The Boyfriend (The Camgirl Pa...

By taylorstorms

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WARNING: WHOLESOME, BUT SMUTTY AS ALL HELL (Read "The Camgirl" and "The Roommate" before this!) Just as every... More

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Part I: Almost Home
Part II: Home
Part III: Family
Part IV: Hey, Dad
Part V: I Don't Know Yet
Part VI: He Didn't Want to Stop
Part VII: If That's What She Wants...
Part VIII: Coconut Oil
Part IX: What if I Fuck it Up?
Part X: Even Better
Part XI: Just Lexi
Part XII: No Unexpected Pregnancies
Part XIII: Merry Christmas, Kiddo
Part XIV: Something Kind of Serious
Part XV: A Picture
Part XVI: Changing Room
Part XVII: The Old House
Part XVIII: Her. Lexi.
Part XIX: Delivery
Part XX: All the Way In
Part XXI: Jamie
Part XXII: I Trust Him With Everything
Part XXIII: Blake Lied
Part XIV: The Will
Part XXV: Therapy?
The Boyfriend Part XXVI: Dogs
Part XXVII: Cozy
Part XXVIII: Striptease
Part XXIX: Nothing
Part XXX: Clench
XXXI: Which First?
Part XXXII: Show Me the Dress
Part XXXIII: Dr. Cardaso
Part XXXIV: That's a No on the Yoga Pants?
Part XXXV: She Makes You Happy
Part XXXVI: He's Not There
Part XXXVII: How *Did* Blake Convince You?
Part XXXVIII: I Know What You're Doing!
Part XXXIX: Buttplug
Part XL: Fighting A Dragon
Part XLI: Ready For Your Present?
Part XLII: You're On
Part XLIII: Jingle Bell Buttplug
Part XLIV: Too Many Orgasms
Part XLV: Holy Reindeer Balls
Part XLVI: Clone Fantasy
Part XLVII: Intensity
Part XLVIII: Just a Bit Longer
Part XLIX: Dan
Part L: Thanks, Sis
Part LI: Roast
Part LIII: You Didn't Invite Me?
Part LIV: A New Year
Part LV: Passing the Torch
Part LVI: Just Move On
Part LVII: Stop Wasting Your Time
Part LVIII: How Do I Do It?
Part LVIX: Sandcastle
Part LX: Have You Ever...?
Part LXI: Nowhere Near This Good
Part LXII: Cherry
Part LXIII: Nothing is Ever Certain
Part LXIV: Confession
Part LXV: Understanding
Part LXVI: And We're Back!
Part LXVII: All That Hard Work
Part LXVIII: Drenched
Part LXIX: Desperate
Part LXX: Go For It
Part LXXI: Yum
Part LXXII: Can We Start Now?
Part LXXIII: She Makes You Happy

Part LII: Jacuzzi

163 4 0
By taylorstorms


Liam tried to keep from grinning as he and his friends walked out to the pool. Part of it was the nice buzz he had going from the two to three drinks each of them had consumed, but part of it was just being outside at night and not freezing. The night was cool, but not cold. Even though Southern California nights dropped significantly in temperature from the daytime, it usually never went below the 40s. At least not anywhere in the Los Angeles suburbs. It also didn't hurt that the jacuzzi was warm. Liam had come over a bit earlier than the rest of his friends to prep the food, clean up a bit--not that there was much of that to do with his grandma living in this house--and turn on the pool and jacuzzi heaters. The towels had already been sitting out by the pool, so everyone had either just walked outside, or walked into one of the bathrooms or bedrooms to change in.

Liam, Nalani, Tasha, and Kiki were the first ones to get in.

As Liam took off his shirt and kicked off his sandals, roughly folding his shirt and placing it on top of one of the towels on the lounge chairs, he looked at his friends. Kekoa, while not as trim as Liam, still looked good without a shirt on. He had broad shoulders and a big chest and arms, and if he didn't have a ton of definition, it didn't look bad on him.

