Mothra x Dragon Reader One-sh...

By Cinders1soul

10.3K 162 36

A collection of Mothra x Reader Oneshot scenarios, this mostly takes place in a hybrid MonsterVerse, but some... More

Y/N Info
(Legendary) ~Reunion~
~Found You~
~Brotherly Help~
(Showa) ~Yandere~
Mothra Headcanon
~(Showa) Feelings~
~(Heisei) Helpful Advice~
~Missed You~
~ Heisei Yandere~
~(Showa) What did they do?~
~Legendary Yandere~
~Legendary Y/N's Guilt~


653 9 1
By Cinders1soul

Y/N was checking on settlements to see how the humans were doing. Y/N found them strange and curious. He saw them build weapons to help them survive, kill animals that used to hunt them and build structures for them to live in. Now he didn't find that weird, mostly interesting; it was the fact he and other titans were seen as gods by humans. Which wasn't true, or at least he doesn't know if he and the others were. Probably not. Deciding they were good, he began making his way back to his cave before hearing a cry. Turning in that direction, it looked like it came from an island towards the north. He flew over to it, and his mind began switching toward different possibilities. Maybe two Titans were fighting? Or did one get injured?

Angry slowly began building up like a volcano getting ready to burst. A giant spider was standing over the body of an injured Mothra. Without even thinking, Y/N slammed his body against the spider as it flew into some trees. Before the spider could recover, Y/N breathed fire toward it, causing the spider and the area surrounding it to catch fire. In an attempt to save itself, it jumped into the water. Y/N attempted to chase after it, but he shook his head. He needs to stop this fire and check on Mothra.

Using his tail, he was able to use the water to put out the fire. Walking over to Mothra Y/N, took note that she was knocked out, had some cuts, and had a damaged wing. Slowly shaking, he whispered, "Mothra, Mothra, wake up." Slowly, she woke up with a jolt, like she was shocked with electricity. "You okay?" Y/N asked with concern written all over his face. She gave him a soft smile. "I'm fine; thank you, Y/N." Y/N slowly smiled at her before saying a soft welcome. Mothra attempted to stand, but she winced in pain before hitting the ground. Y/N caught her and sat her on the ground.

Y/N rotated 180 degrees and laid down. Y/N looked at her and nodded, trying to indicate that she should get on his back. Nodding, she climbed up on Y/N's back, wrapping her legs around Y/N's neck. He felt her soft fur brush on his scales; it felt nice, like a giant teddy bear hugging him.

Taking to the sky, he glanced around the islands, trying to find a cave for them to rest in. After a ridiculous amount of time, he finally found a cave. Landing, he looked around; it was decently big, or big enough for both of them. Y/N laid her on the ground carefully so he didn't accidentally hurt her. "So what happ-" Y/N stopped; she was sleeping and looked so peaceful while doing so. Shaking his head, Y/N figured he would ask later, deciding he should rest too.

Y/N went next to her, setting himself beside her. Sleep was slowly taking over, and as he closed his eyes, he felt something wrapped around his neck and his torso. "Hey, Y/N," Mothra chirped softly. "Yes?" Y/N replied while opening his eyes. She smiled as a blush filled her face. "Thank you again for saving me."

Word Count 534

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