Roommate Roulette

By sophiawr1tess

1.6K 46 3

"He was my anchor. Grounding me from chaos that swarms my thoughts." š‘ ā€¢ š‘ ā€¢ š‘ EVELYN AMHERST's parents co... More

1 | The Man
2 | Green Eyes and Ham
3 | Smart-ass
4 | Cold showers
5 | Braids
6 | Paradisal Disaster
7 | Absolute Gibberish
8 | Like 5 Year Olds
9 | Five, five, five, five
10 | You're being a creep
11 | Not up for negotiating
12 | Ensue your canoodling
13 | 54321
14 | Luscious locks
15 | Flirting and bickering
16 | Without trees
17 | A game
18 | Secret
19 | Young love
20 | Kick their asses
21 | File a lawsuit
22 | A horse trampled on it
23 | Just for tonight
24 | Finger gun
25 | Do I have to repeat myself?
27 | Worst mood swings

26 | Not nothing

46 0 1
By sophiawr1tess


"There's no way." I whispered, leaning out the balcony.

Val scoffed in disbelief beside me. "I can't believe we didn't come here sooner."

The sunrise shone on the crystal clear pool water, the grass below us was freshly cut and the air felt crisp. The area was filled with watered flowers and plants, houses, bars and stands covered in any empty area. There was a mountain in the distance, the ocean cutting the horizon. 

"Good morning." Noah said.

We looked at the balcony beside us. Ezra and Noah were leaning against each other, waving at us. Hm, that would make a good painting. 

"Morning." Val muttered back, taking a sip of her second cup of coffee.

"You guys are up early. The pool opens at ten."

I huffed, liking the smell of coffee but I hated the bitter aftertaste, so I held my cup under my nose. "Yeah. We couldn't fall back asleep." 

Val prodded me in the stomach. "You mean 'I'. You woke me up because you didn't want to be by yourself." She grinned.

I rolled my eyes, holding back a smile. "You didn't have to throw me under the bus like that."

"Can y'all be quiet?" Forrest grumbled from above us. 

Our heads turned up and Josie was looking down at us. "He's not  a morning person."

"Hey, man." Noah called out. "Also not really our problem." A balled up napkin hit his head a few seconds later. "Ouch. That hurt." Ezra smacked his shoulder, still staying silent. "That hurt too."

"Liar." He said.

We all mutually agreed to eat the free breakfast the hotel offered at the main floor. There were already way too many people at the bar, so we stole a table before anyone else could get to it.

"Mi alma." Grayson said and claimed the chair next to me.

I gave him a lopsided smile, taking in the rare sighting of him in the mornings.

His hair was sticking in all different directions, a bit of stubble from the past days without shaving. His eyes were still clouded from waking up, but still had the spark it always held. Why does he have to look so good all the time? This is not  the time for my hormones to be acting up.

"There's stuff on your face." I pointed out on my own cheek.

He dusted off his hands and wiped the wrong side of his face. "Gone?"

I brushed off the crumb from his cheek and I hesitantly pulled away. "You eat like you've been starved for days and this is your last meal." 

He flashed me his dimples, going back to digging into his food. "I'm hungry, okay?" I snorted in response.

Forrest made a face at Wyatt. "Point that fork in my face again and I'll bite your fingers off."

Wyatt glanced at Josie and she shrugged non-committedly. "I can't say he won't."

He sighed in defeat.

𑁍 • 𑁍 • 𑁍

I sucked in my stomach as if it could minimise my stretch marks. My thighs were weirdly fat in this bikini. I should've brought my one piece. I tied my hair, wrapped my body in a towel.


"Let me see!" Val clapped her hands and I did a spin for her when I left the bathroom. "Holy shit. You look hot. Where did you get the set?" She was already sliding on her flip flops. Her curves were showing and exposed. I still  wonder why she hasn't gotten a significant other yet.

I laughed nervously. "Um, it was my mom's, but you can ask her when you meet my parents." I suggested.

Her eyes widened with excitement. "Deal. Hopefully soon."

The cold air brushed over my skin like a caress, the sun still bright and alive over me. The others were waiting by the water, Forrest seemingly more rational.

I clutched the towel even tighter around me and sat next to Alaina on one of the sunbeds. I wiggled my eyebrows and whispered. "So... Wyatt, huh?" I implied.

She blushed, her face becoming more red than the normal rosy tint it has. "I'll tell you later when the guys aren't  here."

I swept our surroundings for the victims of our current conversation. Josie was in the water already, getting dunked by Forrest. Wyatt's focus was solely trained on us despite having a conversation with Yousef.

And... oh, fuck. Grayson was still standing near the group, cross armed and his muscular back to me. If only I could—

Stop! God, I hate my brain.