As a flicker of white on the edge of his vision caught his attention, Liam found himself looking at Tasha and Kiki. He didn't think Blake would mind. He hoped not, at least, as it was a bit hard not to look at his two friends.

Tasha was annoyingly gorgeous, of course. It wasn't anything he hadn't seen before, honestly, as they'd gone to the beach a few times over the summer, and of course there were the few times that Liam had come into her room to find her in lingerie. The lingerie had actually covered more than this did, and Liam felt his cheeks growing red. He nearly laughed at the absurdity of his life for a moment.

Tasha's chest seemed to defy gravity. Which, honestly, was on-brand for her. She had the faint outline of abs despite her curves, and the purple bottoms she'd chosen were high waisted, making her hips look even bigger and her waist more trim, and when she turned to step into the jacuzzi, Liam saw just how little of her ass the bathing suit covered.

Kiki, Liam honestly looked out for a bit longer, and didn't feel as bad about it.

While Tasha was so gorgeous that it was hard to look away, Kiki was just dam impressive. She was pretty, of course, and the way she had her thick, dirty blonde hair tied up in a loose bun on top of her head highlighted her bone structure and made her smile seem even bigger. And while Kiki wasn't a bodybuilder, every bit of her was muscle. Her chest was small, but she had abs that put Liam and Matt to shame, her shoulders, back, and arms were toned, her ass was even nicer than Tasha's, and Liam knew that it was pretty much all muscle. Her legs were thick, shaped and toned, and the small, low cut swimsuit she'd chosen to wear, not only showed off a lot of her ass, but showed that nice V-shape that pointed down towards someone's hips. Liam had always envied that in both Matt and Kiki.

"Oh, fuck."

Liam laughed at Kekoa's gasp, and turned to find his friend gazing wide eyed at Tasha and Kiki as they stepped into the jacuzzi. Neither one had stepped down far enough yet to cover their lower-halves.

"I'll take that as a compliment," Tasha said, grinning as Kiki's cheeks turned a bit red. Though, that could have still been from the alcohol.

"Sorry," Kekoa sad, blushing as he ran a hand through his hair.

Liam laughed and clapped him on the back before stepping down into the jacuzzi--the water was nice and toasty, and he could see why Tasha and Kiki hadn't gone any deeper yet, "Normally, that would probably be the right thing to say, but tonight, I don't think you're allowed to be sorry."

He glanced at Tasha, then back at his brother, "I'm pretty sure that Tasha wants to see how much she can fuck with all of us, since she usually just gets to tease me and Matt, you and the guys are all fresh meat."


Liam turned to Tasha, giving her a pointed look as he walked over and sat on the rim of the jacuzzi between her and Kiki, "Am I wrong?"

Tasha rolled her eyes, blushing, "No. What about Keeks, though?"

Liam looked to Kiki just in time to find her rolling her eyes at the name, and looked back and forth between the two girls, "I'm pretty sure you're a bad influence on her. You definitely recruited her to help fuck with us."

Tasha opened her mouth in mock afront, "Just because that sounds exactly like something I would do doesn't mean it's true."

Kekoa laughed.

"Yeah," Kiki said, "Rude, Liam. I'm perfectly innocent."

Liam arched an eyebrow at her, looking her up and down pointedly, "And the reason you're not wearing what you usually do when swimming--shorts and a top that covers most of your chest--is...?"

Kiki blushed, and he knew he'd caught her, "Tasha and I went shopping and said it looked good on me so I should get it and wear it tonight."

"Ha!" Liam said, nudging Tasha, "I knew it!"

She stuck her tongue at him, folding her arms beneath her chest to press it up even more.

Liam rolled his eyes, then looked back at Kiki, "It does look really good on you."

Kiki smiled, and Liam was pretty sure her cheeks grew just a bit brighter. It was hard to tell, though, as most of the light came from the jacuzzi and pool.


