancle.

"Let's see if you can stand before shouting threats buttercup." He retorted crazed smile on his face as he took his foot of my ancle.

Another wave of pain came through as the pressure disappeared. But I needed to get over it. I refused to let him win.

Gaining every piece if strength I had left in me I pushed myself up painfully as rose from determination refusing to surrender to him.

"COME AT ME!" I shouted placing my arms into the defensive stance.

He ran to me a smile on his face as he pulled his arm back ready to punch. But I wasn't going to let him get to me like last time. Waiting for the perfect moment I concentrated my balance onto my toes of my broken foot as he began closing in I took a deep breath taking my other foot of the ground and kicking it up high and swiftly as it landed on his jaw, the kick to his jaw forced him back a few steps as he fell backwards against the wall clearly in a daze. Limping over to him as fast as I could I punched at his face making sure he was definitely out of it before I could walk, well limp to Mina.


"Mina" I called. 'I hope she got out of it okay.' I though squeezing my eyes closed as I tried to walk another step.

"Mina!" I called yet again.

"Mina! Please Mina!" Leaning against the wall I slowly felt the fatigue of the fights come at me.

"Mina!" I had to find her, who knew if she was okay. 'I could be in better condition than her, power through it Ayumi.' Resting my palm against the wall I used it to secure my balance as I walked slowly through the alleyways to find Mina.


"Ayumi!" I heard, they sounded different a much deeper voice than Minas.


"No, it Ojiro- from class 1-A." Turning my head I took in the sight of my tailed saviour.

"Oh thank god Ojiro!" I almost cried as he ran to me trying to help keep me steady.

"We have to find Mina, we got separated with this group. I got side tracked and I don't know whether they won!"

"Hey, it alright Mina probably fine, she might pf just gotten lost."

"I hope so."

He pulled me off the wall letting me lean on him as we continued walking searching for Mina.


We found Mina safe and sound. She only had a few bruises from the fight and other than that was completely fine. She told me she got caught up with a few other villains after she finished fighting the others and got lost.

The three of us walked on, it took us a while before we managed to find our way up but when we did it felt so much better to get out that fire zone, I hadn't noticed until I had finished the fight but the heat was too much.

Walking out we took in the vast and empty space that no villains surrounded.

"Where is everyone?" I asked looking around.

"Is that smoke over there? I wonder what's happening." Mina spoke pointing out the thick layer of smoke pretty nearby.

"Isn't that the mastermind from before." Ojiro pointed out, next to the smoke was the skinny blue haired guy watching intensely what was happening. 'I guess that the Shigaraki those two were talking about before'

"Oh shit! Look like we have to go around guys." I said as we took of trying to avoid getting in the way of what could be happening.

"Do you think Aizawa or Thirteen is in there." Mina asked watching the smoke as it slowly began to fade away.

"Most likely. I just hope their okay."

All three of us walked on trying to avoid the smoke as much as possible but watching what was happening attentively.

It wasn't long before the thick layer of smoke disappeared showing off our number one hero.

"All Might's here!" Mina cheered as the yellow spike emerged.

Though as the whole figure emerged we were shocked to see a giant blue monster gripping tightly onto All Might's shirt, so tight that little specs of blood could be spotted from where we stood around the monster fingers.

"Omg! We need to get out of here quick." Mina almost screamed as she looked in between the stairs and us obviously debating on what she should do.

'Fuck I'm weighing them down.'


"Ojiro let me help, if we both work together we can get out quicker." Mina squealed running to me as well.

As Mina held onto one side of my waste Ojiro hanged onto the other both pulling me along faster.

"Thank you guys!" I said under my breath as we carried on walking.

As we were closing in on the stairwell I saw my brother as well as a few others of my classmates holding Aizawa limp body.

'Izuku looks fine so do the other two, mister Aizawa must of gotten really badly attacked.' I though as we continued to watch the fight. It looked worse. All Might seemed stuck, half his body in the ground surrounded by that same purple miss from before.

"Are they trying to kill All Might." I asked through gritted teeth.

"Back at the fire hazard place I overheard one of the villains talking about it was All Might's last day, that must have been what they meant."

"Omg! All Might must be in real trouble then." Mina squeezed my hand eye caught on the fight.

Concentrating on Izu I managed to see a glimpse of his eyes, that same determination that lingered in his eyes for years but this time more prominent. 'He wouldn't!' I thought as I bit my lips in nervousness.

But I knew he would so when he ran towards the action, not taking a moment to consider his plan. I could only shout one thing.

"IZUKU DONT YOU DARE GET YOURSELF HURT!" I screamed his figure speeding towards All Might's.

"Holy shit is he crazy! He'll-"

"He knows what he doing believe it or not." I sighed as I kept my eyes glued to the situation.

Izuku sped to the action not a single once of hesitation as he ran. He screamed for All Might before a purple warp gape appeared in front of him blocking him. I tensed as I made sure not to blink. 'If that thing does anything to my stupid little brother I will beat it to death!' I bit harshly on the inside of my cheek believing Izuku would figure something out before he lost an arm.


Relief filled me as I heard Kachan signature grumpy voice followed with multiple explosion.

'He's going to be alright Ayumi. He'll be alright' Letting out a breath I hadn't known I was holding in I felt relieved as they set All Might free from the grasp of the monster and had the purple warp guy in their control. 'It'll soon be over.'

"Should one of us go and help them?" Ojiro asked looking worried.

"I think they have it sorted, the two strongest men are immobile now and it seems all the other villains where too weak to handle anything and passed out." Mina muttered stating the obvious.