I cannot dismiss the amount of girls taking peeks at the guys and I couldn't blame them. But those  women? Those curvy bodies, slim arms and legs, flat stomach? They could definitely make—

Five, four, three, two, one.

"Hello?" Alaina waved her hand in my face. "Earth to Evelyn Amherst."

"Yeah? Sorry." I shook myself off. 

"But like, do you see how Wyatt is looking at you? Man is in love." Val stretched her legs out, waving us over.

"This is a nightmare. You coming?" Alaina asked.

I shook my head, clearing my throat. "Maybe later." I smiled. "Go. I want to relax." She shrugged like, your choice, and joined everyone else.

I pulled a sketchbook out from my tote bag and picked it up where I left off with some shading. My attention strayed away to a group of girls that most likely agreed to ask all the guys for their numbers simultaneously. 

Josie fanned them away, Noah and Ezra just seemed offended. Alaina held my eye. Don't look. We  both won't look. 

Too late. A hot blonde with long straight, thin legs and tall frame, her skin perfectly golden. She strode to Grayson with confidence, each step calculated without fault.

There was no denying it, my eyes seared into her back. My fist has a deathly grip on my pencil, saving my palms from my nails.

The girl crouched next to the edge of the pool—and I would be thankful if someone pushed her in—to tap on Grayson's shoulder, the phone held out.

He turned in surprise and flipped his sunglasses to the top of his head. I felt the second his attention landed on me, but I was busy plotting where to hide the body. When he reached for her phone, my heart dropped.

Of course, I think. Don't be so disappointed.

My phone dinged with a notification. I thought it was my worrisome mom, so I swiped the banner to disclose the message. "I have a girlfriend." It was from an unknown number and my eyebrows flew up, then drew together in confusion.

I caught Grayson's gaze and he smirked at me, the girl blushing. "...sorry." Once she read the message she thought he sent to save her number in his.

"Don't worry about it." He said without care in the world. 

I felt a bit of sympathy for the poor girl. 

Grayson beckoned me forward, but I stubbornly shook my head. He grumbled under his breath and climbed the ladder, water droplets trickling down his godly torso.

"You are such  a smart-ass." He said when he reached me, pulling on my hand. The water trailed from his arms to mine.

"Am not. You're getting me all wet." I muttered. Realising how my sentence could be taken out of context, I looked up.

His grin was scandalous. "If someone hears you talking like that—"

I pried my hand out of his grip, waving off the water. "Dirty minded creep."

"What are you drawing?" He jerked her chin at my sketchbook.

I showed him. A half completed picture of a shaded mirror, recently coloured in by blue. The only painting I've connected to in a while. Not everything in the world is viewed in black and white, but there could be some colours that highlight the positive in the day too.

He smiled at it. "It's amazing. Let's go." He gestured behind him. "I'll be with you the whole time. I'm staying in the shallow end too. Who likes swimming anyway?"

I pursed my lips, knowing he's only saying this to make me feel better. "No." I pulled the towel tighter around me, like a shield. "It's okay."

He sighed, tucking my hair behind my ear to reveal my face, tilting my face upwards from my chin. His stupid green eyes bore into mine. "You're absolutely perfect, mi alma. No need to hide from me, alright?"

Wait... what?

I chuckled anxiously, still refusing. "Go." I nudged him. 

He caught my forearm, not budging. "Will you do it for me? And our friends?"

I fake-groaned into my hands, hiding my giddy smile. "You're so persistent." I was already up and ready, neatly folding the towel on the bench. 

The shadows of his dimples appeared, making it feel like a personal victory. He pointed at me like, Gotcha  and guided me to the ladder with his large palm on the small of my back. A comforting reminder when my thoughts started to drift away.

The moment I touched the water, it was warm compared to the chill air. Grayson followed in after me, hand never leaving my skin.

"Good?" He asked, once I was fully submerged and ducked my head in the water.

I grinned broadly, nodding. "Good. Really good, actually." My weight was as light as a feather. Like the wind could blow me away any time now. 

When he didn't speak for a span of time, I glanced over my shoulder at him to discover him looking at me with an emotion I could read. "What?" I teased.

He gazed at me, eyes never leaving mine. "Nothing. You're absolutely stunning, that's all." 

That's not nothing.

I gaped, blushing as I frowned down at myself. Maybe I shouldn't  visualise myself so negatively, but on the other hand, I mean, the dark blue set was  cute. "Thank you."

"I meant you, mi alma." He said gently, tugging on a strand of my wet hair.

My whole body was tingly. Constricted. That was the most straight-forward compliment I've gotten from a guy. Oh fuck, what was I doing with my life? "Okay." I shut my idiotic mouth immediately.

