Dangerously seductive book 1...

By rebekahcox420

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authors note
Dangerously Seductive:book 1 torture,pain,and pleasure
chapter 1
still chapter 1
chapter 2
authors note
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
still chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18

chapter 15

112 0 0
By rebekahcox420

Jace's pov

I didn't know what to do. I was taken aback for a minute at what she had said. Once I snapped back to my self I realized he had taken her. She had confessed to me that she loved me and i'd let him take her. I inwardly cussed myself. I tried to stand but stumbled and fell again. Thats when I noticed how bad I was actually hurt. I should have healed by now but I hadn't fed in a few days. When I looked down at myself to see how bad it really was I knew if I didn't feed and soon that I would be really bad off. I tried to stand again and managed to stay on my feet for a minute but as I took a step forward I stumbled and fell again. I just laid there for a minute concentrating on staying contious. Thats when I felt a hand on my shoulder and I rolled over to where I was on my back. When I managed to clear my vision I noticed that it was CJ who was leaning over me.
"Fuck! Jace!"
I could hear the fear in his voice as he took in my appearence.
"Come on. We need to get you up."
With his help I managed to stand but I was extreamily unsteady.
"How long has it been since you fed?"
I just looked at him, unable to respond.
"I have to find her." was all I said and it came out slirred and barely comprehendable.
"No Jace you need blood."
I shook my head. Even though I knew I needed blood really bad just the thought of feeding turned my stomach.
"Don't be stupid you need to feed. You can't try to find her in this state. You can barely stand."
I took a few steps toward the door but as I did everything began to blirr again and this time I knew why. I could feel the floor sway beneath me and it was like it was all happening in slow motion. The floor was suddenly closer than before. When I hit this time I knew I wasn't getting back up.
"Jace... Jace hey look at me."
I tried to but I couldn't concentrate. He was just a blury shadow.
"Find her."
That was the last thing I said before darkness took me.

CJ's pov

"Jace. Jace. Look at me." I watched him fall but it was all so unreal to me. "Jace come on man wake up."
I was shaking him trying to get him to come to and respond to me but he just remained uncontious.
"Fuck. Come on Jace I wont let you die on me."
I picked him up and carried him to his room and laid him down on the bed.
"I promise you I will be back Jace and we will find her."
I walked out shutting his bedroom door and locking it behind me. I didn't want him waking up and leaving before I got back. I was weak but otherwise okay so I fed just enough to get my strength up and then compelled three people to keep quiet and follow me and not to be scared. I then headed back to Jace's place. When I got there I ushered everyone inside as quickly as possible and shut the door locking it back behind us and ushered them to his room. Once we were all inside and the bedroom door was secured I grabbed ahold of the first two people.
"Stand still, don't move and don't make a sound."
I then took ahold of the second person and told them not to be scared and not to make a sound and then led her over to the bed. I sat her on the side and then bit her neck so that her blood was dripping down and then I took her face in my hands.
"Lean over him so that the wound on your neck is directly above his mouth."
When I let her go she did just as I said but Jace didn't move. He just laid there.
"Put your neck to his lips." I instrucked her.
She complied silently but for a minute he still didn't move. I was on the verge of flipping out, not knowing what else to do. But right at that moment he grabbed her by the back of her head and ripped into her throat.
"Thats it Jace. Feed, take all you need."
Now that he was feeding I walked back over to the other two girls and waited. In minutes he had drained the first and was now standing. I turned and bit into the next girl and shoved her toward him. He didn't even hesitate to take ahold of her. When I turned to the third girl I smilled before I bit into her.this time though I took a couple pulls before I handed her over to him. By the time he was done feeding his wounds had healed.
"Jace? Are you ok now?"
"Yeah I feel perfectly fine."
"Ok good."
I walked over to him and punched him square in the jaw.
"What the fuck was that for?"
He asked.
"Because you've been careless Jace."
"No i haven't."
"Yes you have. You've been so caught up in hanging with Elsa that you hadn't even taken the time to feed properly."
At the mention of Elsa he suddenly went rigid.
"We have to find her Cj."
"And we will."
"God how could i let him take her? She told me she loved me and i just let him take her."
He was starting to flip out now.
"Jace. Hey man calm down you couldn't fight anymore you were too hurt. Just calm down we will find her."
"I let him take her. I swore to her that i'd keep her safe and i let him take her. Don't tell me to fucking calm down."
"Trust me Jace we will find her. But first you need a little rest. And before you say a word just listen. I am going to go try to pick up his sent and find out which way he went. As soon as i do we will go. Until then i want you to stay inside and rest."
"Cj i swear to god..."
I could tell he was going to protest so i cut him off.
"I will come and get you as soon as i pick up his sent. Promise me Jace that you will stay here. "
"Fine ill stay here but only for a little while. If you dont come back by dark im going to find her myself Cj."
"Okay then ill be back before then."
I said as i walked out and shut the door behind me.

Jace's pov

I tried to get some rest but the more I tried the more frustrated I became so instead I decided to get up and try to find something to do todestract myself. It had only been a couple hours since CJ had left and I was restless waiting for him to come back so we could go after her. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I focussed myself on cleaning but soon I had cleaned the whole house and he still wasn't back. It was now starting to get dark and I hadn't seen a sign of CJ. I was starting to pace the living room watching the clock. I couldn't get my mind to stop running in circlles. I kept replaying the whole thing in my head. I had been ready to die, for him to take my life because I thought she hated me, that she had left me but then she came back and her words replayed over and over in my head.
I was starting to loose it and when 9:00 hit and I still hadn't seen a sign of CJ I curssed under my breath and headed toward the door. My hand was just inches from the handle when it burst open. The stood CJ looking frantic.
"What the he'll CJ? Where the fuck have you been?"
"Thank God you are still here."
He looked releaved to see me standing there.
"Yeah well I almost wasn't. Where the he'll have you been? Did you find anything? CJ you said you would come and get me. What the hell took you so long? We need to find her." I rushed out all in one frustrated breath.
"Okay, okay just calm down. We will find her but we have to wait. We need to be smart about this. I picked up his scent and I followed it but it disappeared right outside of town and I couldn't pick it up after that. I think he has a witch working for him. If we aren't carefull then it could end very bad. I know you want her back and I know how much you blame yourself but if we don't handle this right we could all end up dead."
I just stared t him not knowing what to say or do. I wanted, I needed to get her back but I knew that he was right. If we made one wrong move and he found out we were coming for her he could kill her and I couldn't live with myself if that happened. I walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch and put my head in my hands as the tears started to pool up in my eyes blurring my vision. I let the tears fall as I fought to keep myself in check. If I lost control it would end terribly. I had to keep my head if I was going to find her. So I did the best I could to clear my head and made the silent promise to do everything in my power to bring her home safe.

Over the next few weeks we had no luck tracking Ian down. Every lead we got just lead us to a dead end. I was beyond frustrated and I couldn't sleep or eat. CJ was constantly watching me like he was waiting for me to flip and attack someone. That wasn't going to happen though. All of my pent up frustration was being put into finding them. Ian was the only one I wanted to take my anger out on. I just had to find him first.

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