Mothra x Dragon Reader One-sh...

By Cinders1soul

10.3K 162 36

A collection of Mothra x Reader Oneshot scenarios, this mostly takes place in a hybrid MonsterVerse, but some... More

Y/N Info
~Found You~
~Brotherly Help~
(Showa) ~Yandere~
Mothra Headcanon
~(Showa) Feelings~
~(Heisei) Helpful Advice~
~Missed You~
~ Heisei Yandere~
~(Showa) What did they do?~
~Legendary Yandere~
~Legendary Y/N's Guilt~

(Legendary) ~Reunion~

471 8 0
By Cinders1soul

A large titan flew through the sky at speeds that would put any aircraft to shame. This Titan was Y/N; he was trying to look for someone. Who, you ask? Mothra, and of course, it's been God knows how long since they last saw each other, ever since the Titans fell asleep. Y/N woke up a day ago, and ever since then, he has been looking for her.

To say he wasn't shocked by everything would be an understatement. Humans have evolved way beyond what he thought was possible, and to find out King Ghidorah was here a few days ago was shocking, to say the least. Glancing down, he noticed a familiar figure walking into the ocean. Big, Black, dorsal fins-yep, that was Godzilla.

Flying down, Godzilla noticed him. He gave a nod toward Y/N. "Hello, Y/N, it's been a while." "That's an understatement," Y/N muttered softly. "But yeah, it has. When did you wake up?" "8 years ago" Godzilla replied causally. Y/N recoiled a bit, surprised. "Really wow!" Godzilla turned around and continued into the ocean. "Wait, Godzilla, before you leave." Godzilla turned his head. "Did Mothra wake up?" Godzilla stared for a moment. "Yes, but she was killed by Ghidorah." Y/N was stunned with shock. "I have no clue where her egg could be if there is one," Godzilla continued. Once done, Godzilla continued walking.

Y/N stood there as he watched Godzilla enter the ocean. His mind began worrying if she was dead or not. Flapping his wings, Y/N ascended into the air with a new mission: to find Mothra's egg, Caccone, or Mothra herself. For days, Y/N flew, trying to find her. He searched all of Japan and China but found no sign of her. Y/N perched himself on a mountain and let out a deep and heavy sigh. Doubts began filling Y/N: what if he doesn't find her? What if she died? He felt a familiar presence; he could sense it. Turning to the right, Y/N flew up into the sky.

Y/N landed on the ground with a loud thud. He felt her presence; it was stronger than ever. "She must have laid her egg in here," Y/N muttered as he looked into the cave. It was dark. Y/N breathed out some of his fire to light the way. Taking a left, her presence was practically smacking him. Stopping, Y/N was able to make out her caccone towards the left of the cave. Y/N smiled as he felt all of his doubts suddenly vanish as if they were never there.

It began moving. Y/N couldn't help but smile. Soon a foreleg came out, followed by another one and the rest of her body. Once she was fully out, Y/N breathed some fire to capture her attention. She smiled and jumped at Y/N, wrapping her forelegs around his and allowing him to take her into his arms. Their smiles began to be immeasurable. "Nice to see you again, love," Mothra spoke softly. Y/N nuzzled her neck with his snout. "Same with you." She purred softly at this. Removing his snout Y/N looked her in the eyes. "I thought I would never find you, I thought." Y/N was interrupted by Mothra kissing him. Pulling back. Mothra looked Y/N dead in the eyes with happiness and warmth. "It's okay; we both know I wouldn't let that happen." "I know I was just worried." "Of what?" "I thought Ghidorah killed you permanently," Y/N whispered this last part with fear as clear as day in his eyes and voice. Mothra nuzzled Y/N's neck. "I'm just glad you're here." Y/N's fear disappeared and was replaced with a smile. "I'm glad you found me."

Word Count 610

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