"It kind of sucks that it's so cold at school," Tasha said, "I can only ignore so much wind before I have to stop wearing crop tops. And Sara would probably die if she could take you shopping for some spring or summer outfits."

Kiki arched an eyebrow as she gazed past Liam at Tasha, "Would she be more...enthusiastic than you were?"

Tasha cackled, "Probably only a little less enthusiastic, but if she'd picked out your swimsuit, it would probably be even smaller than that."

Liam laughed as Kiki's eyes nearly popped out of her head before she looked down at herself, "How the fuck is that even possible? That's not even a swimsuit at that point. Or underwear."

"And this is Matt's girlfriend you're talking about?" Kekoa asked.

Liam grinned at his brother, "Yep."

Kekoa blew out a deep breath, then shook his head. He dipped his hand in the water, then smoothed some of his hair back, "Do they put something in the water over there?"

Tasha and Kiki both snorted, then cackled at that.

Liam looked between them, arching an eyebrow, "What?"

The two girls smiled at him as he looked back and forth between them, then Tasha leaned toward Kekoa, grinning. Liam rolled his eyes at the way tickle his cheeks turned bright red from the view Tasha gave him.

"We know something you don't know," she said in a sing song voice.

Liam frowned at her, then looked at Kiki just in time to see her cheeks turn bright red.

"It's more like they put something in the water here," Kiki muttered.


Liam looked to Tasha to find her Leaning forward, peering at Kiki, "Do you know? About..."

"Does she know about what?" Liam asked, frowning at the brunette.

"That liam's got a big dick?"

Liam couldn't help but laugh at that as Tasha and Kiki's faces both turned bright red. He hadn't expected that of Tasha, but maybe it was that she was being called out on it by his brother. Living in the same house, he and Kekoa hadn't really cared so much about that sort of thing after a while.

Especially when they went swimming or to the beach so often, and considering Liam burned quite a bit easier then Kekoa. The few times they'd gone to a water park or some of the sunnier beaches with Nalani, either his mom or Kekoa's mom have thrown them all in A room with a bunch of bottles of sunscreen, and told them to strip and make sure they put sunscreen over every inch of their bodies before closing the door. They had already all been close enough that they didn't really care or give a shit about that, and things like that had only solidified it.

"They already knew about that," Liam said, grinning as their expressions proved his assumption right that Tasha and Kiki would get even more embarrassed by him saying that.

They can fuck with my friends all they want. But I'm going to fuck with them too.


Kekoa Look between the three of them, wide eyed, "OK, I need to hear this story."

"What story is that?"

Liam looked up as the rest of their friends came up the steps toward the jacuzzi, all wearing swimsuits, with towels either over their arms or their shoulders. Liam was surprised to see that Brian had foregone the white T-shirt he usually wore when they went swimming, and smiled. He knew that his friend wore it because present securities about his weight, and even though Brian was still the heaviest of them, the weight he lost recently must have improved his self-confidence quite a bit.

Especially if he's already seen Matt in a swimsuit.

Liam was pretty proud of the muscle he'd put on, and confident in the way he looked, but Matt was just unfair, and had looked that way since high school."

Liam was about to deflect, to try and not embarrass the girls that much, but Kekoa spoke first.

"Oh, just the story of how these two found out that Liam has a big dick."

Liam looked at his friends to find all of them wide eyed. Even in the weird lighting caused by the jacuzzi and the night's darkness, Liam could see the red and Matt's cheeks, which didn't surprise him. Nalani was the first to laugh, though.

"Well, if both of you two know that," he said, stepping into the jacuzzi and taking a seat on the rim near Kekoa as he pointed at Tasha and Kiki, "Then that really must mean that size doesn't matter."

Kiki went bright red, and Tasha just started laughing uncontrollably to the point where she lost her balance for a moment, and Liam had to wrap an arm around her middle to keep her from falling off the rim of the jacuzzi into the pool below.