My eyes glued to the scene. It didn't feel right that, that monstrous could be easily taken out by some middle schoolers when a pro hero was struggling to beat it. 'There must be something more to it than the eye can see'

The blue monster slowly started to twitch, small cracks forming into Shoto ice. 'It still moving!' I thought as it slowly stood up the ice covered arm and leg falling off it bone like they were just parts to some machine.

Gross muscle tissue formed creating a new arm and leg in seconds. "We have to help them I screeched as I ran from Ojiro and Mina arms ignoring the soaring pain in my ancle.

It had been some time since I had last used my quirk so with the small build-up of power I used some of it to propel myself towards the battle.

Using my good leg I kicked at the monster a loud thud echoed as my leg came in contact with it's hard body, followed by a fierce eruptions of flames. The fire surged forward engulfing the monstrous being in fire. Landing on the ground on my good leg a smile appeared on my face but it was quickly brought down when a fist emerged from the flames untouched by the incredible heat of my flames. The air chilled around me as it inched closer to my face so quickly.

In the moment I ignored the shouts of two voices two frightened to move.

Just as the fist was closing in on my face I felt something wrap around me and push me back somewhere.

Coughing up the dust in my mouth I saw the other 4 next to me in confused on how they manged to get there.

"Ayumi!" Izu shouted.

"-Wait Ayumi! You dodged that!" Izuku asked probably the first time he spoke to me in months that wasn't hostile.

"No I didn't." I added starstruck at how I got here and my almost death.

"Then how'd you get over here?" Kirishima questioned.

"I have no clue." I whispered still in shock from what could of happened.

"Ow, Fuck." I mumbled under my breath.

"Isn't obvious." Shoto voiced his tone more urgent than normal.

"All Might!"

"These are kids and you didn't hold back."

"I had no choice. That little one was threatening my Nomu, she was better to of been disposed of. "

'The moment I get a chance I punching that blue haired bastard in the face. I'm no little one!'

"Beside these kids are no angles. That plain looking one tried to kill me with a maxed out punch! What kind of hero does something like that. You think you can get away with being as violent as you want if you say it's for the sake of others, well you know what All Might! That pisses me off. Why do people get to decide why some violent acts are heroic and others are villainess, casting judgement onto what good and whats evil! You think you're the symbol of peace, Ha your just another government sponsored instrument of violence and violence aways brings more violence. And I'll make the world understand that once you're dead!"

Does he thinks he's meant to cast judgement or something.' I thought shivering.

"Your nothing but a lunatic! Criminals like you, you always make your actions sound noble, but admit it your only doing it because you like it! Isn't that right." All Might spoke a weird kind of series on his face that I had only just noticed.

"We've got them outnumbered." Shoto declared seriousness more present in his tone.

"And Kachan found the mist guys weakness!" Izu added.

"These dude might act really tough but we can take them down now with All Might's help." Kirishima voiced using his quirk to turn his arms to stone.

"Don't attack!" All Might ordered, putting his arm out to stop us.

"You would of been in trouble earlier if it weren't for me, you need our help!"

"I thank you for the assistance. But this is different, it's going to be alright, just sit back and watch a pro at work."

"But your bleeding and almost out of ti-" Izu spoke stopping himself from finishing what he was about to say.

'It's scary how close those two seem now.'

Moment later Shigaraki was charging at us despite what All Might said. 'Shit I'll be dead weight in this fight'

"Turns out were fighting anyway." Kirishima added as they prepared themself for a battle.

I tried to think of ways to slip away but before I could a huge ghust of wind came from the fight between the so called Nomu and All Might pushing us back and Shigaraki away from us.

"He's going to fight that brain guy head on!" Izuku shouted through the winds.

"He better win, I want to get myself home." I screamed back.

"Woah there- fast."

Wind rushed against us as we watched All Might and the Nomu soar through the air showering each other with punch after punch.

'Endeavor can do better.' I pouted. As the Nomu was smashed into the ground creating a large creator around it.

Though it was pretty impressive when All Might punched him so hard he was pushed through the walls of the arena somewhere unknown.

Large amounts of smoke surrounded All Might as he stood tall looking the angered villains in the eye. They had lost.

"What wrong, not attacking me! Didn't you say you were going to clear this level earlier. Well come at get me, if you dare!" All might spoke a threatening tone in his voice.

"Man, this is intense." Kachan said at the situation with intensity in his eyes.

"As I expected, there's no reason for us to fight now, he'll handle it." Shoto assured walking away.

"Alright, we should regroup with the others. Last thing we want is to get taken hostage or get in their way," Kirishima spoke, walking towards the stairs as Kacchan followed.

Though the villains that were earlier passed out on the floor slowly began standing up. 'This day just can't get any worse' I screeched in my head as trying to keep my upper body up by the small strength in my arms. My legs laid still aching from having overused my quirk too much. The pain in my ankle had lessened to a bearable pain but I knew the moment I would try to move it, it would hurt so much more.

The battle against All Might and the villains progressed as the blue haired mastermind ran to All Might arms outstretched.

'All Might isn't even reacting!'

A loud whirl of winds of wind surrounded the five of us as a trail of dust was left where Izuku used to stand. Jerking my head back in the direction of All Might I saw the stupid green hair of Izuku flying towards the battle.



Me and Kirishima shouted simultaneously as we watched All Might stay still as the Shigarakis hand reached through the warp gate to my brother.

'Something tell me his quirk has something to do with touch' I paled.


"Huh? Wait is that backup!" If I could, I would be jumping up in joy as the hero snipe shot at Shigaraki.

A few more shots went off directed at the Shigaraki as he fell to the floor before the purple warp covered him blocking any other shots.

'Finally this hell is over.' I thought as I slouched against the ground spreading out and letting out a relieved sigh.

3480 words

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