Mothra x Dragon Reader One-sh...

By Cinders1soul

10.3K 162 36

A collection of Mothra x Reader Oneshot scenarios, this mostly takes place in a hybrid MonsterVerse, but some... More

Y/N Info
(Legendary) ~Reunion~
~Found You~
~Brotherly Help~
(Showa) ~Yandere~
Mothra Headcanon
~(Showa) Feelings~
~Missed You~
~ Heisei Yandere~
~(Showa) What did they do?~
~Legendary Yandere~
~Legendary Y/N's Guilt~

~(Heisei) Helpful Advice~

196 3 0
By Cinders1soul

Y/N growled as he slammed his talons into the destroyed concrete. "Damn it," Y/N muttered. Glaring at the Guardian of Earth, Mothra, he narrowed his eyes at her. "Why can't I beat her a f@##ing moth?" Y/N continued growling to himself, ignoring the moth that flew above him. "You're sloppy." Y/N looked up at her, narrowing his eyes. "What?" Was the only word Y/N could speak, feeling anger and confusion building up in his body like a volcano ready to erupt. "You also don't think when you act, which combined with your sloppiness makes you quite easy to defeat."

Y/N looked back on the fight, analyzing his moves carefully, and he realized it. There were plenty of opportunities when he left himself wide open out of his own sloppiness, which caused Mothra to get in a lot of strong attacks that badly hurt him. Now he realizes how much of a dumb@$$ he was. Well, maybe in hell he can work on that, or Y/N breathed a large amount of fire at Mothra, who quickly used her wings as protection to block the incoming attack, not expecting it. Taking this opportunity, Y/N shot up into the sky. Mothra stood there, watching him fly away. She was tempted to fly after him, and a part of her wanted to kill him, but the other part said no. Mothra saw it in his eyes—the same look in his eyes as her brother Battra.

He wasn't a bad person or a Kaiju at heart; he was hurting. Mothra sighed as she flew back to Infant Island. Maybe she was being too soft on him. She didn't know. Her mind shifted towards the future, specifically Godzilla. What was she going to do when Godzilla and Battra appeared? Mothra had hoped she could redeem her brother, but she'll have to deal with Godzilla and Y/N, one of which she had no problems ending while the other struggled. Maybe she could reform Y/N? She saw his potential. Maybe if he learned to own his skills, he might be able to beat Godzilla. With her, he definitely could, but she was only winning because of said sloppiness. Landing, Mothra decided she needed to rest.

Y/N landed on I/N (Island Name), and smoke was coming out of his mouth. His mind replayed that whole battle again and again, picking apart everything he did wrong. His anger started to subside, replaced by overwhelming guilt and sadness. He tried to find a reason to hate that dam moth anything. She beat you, she's weak, she protects those damn humans, she's too merciful, and his favorite she's a Kaiju. Y/N hated Kaiju; they were all selfish, and they cared only for themselves. Y/N wasn't blind to what he was; he knew he was a Kaiju too, and oh, how he hated it. If anything, out of every Kaiju, he hated himself the most. He was a monster. Sighing, he knew he had to improve if he was going to kill any kaiju. He had to train and improve. Most importantly, stop being sloppy.

(1 month later)

Y/N slashed his talons across Anguirus neck, effectively killing the kaiju. Y/N smiled, not out of some sick deprived pleasure from killing him, but because it showed him he had improved and was a better fighter because before he struggled fighting him, now he took care of him with ease. "I should thank that moth," Y/N muttered to himself. Maybe without her advice or comment, whatever it was, he might never have improved. "Your welcome." Turning around, Y/N got ready to fight Mothra, who stood, or rather, flew there. Growling with smoke coming out of his nostrils, Y/N spoke. "What are you doing here?" Mothra stared at him before stringing together a reply. "I came here to deal with Anguirus the same as you." Turning around, Y/N started walking away. "You're not going to fight me?" Mothra asked with some surprise. "As much as I would love to fight you, I have pressing matters to attend to." Y/N flew into the air, leaving Mothra. Mothra looked down at the body with concern. The Shobijin showed her previous battles Y/N had with Angurius, which always ended with Y/N winning bloodily. But now he beat him with barely any struggles, and he seemed to actually take her criticism and improve. Honestly, Mothra was quite shocked that Y/N didn't want to fight her; she turned away and flew back to her island. Multiple thoughts ran through her mind, but only one remained constant. Could she even beat Y/N now?

Word Count: 758

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