The hell? Did I just say 'okay'?

He smiled, the movement lighting up his whole face. "You think you can handle a bit of water?"

I snorted, waving around me for clear as day evidence. "I mean it is  pee-infested and I'm trusting that the chlorine will kill the bacteria—Yes, I can handle water, you idiot—"

He tossed me over his shoulder with ease, the only warning I got before I slammed into the pool. Bubbles erupted around me with my giggles as everything muted. I tossed my hair back to avoid it getting in my eyes, glaring at Grayson once I was up again.

His eyes widened in realisation. "Wait. Did I—"

I grabbed one of his hands that was outstretched at me and yanked with all my body weight, flying forward, a satisfying splash in the pool following.

I doubled over, beaming with triumph. "You... suck ass... , Delgado." I managed between breaths when he resurfaced.

I was wrenched to his chest again, his face plastered with the most boyish crooked grin I've ever seen. "Take a deep breath, mi alma."

I do, my lungs are as good as a half-dead donkey, but it should be enough for ten to fifteen seconds. 

We get plunged under. Even though the pool always stung my face, I pried open my eyes and smiled at him. 

What?  The gesture of my arms tried to say.

In response, a big bubble erupted from his mouth and I could only assume that was a laugh.

Nope. Nopenopenope. Couldn't hold it in. I broke the surface before I could inhale anything bad and cackled, big gulps of air accompanying me.

"So..." I cleared my throat, attempting room for words. No. More laughing.

Grayson towered over me—well, not exactly towered, I was considerably tall for a girl, my forehead coming to the bottom of his chin—and shook his head in dismay. "You're so weird."

I only laughed harder. "But you love it." I chaffed, grinning from ear to ear.

Ah shit. I didn't mean it like that.

I meant it as an you-do-something-stupid-and-your-best-friend-would've-called-you-unusual-then-out-of-instinct-you-would-tell-them-that they-love-it-because-they-already-love-everything-about-you way.

My mouth was agape, still unsure what I was going to say until a voice interrupted us. "Eve, Gray! Get your asses over here!" Val called.

"Come on. You're slow." I dragged him by the hand behind me, effectively snapping him out of whatever daze he was in.

"Oh, I'm  slow?" He weaved out fingers together and I'm surprise I managed to stay conscious.

I'm going to faint. Butterflies are swarming my stomach and I'm overwhelmed. "Y—"

"We're playing water polo. Wanna join?" Yousef asked. "They already have a net set up."

"I'll stay on the side, actually. Thanks for asking." I said appreciatively, turning to get the fuck out of here.

"You guys start without me." Grayson called, shooing him off with a pat on the shoulder. "Hey, where are you going?"

I spun around abruptly, my stomach colliding with his. "Shit." My heart was drumming in my chest, echoing in my ears.

He hands flew to my waist, stilling me within his arms and closing the vicinity between us. "Where are you going?" His head dipped down, lips brushing the shell of my ear. A shiver racked my body, involuntarily falling into him.

God, his smooth skin rubbing against me. We were fully aligned, fitting into place. Chest to, hips, legs, ankles. I was on Cloud 9. But I still wasn't close enough. Yet my thoughts weren't rambling, it was eerie peace washing over me.

He was my anchor.

Grounding me from chaos that swarms my thoughts.

I stuttered, unfinished sentences leaving my mouth. "I... need my... water bottle! Yes! Yes. I forgot it on the desk. In my hotel room. Dehydration, you know." I nodded, utterly convinced with my own answer.

He smirked, "Oh, yeah?"

I gulped, my breathing became shallow. "Yep. So..." I jabbed my thumb somewhere behind me.

"You'll be back?" His green eyes searched mine, searing into my memory. Fingers now skimming over the jagged edges of my stretchmarks lazily. 

Out. Now. Get out of here. I scolded myself.

Enjoying his embrace a bit too much, I forced myself to step away. I prayed my blush wasn't as visible when I very much knew how aflame my face is. I could blame it on the sun.

I crossed my arms over my stomach, clearing my throat. "Yeah. I will." I said, more hastily than I'd intended. 

Then I bolted,—with as much grace that I could—I draped my towel over myself and fucking sped walked to the exit. 

Don't look back. Don't look back. As much as I want to don't look back.

When I made it, it occurred to me I didn't have a water bottle to fetch anyway. Oh well, I'll just make up an excuse of not finding it.

I slid down the door, panting. I palm my forehead, squeezing my eyes shut, his perfect face forming. "Fucking hell, you dummy." I tilted my head up to the ceiling. Great, I was talking to the ghost version of him now. "What the fuck are you doing to me, Grayson? What do you want from me?"

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