still chapter 5

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His voice was weak and full of pain and sorrow as he spoke. His voice was breaking more frequently now and tears were poring down his face again. He was shaking uncontrollably as he tried to continue talking. I was so stunned I couldn't speak or move. I was frozen watching him and listening to what he was saying. This was all way worse than anything I had imagined.
"When he walked up to me and untied me I couldn't fight anymore I just fell to my knees broken. Seeing my wife laying there like that killed me. He hadn't only taken my parents and the woman I loved away from me..."
He paused at this and when I looked into his eyes he looked far away, like he was lost in those memories. I was pretty sure I knew what he trying to say but it couldn't be true.
"Jace what else did he do? What else did he take from you?" My voice was barely a whisper but I knew he heard me. When his eyes met mine my breath caught in my chest.
"He took my unborn child away from me."
I couldn't believe what he was saying. None of us knew she was pregnant.
"We hadn't told anyone yet. We had only known for a few weeks. We were going to tell everyone the next day at dinner but we never got the chance. He had killed me on the inside and I begged him to kill me, to stop this pain but he wouldn't. He told me he was going to make me live with it all. Thats when he turned me. I still whish I had died that night. I should have and I constantly feel guilty that I didn't. "
"Jace don't, you couldn't control anything. You couldn't have stopped him."
I was so shocked at everything he had told me but there was still one thing he hadn't said.
He said the girl got away but I was currious as to who she was.
"Jace who was the girl? The one you saved? What was her name?"
"Her name was Eleanor." He emphasized the word was and I wanted to know why.
"What do you mean didn't..."
"No I didn't. I had no clue where she was until tonight."
"What do you mean until tonight? Where is she?"
He glansed over at the girl who was now unconscious on the floor and relization hit me. She was the same girl he had saved before and tonight he had almost killed her. When I looked back to him he spoke.
"I didn't know it was her. I didn't recognise her. She changed her name and her hair. I had no clue until I came home pissed. I threatened her and when I showed her what I was she didn't scream or back away. She stood her ground and when I looked at her closely the relization hit me. I was stunned that it was her but when I regained control I blammed her for everything that had happened. I almost killed her but it wasn't her fault at all. It was mine."

AN: Well there it is. The reason for all of his anger and mood swings. The reason he is the way he is. And the reason why she is who she is although I'm going to go more in depth about what happend to her a little later on.

Dangerously seductive book 1 torture,pain,and pleasureOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant