His Double Life

By sillywriterxx

150K 1.8K 188

"Arms up." He demands. His voice is harsh, yet soothing. I can't help but find his dominance intriguing. I d... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24

Part 3

9.6K 117 10
By sillywriterxx

"Are you excited for your first day of work Monday?" I ask. I suddenly feel stupid for considering asking her into submission. She's been my friend since I was little. She's close with my family, her parents and my parents hang out every other day. I see her at holiday meals and events for work because my father invites her.

Would it be awkward in the later years if we did this? If she agrees, I know I'll be overjoyed, but I don't want it to ruin the friendship we've made over the years. We may have lost touch for awhile, but she's still a trusted, amazing friend to me.

Her first day is next Monday. I have less then a week to figure out what I want from her.

Submission or friendship.

"Yes yes, very.." She says in a low, sleepy voice.

"That's good, we're excited to have you."

She doesn't answer.

"Jess?" I say, but the line remains silent.
She fell asleep. Am I that boring? 

I lightly chuckle and whisper goodnight before hanging up and sending her a text.

"Goodnight, Jessica. See you Monday. xx 
- Neal"



"Wake your ass up!" I hear Angela yell inches away from my face.

My eyes flicker open and I glare at her.

"What time is it?"

"5:30, but you promised to go on a run with me last week remember?"

Shit. I did promise that. She's been pushing me to get out for a good run for awhile now but I always refused. I only said I'd go so she would shut up.

"Come on, get up, get ready,"

"Ugh." I groan while rolling out of bed.

I walk to my closet and grab running shorts and a plane white shirt, putting both on before slipping into my black nikes.

When I get out to the living room Angela is running in place. "Ready?" She asks.

"I guess,"

"Let's go!" She jogs out the door, and I follow close behind her.

Once we get outside we begin running along the side of the road. There's no cars, surprisingly. Every now and then one will pass by, otherwise the road is empty. Its peaceful. 

"So, how's your lover?" She smirks.

"He is not my lover, he's my friend."

"Don't you still like him? I mean, he's hot and originally yours,"

"It's not all about looks Angela. And if I was supposed to have been with him it would have happened you know? But he's married now. And they're trying for a baby. He's going to have a family."

"Fuck that." She laughs.


"You mentioned before that his wife lives in a different state and he's here a few days a week for work while she's home, I mean, she's probably already cheating on him!"

"She loves him, she's faithful. I think, I mean I don't know but I've met her enough to know she's really nice. I was her bridesmaid for fucks sake."

"But you hate her."

"Yeah and I don't know why!"

"Because she's married to your man?"

"He's not my man Ang."

"Not yet," she winks at me, earning a glare from me.


"Rebecca I have to go."

"Just one more day? Take the day off! Stay with me Neal we haven't seen each other much in over a week."

"Then come to New York. Let's move there." I surprise myself by offering.
I know she won't go though. Her family lives here. She doesn't like being away from them.

"Neal, you know I can't do that. This is my home."

"I know baby, but New York is incredible. I know you'd love it there. Maryland is great too but New York is my city. It's where MY family is. Where my work is. We can come back here once or twice a week to visit your family."

Why am I offering this? I don't know. But I do love Rebecca, and losing her isn't something I want, but I know I slowly am. My feelings fade the more annoying she gets.

"Neal please. Don't. I'm not moving. How about you move here permanently?"

"And abandon my business? Hell no. I have worked way to damn hard for that. I have to be close to work." I glance over at my first ever story that landed in the New York Times hanging on the wall. A few months before Greyson Publishing took off.

"I should be your main priority Neal! Not your stupid job!"

"Christ Becca. Are you fucking serious right now? You are my main priority. I work to put food on the damn table because you don't work at fucking all! Stop bitching about my job." Her job is working for her family, which she can decide to do whenever she pleases. They own a chain of movie theaters and make enough money off that to be just fine.

I rush out the door. Slamming it behind me.
I know what I said to her was harsh and I probably left her crying. But I don't seem to care right now. I'm sick of her only thinking about herself.

Her family.
Her wants.
Her needs.

It's always about her. Never about me. She wants a baby, but I don't. So she guilts me into it. Fuck that. I don't want a baby right now so I'm not allowing us to have one.

That woman drives me crazy.
Absolutely insane.

Maybe love isn't enough right now. We should be more alike than this. Want more of the same things. But we don't.

She wants to stay in Maryland but I want to stay in New York.
I'm gone the entire week and only home on weekends. I go home Friday night and come back to New York Monday morning.

Our marriage is doomed as far as I'm aware. We barely see each other. I know this isn't a forever situation, and my company is building an office in Michigan, Maryland, and New Hampshire. I'm not a journalist much these days, but I know everything there is to know about writing a good story. That's why I do most of the hiring.

Greyson Publishing is the biggest company is 8 states so far, and Becca wants me to abandon all I've worked for?

I didn't chose this job. My father had it picked out for me since age 15. He made the business when he wrote his first best seller, "And Off We Go" 1995. He started off small, but slowly grew. Especially once I was older and ready to join him.
His first book was written about him and my mother and how they met. It was the best love story of the decade. I'll admit to reading it and actually finding it sweet and shit but I also found it tacky. 

He got more into writing short stories for the New York Times when I turned 6, and also the time when his book was blowing through the roof in sales. Everyone seemed to love it.

He quit the New York Times a few months later and used the money he had made from his book to start his own journalism company.

The company took a year and a half to build, and only a few short months after being built, it took off. He was making money every minute. People loved every story that came out of that building. Only the best journalists worked there. Still do. Oddly, i'm one of them. Just not as much now. Being the bosses son, I mainly help run the company now. Watch over the articles written, short stories, whatever it may be.

My fathers success turned into mine when I was 20, and also when I married Rebecca. Her timing was terrible. She came into my life when I needed to focus on work the most, but she became my priority. But now, I only want to focus on work so I can someday give her the big fancy house with a giant, gorgeous swimming pool in the back, with a swing set for the kids, and an incredible life all together. I can't give that to her right now. And she's growing impatient.

I grab my phone and dial Jessica's number.

"Hello?" Her voice echoes through the phone after a few short rings.

"Hello Jessica, will you do me a favor and meet me at my place in New York tomorrow at noon so we can discuss your position at the office?"


"Oh yeah, sure. I'll need your address.." I hear her stumbling for a pen and and paper. "I'm ready if you are,"

"101 West End Ave. Manhattan. I live in a penthouse there on the 9th floor, I'll meet you in the lobby if you'd like."

"Sounds.. Good. I'll see you tomorrow, I'll go to the floor it's okay." I can tell she's nervous, and I find it cute how after all these years of knowing me, she's nervous around me.

"Okay Jess." I smile, "See you tomorrow."
I hang up, and grip the steering wheel. Feeling nervous about talking to her about becoming my submissive. Why am I nervous? I never have been before.

But Jessica, is different. She's more important to me, and losing her friendship isn't something I want.

If tomorrow doesn't go how I'm hoping, I could lose her.

xx SomeGirl :)

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