Her face was red as she bit her lip and met his gaze, "Thanks."

"You gonna tell me what that laugh was about?" he asked, voice low enough for only her to hear as the rest of his friends got into the pool."

"I would," Tasha said, "but I promised I wouldn't without permission.

Liam raised an eyebrow, and filed that away for the future before turning back to his friends. Though all of them seems to be having trouble figuring out exactly where to look, or sit, none of them seemed to uncomfortable at the prospect of getting into the pool without their shirts on with the way Tasha and Kiki both looked.

Nalani was athletic and took good care of himself, so it was a tie between him and Liam for the most muscular physique in the hot tub after Matt. Not counting Kiki or Tasha, of course.

Marco was next, as he didn't have a ton of definition, but he was just solid. At six-four, he was one of the few people Liam ever had to literally look up at in his life, and rather than being slim like Liam, he had matts proportions. It had often annoyed Liam in high school that while he could work out three times a week and eat as much as he could stuff down, and still not gain any weight, Marco could go on vacation for two weeks, workout then, and come back twenty-five pounds heavier, with most of that being muscle. Karlson was about the same as Kekoa: trim, but not a ton of muscle or definition.

Matt ended up sitting next to Tasha, though not as close to her as she, Liam and Kiki were, and Marco ended up sitting down next to Kiki. Once those two sat down, Karlson and Brian seemed to have much less trouble figuring out where to sit, though it was still a bit too hot for any of them to be fully in the water.

Liam's friends still seem to be having a bit of trouble figuring out where to look, though.

"You guys can look," Tasha said, effectively echoing what Liam had told his brother earlier, "these swimsuits weren't cheap, so will be offended if you don't. Just don't be curious about it."

Liam laughed, glancing over at Kiki to find her cheeks just a little bit red, though she seemed like she was trying to adopt Tasha's attitude about it, showing off her hard earned figure and muscles, rather than being shy about it.

"Damn," Marco said, leaning forward to look at Tasha, "If you fuck with Liam this much, I can't even imagine what his girlfriend does."

Tasha laughed at that, "And I haven't even given her pointers yet."

Marco laughed, then sober to bed and gestured toward Tasha, "By the way, just to get it out of the way, is all of you real? Just curious. And no judgment."

Tasha grinned, then leaned forward, sticking out her chest and shimmying a little bit, "All real."

She pointed at Matt, Kiki, and Liam, "These three can tell you how hard I workout, and how much i eat to keep looking like this."

Then she grinned at Matt, "Matt's girlfriend is the one with the fake tits. Really nice ones."

All of Liam's friends looked at Matt, and Liam and Kiki both laughed at his expression, and theirs.

Matt's face was bright red and his eyes wide. He looked around at everyone for a moment, then cleared his throat, "I'm pretty sure we interrupted a story time about how Kiki and Tasha both know the size of Liam's dick."

"Yep," Kekoa said, "I've heard a lot of stories, but not that one, yet."

To Liam's surprise, Kiki laughed at that.

Liam frowned at her, and he and Tasha asked at the same time, "What?"

She smirked at them--or, Liam assumed that Kiki was smirking at both him and Tasha, "I was pretty much just there. I can't decide which one of you two this is more embarrassing for. Or Matt, considering Sara was there, too."


Liam looked at Matt, worried for a moment, but then Matt's frown change to a smirk, and he started laughing.

"Oh. Oh, wait. I think Sara kind of told me about this."

"Dude," Marco said, "What the fuck is your college right now. You guys are all way too tangled up in each other's lives. I need to hear whatever the fuck this story is right now."

"Me, too." Kekoa said, followed by the rest of Liam's friends.

Liam sighed, looking at Tasha. He was about to ask who would tell it, when Tasha started talking, and he realized his mistake.

So he splashed her.

That turned out to be an even bigger mistake.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this! I ended it where I did because you already know the story. Would you want any other details from this night?

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