Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung...

By karaaii

203K 12.7K 4.6K

(Currently Editing the previous chapters as well as updating further. ) Kim Taehyung the ceo of Kim. Construc... More

The History : Hunt Begins.
1. Parallel Realities.
2. Murderer
3. No emotions..
4. Words
5. Event
6. It hurts.
7. Sensitive
8. Stop please
9. Burns
10. Maybe
11. Sold
12. Wedding
13. Slut
14. U Deserve
15. His Toy
16. Guilt
17. Cold
18. Fever
19. Why?
20. Full moon
21. Full moon (pt.2)
22. Full moon (pt.3)
23. Scared
24. Forced
25. Comfort
26. sympathy
27. Humiliated
28. Blue eyes
29. Disturbed
30. Quiet
31. Her Sorrow
32. Back
33. liar
34. Pain
35. Truth
36. Hate
37. Thunder
38. Cries
39. Slap
40. Regret
41. Friends
42. Restless
43. Attacked
44. Stitches
45. Nightmare
46. Frustration
47. Beautiful Her
48. Panic Attack
49. Forgiveness
50. Dr. Kim seokjin
51. Let me
52. Blank
53. Remorse
54. The Alpha
55. The hallucination
56. Full moon (pt.4)
57. Things falling apart
58. Eachother's Support
59. Strangers
60. Whispers of sorrow
61. Untold secret ( Her )
62. Love unleashed
63. His Shelter of Trust
64. Protector's guilt.
65. Enchanted Beginnings.
66. A Husband's Warth pt.(1).
67. A Husband's Warth pt.( 2 ).
68. " Stone Head".
69. Moonlit Confessions and Sweet Kisses.
71. Strengthening Love.
72. Closer Together.
73. The Midnight Escape.
74. Mysteries Unfolded.
75. Horseback Bonds.
76. Fires of Passion.
77. Pampering.
78. Heated Affections and Sweet Melodies.
79. Unanswered calls.
80. Sensual Flames.
81. Mischief and Laughter.
82. Gentle Seduction : A Year Together.
83. Moonlight : My Lover.
84. Haunting Beauty of the Moon.
85. "I Crave Your Attention : Moonlight"
86. Mate's Desires : Kitten.
87. Drunken Whispers :Bigger Boobs.
88. Guardian's Farewell.
89. Protector and Predator.
90. Elevating Intimacy.
91. Quest.
92. Toyed and Torn.
93. Plaything?
94. "Brain-Dead-slut"
95. Homecoming Tears.
96. Healing Bonds (pt.1).
97. Healing Bonds (pt.2).
98. Sheltered Passion.
99. Love's Ritual.
100. Proximity & Distance.
101. Embrace.
102. With You.
103. A Night of Terror.
104. Lost and Alone.
105. A Heart Divided.
106. A Twist of Fate.

70. Dusk of Despair.

1.2K 109 31
By karaaii

Y/n's routine remained consistent as she prepared dinner and attended to her university tasks, all while waiting for her husband's return home, just as she did every other day.

With a wide smile, Y/n swung the door open in response to the doorbell's ring. As the bag hit the floor, Taehyung wrapped Y/n in a tight embrace, prompting her laughter as he playfully threw himself onto her.

Their warm hug conveyed a sense of longing, and he whispered, "I am so done with these meetings. I need a break." Sharing a chuckle, she guided him to the couch, where he sprawled out and declared his desire for a bed dinner instead of the dining table.

Following Y/n's suggestion, Taehyung took a refreshing shower while she prepared the bed table.

After settling into bed, his eyes lit up as Y/n entered the room, bearing food and an infectious smile. Her joyful presence resonated deeply with Taehyung's forever desire for a companion to share late-night meals and alleviate stress.

Placing the table before him, Y/n surprised him by sitting beside him, her gesture a pleasant shock. As she fed him spoonfuls of rice with genuine affection, Taehyung's heart swelled with happiness, feeling truly content and at ease.

Having enjoyed their meal together, Y/n surprised Taehyung with his favorite ice cream, eliciting childlike delight from him.

