That's the way I love you

By bimbo296

165K 6.1K 254

Becky's life takes a tumultuous turn when she discovers the painful truth about her boyfriend, Nop - he had b... More



2.9K 109 11
By bimbo296

In a cozy cafe, Becky sat across from her friend Irin, sipping on her coffee. The warm ambiance matched the ease she felt while sharing her thoughts with Irin. She leaned back in her chair, taking a moment to gather her thoughts before speaking.

"You know, Irin, being with Freen has been such a positive impact on my life," Becky began. "She's brought out a side of me that I never knew existed. I've grown so much as a person since we've been together."

Irin smiled warmly, her eyes reflecting genuine happiness for her friend. "I can see that, Becky. You seem so content and happy."

Becky nodded, a soft smile on her lips. "Yes, I am. Freen and I have this understanding and connection that I've never experienced before."

Irin's expression turned curious. "So, are you two officially a couple now?"

Becky's smile faltered slightly as she considered the question. "Well, we haven't really talked about it. We both know we have feelings for each other, but we haven't put a label on it."

Irin raised an eyebrow playfully. "Why not? You two seem perfect together."

Becky sighed and looked down at her coffee cup. "I do. I mean, I know we love each other, and it's clear that we're more than just friends. But I guess I'm just not sure how to bring it up."

Irin smiled reassuringly. "Becky, it sounds like you're both on the same page. You care about each other deeply, and you're in this special place in your relationship. It's completely okay to bring up the topic and discuss where you both stand"

Becky looked thoughtful, her fingers tracing the rim of her coffee cup. "You're right, Irin. I don't want to let fear stand in the way of something good."

Irin leaned forward, her voice gentle. "So, why not take that step? If you both love each other and you see a future together, why not officially declare your relationship? It might bring even more clarity and security."

Becky nodded slowly, her heart feeling lighter at Irin's words. "You're absolutely right, Irin. I think it's time to have that conversation with Freen."

Irin grinned, her eyes sparkling. "I'm glad you think so. And you know I'm here to support you both. I ship you two so much!"

Becky chuckled, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness building within her. "Thank you, Irin. I really appreciate your support."

As Becky finished her coffee, she couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of determination. She was ready to have that conversation with Freen, to take their relationship to the next level and officially declare their love for each other. With Irin's encouragement and her own feelings guiding her, Becky knew that the time was right to embrace this new chapter of her life with Freen.

Freen sat across from Noey in the hospital cafeteria, her fingers nervously tapping on the table. She had been wrestling with a decision, one that felt both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. She wanted to take her relationship with Becky to the next level and officially ask her to be her girlfriend. But as someone who had never been in a serious relationship before, she was unsure about how to proceed.

Noey noticed the anxiety in Freen's expression and leaned forward, a concerned look on her face. "Hey, you seem a bit off. Everything alright?"

Freen let out a sigh, her gaze fixed on the tabletop. "I'm just... I've been wanting to ask Becky to be my girlfriend, but I have no idea how to do it. It's my first real relationship, and I don't want to mess it up."

Noey's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, you guys aren't officially together yet?"

Freen shook her head, a sheepish smile tugging at her lips. "No, we're really close and we've confessed our feelings for each other, but we haven't actually talked about making it official."

Noey chuckled softly. "Well, you've got a lot of catching up to do, my friend."

Freen looked up at Noey, a mix of hope and apprehension in her eyes. "Do you have any advice? How do you propose someone to be your girlfriend?"

Noey leaned back in her chair, thoughtful. "Honestly, there's no one-size-fits-all answer to that. It really depends on your relationship and both of your personalities. But here's what I've learned: just be yourself. You don't need some grand, elaborate plan. If you're feeling a connection and you want to take that step, let it come naturally. It's the sincerity that matters the most."

Freen nodded, absorbing Noey's words. "So, I don't need some big, flashy proposal?"

Noey grinned. "Not unless that's truly you. If you're not the extravagant type, don't force it. The important thing is that your feelings are genuine and that you communicate them honestly."

Freen sighed with a mix of relief and determination. "Thanks, Noey. I really appreciate your advice."

"No problem," Noey said with a wink. "And hey, just remember, Becky is crazy about you. So whatever you do, she's bound to say yes."

As Freen left the cafeteria, she felt a renewed sense of purpose. She had a better understanding of what she wanted to do to propose to Becky. It was time to trust her instincts, let go of her nervousness, and show Becky just how much she meant to her.

Freen stood in the elegant Dior jewelry store, her eyes scanning the intricate designs on display. She had a clear purpose in mind – finding the perfect promise ring to propose to Becky. Her heart raced with a mix of excitement and nervousness as she considered the significance of the step she was about to take.

Among the sparkling array of rings, one caught her eye. It was a delicate piece, adorned with a subtle pattern that seemed to speak to her. Freen's fingers lightly brushed over the smooth metal, and she knew she had found the one. It had a timeless elegance that she was sure Becky would adore.

With the ring in hand, Freen made her way to the counter, her heart pounding. She was ready to take this leap, to ask Becky to officially be her girlfriend. As she stood there, a familiar voice greeted her, and she turned to see Jay , a former schoolmate.

"Freen!" Jay exclaimed, her face lighting up as he approached and enveloped Freen in a warm hug. "Wow, it's been ages. How have you been?"

Freen's surprise melted into a genuine smile as she hugged Jay back. "I know, right? I've been good, just keeping busy."

They engaged in a quick catch-up, chatting about life since school and sharing stories of their respective journeys. It was a pleasant surprise for Freen to run into Jessica, and she genuinely enjoyed the conversation.

Unbeknownst to Freen, Becky had entered the store a while ago. She had seen Freen talking and laughing with Jay, and a pang of jealousy hit her unexpectedly. She knew it was irrational – she trusted Freen completely – but the sight had triggered a wave of insecurity within her.

As Freen and Jay's conversation continued, Becky took a deep breath, trying to rationalize her feelings. She knew she had nothing to worry about, that Freen was deeply committed to their relationship. Still, the emotions stirred within her, causing her to observe from a distance with a mix of curiosity and unease.

Finally, Freen and Jay said their goodbyes, and Freen turned back to the counter to finalize her purchase. She paid for the ring and carefully placed it in a box. Her heart was racing with a mixture of excitement and anticipation. This ring symbolized the step she was about to take with Becky, and she couldn't wait to see the joy on Becky's face.

As Freen left the store, she was unaware of the emotions that had passed through Becky's mind. Little did she know that her gesture of selecting the perfect promise ring had also sparked a moment of reflection and vulnerability for her girlfriend.

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