That's the way I love you

By bimbo296

187K 6.6K 255

Becky's life takes a tumultuous turn when she discovers the painful truth about her boyfriend, Nop - he had b... More



3.2K 102 0
By bimbo296

As Freen and Becky stepped out of the restaurant, their fingers entwined, the night air felt crisp against their skin. The warmth of the evening had an almost magical quality, mirroring the emotions that were swirling within them. Becky's surprise was next, a secret she had been harboring as a testament to her love for Freen.

As they walked a little further, Becky subtly directed their path towards an open area where the dark sky was a canvas for the impending spectacle. Little did Freen know, a burst of colors and light was about to mirror the bursts of love in their hearts. And then, it happened. The first firework painted the night sky with a dazzling shade of crimson, followed by an explosion of golden sparkles.

Freen turned towards the spectacle, her eyes widening in awe. A smile tugged at her lips as she took in the beauty unfolding above. The air was filled with the soft echoes of love-themed melodies that resonated with the rhythm of her heart. The fireworks danced to the rhythm of their shared emotions, and Freen found herself captivated not just by the dazzling lights but by the depth of Becky's feelings.

As another set of fireworks illuminated the sky in the shape of a heart, Freen felt Becky's fingers gently tighten around hers. Turning her gaze towards her, Freen met Becky's eyes, and in that gaze, she saw more than just a reflection of the fireworks. She saw the reflection of their journey, their struggles, and the love that had endured through it all.

Tears shimmered in Becky's eyes, glistening like the stars in the night sky. She held Freen's hands with a tenderness that transcended words. "Freen," her voice quivered with emotion, "you've shown me a kind of patience and love that I never thought I deserved. You've been by my side, willing to heal together, and your love has been my anchor."

Freen's heart swelled at Becky's words, emotions swirling within her chest. She gently wiped away a tear that had escaped from Becky's eye, her touch feather-light against her cheek. "Becky," she whispered, her voice filled with sincerity, "you're my strength, my inspiration. Every moment with you has been a gift, and I wouldn't trade it for anything."

The love between them was palpable, a connection that had weathered storms and emerged stronger. Freen leaned in, her lips softly meeting Becky's in a kiss that held all the unspoken words, all the emotions they had shared. It was a kiss that spoke of gratitude, love, and the promise of a future they were building together.

The fireworks continued to illuminate the sky, a backdrop to their own personal celebration of love. As they pulled away from the kiss, foreheads resting gently against each other, Freen smiled. "Becky," she murmured, "thank you for this beautiful surprise, for these fireworks that light up not just the night sky but my heart as well."

Becky's eyes sparkled with happiness, mirroring the bursts of light above them. "You're worth every burst of light and more," she whispered, her voice a gentle affirmation of their shared journey.

And there, under the starlit sky, Freen and Becky stood hand in hand, surrounded by the magic of fireworks and the magic of their love.

Their lips met in a passionate kiss, a fusion of all the unspoken words and emotions that had filled the air between them. The fireworks continued to dance overhead, a breathtaking backdrop to a love that had blossomed unexpectedly, yet perfectly. As they held each other close, their hearts beat as one, the echoes of the fireworks fading into the background as their own symphony of love took center stage.

Freen POV

Groggily, I blinked my eyes open and found myself wrapped securely in Becky's embrace. The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow on her peaceful face. The events of yesterday played like a reel in my mind - the unexpected proposal, the fireworks, and the overwhelming rush of emotions that had followed. I still couldn't quite believe that Becky was officially my girlfriend.

As I lay there, analyzing the delicate contours of her face, I couldn't help but smile. The happiness that radiated from her being was contagious, and it filled my heart with an indescribable warmth. I traced the curve of her cheek with my fingertips, marveling at how someone could make me feel so incredibly alive.

With a soft sigh, I reluctantly extricated myself from her embrace, careful not to disturb her peaceful slumber. I pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, a silent promise of my affection, before I slowly got out of bed. The wooden floor felt cool against my feet as I padded across the room and into the bathroom.

I flicked on the bathroom light, momentarily blinded by the sudden brightness. As my eyes adjusted, I couldn't help but notice a framed picture resting on the bathroom counter. It was a photograph of Becky as a child, her innocent smile frozen in time. Her younger self stared back at me with those same kind eyes that had stolen my heart.

I picked up the picture frame, cradling it gently in my hands. "Aw, you were such an adorable kid, weren't you?" I chuckled softly to myself, my heart swelling with affection for this woman who had become such an integral part of my life.

As I examined the photograph, a sudden wave of nostalgia washed over me, carrying me back to a memory from my primary school days. The image of a young girl, perhaps around the same age as the one in the picture, flashed in my mind. She had caught my attention one afternoon at the beach when Freen had bumped unconsciously towards her, tears streaming down her face looking for her teddy bear.

I had approached her hesitantly, unsure of what to say. But something in me compelled me to reach out. I had knelt in front of her, offering her a kind smile and a reassuring hand on her shoulder. I can't remember the exact words I had spoken, but I do recall the way her teary eyes had met mine, a mixture of surprise and gratitude.

The memory was a fragment, a snapshot of a moment that had somehow remained imprinted in my mind. It was as if that simple act of kindness, that connection with a stranger, had left a mark on my heart. And now, as I looked at the picture of young Becky, a spark of recognition ignited within me.

Could it be possible? Could that little girl from my past be the same woman who now occupied such a significant space in my present? The thought was both surreal and incredibly touching.

Lost in my thoughts, I absentmindedly traced the outline of the child's face in the photograph. The parallels between that memory and my current reality were striking - the kindness, the vulnerability, and the shared moments that had shaped our lives in unexpected ways.

With a contented smile, I placed the photograph back on the counter. As I gazed at it once more, I knew that life had a way of weaving intricate connections, of bringing people together in ways we could never anticipate. And as I walked out of the bathroom, leaving behind a piece of Becky's past, I carried with me a newfound appreciation for the journey that had led us to this beautiful and unexpected love.

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