As he savored the treat, Y/n changed into her nightwear and settled into bed, welcoming him with open arms. A moment of laughter took an unexpected turn as they found themselves falling onto the bed, with Taehyung now above her.

The amusement gave way to a more intense connection as their gazes locked. Y/n's stomach fluttered with a rush of emotions, brought on by the sudden proximity and their new position.

With tender affection, he gently caressed her face and hair, his thumb grazing her lovely, sweet lips. A slow lean-in began, causing her heart to race in anticipation of what was to come.

Their lips met in a fervent kiss, his movements passionate and eager as he pressed his lips against hers with a rough intensity.

His arm slid gently beneath her waist, and as he tilted his head, he deepened the kiss by exploring her mouth with his tongue. Y/n's response was a mixture of whimpering and a sense of being overwhelmed by his intensity. She allowed him to lead, adapting to his pace and letting him explore as she lay there, lost in the sensations of their connection.

Sensing the need for a breath, Y/n gently tapped his shoulder twice. Taehyung obliged, ending the intense kiss and instead peppering her face with affectionate kisses. He then drew her closer to his chest and laid down, holding her in a comforting embrace.

Following the passionate moment, they rested together on the bed. Taehyung shared that he had a two-day business trip ahead, his demeanor resembling that of a child who was not wanting to leave.

As the new day dawned, Y/n had a day off while Taehyung had an important business deal that required his presence at the office. Despite his Denial, Y/n playfully sent him off with a giggle, understanding the significance of the trip for his work.

With her day off, Y/n dedicated her time to working on assignments, cleaning the house, and preparing a delicious dinner, all while eagerly awaiting Taehyung's return home.

Evening came , Taehyung returned home in a romantic and playful mood. As she opened the door, he enveloped her in a tight hug and showered her face with kisses-her cheeks, forehead, nose, and lips were all recipients of his affection. His playful gesture had Y/n laughing, the sensation of his kisses tickling her.

Amid her laughter, she playfully requested him to stop due to the tickling sensation. Taehyung responded by holding her waist even tighter, finding her cuteness utterly delightful as she resembled a joyful and lively kid.

"I missed you, baby," he whispered, punctuating his words with a gentle peck on her lips. Y/n's giggles filled the air as she found his behavior endearing.

"You saw me in the morning," she playfully remarked between giggles. In the midst of their laughter, she slyly wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing herself closer to him.

"Excuse me, ma'am, don't get closer; it might be dangerous for you," Taehyung responded, a mischievous smile on his face. He held her waist, his playful spirit alive.

Undeterred, Y/n pecked both his cheeks, her voice carrying a hint of mischief, "What if I like dangerous things?" With those words, she left Taehyung momentarily stunned  and Frozen by her unexpectedly playful response.

Taehyung's cheeks flushed as he momentarily entertained some unholy thoughts about Y/n. However, he quickly shook them off, giving himself a mental slap to stay focused.

Following her suggestion, he headed to take a shower to freshen up as she had instructed.

As Y/n entered the room after dinner and doing the dishes, she found herself ensnared by Taehyung's strong embrace against the wall. Her wide eyes met his intense gaze, which seemed fixated on her lips and body. He drew closer, and as he did, he held her hands, pinning them to the sides of her head.

The sensation of being pinned sent shivers down Y/n's spine, and her stomach fluttered with butterflies. Taehyung leaned in, placing a gentle peck on the side of her lips, causing her to shiver in response. His chuckle, deep and raspy, added to the intensity, sending another wave of chills down her spine.

"Am I dangerous enough to your liking?" he whispered into her ear, his words dripping with a mixture of playfulness and sensuality. His whispered question, laden with a playful undertone, made her heart race even faster.

Y/n's breath hitched as she met his intense gaze, feeling his warm breath on her ear.

He peppered her jawline with a succession of tender pecks, each touch rendering Y/n's legs weak and her heart aflutter with an irresistible combination of desire and vulnerability.

Her senses were hyper-focused on his touch, on the way his lips brushed against her skin, igniting sparks that traveled straight to the core of her being.

A soft sigh escaped her parted lips, a mixture of longing and surrender, as she surrendered herself to the intoxicating dance of sensations that Taehyung's affectionate pecks had ignited.

The soft exhale that escaped her lips held a subtle undertone of a moan, a sound that resonated with an almost electric intensity between them. It was a response that didn't go unnoticed, intensifying the already charged atmosphere. Taehyung's own breath caught for a moment, his gaze darkening with desire as he felt the palpable connection between them grow even more potent.

Taehyung's lips found their way to her neck, leaving a trail of tender kisses in their wake.

Returning to her lips,

Taehyung's breath danced across them as he complimented, "You've been learning well," before their lips met once again.

Y/n attempted to keep up with his rhythm, but eventually surrendered to the intensity of the moment. The room was enveloped in a symphony of heavy breaths and tender smooches.

A shiver coursed through Y/n's body, a cascade of butterflies fluttering within, as Taehyung's lips traced a path along her neck and jaw. Unconsciously, she tilted her neck, granting him more access.

Yet, in an unexpected turn, Taehyung embraced her from behind, his lips finding her nape. Y/n's eyes widened, memories flooding back as she saw the wall before her and felt Taehyung's hand on her waist.

The recollection of an alpha who had once attempted to dominate her in a similar manner paralyzed her. Desperation filled her as she struggled to resist, but his grip remained firm. Tears welled in her eyes, and with a surge of strength, she pushed him away, her anguish propelling her with an almost superhuman force.

Taehyung staggered back, a mixture of shock and confusion etched across his face as he tried to comprehend what had just transpired.

With wide eyes, he stammered, "W-what happened?" Y/n's voice pierced the air with a sharp question, "What were you doing?!!?" Taehyung's attempts to approach and explain were met with resistance as Y/n forcefully pushed him away once more.

Feeling a pang of hurt, he sought to understand, murmuring, "You didn't like it??? I'm sorry, love, I won't do it again." Despite his efforts, Y/n's rejection persisted, and the weight of her disrespectful words wounded him deeply.

His jaw clenched, he retreated from the room, the door slamming shut behind him. Y/n's anguished cries echoed, "Get away, get out of here!!!"

Y/n's world turned heavy as Taehyung stormed out of the room in a cloud of anger, leaving her behind. Her body slid down the wall, and she instinctively curled into herself, hugging her knees tightly.

Unwanted memories, like haunting specters, resurfaced, the echoes of an alpha who had violated her in the past. The weight of those memories bore down on her, causing her to tremble uncontrollably.

Desperation for control washed over her, and she began to take deep, deliberate breaths, each inhale an anchor to the present moment. The rhythm of her breathing served as a lifeline, a way to gradually distance herself from the consuming memories and regain a sense of composure.

As Y/n's emotions began to settle, a wave of realization washed over her, prompting her to grab her phone in a haste, attempting to call Taehyung.

Y/n's tears flowed unchecked as she sat there, caught in a whirlpool of self-blame and regret. The weight of her actions bore heavily on her, each moment that passed felt like an eternity as she anxiously awaited Taehyung's return.

The realization that her own actions had driven him away gnawed at her, and a sense of dread settled in as she contemplated his anger.

Fear gripped her heart, knowing that the turmoil she had unintentionally caused might result in his anger and disappointment. With every passing second, her anxiety deepened, leaving her trapped in a cycle of tears and apprehension.

On the other side, Taehyung was grappling with his own hurt, drowning his emotions in alcohol at a local bar. . The ache in his heart was reminiscent of a heartbroken teenager, the weight of her words cutting deep.

He couldn't shake the feeling of being treated like a stranger . His thoughts spiraled, and he berated himself for reasons he couldn't quite put into words, feeling like an absolute fool.

However, her calls went unanswered. Throughout the night, her tears fell as she repeatedly dialed his number. Meanwhile, Taehyung returned home in the early morning hours, heavily intoxicated from the night's events.

Taehyung's return was marked by the overwhelming scent of alcohol that clung to him, an unmistakable sign of his inebriation.

Seeing his unsteady state, Y/n rushed to his side, gripping his arm to steady him. Despite his intoxicated state, Taehyung gently pulled his arm away.

The tension in the air was palpable as Y/n sensed his anger. She tried to apologize.

" T...tae... Am sorry, i "

but he interjected, "Y/n, you can see I'm not in my senses. It's better we don't talk right now." With those words, he began to stumble his way upstairs toward their room.

With tears streaming down her face, Y/n fled to her study, her heart heavy with the weight of her own mistakes. The absence of filters between them had led her to a critical misstep.

She realized that she should have communicated her feelings openly when he had apologized for making her uncomfortable earlier, rather than letting the situation escalate. Regret gnawed at her as she grappled with the aftermath of her choices.

Taehyung returned home in a state of intoxication, and without any delay he collapsed onto the bed and succumbed to sleep, the effects of alcohol claiming his consciousness.

The following morning, Taehyung descended the stairs to find Y/n in the midst of preparing breakfast. As she approached him, ready to speak, his touch against her cheek preceded his words.
, "Take care and try to come back home before it's dark."

His voice held a chilling tone as he advised her to take care and return before nightfall.

Stuttering, Y/n attempted to offer him breakfast
"T... Tae, breakfast, p... please eat before you go,"

her words faltering as he ignored her entirely. His departure was abrupt, his cold demeanor a stark contrast to the affection that had once defined their relationship. Y/n stood there, her heart heavy with the weight of his distance, feeling a painful chasm growing between them.

As Taehyung embarked on his two-day business trip, an unsettling silence descended upon the house. Y/n carried on with her daily routines, but the absence of his presence left an undeniable void. The house felt emptier, the air heavier with unspoken tensions.

Each moment seemed to stretch as Y/n grappled with her emotions, feeling the weight of their recent interactions. Doubts and regrets gnawed at her as she pondered the distance that had grown between them. The memory of his cold demeanor remained fresh, a constant reminder of the rift that had formed.

The days dragged on, the passage of time marked by 63 unanswered texts and 48 unanswered calls. Y/n's heart ached with a longing to bridge the gap between them, but the fear of making things worse kept her from reaching out. The silence was deafening, a testament to the unspoken words and unresolved issues that hung heavy in the air.

Y/n's emotions overwhelmed her, tears flowing freely as she grappled with the turmoil within. Her distress was palpable, preventing her from attending university and disrupting her daily routine. In an attempt to bridge the gap, she repeatedly reached out to Taehyung through calls and texts, her desperation evident in each attempt to reconnect.

Indeed, both Taehyung and Y/n found themselves in a complex situation where their emotions and past experiences clashed. Their reactions were a result of their individual feelings and histories, each valid in their own right.

Sitting alone in an open area, Y/n's mind was consumed by her thoughts. However, her tranquility shattered when faint noises reached her ears, and the unmistakable scent of an alpha hung in the air.

Panic surged within her, and without a second thought, she sprang to her feet and fled. Regret gnawed at her - she realized she shouldn't have come to this abandoned place, a location that now felt fraught with danger.

Lying in the middle of the woods, Y/n's body bore the marks of a brutal encounter. Her clothes were torn, her skin marred by bleeding wounds on her knees and arms.

Whimpering in pain, she found herself surrounded by a pack of over ten alpha wolves. The air was thick with their low growls, an ominous symphony that painted a grim picture.

Their dark and grey fur made them appear even more haunting, each wolf exuding a palpable air of menace.

The sight of their bared, sharp teeth sent a shiver down Y/n's spine, her heart pounding in sheer terror. In her vulnerable state, she couldn't help but scream as one of the wolves lunged and clawed at her leg, the searing pain making her cry out in agony.

Y/n's blurry vision cleared just enough for her to see the hunger and lust in the eyes of the surrounding wolves. Their predatory gazes bore into her with an intensity that sent a chilling realization through her veins - her life was hanging by a thread, and the imminent end was palpable in the air.

To be continued 👀💚

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